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2021-12-21 07:59:11 +00:00
@echo off
PUSHD %~dp0
call runasadmin.bat "%~dpnx0"
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
PUSHD %~dp0..
echo "mode="
REM call yarn wipe
call yarn install
REM call yarn build
call yarn build:test
REM call yarn wipe
call yarn deploy
REM copy nginx configurations to deploy folder
2023-10-02 15:09:10 +00:00
xcopy config\nginx\onlyoffice.conf buildtools\deploy\nginx\ /E /R /Y
powershell -Command "(gc buildtools\deploy\nginx\onlyoffice.conf) -replace '#', '' | Out-File -encoding ASCII buildtools\deploy\nginx\onlyoffice.conf"
2021-12-21 07:59:11 +00:00
2023-10-02 15:09:10 +00:00
xcopy config\nginx\sites-enabled\* buildtools\deploy\nginx\sites-enabled\ /E /R /Y
2021-12-21 07:59:11 +00:00
REM fix paths
2023-10-02 15:09:10 +00:00
powershell -Command "(gc buildtools\deploy\nginx\sites-enabled\onlyoffice-editor.conf) -replace 'ROOTPATH', '%~dp0deploy\products\ASC.Files\editor' -replace '\\', '/' | Out-File -encoding ASCII buildtools\deploy\nginx\sites-enabled\onlyoffice-editor.conf"
powershell -Command "(gc buildtools\deploy\nginx\sites-enabled\onlyoffice-login.conf) -replace 'ROOTPATH', '%~dp0deploy\login' -replace '\\', '/' | Out-File -encoding ASCII buildtools\deploy\nginx\sites-enabled\onlyoffice-login.conf"
powershell -Command "(gc buildtools\deploy\nginx\sites-enabled\onlyoffice-client.conf) -replace 'ROOTPATH', '%~dp0deploy\client' -replace '\\', '/' | Out-File -encoding ASCII buildtools\deploy\nginx\sites-enabled\onlyoffice-client.conf"
2021-12-21 07:59:11 +00:00
REM restart nginx
echo service nginx stop
call sc stop nginx > nul
REM sleep 5 seconds
call ping -n 6 > nul
echo service nginx start
call sc start nginx > nul
REM sleep 5 seconds
call ping -n 6 > nul
choice /t 10 /d Y /m "Do you want to start tests in sequential mode?"
if errorlevel 2 call yarn e2e.test
if errorlevel 1 call yarn e2e.test:sequential
if NOT %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo Couldn't restarte Onlyoffice%%~nf service
if "%1"=="nopause" goto start
2023-10-02 15:09:10 +00:00