
98 lines
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"PortalOwner": "Portal Owner",
"AccessRightsOwnerCan": "Portal owner can",
"AccessRightsOwnerOpportunities": "Do the same as module administrators|Appoint module administrators|Set modules access rights|Manage portal configuration|Manage user accounts|Change portal owner|Backup portal data|Deactivate or delete portal",
"AdminSettings": "Administrators",
"ProjectsProduct": "Projects",
"CrmProduct": "CRM",
"CommunityProduct": "Community",
"People": "People",
"Mail": "Mail",
"AccessRightsFullAccess": "Full access",
"DocumentsProduct": "Documents",
"AccessRightsAccessToProduct": "Access to {{product}} module is given to",
"AccessRightsProductUsersCan": "{{category}} users can",
"AccessRightsDisabledProduct": "{{module}} module is disabled and is not shown on the portal. To enable it, refer to the Modules & Tools section of the Portal Settings",
"AccessRightsAllUsers": "All {{users}}",
"AccessRightsUsersFromList": "{{users}} from the list",
"Employees": "users",
"StudioTimeLanguageSettings": "Language and Time Zone Settings",
"Language": "Language",
"TimeZone": "Time Zone",
"SaveButton": "Save",
"SuccessfullySaveSettingsMessage": "Settings have been successfully updated",
"NotFoundLanguage": "In case you cannot find your language in the list of the available ones, feel free to write to us at <1>{{supportEmail}}</1> to take part in the translation and get up to 1 year free of charge.",
"Settings": "Settings",
"PreviousPage": "Previous",
"NextPage": "Next",
"ManagementCategoryCommon": "Common",
"Customization": "Customization",
"ProductsAndInstruments": "Modules & tools",
"WhiteLabel": "White label",
"ManagementCategorySecurity": "Security",
"PortalSecurity": "Portal Access",
"AccessRights": "Access Rights",
"LoginHistoryNav": "Login History",
"AuditTrailNav": "Audit Trail",
"DataManagement": "Data Management",
"Migration": "Migration",
"Backup": "Backup",
"DeactivationDeletionPortal": "Portal Deactivation/Deletion",
"ManagementCategoryIntegration": "Integration",
"ThirdPartyAuthorization": "Third Party Authorization",
"SmtpSettings": "SMTP Settings",
"ManagementCategoryStatistic": "Statistics",
"LoadingProcessing": "Loading...",
"LoadingDescription": "Please wait...",
"GreetingSettingsTitle": "Welcome Page Settings",
"GreetingTitle": "Title",
"RestoreDefaultButton": "Restore to Default",
"SuccessfullySaveGreetingSettingsMessage": "Welcome Page settings have been successfully saved",
"LogoSettings": "Portal Logo Settings",
"LogoUploadRecommendation": "We recommended that you use images in <1>PNG</1> format with transparent background",
"CompanyNameForCanvasLogo": "Company name",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Use as logo",
"LogoLightSmall": "Logo for the portal header",
"LogoDark": "Logo for the About/Login page",
"LogoFavicon": "Favicon",
"LogoDocsEditor": "Logo for the editors header",
"ChangeLogoButton": "Change Logo",
"BrowserNoCanvasSupport": "Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.",
"AccessRightsChangeOwnerText": "To change the Portal owner please choose the Name of the new Portal owner below.",
"ChooseOwner": "Choose owner",
"DnsChangeMsg": "A link to confirm the operation has been sent to {{email}} (the email address of the portal owner).",
"AccessRightsChangeOwnerConfirmText": "Changes will be applied after the confirmation via email.",
"NotFoundTitle": "No results matching your search could be found",
"NotFoundDescription": "No people matching your filter can be displayed in this section. Please select other filter options or clear filter to view all the people in this section.",
"ClearButton": "Reset filter",
2020-01-28 07:01:25 +00:00
"ProductUserOpportunities": "View profiles and groups",
"LearnMore": "Learn more...",
"AccessRightsChangeOwnerButtonText": "Change portal owner",
"ProjectsUserCapabilityView": "View projects and take part in discussions",
"ProjectsUserCapabilityCreate": "Create and edit milestones, tasks, discussions, documents",
"ProjectsUserCapabilityTrack": "Track time for tasks, generate reports",
"ProjectsUserCapabilityForm": "Form a project team and set access rights",
"CRMUserCapabilityCreate": "Create a contact, task, case, opportunity with a possibility to limit access to them",
"CRMUserCapabilityEdit": "Edit a contact, task, case, opportunity with the access rights set up",
"CommunityUserCapability": "Create and edit milestones, tasks, discussions, documents",
"Sample": "Sample",
"ManageOwnMailAccounts": "Manage own mail accounts, receive and send letters",
"ManageOwnMailSettings": "Manage own Mail settings",
"ManageTheTagsAndAddressBook": "Manage the tags and address book",
"Culture_en": "English (United Kingdom)",
"Culture_en-US": "English (United States)",
"Culture_ru-RU": "Russian (Russia)",
"CountPerPage": "{{count}} per page",
"PageOfTotalPage": "{{page}} of {{totalPage}}",
"ByFirstNameSorting": "By first name",
"ByLastNameSorting": "By last name",
"OwnerSettings": "Owner settings",
"AdminsSettings": "Admins settings",
"SetPeopleAdmin": "Set people admin",
"SetPortalAdmin": "Set portal admin",
"PeopleAdmin": "People module admin",