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2022-03-15 18:00:53 +00:00
// (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022
// This program is a free software product.
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation. In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended
// to the effect that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of
// any third-party rights.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty
// the GNU AGPL at:
// You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021.
// The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of the Program must
// display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
// Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product logo when
// distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to grant you any rights under
// trademark law for use of our trademarks.
// All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as well as technical writing
// content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
// International. See the License terms at
2019-05-15 14:56:09 +00:00
using Constants = ASC.Core.Configuration.Constants;
2019-11-06 15:03:09 +00:00
using NotifyContext = ASC.Notify.Context;
2019-05-15 14:56:09 +00:00
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
namespace ASC.Core;
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
public class WorkContext
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
private static readonly object _syncRoot = new object();
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
private readonly IOptionsMonitor<ILog> _options;
private readonly DispatchEngine _dispatchEngine;
private readonly JabberSender _jabberSender;
private readonly AWSSender _awsSender;
private readonly SmtpSender _smtpSender;
private readonly NotifyServiceSender _notifyServiceSender;
private readonly TelegramSender _telegramSender;
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
private static bool _notifyStarted;
private static bool? _isMono;
private static string _monoVersion;
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
public NotifyContext NotifyContext { get; private set; }
public NotifyEngine NotifyEngine { get; private set; }
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
public static string[] DefaultClientSenders => new[] { Constants.NotifyEMailSenderSysName };
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
public static bool IsMono
if (_isMono.HasValue)
return _isMono.Value;
var monoRuntime = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime");
_isMono = monoRuntime != null;
if (monoRuntime != null)
var dispalayName = monoRuntime.GetMethod("GetDisplayName", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
if (dispalayName != null)
_monoVersion = dispalayName.Invoke(null, null) as string;
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
return _isMono.Value;
public static string MonoVersion => IsMono ? _monoVersion : null;
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
public WorkContext(
IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
IConfiguration configuration,
IOptionsMonitor<ILog> options,
DispatchEngine dispatchEngine,
NotifyEngine notifyEngine,
NotifyContext notifyContext,
JabberSender jabberSender,
AWSSender awsSender,
SmtpSender smtpSender,
NotifyServiceSender notifyServiceSender,
TelegramSender telegramSender
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
_configuration = configuration;
_options = options;
_dispatchEngine = dispatchEngine;
NotifyEngine = notifyEngine;
NotifyContext = notifyContext;
_jabberSender = jabberSender;
_awsSender = awsSender;
_smtpSender = smtpSender;
_notifyServiceSender = notifyServiceSender;
_telegramSender = telegramSender;
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
public void NotifyStartUp()
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
if (_notifyStarted)
lock (_syncRoot)
if (_notifyStarted)
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
INotifySender jabberSender = _notifyServiceSender;
INotifySender emailSender = _notifyServiceSender;
INotifySender telegramSender = _telegramSender;
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
var postman = _configuration["core:notify:postman"];
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
if ("ases".Equals(postman, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || "smtp".Equals(postman, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
jabberSender = _jabberSender;
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
["useCoreSettings"] = "true"
if ("ases".Equals(postman, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
emailSender = _awsSender;
properties["accessKey"] = _configuration["ses:accessKey"];
properties["secretKey"] = _configuration["ses:secretKey"];
properties["refreshTimeout"] = _configuration["ses:refreshTimeout"];
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
emailSender = _smtpSender;
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-04-01 14:17:24 +00:00
NotifyContext.RegisterSender(_dispatchEngine, Constants.NotifyEMailSenderSysName, new EmailSenderSink(emailSender, _serviceProvider));
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
NotifyContext.RegisterSender(_dispatchEngine, Constants.NotifyMessengerSenderSysName, new JabberSenderSink(jabberSender, _serviceProvider));
NotifyContext.RegisterSender(_dispatchEngine, Constants.NotifyTelegramSenderSysName, new TelegramSenderSink(telegramSender, _serviceProvider));
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-31 17:32:46 +00:00
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
_notifyStarted = true;
2020-10-28 12:26:27 +00:00
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
public void RegisterSendMethod(Action<DateTime> method, string cron)
2020-10-28 12:26:27 +00:00
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
NotifyEngine.RegisterSendMethod(method, cron);
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
public void UnregisterSendMethod(Action<DateTime> method)
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-25 14:51:03 +00:00
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-31 17:32:46 +00:00
public class NotifyTransferRequest : INotifyEngineAction
private readonly TenantManager _tenantManager;
public NotifyTransferRequest(TenantManager tenantManager)
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-31 17:32:46 +00:00
_tenantManager = tenantManager;
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-31 17:32:46 +00:00
public void AfterTransferRequest(NotifyRequest request)
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
if ((request.Properties.Contains("Tenant") ? request.Properties["Tenant"] : null) is Tenant tenant)
2020-10-28 12:26:27 +00:00
2022-03-31 17:32:46 +00:00
2020-10-28 12:26:27 +00:00
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-03-31 17:32:46 +00:00
public void BeforeTransferRequest(NotifyRequest request)
request.Properties.Add("Tenant", _tenantManager.GetCurrentTenant(false));
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
public static class WorkContextExtension
public static void Register(DIHelper dIHelper)
2022-03-31 17:32:46 +00:00
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00
2022-04-01 14:17:24 +00:00
2022-04-01 14:20:00 +00:00
2022-02-15 11:52:43 +00:00