
134 lines
4.3 KiB
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2021-05-18 09:22:20 +00:00
param (
[string]$VisualStudioVersion = "12.0",
[string]$Verbosity = "normal",
# build the solution
$SolutionPath = "..\src\SimpleRestServices.sln"
# make sure the script was run from the expected path
if (!(Test-Path $SolutionPath)) {
$host.ui.WriteErrorLine('The script was run from an invalid working directory.')
exit 1
. .\version.ps1
If ($Debug) {
$BuildConfig = 'Debug'
} Else {
$BuildConfig = 'Release'
If ($Version.Contains('-')) {
$KeyConfiguration = 'Dev'
} Else {
$KeyConfiguration = 'Final'
If ($NoDocs -and -not $Debug) {
$SolutionBuildConfig = $BuildConfig + 'NoDocs'
} Else {
$SolutionBuildConfig = $BuildConfig
# build the main project
$nuget = '..\src\.nuget\NuGet.exe'
if ($VisualStudioVersion -eq '4.0') {
$msbuild = "$env:windir\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe"
} Else {
$msbuild = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\MSBuild\$VisualStudioVersion\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
# Attempt to restore packages up to 3 times, to improve resiliency to connection timeouts and access denied errors.
$maxAttempts = 3
For ($attempt = 0; $attempt -lt $maxAttempts; $attempt++) {
&$nuget 'restore' $SolutionPath
If ($?) {
} ElseIf (($attempt + 1) -eq $maxAttempts) {
$host.ui.WriteErrorLine('Failed to restore required NuGet packages, aborting!')
If ($InstallSHFB) {
# This is the NuGet package name for the SHFB package
$SHFBPackageName = 'EWSoftware.SHFB'
# This is the version according to the NuGet package itself
$SHFBVersion = '2014.11.22.0'
$SHFBPackagePath = "..\.shfb\$SHFBPackageName.$SHFBVersion.nupkg"
If (-not (Test-Path $SHFBPackagePath)) {
If (-not (Test-Path '..\.shfb')) {
mkdir '..\.shfb'
# This is the release name on GitHub where the NuGet package is attached
$SHFBRelease = 'v2014.11.22.0-beta'
$SHFBInstallerSource = "$SHFBRelease/$SHFBPackageName.$SHFBVersion.nupkg"
Invoke-WebRequest $SHFBInstallerSource -OutFile $SHFBPackagePath
If (-not $?) {
$host.ui.WriteErrorLine('Failed to download the SHFB NuGet package')
$SHFBPackages = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath((Join-Path (pwd) '..\.shfb'))
$SHFBPackagesUri = [System.Uri]$SHFBPackages
Echo "$nuget 'install' 'EWSoftware.SHFB' -Version $SHFBVersion -OutputDirectory '..\src\packages' -Source $SHFBPackagesUri"
&$nuget 'install' $SHFBPackageName -Version $SHFBVersion -OutputDirectory '..\src\packages' -Source $SHFBPackagesUri
If (-not $?) {
$host.ui.WriteErrorLine('Failed to install the SHFB NuGet package')
$env:SHFBROOT = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath((Join-Path (pwd) "..\src\packages\$SHFBPackageName.$SHFBVersion\tools"))
If (-not $NoDocs) {
If ((-not $env:SHFBROOT) -or (-not (Test-Path $env:SHFBROOT))) {
$host.ui.WriteErrorLine('Could not locate Sandcastle Help File Builder')
Exit 1
If ($Logger) {
$LoggerArgument = "/logger:$Logger"
&$msbuild '/nologo' '/m' '/nr:false' '/t:rebuild' $LoggerArgument "/verbosity:$Verbosity" "/p:Configuration=$SolutionBuildConfig" "/p:Platform=Any CPU" "/p:VisualStudioVersion=$VisualStudioVersion" "/p:KeyConfiguration=$KeyConfiguration" $SolutionPath
if (-not $?) {
$host.ui.WriteErrorLine('Build failed, aborting!')
# By default, do not create a NuGet package unless the expected strong name key files were used
. .\keys.ps1
foreach ($pair in $Keys.GetEnumerator()) {
$assembly = Resolve-FullPath -Path "..\src\SimpleRestServices\bin\$($pair.Key)\$BuildConfig\SimpleRESTServices.dll"
# Run the actual check in a separate process or the current process will keep the assembly file locked
powershell -Command ".\check-key.ps1 -Assembly '$assembly' -ExpectedKey '$($pair.Value)' -Build '$($pair.Key)'"
if (-not $?) {
$host.ui.WriteErrorLine("Failed to verify strong name key for build $($pair.Key).")
if (-not (Test-Path 'nuget')) {
mkdir "nuget"
# The NuGet packages reference XML documentation which is post-processed by SHFB. If the -NoDocs flag is specified,
# these files are not created so packaging will fail.
If (-not $NoDocs) {
&$nuget 'pack' '..\src\SimpleRestServices\SimpleRestServices.nuspec' '-OutputDirectory' 'nuget' '-Prop' "Configuration=$BuildConfig" '-Version' "$Version" '-Symbols'