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2021-09-30 12:05:43 +00:00
Upstream-Name: ONLYOFFICE-{{product}}
2021-09-30 12:05:43 +00:00
Files: *
Bugfix/lintian error (#1158) * Correction of systemd-service-file-references-to-obsolete-target error * Correction of the changelog format * Correction of package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version * Correction of maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-adduser * Correction of missing-debconf-dependency * Correction of extended-description-is-probably-too-short * Correction of various license format errors * Correction of maintainer-script-lacks-home-in-adduser error * Correction of duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postinst error * Correction of init.d-script-not-included-in-package error * Correction of the error of missing the onlyoffice-login.conf file * Correction of binary-from-other-architecture error * Correction of missing-debian-source-format error * Temporarily correct descriptions * Correction of debhelper-but-no-misc-depends error * Correct of missing-dependency-on-line error * Correct of unstripped-binary-or-object error * Correct of maintainer-script-lacks-debhelper-token error * Change templates description * Correction of untranslatable-debconf-templates error * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix condition for detecting existence of file * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Remove linux-arm runtimes packaging * Add lintian-overrides * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Add overrides for the main package * Add ignoring untranslatable-debconf-templates errors * Errors correction: package-contains-eslint-config-file, package-contains-npm-ignore-file, package-contains-vcs-control-file * Correction of node_modules error output * Fix backup-file-in-package and macos-ds-store-file-in-package errors * Add a override of the unusual-interpreter error * Fix removing files that cause errors
2023-02-01 08:06:03 +00:00
Copyright: 2023, Ascensio System SIA <>
License: AGPL-3
2021-09-30 12:05:43 +00:00
This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
of any third-party rights.
Bugfix/lintian error (#1158) * Correction of systemd-service-file-references-to-obsolete-target error * Correction of the changelog format * Correction of package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version * Correction of maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-adduser * Correction of missing-debconf-dependency * Correction of extended-description-is-probably-too-short * Correction of various license format errors * Correction of maintainer-script-lacks-home-in-adduser error * Correction of duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postinst error * Correction of init.d-script-not-included-in-package error * Correction of the error of missing the onlyoffice-login.conf file * Correction of binary-from-other-architecture error * Correction of missing-debian-source-format error * Temporarily correct descriptions * Correction of debhelper-but-no-misc-depends error * Correct of missing-dependency-on-line error * Correct of unstripped-binary-or-object error * Correct of maintainer-script-lacks-debhelper-token error * Change templates description * Correction of untranslatable-debconf-templates error * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix condition for detecting existence of file * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Remove linux-arm runtimes packaging * Add lintian-overrides * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Add overrides for the main package * Add ignoring untranslatable-debconf-templates errors * Errors correction: package-contains-eslint-config-file, package-contains-npm-ignore-file, package-contains-vcs-control-file * Correction of node_modules error output * Fix backup-file-in-package and macos-ds-store-file-in-package errors * Add a override of the unusual-interpreter error * Fix removing files that cause errors
2023-02-01 08:06:03 +00:00
2021-09-30 12:05:43 +00:00
This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
details, see the GNU AGPL at:
Bugfix/lintian error (#1158) * Correction of systemd-service-file-references-to-obsolete-target error * Correction of the changelog format * Correction of package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version * Correction of maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-adduser * Correction of missing-debconf-dependency * Correction of extended-description-is-probably-too-short * Correction of various license format errors * Correction of maintainer-script-lacks-home-in-adduser error * Correction of duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postinst error * Correction of init.d-script-not-included-in-package error * Correction of the error of missing the onlyoffice-login.conf file * Correction of binary-from-other-architecture error * Correction of missing-debian-source-format error * Temporarily correct descriptions * Correction of debhelper-but-no-misc-depends error * Correct of missing-dependency-on-line error * Correct of unstripped-binary-or-object error * Correct of maintainer-script-lacks-debhelper-token error * Change templates description * Correction of untranslatable-debconf-templates error * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix condition for detecting existence of file * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Remove linux-arm runtimes packaging * Add lintian-overrides * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Add overrides for the main package * Add ignoring untranslatable-debconf-templates errors * Errors correction: package-contains-eslint-config-file, package-contains-npm-ignore-file, package-contains-vcs-control-file * Correction of node_modules error output * Fix backup-file-in-package and macos-ds-store-file-in-package errors * Add a override of the unusual-interpreter error * Fix removing files that cause errors
2023-02-01 08:06:03 +00:00
2021-09-30 12:05:43 +00:00
You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
EU, LV-1021.
Bugfix/lintian error (#1158) * Correction of systemd-service-file-references-to-obsolete-target error * Correction of the changelog format * Correction of package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version * Correction of maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-adduser * Correction of missing-debconf-dependency * Correction of extended-description-is-probably-too-short * Correction of various license format errors * Correction of maintainer-script-lacks-home-in-adduser error * Correction of duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postinst error * Correction of init.d-script-not-included-in-package error * Correction of the error of missing the onlyoffice-login.conf file * Correction of binary-from-other-architecture error * Correction of missing-debian-source-format error * Temporarily correct descriptions * Correction of debhelper-but-no-misc-depends error * Correct of missing-dependency-on-line error * Correct of unstripped-binary-or-object error * Correct of maintainer-script-lacks-debhelper-token error * Change templates description * Correction of untranslatable-debconf-templates error * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix condition for detecting existence of file * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Remove linux-arm runtimes packaging * Add lintian-overrides * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Add overrides for the main package * Add ignoring untranslatable-debconf-templates errors * Errors correction: package-contains-eslint-config-file, package-contains-npm-ignore-file, package-contains-vcs-control-file * Correction of node_modules error output * Fix backup-file-in-package and macos-ds-store-file-in-package errors * Add a override of the unusual-interpreter error * Fix removing files that cause errors
2023-02-01 08:06:03 +00:00
2021-09-30 12:05:43 +00:00
The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
Bugfix/lintian error (#1158) * Correction of systemd-service-file-references-to-obsolete-target error * Correction of the changelog format * Correction of package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version * Correction of maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-adduser * Correction of missing-debconf-dependency * Correction of extended-description-is-probably-too-short * Correction of various license format errors * Correction of maintainer-script-lacks-home-in-adduser error * Correction of duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postinst error * Correction of init.d-script-not-included-in-package error * Correction of the error of missing the onlyoffice-login.conf file * Correction of binary-from-other-architecture error * Correction of missing-debian-source-format error * Temporarily correct descriptions * Correction of debhelper-but-no-misc-depends error * Correct of missing-dependency-on-line error * Correct of unstripped-binary-or-object error * Correct of maintainer-script-lacks-debhelper-token error * Change templates description * Correction of untranslatable-debconf-templates error * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix condition for detecting existence of file * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Remove linux-arm runtimes packaging * Add lintian-overrides * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Add overrides for the main package * Add ignoring untranslatable-debconf-templates errors * Errors correction: package-contains-eslint-config-file, package-contains-npm-ignore-file, package-contains-vcs-control-file * Correction of node_modules error output * Fix backup-file-in-package and macos-ds-store-file-in-package errors * Add a override of the unusual-interpreter error * Fix removing files that cause errors
2023-02-01 08:06:03 +00:00
2021-09-30 12:05:43 +00:00
Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
Bugfix/lintian error (#1158) * Correction of systemd-service-file-references-to-obsolete-target error * Correction of the changelog format * Correction of package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version * Correction of maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-adduser * Correction of missing-debconf-dependency * Correction of extended-description-is-probably-too-short * Correction of various license format errors * Correction of maintainer-script-lacks-home-in-adduser error * Correction of duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postinst error * Correction of init.d-script-not-included-in-package error * Correction of the error of missing the onlyoffice-login.conf file * Correction of binary-from-other-architecture error * Correction of missing-debian-source-format error * Temporarily correct descriptions * Correction of debhelper-but-no-misc-depends error * Correct of missing-dependency-on-line error * Correct of unstripped-binary-or-object error * Correct of maintainer-script-lacks-debhelper-token error * Change templates description * Correction of untranslatable-debconf-templates error * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix configuration according to po-debconf recommendations * Fix condition for detecting existence of file * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Correct of script-with-language-extension error * Remove linux-arm runtimes packaging * Add lintian-overrides * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Fix lintian-overrides creation condition * Add overrides for the main package * Add ignoring untranslatable-debconf-templates errors * Errors correction: package-contains-eslint-config-file, package-contains-npm-ignore-file, package-contains-vcs-control-file * Correction of node_modules error output * Fix backup-file-in-package and macos-ds-store-file-in-package errors * Add a override of the unusual-interpreter error * Fix removing files that cause errors
2023-02-01 08:06:03 +00:00
2021-09-30 12:05:43 +00:00
All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
terms at