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2020-09-08 09:09:17 +00:00
"PortalOwner": "Portal Owner",
"AccessRightsOwnerOpportunities": "Portal owner can: do the same as module administrators, appoint module administrators, set modules access rights, manage portal configuration, manage user accounts, change portal owner, backup portal data, deactivate or delete portal.",
2020-09-08 09:09:17 +00:00
"AdminSettings": "Administrators",
"ProjectsProduct": "Projects",
"CrmProduct": "CRM",
"CommunityProduct": "Community",
"People": "People",
"Mail": "Mail",
"AccessRightsFullAccess": "Full access",
"DocumentsProduct": "Documents",
"AccessRightsAccessToProduct": "Access to {{product}} module is given to",
"AccessRightsProductUsersCan": "{{category}} users can",
"AccessRightsDisabledProduct": "{{module}} module is disabled and is not shown on the portal. To enable it, refer to the Modules & Tools section of the Portal Settings",
"AccessRightsAllUsers": "All {{users}}",
"AccessRightsUsersFromList": "{{users}} from the list",
"Employees": "users",
"StudioTimeLanguageSettings": "Language and Time Zone Settings",
"Language": "Language",
"TimeZone": "Time Zone",
"SaveButton": "Save",
"CancelButton": "Cancel",
"SuccessfullySaveSettingsMessage": "Settings have been successfully updated",
"NotFoundLanguage": "In case you cannot find your language in the list of the available ones, feel free to write to us at <1>{{supportEmail}}</1> to take part in the translation and get up to 1 year free of charge.",
"Settings": "Settings",
"PreviousPage": "Previous",
"NextPage": "Next",
"ManagementCategoryCommon": "Common",
"Customization": "Customization",
"ProductsAndInstruments": "Modules & tools",
"WhiteLabel": "White label",
"ManagementCategorySecurity": "Security",
"PortalSecurity": "Portal Access",
"AccessRights": "Access Rights",
"LoginHistoryNav": "Login History",
"AuditTrailNav": "Audit Trail",
"DataManagement": "Data Management",
"Migration": "Migration",
"Backup": "Backup",
"DeactivationDeletionPortal": "Portal Deactivation/Deletion",
"ManagementCategoryIntegration": "Integration",
"ThirdPartyAuthorization": "Third Party Authorization",
"SmtpSettings": "SMTP Settings",
"ManagementCategoryStatistic": "Statistics",
"LoadingProcessing": "Loading...",
"LoadingDescription": "Please wait...",
"GreetingSettingsTitle": "Welcome Page Settings",
"WelcomePageTitle": "Welcome page title",
"GreetingTitle": "Title",
"SetDefaultTitle": "Set default title",
"RestoreDefaultButton": "Restore to Default",
"SuccessfullySaveGreetingSettingsMessage": "Welcome Page settings have been successfully saved",
"LogoSettings": "Portal Logo Settings",
"LogoUploadRecommendation": "We recommended that you use images in <1>PNG</1> format with transparent background",
"CompanyNameForCanvasLogo": "Company name",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Use as logo",
"LogoLightSmall": "Logo for the portal header",
"LogoDark": "Logo for the About/Login page",
"LogoFavicon": "Favicon",
"LogoDocsEditor": "Logo for the editors header",
"ChangeLogoButton": "Change Logo",
"BrowserNoCanvasSupport": "Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.",
"AccessRightsChangeOwnerText": "To change the Portal owner please choose the Name of the new Portal owner below.",
"ChooseOwner": "Change the portal owner",
"AccessRightsChangeOwnerConfirmText": "email confirmation required",
"NotFoundTitle": "Nothing found",
"NotFoundDescription": "Change filter settings or add people to the section.",
2020-09-08 09:09:17 +00:00
"ClearButton": "Reset filter",
"ProductUserOpportunities": "View profiles and groups",
"LearnMore": "Learn more...",
"AccessRightsChangeOwnerButtonText": "Change portal owner",
2020-09-08 09:09:17 +00:00
"ThirdPartyTitleDescription": "Authorization keys is the option which allows you to connect your portal with the third-party services like Twitter, Facebook, DropBox etc. Connect your portal with Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin if you don't want to introduce your portal credentials every time you enter it. Link it up with such services like DropBox, OneDrive, etc. to transfer the documents from all those storages to Documents module.",
2020-11-09 12:27:07 +00:00
"ThirdPartyBodyDescription": "For more detailed instructions about connecting this service, please refer to our <2>Help Center</2> that provides all the necessary information.",
2020-09-08 09:09:17 +00:00
"ThirdPartyHowItWorks": "How It Works?",
"ThirdPartyBottomDescription": "If you still have some questions on how to connect this service or need technical assistance, please feel free to contact our <2>Support Team.</2>",
2020-11-09 12:58:58 +00:00
"ThirdPartyPropsActivated": "Consumer properties successfully update",
"ThirdPartyPropsDeactivated": "Consumer successfully deactivated",
2020-09-08 09:09:17 +00:00
"ThirdPartyEnableButton": "Enable",
"ThirdPartyProcessSending": "Sending...",
2020-11-09 12:58:58 +00:00
2020-09-08 09:09:17 +00:00
"ProjectsUserCapabilityView": "View projects and take part in discussions",
"ProjectsUserCapabilityCreate": "Create and edit milestones, tasks, discussions, documents",
"ProjectsUserCapabilityTrack": "Track time for tasks, generate reports",
"ProjectsUserCapabilityForm": "Form a project team and set access rights",
"CRMUserCapabilityCreate": "Create a contact, task, case, opportunity with a possibility to limit access to them",
"CRMUserCapabilityEdit": "Edit a contact, task, case, opportunity with the access rights set up",
"CommunityUserCapability": "Create and edit milestones, tasks, discussions, documents",
"Sample": "Sample",
"ManageOwnMailAccounts": "Manage own mail accounts, receive and send letters",
"ManageOwnMailSettings": "Manage own Mail settings",
"ManageTheTagsAndAddressBook": "Manage the tags and address book",
"Culture_en": "English (United Kingdom)",
"Culture_en-US": "English (United States)",
"Culture_ru-RU": "Russian (Russia)",
"CountPerPage": "{{count}} per page",
"PageOfTotalPage": "{{page}} of {{totalPage}}",
"ByFirstNameSorting": "By first name",
"ByLastNameSorting": "By last name",
"OwnerSettings": "Owner settings",
"AdminsSettings": "Admins settings",
"SetPeopleAdmin": "Set people admin",
"SetPortalAdmin": "Set portal admin",
"PeopleAdmin": "People module admin",
"DirectionAscLabel": "A-Z",
"DirectionDescLabel": "Z-A",
"MeLabel": "Me",
"YouHaveUnsavedChanges": "You have unsaved changes",
"CustomTitles": "Custom titles",
"LanguageAndTimeZoneSettingsDescription": "Language and time zone settings is a way to change the language of the whole portal for all portal users and to configure the time zone so that all the events of the portal will be shown with the correct date and time.",
"CustomTitlesSettingsDescription": "Custom welcome page title will be displayed on the welcome page of your portal. The same name is also used for the From field of your portal email notifications. Custom domain name is a way to set an alternative URL for your portal. Custom portal name will appear next to the portal address.",
"PortalAdmins": "Portal admins",
"PortalAdminsDescription": "Have the same access rights as the portal owner, except the right to: change portal owner; deactivate or delete portal.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Confirmation e-mail has been sent to {{ownerName}}",
2021-04-13 11:28:36 +00:00
"TeamTemplate": "Team template",
2021-04-13 11:28:36 +00:00
"TeamTemplateSettingsDescription": "Team Template is a customizable way to name the organization (or group), its members and their activities. Drop down the Template list to choose one of the available presets or enter the names yourselves selecting the custom option from the list.",
"AddName": "Add Name",
"Template": "Template",
"User": "User",
"Users": "Users",
"Group": "Group",
"Groups": "Groups",
"Job/Title": "Job/Title",
"RegistrationDate": "Registration date",
"GroupLead": "Group Lead",
"Guest": "Guest",
"Guests": "Guests",
"EmptyFieldError": "Empty field",
"AutomaticBackup": "Automatic backup",
"AutomaticBackupSettingsDescription": "The Automatic backup option is used to automate the portal data backup process to be able to restore it later on a local server. Choose the data storage, automatic backup period and maximal number of saved copies.",
"ManualBackup": "Manual backup",
"ManualBackupSettingsDescription": "Manual backup option is used to backup the portal data to be able to restore it later to your local server.",
2021-04-22 06:56:54 +00:00
"ManualBackupSettingsNoteDescription": "При создании резервной копии в ручную, в неё не будут включены данные о лицензии. После восстановления данных из бекапа вам понадобится повторно загрузить файл лицензии.",
"TemporaryStorage": "Temporary storage",
"TemporaryStorageDescription": "Резервная копия будет храниться в разделе Backup, вы сможете скачать её в течение 24 часов с момента создания.",
"MakeCopy": "Make copy",
"DownloadBackup": "Download the backup",
"DataRestore": "Data Restore",
"DataRestoreSettingsDescription": "Data Restore option is used to restore your previously saved portal data (from a local server or SaaS portal). Select the storage where the data is saved, enter necessary details and check the Send notification to portal users to alert your portal users about the backup/restore operations.",
"DocumentsModule": "Documents module",
"DocumentsModuleDescription": "Резервная копия будет сохранена в разделе Common Documents.",
"IncludeMail": "Include Mail in backup (last 30 days)",
"ThirdPartyResource": "Third-party resource",
"ThirdPartyResourceDescription": "Резервная копия может быть сохранена на вашем облачном диске (DropBox,, OneDrive or Google Drive).",
"ThirdPartyResourceNoteDescription": "You need to connect your cloud drive account to {{organizationName}} Common Documents folder before you will be able to save your backup there.",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Third-party storage",
"ThirdPartyStorageDescription": "Резервная копия может быть сохранена на стороннем хранилище.",
"ThirdPartyStorageNoteDescription": "The corresponding service must be previously connected in the Integration section. Otherwise the following settings will be disabled."
2020-09-08 09:09:17 +00:00