Web.Components: added tests for valid and invalid emails

This commit is contained in:
Daniil Senkiv 2019-10-15 09:07:02 +03:00
parent 277dcb5590
commit 03a2947807

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react';
import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';
import EmailInput from '.';
import { EmailSettings } from '../../utils/email';
const baseProps = {
@ -37,11 +38,255 @@ describe('<EmailInput />', () => {
isReadOnly: false,
maxLength: 255,
placeholder: 'email',
onChange: () => jest.fn(),
onValidateInput: () => jest.fn()
}, wrapper.state);
it('not re-render test', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<EmailInput {...baseProps} />).instance();
const shouldUpdate = wrapper.shouldComponentUpdate(wrapper.props, wrapper.state);
it('passed valid email: simple@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} />);
const event = { target: { value: "simple@example.com" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed valid email: disposable.style.email.with+symbol@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} />);
const event = { target: { value: "disposable.style.email.with+symbol@example.com" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed valid email: user.name+tag+sorting@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} />);
const event = { target: { value: "user.name+tag+sorting@example.com" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed valid email with one-letter local-part: x@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} />);
const event = { target: { value: "x@example.com" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed valid email, local domain name with no TLD: admin@mailserver1', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const emailSettings = new EmailSettings();
emailSettings.allowLocalDomainName = true;
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} emailSettings={emailSettings} />);
const event = { target: { value: "admin@mailserver1" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed valid email (one-letter domain name): example@s.example', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} />);
const event = { target: { value: "example@s.example" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed valid email (space between the quotes): " "@example.org', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const emailSettings = new EmailSettings();
emailSettings.allowSpaces = true;
emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false;
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} emailSettings={emailSettings}/>);
const event = { target: { value: '" "@example.org' } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed valid email (quoted double dot): "john..doe"@example.org', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const emailSettings = new EmailSettings();
emailSettings.allowSpaces = true;
emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false;
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} emailSettings={emailSettings}/>);
const event = { target: { value: '"john..doe"@example.org' } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed valid email (bangified host route used for uucp mailers): mailhost!username@example.org', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const emailSettings = {
allowStrictLocalPart: false
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} emailSettings={emailSettings} />);
const event = { target: { value: "mailhost!username@example.org" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed valid email (% escaped mail route to user@example.com via example.org): user%example.com@example.org', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const emailSettings = new EmailSettings();
emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false;
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} emailSettings={emailSettings}/>);
const event = { target: { value: "user%example.com@example.org" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed invalid email (no @ character): Abc.example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} />);
const event = { target: { value: "Abc.example.com" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed invalid email (only one @ is allowed outside quotation marks): A@b@c@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} />);
const event = { target: { value: "A@b@c@example.com" } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed invalid email (none of the special characters in this local-part are allowed outside quotation marks): a"b(c)d,e:f;g<h>i[j\k]l@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} />);
const event = { target: { value: 'a"b(c)d,e:f;g<h>i[j\k]l@example.com' } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed invalid email (none of the special characters in this local-part are allowed outside quotation marks): a"b(c)d,e:f;g<h>i[j\k]l@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} />);
const event = { target: { value: 'a"b(c)d,e:f;g<h>i[j\k]l@example.com' } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed invalid email (quoted strings must be dot separated or the only element making up the local-part): just"not"right@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const emailSettings = new EmailSettings();
emailSettings.allowSpaces = true;
emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false;
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} emailSettings={emailSettings}/>);
const event = { target: { value: 'just"not"right@example.com' } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed invalid email (spaces, quotes, and backslashes may only exist when within quoted strings and preceded by a backslash): this is"not\allowed@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const emailSettings = new EmailSettings();
emailSettings.allowSpaces = true;
emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false;
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} emailSettings={emailSettings}/>);
const event = { target: { value: 'this is"not\allowed@example.com' } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed invalid email (even if escaped (preceded by a backslash), spaces, quotes, and backslashes must still be contained by quotes): this\ still\"not\\allowed@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const emailSettings = new EmailSettings();
emailSettings.allowSpaces = true;
emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false;
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput} emailSettings={emailSettings}/>);
const event = { target: { value: 'this\ still\"not\\allowed@example.com' } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);
it('passed invalid email (local part is longer than 64 characters): 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234+x@example.com', () => {
const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => {
const wrapper = mount(<EmailInput {...baseProps} onValidateInput={onValidateInput}/>);
const event = { target: { value: '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234+x@example.com' } };
wrapper.simulate('change', event);