Merge branch 'feature/backend-refactor' into feature/files-refactor

# Conflicts:
#	products/ASC.Files/Core/GlobalUsings.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Server/GlobalUsings.cs
This commit is contained in:
pavelbannov 2022-03-05 11:50:42 +03:00
commit d035deba31
127 changed files with 3507 additions and 3814 deletions

View File

@ -29,34 +29,30 @@ dotnet_style_qualification_for_method = false:silent
dotnet_style_qualification_for_property = false:silent
# Language keywords vs BCL types preferences
dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_locals_parameters_members = true:warning
dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_member_access = true:warning
dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_locals_parameters_members = true:silent
dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_member_access = true:silent
# Parentheses preferences
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_arithmetic_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_operators = never_if_unnecessary:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_relational_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
# Modifier preferences
dotnet_style_require_accessibility_modifiers = for_non_interface_members:silent
# Expression-level preferences
dotnet_style_coalesce_expression = true:warning
dotnet_style_collection_initializer = true:warning
dotnet_style_explicit_tuple_names = true:warning
dotnet_style_null_propagation = true:warning
dotnet_style_object_initializer = true:warning
dotnet_style_operator_placement_when_wrapping = beginning_of_line
dotnet_style_prefer_auto_properties = true:warning
dotnet_style_prefer_compound_assignment = true:warning
dotnet_style_object_initializer = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_collection_initializer = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_explicit_tuple_names = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_null_propagation = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_coalesce_expression = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_is_null_check_over_reference_equality_method = true:silent
dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_tuple_names = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_anonymous_type_member_names = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_auto_properties = true:silent
dotnet_style_prefer_conditional_expression_over_assignment = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_conditional_expression_over_return = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_anonymous_type_member_names = true:warning
dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_tuple_names = true:warning
dotnet_style_prefer_is_null_check_over_reference_equality_method = true:warning
dotnet_style_prefer_simplified_boolean_expressions = true:warning
dotnet_style_prefer_simplified_interpolation = true:suggestion
# Field preferences
dotnet_style_readonly_field = true:warning
@ -64,6 +60,13 @@ dotnet_style_readonly_field = true:warning
# Parameter preferences
dotnet_code_quality_unused_parameters = all:warning
# Suppression preferences
dotnet_remove_unnecessary_suppression_exclusions = none
# New line preferences
dotnet_style_allow_multiple_blank_lines_experimental = false
dotnet_style_allow_statement_immediately_after_block_experimental = false
#### C# Coding Conventions ####
# var preferences
@ -72,44 +75,48 @@ csharp_style_var_for_built_in_types = true:warning
csharp_style_var_when_type_is_apparent = true:warning
# Expression-bodied members
csharp_style_expression_bodied_accessors = when_on_single_line:suggestion
csharp_style_expression_bodied_methods = false:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_constructors = false:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_indexers = when_on_single_line:suggestion
csharp_style_expression_bodied_lambdas = when_on_single_line:suggestion
csharp_style_expression_bodied_local_functions = when_on_single_line:suggestion
csharp_style_expression_bodied_methods = false:suggestion
csharp_style_expression_bodied_operators = false:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_properties = when_on_single_line:suggestion
csharp_style_expression_bodied_properties = true:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_indexers = true:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_accessors = true:silent
# Pattern matching preferences
csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_as_with_null_check = true:warning
csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_is_with_cast_check = true:warning
csharp_style_prefer_switch_expression = true:suggestion
csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_is_with_cast_check = true:suggestion
csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_as_with_null_check = true:suggestion
# Null-checking preferences
csharp_style_conditional_delegate_call = true:warning
csharp_style_conditional_delegate_call = true:suggestion
# Modifier preferences
csharp_prefer_static_local_function = true:suggestion
csharp_preferred_modifier_order = public,private,protected,internal,static,extern,new,virtual,abstract,sealed,override,readonly,unsafe,volatile,async:silent
csharp_preferred_modifier_order = public,private,protected,internal,static,extern,new,virtual,abstract,sealed,override,readonly,unsafe,volatile,async:suggestion
# Code-block preferences
csharp_prefer_braces = true:silent
csharp_prefer_simple_using_statement = true:suggestion
csharp_prefer_braces = true:warning
csharp_prefer_simple_using_statement = false:silent
csharp_style_namespace_declarations = file_scoped:warning
# Expression-level preferences
csharp_prefer_simple_default_expression = true:warning
csharp_style_deconstructed_variable_declaration = true:warning
csharp_style_inlined_variable_declaration = true:warning
csharp_style_pattern_local_over_anonymous_function = true:warning
csharp_style_prefer_index_operator = true:warning
csharp_style_prefer_range_operator = true:warning
csharp_style_throw_expression = true:warning
csharp_prefer_simple_default_expression = false:silent
csharp_style_deconstructed_variable_declaration = true:suggestion
csharp_style_implicit_object_creation_when_type_is_apparent = false:suggestion
csharp_style_inlined_variable_declaration = true:suggestion
csharp_style_pattern_local_over_anonymous_function = true:suggestion
csharp_style_prefer_index_operator = false:suggestion
csharp_style_prefer_null_check_over_type_check = true:suggestion
csharp_style_prefer_range_operator = false:suggestion
csharp_style_throw_expression = true:suggestion
csharp_style_unused_value_assignment_preference = discard_variable:suggestion
csharp_style_unused_value_expression_statement_preference = discard_variable:suggestion
# 'using' directive preferences
csharp_using_directive_placement = outside_namespace:silent
csharp_using_directive_placement = outside_namespace:warning
# New line preferences
csharp_style_allow_blank_line_after_colon_in_constructor_initializer_experimental = false:silent
csharp_style_allow_blank_lines_between_consecutive_braces_experimental = false:silent
csharp_style_allow_embedded_statements_on_same_line_experimental = true:silent
#### C# Formatting Rules ####
@ -126,7 +133,7 @@ csharp_new_line_between_query_expression_clauses = true
csharp_indent_block_contents = true
csharp_indent_braces = false
csharp_indent_case_contents = true
csharp_indent_case_contents_when_block = false
csharp_indent_case_contents_when_block = true
csharp_indent_labels = one_less_than_current
csharp_indent_switch_labels = true
@ -162,32 +169,32 @@ csharp_preserve_single_line_statements = true
# Naming rules
dotnet_naming_rule.private_or_internal_field_should_be_begin_with_underscore.severity = warning
dotnet_naming_rule.private_or_internal_field_should_be_begin_with_underscore.symbols = private_or_internal_field = begin_with_underscore
dotnet_naming_rule.interface_should_be_begins_with_i.severity = warning
dotnet_naming_rule.interface_should_be_begins_with_i.symbols = interface = begins_with_i
dotnet_naming_rule.types_should_be_pascal_case.severity = warning
dotnet_naming_rule.types_should_be_pascal_case.severity = suggestion
dotnet_naming_rule.types_should_be_pascal_case.symbols = types = pascal_case
dotnet_naming_rule.non_field_members_should_be_pascal_case.severity = warning
dotnet_naming_rule.non_field_members_should_be_pascal_case.symbols = non_field_members = pascal_case
# Symbol specifications
dotnet_naming_symbols.interface.applicable_kinds = interface
dotnet_naming_symbols.interface.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, private, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
dotnet_naming_symbols.interface.required_modifiers =
dotnet_naming_symbols.private_or_internal_field.applicable_kinds = field
dotnet_naming_symbols.private_or_internal_field.applicable_accessibilities = internal, private, private_protected
dotnet_naming_symbols.private_or_internal_field.required_modifiers =
dotnet_naming_symbols.types.applicable_kinds = class, struct, interface, enum
dotnet_naming_symbols.types.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, private, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
dotnet_naming_symbols.types.required_modifiers =
dotnet_naming_symbols.non_field_members.applicable_kinds = property, event, method
dotnet_naming_symbols.non_field_members.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, private, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
dotnet_naming_symbols.non_field_members.required_modifiers =
# Naming styles
dotnet_naming_style.pascal_case.required_prefix =
@ -200,5 +207,58 @@ dotnet_naming_style.begins_with_i.required_suffix =
dotnet_naming_style.begins_with_i.word_separator =
dotnet_naming_style.begins_with_i.capitalization = pascal_case
# Default severity for analyzer diagnostics with category 'Style'
dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-Style.severity = silent
dotnet_naming_style.begin_with_underscore.required_prefix = _
dotnet_naming_style.begin_with_underscore.required_suffix =
dotnet_naming_style.begin_with_underscore.word_separator =
dotnet_naming_style.begin_with_underscore.capitalization = camel_case
csharp_style_expression_bodied_lambdas = true:silent
csharp_style_expression_bodied_local_functions = false:silent
csharp_style_prefer_local_over_anonymous_function = true:suggestion
csharp_style_prefer_tuple_swap = true:suggestion
csharp_prefer_static_local_function = true:suggestion
csharp_style_prefer_switch_expression = true:suggestion
csharp_style_prefer_pattern_matching = true:silent
csharp_style_prefer_not_pattern = true:suggestion
csharp_style_prefer_extended_property_pattern = true:suggestion
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1001.severity = warning
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1805.severity = warning
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1841.severity = warning
dotnet_style_operator_placement_when_wrapping = beginning_of_line
tab_width = 4
indent_size = 4
end_of_line = crlf
dotnet_style_coalesce_expression = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_null_propagation = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_is_null_check_over_reference_equality_method = true:silent
dotnet_style_prefer_auto_properties = true:silent
dotnet_style_object_initializer = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_collection_initializer = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_simplified_boolean_expressions = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_conditional_expression_over_assignment = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_conditional_expression_over_return = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_explicit_tuple_names = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_tuple_names = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_anonymous_type_member_names = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_compound_assignment = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_prefer_simplified_interpolation = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_namespace_match_folder = true:suggestion
dotnet_style_readonly_field = true:warning
dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_locals_parameters_members = true:silent
dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_member_access = true:silent
dotnet_style_require_accessibility_modifiers = for_non_interface_members:silent
dotnet_style_allow_multiple_blank_lines_experimental = false:silent
dotnet_style_allow_statement_immediately_after_block_experimental = false:silent
dotnet_code_quality_unused_parameters = all:warning
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_arithmetic_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_relational_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_operators = always_for_clarity:silent
dotnet_style_qualification_for_field = false:silent
dotnet_style_qualification_for_property = false:silent
dotnet_style_qualification_for_method = false:silent
dotnet_style_qualification_for_event = false:silent
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1715.severity = warning
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1716.severity = silent
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5397.severity = warning

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.ComponentModel;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.ComponentModel;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.Linq.Expressions;
global using System.Net;
global using System.Net.Http;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Runtime.Serialization;
global using System.Security;
@ -14,8 +12,7 @@ global using System.Security.Claims;
global using System.Text.Encodings.Web;
global using System.Text.Json;
global using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Threading.Tasks;
global using System.Web;
global using System.Xml.Linq;

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">

View File

@ -1,32 +1,26 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections;
global using System.Collections;
global using System.Collections.Concurrent;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Configuration;
global using System.Diagnostics;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.IO;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Net;
global using System.Net.Mail;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Runtime.Caching;
global using System.Runtime.Loader;
global using System.Runtime.Serialization;
global using System.Security.Cryptography;
global using System.Security.Principal;
global using System.ServiceModel;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Threading.Tasks;
global using System.Web;
global using System.Xml.Linq;
global using System.Xml.XPath;
global using System.ServiceModel;
global using System.Runtime.Serialization;
global using ARSoft.Tools.Net;
global using ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns;
global using ASC.Common;
global using ASC.Common.Caching;
global using ASC.Common.DependencyInjection;
@ -35,26 +29,26 @@ global using ASC.Common.Security;
global using ASC.Common.Security.Authorizing;
global using ASC.Common.Utils;
global using ASC.Security.Cryptography;
global using Autofac;
global using Autofac.Configuration;
global using AutoMapper;
global using Confluent.Kafka;
global using Confluent.Kafka.Admin;
global using Google.Protobuf;
global using JWT;
global using JWT.Algorithms;
global using JWT.Serializers;
global using log4net.Appender;
global using log4net.Config;
global using log4net.Core;
global using log4net.Util;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions;
@ -70,16 +64,16 @@ global using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
global using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;
global using Newtonsoft.Json;
global using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;
global using NLog;
global using NLog.Common;
global using NLog.Targets;
global using NVelocity;
global using NVelocity.App;
global using NVelocity.Runtime.Resource.Loader;
global using StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.Core.Abstractions;

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
<Copyright>(c) Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved</Copyright>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">

View File

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ public class DbVoipCall
public Guid AnsweredBy { get; set; }
public DateTime DialDate { get; set; }
public int DialDuration { get; set; }
public string RecordSid { get; set; }
public string RecordUrl { get; set; }
public int RecordDuration { get; set; }
public string Sid { get; set; }
public string Uri { get; set; }
public int Duration { get; set; }
public decimal RecordPrice { get; set; }
public int ContactId { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ public static class DbVoipCallExtension
return modelBuilder;
public static void MySqlAddDbVoipCall(this ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<DbVoipCall>(entity =>
@ -89,19 +90,19 @@ public static class DbVoipCallExtension
entity.Property(e => e.RecordDuration).HasColumnName("record_duration");
entity.Property(e => e.Duration).HasColumnName("record_duration");
entity.Property(e => e.RecordPrice)
entity.Property(e => e.RecordSid)
entity.Property(e => e.Sid)
entity.Property(e => e.RecordUrl)
entity.Property(e => e.Uri)
@ -160,18 +161,18 @@ public static class DbVoipCallExtension
entity.Property(e => e.RecordDuration).HasColumnName("record_duration");
entity.Property(e => e.Duration).HasColumnName("record_duration");
entity.Property(e => e.RecordPrice)
entity.Property(e => e.RecordSid)
entity.Property(e => e.Sid)
entity.Property(e => e.RecordUrl).HasColumnName("record_url");
entity.Property(e => e.Uri).HasColumnName("record_url");
entity.Property(e => e.Status).HasColumnName("status");

View File

@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections;
global using System.Collections;
global using System.Collections.Concurrent;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Configuration;
global using System.Data.Common;
global using System.Diagnostics;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.IO;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Linq.Expressions;
global using System.Net;
global using System.Net.Http;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Resources;
global using System.Runtime.Caching;
@ -25,8 +20,6 @@ global using System.Text;
global using System.Text.Json;
global using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
global using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Threading.Tasks;
global using System.Web;
global using System.Xml;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

View File

@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
global using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
global using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
global using System.Configuration;
global using System.Data;
global using System.Data.Common;
global using System.Diagnostics;
global using System.IO;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Security.Cryptography;
global using System.ServiceModel;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Threading.Tasks;
global using System.Xml;
global using System.Xml.Linq;
global using System.Xml.XPath;

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.Security.Cryptography;
global using System.Text;
@ -19,5 +17,4 @@ global using ASC.Web.Studio.Core.Notify;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

View File

@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Concurrent;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Collections.Concurrent;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.IO;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Net;
global using System.Net.Http;
global using System.Runtime.Serialization;
global using System.Security.Cryptography;
global using System.ServiceModel;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Text.Json;
global using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Threading.Tasks;
global using System.Web;
global using Amazon;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

View File

@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Data;
global using System.Data;
global using System.Diagnostics;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.IO;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Net;
global using System.Net.Http;
global using System.Net.Http.Headers;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Runtime.Serialization;
@ -14,8 +9,6 @@ global using System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs;
global using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Threading.Tasks;
global using System.Web;
global using System.Xml.Linq;
global using System.Xml.XPath;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<ApplicationIcon />
<StartupObject />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

View File

@ -1,26 +1,23 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Data;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Data;
global using ASC.Common;
global using ASC.Common.Mapping;
global using ASC.Core;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF;
global using ASC.Feed.Models;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF.Model;
global using ASC.Core.Tenants;
global using ASC.Core.Users;
global using ASC.Common.Mapping;
global using ASC.Feed.Mapping;
global using ASC.Feed.Data;
global using ASC.Feed.Core;
global using AutoMapper;
global using ASC.Feed.Data;
global using ASC.Feed.Mapping;
global using ASC.Feed.Models;
global using Autofac;
global using AutoMapper;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
global using Newtonsoft.Json;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<ApplicationIcon />
<StartupObject />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

View File

@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Net;
global using System.Net;
global using System.Net.Sockets;
global using System.Runtime.Serialization;
global using System.Web;
global using ASC.Common;
global using ASC.Common.Caching;
global using ASC.Common.Logging;
@ -15,11 +12,11 @@ global using ASC.Core.Common.EF;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF.Context;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF.Model;
global using ASC.Core.Common.Settings;
global using AutoMapper;
global using AutoMapper.QueryableExtensions;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
global using AutoMapper;
global using AutoMapper.QueryableExtensions;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<ApplicationIcon />
<StartupObject />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

View File

@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Web;
global using System.Web;
global using ASC.Common;
global using ASC.Common.Logging;
global using ASC.Common.Mapping;
global using ASC.Core;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF.Model;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Mapping;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Core;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Core.Sender;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Data;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Mapping;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Models;
global using AutoMapper;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
global using AutoMapper;
global using Newtonsoft.Json;
global using UAParser;

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
<Copyright>(c) Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved</Copyright>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">

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@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
global using System;
global using System.IO;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
global using System.Web;

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
<Copyright>(c) Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved</Copyright>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">

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@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
public class BlockModifier
public class BlockModifier
protected BlockModifier()
protected BlockModifier()
public virtual string ModifyLine(string line)
return line;
public virtual string ModifyLine(string line)
return line;
public virtual string Conclude(string line)
return line;
public virtual string Conclude(string line)
return line;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public sealed class BlockModifierAttribute : Attribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public sealed class BlockModifierAttribute : Attribute
public BlockModifierAttribute()
public BlockModifierAttribute()

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@ -10,142 +10,141 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.Blocks
public static class BlockAttributesParser
public static StyleReader Styler { get; set; }
namespace Textile.Blocks;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public string ParseBlockAttributes(string input)
public static class BlockAttributesParser
public static StyleReader Styler { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public string ParseBlockAttributes(string input)
return ParseBlockAttributes(input, "");
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <param name="element"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public string ParseBlockAttributes(string input, string element)
var style = string.Empty;
var cssClass = string.Empty;
var lang = string.Empty;
var colspan = string.Empty;
var rowspan = string.Empty;
var id = string.Empty;
if (Styler != null)
return ParseBlockAttributes(input, "");
style = GetStyle(element, style);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <param name="element"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public string ParseBlockAttributes(string input, string element)
if (input.Length == 0)
return style.Length > 0 ? " style=\"" + style + "\"" : "";
Match m;
var matched = input;
if (element == "td")
var style = string.Empty;
var cssClass = string.Empty;
var lang = string.Empty;
var colspan = string.Empty;
var rowspan = string.Empty;
var id = string.Empty;
if (Styler != null)
style = GetStyle(element, style);
if (input.Length == 0)
return style.Length > 0 ? " style=\"" + style + "\"" : "";
Match m;
var matched = input;
if (element == "td")
// column span
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"\\(\d+)");
if (m.Success)
colspan = m.Groups[1].Value;
// row span
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"/(\d+)");
if (m.Success)
rowspan = m.Groups[1].Value;
// vertical align
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"(" + Globals.VerticalAlignPattern + @")");
if (m.Success)
style += "vertical-align:" + Globals.VerticalAlign[m.Captures[0].Value] + ";";
// First, match custom styles
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"\{([^}]*)\}");
// column span
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"\\(\d+)");
if (m.Success)
style += m.Groups[1].Value + ";";
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
// Then match the language
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"\[([^()]+)\]");
colspan = m.Groups[1].Value;
// row span
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"/(\d+)");
if (m.Success)
lang = m.Groups[1].Value;
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
rowspan = m.Groups[1].Value;
// vertical align
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"(" + Globals.VerticalAlignPattern + @")");
if (m.Success)
style += "vertical-align:" + Globals.VerticalAlign[m.Captures[0].Value] + ";";
// Match classes and IDs after that
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"\(([^()]+)\)");
// First, match custom styles
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"\{([^}]*)\}");
if (m.Success)
style += m.Groups[1].Value + ";";
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
// Then match the language
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"\[([^()]+)\]");
if (m.Success)
lang = m.Groups[1].Value;
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
// Match classes and IDs after that
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"\(([^()]+)\)");
if (m.Success)
cssClass = m.Groups[1].Value;
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
// Separate the public class and the ID
m = Regex.Match(cssClass, @"^(.*)#(.*)$");
if (m.Success)
cssClass = m.Groups[1].Value;
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
// Separate the public class and the ID
m = Regex.Match(cssClass, @"^(.*)#(.*)$");
if (m.Success)
cssClass = m.Groups[1].Value;
id = m.Groups[2].Value;
if (Styler != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cssClass))
style = GetStyle("." + cssClass, style);
id = m.Groups[2].Value;
// Get the padding on the left
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"([(]+)");
if (m.Success)
if (Styler != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cssClass))
style += "padding-left:" + m.Groups[1].Length + "em;";
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
style = GetStyle("." + cssClass, style);
// Get the padding on the right
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"([)]+)");
if (m.Success)
style += "padding-right:" + m.Groups[1].Length + "em;";
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
// Get the text alignment
m = Regex.Match(matched, "(" + Globals.HorizontalAlignPattern + ")");
if (m.Success)
style += "text-align:" + Globals.HorizontalAlign[m.Groups[1].Value] + ";";
(style.Length > 0 ? " style=\"" + style + "\"" : "") +
(cssClass.Length > 0 ? " class=\"" + cssClass + "\"" : "") +
(lang.Length > 0 ? " lang=\"" + lang + "\"" : "") +
(id.Length > 0 ? " id=\"" + id + "\"" : "") +
(colspan.Length > 0 ? " colspan=\"" + colspan + "\"" : "") +
(rowspan.Length > 0 ? " rowspan=\"" + rowspan + "\"" : "")
private static string GetStyle(string element, string style)
// Get the padding on the left
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"([(]+)");
if (m.Success)
var styled = Styler.GetStyle(element);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(styled))
style += styled;
return style;
style += "padding-left:" + m.Groups[1].Length + "em;";
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
// Get the padding on the right
m = Regex.Match(matched, @"([)]+)");
if (m.Success)
style += "padding-right:" + m.Groups[1].Length + "em;";
matched = matched.Replace(m.ToString(), "");
// Get the text alignment
m = Regex.Match(matched, "(" + Globals.HorizontalAlignPattern + ")");
if (m.Success)
style += "text-align:" + Globals.HorizontalAlign[m.Groups[1].Value] + ";";
(style.Length > 0 ? " style=\"" + style + "\"" : "") +
(cssClass.Length > 0 ? " class=\"" + cssClass + "\"" : "") +
(lang.Length > 0 ? " lang=\"" + lang + "\"" : "") +
(id.Length > 0 ? " id=\"" + id + "\"" : "") +
(colspan.Length > 0 ? " colspan=\"" + colspan + "\"" : "") +
(rowspan.Length > 0 ? " rowspan=\"" + rowspan + "\"" : "")
private static string GetStyle(string element, string style)
var styled = Styler.GetStyle(element);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(styled))
style += styled;
return style;

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class BoldPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class BoldPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\*\*", "b");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\*\*", "b");

View File

@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
public class CapitalsBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
var me = new MatchEvaluator(CapitalsFormatMatchEvaluator);
line = Regex.Replace(line, @"(?<=^|\s|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @")(?<caps>[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+)(?=$|\s|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @")", me);
return line;
namespace Textile.Blocks;
private string CapitalsFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
return @"<span class=""caps"">" + m.Groups["caps"].Value + @"</span>";
public class CapitalsBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
var me = new MatchEvaluator(CapitalsFormatMatchEvaluator);
line = Regex.Replace(line, @"(?<=^|\s|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @")(?<caps>[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+)(?=$|\s|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @")", me);
return line;
private string CapitalsFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
return @"<span class=""caps"">" + m.Groups["caps"].Value + @"</span>";

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class CitePhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class CitePhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\?\?", "cite");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\?\?", "cite");

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@ -10,47 +10,46 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class CodeBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public class CodeBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
// Replace "@...@" zones with "<code>" tags.
var me = new MatchEvaluator(CodeFormatMatchEvaluator);
line = Regex.Replace(line,
@"(?<before>^|([\s\([{]))" + // before
"@" +
@"(\|(?<lang>\w+)\|)?" + // lang
"(?<code>[^@]+)" + // code
"@" +
@"(?<after>$|([\]}])|(?=" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @"{1,2}|\s|$))", // after
// Encode the contents of the "<code>" tags so that we don't
// generate formatting out of it.
line = NoTextileEncoder.EncodeNoTextileZones(line,
@"(?<=(^|\s)<code(" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + @")>)",
return line;
public override string Conclude(string line)
// Recode everything except "<" and ">";
line = NoTextileEncoder.DecodeNoTextileZones(line,
@"(?<=(^|\s)<code(" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + @")>)",
new string[] { "<", ">" });
return line;
public string CodeFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
var res = m.Groups["before"].Value + "<code";
if (m.Groups["lang"].Length > 0)
res += " language=\"" + m.Groups["lang"].Value + "\"";
res += ">" + m.Groups["code"].Value + "</code>" + m.Groups["after"].Value;
return res;
// Replace "@...@" zones with "<code>" tags.
var me = new MatchEvaluator(CodeFormatMatchEvaluator);
line = Regex.Replace(line,
@"(?<before>^|([\s\([{]))" + // before
"@" +
@"(\|(?<lang>\w+)\|)?" + // lang
"(?<code>[^@]+)" + // code
"@" +
@"(?<after>$|([\]}])|(?=" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @"{1,2}|\s|$))", // after
// Encode the contents of the "<code>" tags so that we don't
// generate formatting out of it.
line = NoTextileEncoder.EncodeNoTextileZones(line,
@"(?<=(^|\s)<code(" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + @")>)",
return line;
public override string Conclude(string line)
// Recode everything except "<" and ">";
line = NoTextileEncoder.DecodeNoTextileZones(line,
@"(?<=(^|\s)<code(" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + @")>)",
new string[] { "<", ">" });
return line;
public string CodeFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
var res = m.Groups["before"].Value + "<code";
if (m.Groups["lang"].Length > 0)
res += " language=\"" + m.Groups["lang"].Value + "\"";
res += ">" + m.Groups["code"].Value + "</code>" + m.Groups["after"].Value;
return res;

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class DeletedPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class DeletedPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\-", "del");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\-", "del");

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class EmphasisPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class EmphasisPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"_", "em");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"_", "em");

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@ -10,13 +10,12 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class FootNoteReferenceBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public class FootNoteReferenceBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return Regex.Replace(line, @"\b\[([0-9]+)\](\W)", "<sup><a href=\"#fn$1\">$1</a></sup>$2");
return Regex.Replace(line, @"\b\[([0-9]+)\](\W)", "<sup><a href=\"#fn$1\">$1</a></sup>$2");

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@ -10,79 +10,78 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class GlyphBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public class GlyphBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
line = Regex.Replace(line, "\"\\z", "\" ");
// fix: hackish
string[,] glyphs = {
{ @"([^\s[{(>_*])?\'(?(1)|(\s|s\b|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @"))", "$1&#8217;$2" }, // single closing
{ @"\'", "&#8216;" }, // single opening
{ @"([^\s[{(>_*])?""(?(1)|(\s|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @"))", "$1&#8221;$2" }, // double closing
{ @"""", "&#8220;" }, // double opening
{ @"\b( )?\.{3}", "$1&#8230;" }, // ellipsis
{ @"\b([A-Z][A-Z0-9]{2,})\b(?:[(]([^)]*)[)])", "<acronym title=\"$2\">$1</acronym>" }, // 3+ uppercase acronym
{ @"(\s)?--(\s)?", "$1&#8212;$2" }, // em dash
{ @"\s-\s", " &#8211; " }, // en dash
{ @"(\d+)( )?x( )?(\d+)", "$1$2&#215;$3$4" }, // dimension sign
{ @"\b ?[([](TM|tm)[])]", "&#8482;" }, // trademark
{ @"\b ?[([](R|r)[])]", "&#174;" }, // registered
{ @"\b ?[([](C|c)[])]", "&#169;" } // copyright
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!Regex.IsMatch(line, "<.*>"))
line = Regex.Replace(line, "\"\\z", "\" ");
// fix: hackish
string[,] glyphs = {
{ @"([^\s[{(>_*])?\'(?(1)|(\s|s\b|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @"))", "$1&#8217;$2" }, // single closing
{ @"\'", "&#8216;" }, // single opening
{ @"([^\s[{(>_*])?""(?(1)|(\s|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @"))", "$1&#8221;$2" }, // double closing
{ @"""", "&#8220;" }, // double opening
{ @"\b( )?\.{3}", "$1&#8230;" }, // ellipsis
{ @"\b([A-Z][A-Z0-9]{2,})\b(?:[(]([^)]*)[)])", "<acronym title=\"$2\">$1</acronym>" }, // 3+ uppercase acronym
{ @"(\s)?--(\s)?", "$1&#8212;$2" }, // em dash
{ @"\s-\s", " &#8211; " }, // en dash
{ @"(\d+)( )?x( )?(\d+)", "$1$2&#215;$3$4" }, // dimension sign
{ @"\b ?[([](TM|tm)[])]", "&#8482;" }, // trademark
{ @"\b ?[([](R|r)[])]", "&#174;" }, // registered
{ @"\b ?[([](C|c)[])]", "&#169;" } // copyright
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!Regex.IsMatch(line, "<.*>"))
// If no HTML, do a simple search & replace.
for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.GetLength(0); ++i)
// If no HTML, do a simple search & replace.
for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.GetLength(0); ++i)
line = Regex.Replace(line, glyphs[i, 0], glyphs[i, 1]);
line = Regex.Replace(line, glyphs[i, 0], glyphs[i, 1]);
var splits = Regex.Split(line, "(<.*?>)");
var offtags = "code|pre|notextile";
var codepre = false;
foreach (var split in splits)
var modifiedSplit = split;
if (modifiedSplit.Length == 0)
if (Regex.IsMatch(modifiedSplit, @"<(" + offtags + ")>"))
codepre = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(modifiedSplit, @"<\/(" + offtags + ")>"))
codepre = false;
if (!Regex.IsMatch(modifiedSplit, "<.*>") && !codepre)
for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.GetLength(0); ++i)
modifiedSplit = Regex.Replace(modifiedSplit, glyphs[i, 0], glyphs[i, 1]);
// do htmlspecial if between <code>
if (codepre)
//TODO: htmlspecialchars(line)
//line = Regex.Replace(line, @"&lt;(\/?" + offtags + ")&gt;", "<$1>");
//line = line.Replace("&amp;#", "&#");
return sb.ToString();
var splits = Regex.Split(line, "(<.*?>)");
var offtags = "code|pre|notextile";
var codepre = false;
foreach (var split in splits)
var modifiedSplit = split;
if (modifiedSplit.Length == 0)
if (Regex.IsMatch(modifiedSplit, @"<(" + offtags + ")>"))
codepre = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(modifiedSplit, @"<\/(" + offtags + ")>"))
codepre = false;
if (!Regex.IsMatch(modifiedSplit, "<.*>") && !codepre)
for (var i = 0; i < glyphs.GetLength(0); ++i)
modifiedSplit = Regex.Replace(modifiedSplit, glyphs[i, 0], glyphs[i, 1]);
// do htmlspecial if between <code>
if (codepre)
//TODO: htmlspecialchars(line)
//line = Regex.Replace(line, @"&lt;(\/?" + offtags + ")&gt;", "<$1>");
//line = line.Replace("&amp;#", "&#");
return sb.ToString();

View File

@ -11,46 +11,45 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class HyperLinkBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public class HyperLinkBlockModifier : BlockModifier
private readonly string _rel = string.Empty;
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
private readonly string m_rel = string.Empty;
line = Regex.Replace(line,
@"(?<pre>[\s[{(]|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @")?" + // $pre
"\"" + // start
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + // attributes
"(?<text>[\\w\\W]+?)" + // text
@"\s?" +
@"(?:\((?<title>[^)]+)\)(?=""))?" + // title
"\":" +
@"""(?<url>\S+[^""]+)""" + // url
@"(?<slash>\/)?" + // slash
@"(?<post>[^\w\/;]*)" + // post
new MatchEvaluator(HyperLinksFormatMatchEvaluator));
return line;
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
line = Regex.Replace(line,
@"(?<pre>[\s[{(]|" + Globals.PunctuationPattern + @")?" + // $pre
"\"" + // start
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + // attributes
"(?<text>[\\w\\W]+?)" + // text
@"\s?" +
@"(?:\((?<title>[^)]+)\)(?=""))?" + // title
"\":" +
@"""(?<url>\S+[^""]+)""" + // url
@"(?<slash>\/)?" + // slash
@"(?<post>[^\w\/;]*)" + // post
new MatchEvaluator(HyperLinksFormatMatchEvaluator));
return line;
private string HyperLinksFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
//TODO: check the URL
var atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "a");
if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
var linkText = m.Groups["text"].Value.Trim(' ');
private string HyperLinksFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
//TODO: check the URL
var atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "a");
if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
var linkText = m.Groups["text"].Value.Trim(' ');
var str = m.Groups["pre"].Value + "<a ";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_rel))
str += "ref=\"" + m_rel + "\" ";
str += "href=\"" +
m.Groups["url"].Value + m.Groups["slash"].Value + "\"" +
atts +
">" + linkText + "</a>" + m.Groups["post"].Value;
return str;
var str = m.Groups["pre"].Value + "<a ";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_rel))
str += "ref=\"" + _rel + "\" ";
str += "href=\"" +
m.Groups["url"].Value + m.Groups["slash"].Value + "\"" +
atts +
">" + linkText + "</a>" + m.Groups["post"].Value;
return str;

View File

@ -10,60 +10,59 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class ImageBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public class ImageBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
line = Regex.Replace(line,
@"\!" + // opening !
@"(?<algn>\<|\=|\>)?" + // optional alignment atts
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + // optional style, public class atts
@"(?:\. )?" + // optional dot-space
@"(?<url>[^\s(!]+)" + // presume this is the src
@"\s?" + // optional space
@"(?:\((?<title>([^\)]+))\))?" +// optional title
@"\!" + // closing
@"(?::(?<href>(\S+)))?" + // optional href
@"(?=\s|\.|,|;|\)|\||$)", // lookahead: space or simple punctuation or end of string
new MatchEvaluator(ImageFormatMatchEvaluator)
return line;
string ImageFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
var atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "img");
if (m.Groups["algn"].Length > 0)
atts += " align=\"" + Globals.ImageAlign[m.Groups["algn"].Value] + "\"";
if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
line = Regex.Replace(line,
@"\!" + // opening !
@"(?<algn>\<|\=|\>)?" + // optional alignment atts
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + // optional style, public class atts
@"(?:\. )?" + // optional dot-space
@"(?<url>[^\s(!]+)" + // presume this is the src
@"\s?" + // optional space
@"(?:\((?<title>([^\)]+))\))?" +// optional title
@"\!" + // closing
@"(?::(?<href>(\S+)))?" + // optional href
@"(?=\s|\.|,|;|\)|\||$)", // lookahead: space or simple punctuation or end of string
new MatchEvaluator(ImageFormatMatchEvaluator)
return line;
atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
atts += " alt=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
atts += " alt=\"\"";
// Get Image Size?
var res = "<img src=\"" + m.Groups["url"].Value + "\"" + atts + " />";
if (m.Groups["href"].Length > 0)
var href = m.Groups["href"].Value;
var end = string.Empty;
var endMatch = Regex.Match(href, @"(.*)(?<end>\.|,|;|\))$");
if (m.Success && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endMatch.Groups["end"].Value))
href = href[0..^1];
end = endMatch.Groups["end"].Value;
res = "<a href=\"" + Globals.EncodeHTMLLink(href) + "\">" + res + "</a>" + end;
string ImageFormatMatchEvaluator(Match m)
var atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "img");
if (m.Groups["algn"].Length > 0)
atts += " align=\"" + Globals.ImageAlign[m.Groups["algn"].Value] + "\"";
if (m.Groups["title"].Length > 0)
atts += " title=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
atts += " alt=\"" + m.Groups["title"].Value + "\"";
atts += " alt=\"\"";
// Get Image Size?
var res = "<img src=\"" + m.Groups["url"].Value + "\"" + atts + " />";
if (m.Groups["href"].Length > 0)
var href = m.Groups["href"].Value;
var end = string.Empty;
var endMatch = Regex.Match(href, @"(.*)(?<end>\.|,|;|\))$");
if (m.Success && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endMatch.Groups["end"].Value))
href = href[0..^1];
end = endMatch.Groups["end"].Value;
res = "<a href=\"" + Globals.EncodeHTMLLink(href) + "\">" + res + "</a>" + end;
return res;
return res;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class InsertedPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class InsertedPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\+", "ins");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\+", "ins");

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class ItalicPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class ItalicPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"__", "i");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"__", "i");

View File

@ -11,22 +11,21 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
public class NoTextileBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
line = NoTextileEncoder.EncodeNoTextileZones(line, @"(?<=^|\s)<notextile>", @"</notextile>(?=(\s|$)?)");
line = NoTextileEncoder.EncodeNoTextileZones(line, @"==", @"==");
return line;
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public override string Conclude(string line)
line = NoTextileEncoder.DecodeNoTextileZones(line, @"(?<=^|\s)<notextile>", @"</notextile>(?=(\s|$)?)");
line = NoTextileEncoder.DecodeNoTextileZones(line, @"==", @"==");
return line;
public class NoTextileBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
line = NoTextileEncoder.EncodeNoTextileZones(line, @"(?<=^|\s)<notextile>", @"</notextile>(?=(\s|$)?)");
line = NoTextileEncoder.EncodeNoTextileZones(line, @"==", @"==");
return line;
public override string Conclude(string line)
line = NoTextileEncoder.DecodeNoTextileZones(line, @"(?<=^|\s)<notextile>", @"</notextile>(?=(\s|$)?)");
line = NoTextileEncoder.DecodeNoTextileZones(line, @"==", @"==");
return line;

View File

@ -1,79 +1,78 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public static class NoTextileEncoder
public static class NoTextileEncoder
private static readonly string[,] TextileModifiers = {
{ "\"", "&#34;" },
{ "%", "&#37;" },
{ "*", "&#42;" },
{ "+", "&#43;" },
{ "-", "&#45;" },
{ "<", "&lt;" }, // or "&#60;"
{ "=", "&#61;" },
{ ">", "&gt;" }, // or "&#62;"
{ "?", "&#63;" },
{ "^", "&#94;" },
{ "_", "&#95;" },
{ "~", "&#126;" },
{ "@", "&#64;" },
{ "'", "&#39;" },
{ "|", "&#124;" },
{ "!", "&#33;" },
{ "(", "&#40;" },
{ ")", "&#41;" },
{ ".", "&#46;" },
{ "x", "&#120;" }
public static string EncodeNoTextileZones(string tmp, string patternPrefix, string patternSuffix)
private static readonly string[,] TextileModifiers = {
{ "\"", "&#34;" },
{ "%", "&#37;" },
{ "*", "&#42;" },
{ "+", "&#43;" },
{ "-", "&#45;" },
{ "<", "&lt;" }, // or "&#60;"
{ "=", "&#61;" },
{ ">", "&gt;" }, // or "&#62;"
{ "?", "&#63;" },
{ "^", "&#94;" },
{ "_", "&#95;" },
{ "~", "&#126;" },
{ "@", "&#64;" },
{ "'", "&#39;" },
{ "|", "&#124;" },
{ "!", "&#33;" },
{ "(", "&#40;" },
{ ")", "&#41;" },
{ ".", "&#46;" },
{ "x", "&#120;" }
return EncodeNoTextileZones(tmp, patternPrefix, patternSuffix, null);
public static string EncodeNoTextileZones(string tmp, string patternPrefix, string patternSuffix)
public static string EncodeNoTextileZones(string tmp, string patternPrefix, string patternSuffix, string[] exceptions)
string evaluator(Match m)
return EncodeNoTextileZones(tmp, patternPrefix, patternSuffix, null);
public static string EncodeNoTextileZones(string tmp, string patternPrefix, string patternSuffix, string[] exceptions)
string evaluator(Match m)
var toEncode = m.Groups["notex"].Value;
if (toEncode.Length == 0)
var toEncode = m.Groups["notex"].Value;
if (toEncode.Length == 0)
return string.Empty;
for (var i = 0; i < TextileModifiers.GetLength(0); ++i)
if (exceptions == null || Array.IndexOf(exceptions, TextileModifiers[i, 0]) < 0)
toEncode = toEncode.Replace(TextileModifiers[i, 0], TextileModifiers[i, 1]);
return patternPrefix + toEncode + patternSuffix;
return string.Empty;
tmp = Regex.Replace(tmp, "("+ patternPrefix + "(?<notex>.+?)" + patternSuffix + ")*", new MatchEvaluator(evaluator));
return tmp;
public static string DecodeNoTextileZones(string tmp, string patternPrefix, string patternSuffix)
return DecodeNoTextileZones(tmp, patternPrefix, patternSuffix, null);
public static string DecodeNoTextileZones(string tmp, string patternPrefix, string patternSuffix, string[] exceptions)
string evaluator(Match m)
for (var i = 0; i < TextileModifiers.GetLength(0); ++i)
var toEncode = m.Groups["notex"].Value;
for (var i = 0; i < TextileModifiers.GetLength(0); ++i)
if (exceptions == null || Array.IndexOf(exceptions, TextileModifiers[i, 0]) < 0)
if (exceptions == null || Array.IndexOf(exceptions, TextileModifiers[i, 0]) < 0)
toEncode = toEncode.Replace(TextileModifiers[i, 1], TextileModifiers[i, 0]);
toEncode = toEncode.Replace(TextileModifiers[i, 0], TextileModifiers[i, 1]);
return toEncode;
tmp = Regex.Replace(tmp, "(" + patternPrefix + "(?<notex>.+?)" + patternSuffix + ")*", new MatchEvaluator(evaluator));
return tmp;
return patternPrefix + toEncode + patternSuffix;
tmp = Regex.Replace(tmp, "("+ patternPrefix + "(?<notex>.+?)" + patternSuffix + ")*", new MatchEvaluator(evaluator));
return tmp;
public static string DecodeNoTextileZones(string tmp, string patternPrefix, string patternSuffix)
return DecodeNoTextileZones(tmp, patternPrefix, patternSuffix, null);
public static string DecodeNoTextileZones(string tmp, string patternPrefix, string patternSuffix, string[] exceptions)
string evaluator(Match m)
var toEncode = m.Groups["notex"].Value;
for (var i = 0; i < TextileModifiers.GetLength(0); ++i)
if (exceptions == null || Array.IndexOf(exceptions, TextileModifiers[i, 0]) < 0)
toEncode = toEncode.Replace(TextileModifiers[i, 1], TextileModifiers[i, 0]);
return toEncode;
tmp = Regex.Replace(tmp, "(" + patternPrefix + "(?<notex>.+?)" + patternSuffix + ")*", new MatchEvaluator(evaluator));
return tmp;

View File

@ -10,82 +10,81 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public abstract class PhraseBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public abstract class PhraseBlockModifier : BlockModifier
protected PhraseBlockModifier()
protected PhraseBlockModifier()
protected string PhraseModifierFormat(string input, string modifier, string tag)
protected string PhraseModifierFormat(string input, string modifier, string tag)
// All phrase modifiers are one character, or a double character. Sometimes,
// there's an additional escape character for the regex ('\').
var compressedModifier = modifier;
if (modifier.Length == 4)
// All phrase modifiers are one character, or a double character. Sometimes,
// there's an additional escape character for the regex ('\').
var compressedModifier = modifier;
if (modifier.Length == 4)
compressedModifier = modifier.Substring(0, 2);
else if (modifier.Length == 2)
if (modifier[0] != '\\')
compressedModifier = modifier[0].ToString();
//else: compressedModifier = modifier;
compressedModifier = modifier.Substring(0, 2);
else if (modifier.Length == 2)
if (modifier[0] != '\\')
compressedModifier = modifier[0].ToString();
//else: compressedModifier = modifier;
//else: compressedModifier = modifier;
// We try to remove the Textile tag used for the formatting from
// the punctuation pattern, so that we match the end of the formatted
// zone correctly.
var punctuationPattern = Globals.PunctuationPattern.Replace(compressedModifier, "");
// We try to remove the Textile tag used for the formatting from
// the punctuation pattern, so that we match the end of the formatted
// zone correctly.
var punctuationPattern = Globals.PunctuationPattern.Replace(compressedModifier, "");
// Now we can do the replacement.
var pmme = new PhraseModifierMatchEvaluator(tag);
var res = Regex.Replace(input,
@"(?<=\s|" + punctuationPattern + @"|[{\(\[]|^)" +
modifier +
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern +
@"(:(?<cite>(\S+)))?" +
@"(?<content>[^" + compressedModifier + "]*)" +
@"(?<end>" + punctuationPattern + @"*)" +
modifier +
@"(?=[\]\)}]|" + punctuationPattern + @"+|\s|$)",
new MatchEvaluator(pmme.MatchEvaluator)
return res;
// Now we can do the replacement.
var pmme = new PhraseModifierMatchEvaluator(tag);
var res = Regex.Replace(input,
@"(?<=\s|" + punctuationPattern + @"|[{\(\[]|^)" +
modifier +
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern +
@"(:(?<cite>(\S+)))?" +
@"(?<content>[^" + compressedModifier + "]*)" +
@"(?<end>" + punctuationPattern + @"*)" +
modifier +
@"(?=[\]\)}]|" + punctuationPattern + @"+|\s|$)",
new MatchEvaluator(pmme.MatchEvaluator)
return res;
private sealed class PhraseModifierMatchEvaluator
private readonly string _tag;
public PhraseModifierMatchEvaluator(string tag)
_tag = tag;
private sealed class PhraseModifierMatchEvaluator
public string MatchEvaluator(Match m)
readonly string m_tag;
public PhraseModifierMatchEvaluator(string tag)
if (m.Groups["content"].Length == 0)
m_tag = tag;
// It's possible that the "atts" match groups eats the contents
// when the user didn't want to give block attributes, but the content
// happens to match the syntax. For example: "*(blah)*".
if (m.Groups["atts"].Length == 0)
return m.ToString();
return "<" + _tag + ">" + m.Groups["atts"].Value + m.Groups["end"].Value + "</" + _tag + ">";
public string MatchEvaluator(Match m)
if (m.Groups["content"].Length == 0)
// It's possible that the "atts" match groups eats the contents
// when the user didn't want to give block attributes, but the content
// happens to match the syntax. For example: "*(blah)*".
if (m.Groups["atts"].Length == 0)
return m.ToString();
return "<" + m_tag + ">" + m.Groups["atts"].Value + m.Groups["end"].Value + "</" + m_tag + ">";
var atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, _tag);
if (m.Groups["cite"].Length > 0)
atts += " cite=\"" + m.Groups["cite"] + "\"";
var atts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, m_tag);
if (m.Groups["cite"].Length > 0)
atts += " cite=\"" + m.Groups["cite"] + "\"";
var res = "<" + m_tag + atts + ">" +
m.Groups["content"].Value + m.Groups["end"].Value +
"</" + m_tag + ">";
return res;
var res = "<" + _tag + atts + ">" +
m.Groups["content"].Value + m.Groups["end"].Value +
"</" + _tag + ">";
return res;

View File

@ -10,28 +10,27 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.Blocks
public class PreBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
// Encode the contents of the "<pre>" tags so that we don't
// generate formatting out of it.
line = NoTextileEncoder.EncodeNoTextileZones(line,
@"(?<=(^|\s)<pre(" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + @")>)",
return line;
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public override string Conclude(string line)
// Recode everything.
line = NoTextileEncoder.DecodeNoTextileZones(line,
@"(?<=(^|\s)<pre(" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + @")>)",
new string[] { "<", ">" });
return line;
public class PreBlockModifier : BlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
// Encode the contents of the "<pre>" tags so that we don't
// generate formatting out of it.
line = NoTextileEncoder.EncodeNoTextileZones(line,
@"(?<=(^|\s)<pre(" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + @")>)",
return line;
public override string Conclude(string line)
// Recode everything.
line = NoTextileEncoder.DecodeNoTextileZones(line,
@"(?<=(^|\s)<pre(" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + @")>)",
new string[] { "<", ">" });
return line;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class SpanPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class SpanPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"%", "span");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"%", "span");

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class StrongPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class StrongPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\*", "strong");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\*", "strong");

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class SubScriptPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class SubScriptPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"~", "sub");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"~", "sub");

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
namespace Textile.Blocks
namespace Textile.Blocks;
public class SuperScriptPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public class SuperScriptPhraseBlockModifier : PhraseBlockModifier
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
public override string ModifyLine(string line)
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\^", "sup");
return PhraseModifierFormat(line, @"\^", "sup");

View File

@ -10,126 +10,125 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
/// <summary>
/// Base class for formatter states.
/// </summary>
/// A formatter state describes the current situation
/// of the text being currently processed. A state can
/// write HTML code when entered, exited, and can modify
/// each line of text it receives.
public abstract class FormatterState
/// <summary>
/// Base class for formatter states.
/// The formatter this state belongs to.
/// </summary>
/// A formatter state describes the current situation
/// of the text being currently processed. A state can
/// write HTML code when entered, exited, and can modify
/// each line of text it receives.
public abstract class FormatterState
public TextileFormatter Formatter { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Public constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="f">The parent formatter.</param>
protected FormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
/// <summary>
/// The formatter this state belongs to.
/// </summary>
public TextileFormatter Formatter { get; }
Formatter = formatter;
/// <summary>
/// Public constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="f">The parent formatter.</param>
protected FormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <param name="m"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract string Consume(string input, Match m);
/// <summary>
/// Method called when the state is entered.
/// </summary>
public abstract void Enter();
/// <summary>
/// Method called when the state is exited.
/// </summary>
public abstract void Exit();
/// <summary>
/// Method called when a line of text should be written
/// to the web form.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The line of text.</param>
public abstract void FormatLine(string input);
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether this state can last for more than one line.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A boolean value stating whether this state is only for one line.</returns>
/// This method should return true only if this state is genuinely
/// multi-line. For example, a header text is only one line long. You can
/// have several consecutive lines of header texts, but they are not the same
/// header - just several headers one after the other.
/// Bulleted and numbered lists are good examples of multi-line states.
//abstract public bool IsOneLineOnly();
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract bool ShouldExit(string input);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="actualTag"></param>
/// <param name="alignNfo"></param>
/// <param name="attNfo"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether block formatting (quick phrase modifiers, etc.) should be
/// applied to this line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The line of text</param>
/// <returns>Whether the line should be formatted for blocks</returns>
public virtual bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether the current state accepts being superceded by another one
/// we would possibly find by parsing the input line of text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the formatting state we should fallback to if we don't find anything
/// relevant in a line of text.
/// </summary>
public virtual Type FallbackFormattingState
Formatter = formatter;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <param name="m"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract string Consume(string input, Match m);
/// <summary>
/// Method called when the state is entered.
/// </summary>
public abstract void Enter();
/// <summary>
/// Method called when the state is exited.
/// </summary>
public abstract void Exit();
/// <summary>
/// Method called when a line of text should be written
/// to the web form.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The line of text.</param>
public abstract void FormatLine(string input);
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether this state can last for more than one line.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A boolean value stating whether this state is only for one line.</returns>
/// This method should return true only if this state is genuinely
/// multi-line. For example, a header text is only one line long. You can
/// have several consecutive lines of header texts, but they are not the same
/// header - just several headers one after the other.
/// Bulleted and numbered lists are good examples of multi-line states.
//abstract public bool IsOneLineOnly();
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract bool ShouldExit(string input);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="actualTag"></param>
/// <param name="alignNfo"></param>
/// <param name="attNfo"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether block formatting (quick phrase modifiers, etc.) should be
/// applied to this line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The line of text</param>
/// <returns>Whether the line should be formatted for blocks</returns>
public virtual bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether the current state accepts being superceded by another one
/// we would possibly find by parsing the input line of text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the formatting state we should fallback to if we don't find anything
/// relevant in a line of text.
/// </summary>
public virtual Type FallbackFormattingState
return typeof(States.ParagraphFormatterState);
protected FormatterState CurrentFormatterState
get { return this.Formatter.CurrentState; }
protected void ChangeFormatterState(FormatterState formatterState)
return typeof(States.ParagraphFormatterState);
protected FormatterState CurrentFormatterState
get { return this.Formatter.CurrentState; }
protected void ChangeFormatterState(FormatterState formatterState)

View File

@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public sealed class FormatterStateAttribute : Attribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public sealed class FormatterStateAttribute : Attribute
public string Pattern { get; }
public FormatterStateAttribute(string pattern)
public string Pattern { get; }
Pattern = pattern;
public FormatterStateAttribute(string pattern)
Pattern = pattern;
public static FormatterStateAttribute Get(Type type)
var atts = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FormatterStateAttribute), false);
if (atts.Length == 0)
return null;
return (FormatterStateAttribute)atts[0];
public static FormatterStateAttribute Get(Type type)
var atts = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FormatterStateAttribute), false);
if (atts.Length == 0)
return null;
return (FormatterStateAttribute)atts[0];

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
global using Textile.Blocks;

View File

@ -11,78 +11,77 @@
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
/// <summary>
/// A utility class for global things used by the TextileFormatter.
/// </summary>
static class Globals
#region Global Regex Patterns
public const string HorizontalAlignPattern = @"(?:[()]*(\<(?!>)|(?<!<)\>|\<\>|=)[()]*)";
public const string VerticalAlignPattern = @"[\-^~]";
public const string CssClassPattern = @"(?:\([^)]+\))";
public const string LanguagePattern = @"(?:\[[^]]+\])";
public const string CssStylePattern = @"(?:\{[^}]+\})";
public const string ColumnSpanPattern = @"(?:\\\d+)";
public const string RowSpanPattern = @"(?:/\d+)";
public const string AlignPattern = "(?<align>" + HorizontalAlignPattern + "?" + VerticalAlignPattern + "?|" + VerticalAlignPattern + "?" + HorizontalAlignPattern + "?)";
public const string SpanPattern = @"(?<span>" + ColumnSpanPattern + "?" + RowSpanPattern + "?|" + RowSpanPattern + "?" + ColumnSpanPattern + "?)";
public const string BlockModifiersPattern = @"(?<atts>" + CssClassPattern + "?" + CssStylePattern + "?" + LanguagePattern + "?|" +
CssStylePattern + "?" + LanguagePattern + "?" + CssClassPattern + "?|" +
LanguagePattern + "?" + CssStylePattern + "?" + CssClassPattern + "?)";
public const string PunctuationPattern = @"[\!""#\$%&'()\*\+,\-\./:;<=>\?@\[\\\]\^_`{}~]";
public const string HtmlAttributesPattern = @"(\s+\w+=((""[^""]+"")|('[^']+')))*";
/// <summary>
/// A utility class for global things used by the TextileFormatter.
/// Image alignment tags, mapped to their HTML meanings.
/// </summary>
static class Globals
public static Dictionary<string, string> ImageAlign { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Horizontal text alignment tags, mapped to their HTML meanings.
/// </summary>
public static Dictionary<string, string> HorizontalAlign { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Vertical text alignment tags, mapped to their HTML meanings.
/// </summary>
public static Dictionary<string, string> VerticalAlign { get; set;}
static Globals()
#region Global Regex Patterns
public const string HorizontalAlignPattern = @"(?:[()]*(\<(?!>)|(?<!<)\>|\<\>|=)[()]*)";
public const string VerticalAlignPattern = @"[\-^~]";
public const string CssClassPattern = @"(?:\([^)]+\))";
public const string LanguagePattern = @"(?:\[[^]]+\])";
public const string CssStylePattern = @"(?:\{[^}]+\})";
public const string ColumnSpanPattern = @"(?:\\\d+)";
public const string RowSpanPattern = @"(?:/\d+)";
public const string AlignPattern = "(?<align>" + HorizontalAlignPattern + "?" + VerticalAlignPattern + "?|" + VerticalAlignPattern + "?" + HorizontalAlignPattern + "?)";
public const string SpanPattern = @"(?<span>" + ColumnSpanPattern + "?" + RowSpanPattern + "?|" + RowSpanPattern + "?" + ColumnSpanPattern + "?)";
public const string BlockModifiersPattern = @"(?<atts>" + CssClassPattern + "?" + CssStylePattern + "?" + LanguagePattern + "?|" +
CssStylePattern + "?" + LanguagePattern + "?" + CssClassPattern + "?|" +
LanguagePattern + "?" + CssStylePattern + "?" + CssClassPattern + "?)";
public const string PunctuationPattern = @"[\!""#\$%&'()\*\+,\-\./:;<=>\?@\[\\\]\^_`{}~]";
public const string HtmlAttributesPattern = @"(\s+\w+=((""[^""]+"")|('[^']+')))*";
/// <summary>
/// Image alignment tags, mapped to their HTML meanings.
/// </summary>
public static Dictionary<string, string> ImageAlign { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Horizontal text alignment tags, mapped to their HTML meanings.
/// </summary>
public static Dictionary<string, string> HorizontalAlign { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Vertical text alignment tags, mapped to their HTML meanings.
/// </summary>
public static Dictionary<string, string> VerticalAlign { get; set;}
static Globals()
ImageAlign = new Dictionary<string, string>
ImageAlign = new Dictionary<string, string>
["<"] = "left",
["="] = "center",
[">"] = "right"
["<"] = "left",
["="] = "center",
[">"] = "right"
HorizontalAlign = new Dictionary<string, string>
["<"] = "left",
["="] = "center",
[">"] = "right",
["<>"] = "justify"
VerticalAlign = new Dictionary<string, string>
["^"] = "top",
["-"] = "middle",
["~"] = "bottom"
public static string EncodeHTMLLink(string url)
HorizontalAlign = new Dictionary<string, string>
url = url.Replace("&amp;", "&#38;");
url = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(url, "&(?=[^#])", "&#38;");
return url;
["<"] = "left",
["="] = "center",
[">"] = "right",
["<>"] = "justify"
VerticalAlign = new Dictionary<string, string>
["^"] = "top",
["-"] = "middle",
["~"] = "bottom"
public static string EncodeHTMLLink(string url)
url = url.Replace("&amp;", "&#38;");
url = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(url, "&(?=[^#])", "&#38;");
return url;

View File

@ -10,44 +10,39 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
#region Using Statements
namespace Textile;
namespace Textile
/// <summary>
/// Interface through which the HTML formatted text
/// will be sent.
/// </summary>
/// Clients of the TextileFormatter class will have to provide
/// an outputter that implements this interface. Most of the
/// time, it'll be the WebForm itself.
public interface IOutputter
/// <summary>
/// Interface through which the HTML formatted text
/// will be sent.
/// Method called just before the formatted text
/// is sent to the outputter.
/// </summary>
/// Clients of the TextileFormatter class will have to provide
/// an outputter that implements this interface. Most of the
/// time, it'll be the WebForm itself.
public interface IOutputter
/// <summary>
/// Method called just before the formatted text
/// is sent to the outputter.
/// </summary>
void Begin();
void Begin();
/// <summary>
/// Metohd called whenever the TextileFormatter wants to
/// print some text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">The formatted HTML text.</param>
void Write(string text);
/// <summary>
/// Metohd called whenever the TextileFormatter wants to
/// print some text. This should automatically print an
/// additionnal end of line character.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">The formatted HTML text.</param>
void WriteLine(string line);
/// <summary>
/// Metohd called whenever the TextileFormatter wants to
/// print some text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">The formatted HTML text.</param>
void Write(string text);
/// <summary>
/// Metohd called whenever the TextileFormatter wants to
/// print some text. This should automatically print an
/// additionnal end of line character.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">The formatted HTML text.</param>
void WriteLine(string line);
/// <summary>
/// Method called at the end of the formatting.
/// </summary>
void End();
/// <summary>
/// Method called at the end of the formatting.
/// </summary>
void End();

View File

@ -10,42 +10,41 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"bq" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class BlockQuoteFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"bq" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class BlockQuoteFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
public BlockQuoteFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public BlockQuoteFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.Write("<blockquote" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("blockquote") + "><p>");
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.Write("<blockquote" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("blockquote") + "><p>");
public override void Exit()
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*$"))
return true;
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<br />");
return false;
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*$"))
return true;
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<br />");
return false;
public override Type FallbackFormattingState
get { return null; }
public override Type FallbackFormattingState
get { return null; }

View File

@ -1,78 +1,77 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
[FormatterState(@"^\s*<code" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + ">")]
public class CodeFormatterState : FormatterState
[FormatterState(@"^\s*<code" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + ">")]
public class CodeFormatterState : FormatterState
private bool _shouldExitNextTime = false;
private bool _shouldFixHtmlEntities = false;
public CodeFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
bool m_shouldExitNextTime = false;
bool m_shouldFixHtmlEntities = false;
public CodeFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
if (!Regex.IsMatch(input, "</code>"))
this.Formatter.ChangeState(new PassthroughFormatterState(this.Formatter));
return input;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return true;
public override void Enter()
m_shouldFixHtmlEntities = false;
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
if (m_shouldFixHtmlEntities)
input = FixEntities(input);
m_shouldFixHtmlEntities = true;
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (m_shouldExitNextTime)
return true;
m_shouldExitNextTime = Regex.IsMatch(input, @"</code>");
m_shouldFixHtmlEntities = !m_shouldExitNextTime;
return false;
public override bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
return false;
private string FixEntities(string text)
// de-entify any remaining angle brackets or ampersands
text = text.Replace("&", "&amp;");
text = text.Replace(">", "&gt;");
text = text.Replace("<", "&lt;");
//Regex.Replace(text, @"\b&([#a-z0-9]+;)", "x%x%");
return text;
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
if (!Regex.IsMatch(input, "</code>"))
this.Formatter.ChangeState(new PassthroughFormatterState(this.Formatter));
return input;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return true;
public override void Enter()
_shouldFixHtmlEntities = false;
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
if (_shouldFixHtmlEntities)
input = FixEntities(input);
_shouldFixHtmlEntities = true;
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (_shouldExitNextTime)
return true;
_shouldExitNextTime = Regex.IsMatch(input, @"</code>");
_shouldFixHtmlEntities = !_shouldExitNextTime;
return false;
public override bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
return false;
private string FixEntities(string text)
// de-entify any remaining angle brackets or ampersands
text = text.Replace("&", "&amp;");
text = text.Replace(">", "&gt;");
text = text.Replace("<", "&lt;");
//Regex.Replace(text, @"\b&([#a-z0-9]+;)", "x%x%");
return text;

View File

@ -11,50 +11,49 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"fn[0-9]+" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class FootNoteFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"fn[0-9]+" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class FootNoteFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
private int _noteID = 0;
public FootNoteFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
int m_noteID = 0;
public FootNoteFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override void Enter()
string.Format("<p id=\"fn{0}\"{1}><sup>{2}</sup> ",
public override void Enter()
string.Format("<p id=\"fn{0}\"{1}><sup>{2}</sup> ",
public override void Exit()
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
return true;
protected override void OnContextAcquired()
var m = Regex.Match(Tag, @"^fn(?<id>[0-9]+)");
_noteID = int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value);
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
return true;
protected override void OnContextAcquired()
var m = Regex.Match(Tag, @"^fn(?<id>[0-9]+)");
m_noteID = int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value);
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;

View File

@ -11,95 +11,94 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"pad[0-9]+" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class PaddingFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"pad[0-9]+" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class PaddingFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
public PaddingFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
public PaddingFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
public int HeaderLevel { get; private set; } = 0;
public override void Enter()
for (var i = 0; i < HeaderLevel; i++)
public int HeaderLevel { get; private set; } = 0;
public override void Enter()
for (var i = 0; i < HeaderLevel; i++)
Formatter.Output.Write($"<br {FormattedStylesAndAlignment("br")}/>");
public override void Exit()
protected override void OnContextAcquired()
var m = Regex.Match(Tag, @"^pad(?<lvl>[0-9]+)");
HeaderLevel = int.Parse(m.Groups["lvl"].Value);
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override bool ShouldExit(string intput)
return true;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
Formatter.Output.Write($"<br {FormattedStylesAndAlignment("br")}/>");
/// <summary>
/// Formatting state for headers and titles.
/// </summary>
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"h[0-9]+" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class HeaderFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
public override void Exit()
public int HeaderLevel { get; private set; } = 0;
public HeaderFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
protected override void OnContextAcquired()
var m = Regex.Match(Tag, @"^pad(?<lvl>[0-9]+)");
HeaderLevel = int.Parse(m.Groups["lvl"].Value);
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.Write("<h" + HeaderLevel + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("h" + HeaderLevel) + ">");
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override void Exit()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("</h" + HeaderLevel + ">");
public override bool ShouldExit(string intput)
return true;
protected override void OnContextAcquired()
var m = Regex.Match(Tag, @"^h(?<lvl>[0-9]+)");
HeaderLevel = int.Parse(m.Groups["lvl"].Value);
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override bool ShouldExit(string intput)
return true;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Formatting state for headers and titles.
/// </summary>
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"h[0-9]+" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class HeaderFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
public int HeaderLevel { get; private set; } = 0;
public HeaderFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.Write("<h" + HeaderLevel + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("h" + HeaderLevel) + ">");
public override void Exit()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("</h" + HeaderLevel + ">");
protected override void OnContextAcquired()
var m = Regex.Match(Tag, @"^h(?<lvl>[0-9]+)");
HeaderLevel = int.Parse(m.Groups["lvl"].Value);
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override bool ShouldExit(string intput)
return true;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;

View File

@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ namespace Textile.States
internal const string PatternBegin = @"^\s*(?<tag>";
internal const string PatternEnd = @")" + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"(?:\s+)? (?<content>.*)$";
private bool m_firstItem = true;
private bool m_firstItemLine = true;
private string m_tag;
private string m_attsInfo;
private string m_alignInfo;
private bool _firstItem = true;
private bool _firstItemLine = true;
private string _tag;
private string _attsInfo;
private string _alignInfo;
protected int NestingDepth
get { return m_tag.Length; }
get { return _tag.Length; }
protected ListFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ namespace Textile.States
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
m_tag = m.Groups["tag"].Value;
m_alignInfo = m.Groups["align"].Value;
m_attsInfo = m.Groups["atts"].Value;
_tag = m.Groups["tag"].Value;
_alignInfo = m.Groups["align"].Value;
_attsInfo = m.Groups["atts"].Value;
input = m.Groups["content"].Value;
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ namespace Textile.States
public sealed override void Enter()
m_firstItem = true;
m_firstItemLine = true;
_firstItem = true;
_firstItemLine = true;
@ -64,19 +64,19 @@ namespace Textile.States
public sealed override void FormatLine(string input)
if (m_firstItemLine)
if (_firstItemLine)
if (!m_firstItem)
if (!_firstItem)
Formatter.Output.Write("<li " + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("li") + ">");
m_firstItemLine = false;
_firstItemLine = false;
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<br />");
m_firstItem = false;
_firstItem = false;
public sealed override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace Textile.States
// previously (no "**" or "##" tags), or if it's
// a new list item.
if (IsMatchForMe(input, NestingDepth, NestingDepth))
m_firstItemLine = true;
_firstItemLine = true;
return false;
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ namespace Textile.States
protected string FormattedStylesAndAlignment(string element)
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m_alignInfo + m_attsInfo, element);
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(_alignInfo + _attsInfo, element);

View File

@ -1,64 +1,63 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
public class NoTextileFormatterState : FormatterState
public class NoTextileFormatterState : FormatterState
private bool _shouldExitNextTime = false;
public NoTextileFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
bool m_shouldExitNextTime = false;
public NoTextileFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
return string.Empty;
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
return string.Empty;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override void Enter()
public override void Enter()
public override void Exit()
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
if (!_shouldExitNextTime)
public override void FormatLine(string input)
if (!m_shouldExitNextTime)
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (_shouldExitNextTime)
return true;
_shouldExitNextTime = Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*</notextile>\s*$");
return false;
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (m_shouldExitNextTime)
return true;
m_shouldExitNextTime = Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*</notextile>\s*$");
return false;
public override bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
public override Type FallbackFormattingState
return false;
public override Type FallbackFormattingState
return null;
return null;

View File

@ -11,37 +11,36 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
/// <summary>
/// Formatting state for a numbered list.
/// </summary>
[FormatterState(ListFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"#+" + ListFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class OrderedListFormatterState : ListFormatterState
/// <summary>
/// Formatting state for a numbered list.
/// </summary>
[FormatterState(ListFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"#+" + ListFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class OrderedListFormatterState : ListFormatterState
public OrderedListFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
public OrderedListFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
protected override void WriteIndent()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<ol" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("ol") + ">");
protected override void WriteIndent()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<ol" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("ol") + ">");
protected override void WriteOutdent()
protected override void WriteOutdent()
protected override bool IsMatchForMe(string input, int minNestingDepth, int maxNestingDepth)
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*([\*#]{" + (minNestingDepth - 1) + @"," + (maxNestingDepth - 1) + @"})#" + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\s");
protected override bool IsMatchForMe(string input, int minNestingDepth, int maxNestingDepth)
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*([\*#]{" + (minNestingDepth - 1) + @"," + (maxNestingDepth - 1) + @"})#" + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\s");
protected override bool IsMatchForOthers(string input, int minNestingDepth, int maxNestingDepth)
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*([\*#]{" + (minNestingDepth - 1) + @"," + (maxNestingDepth - 1) + @"})\*" + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\s");
protected override bool IsMatchForOthers(string input, int minNestingDepth, int maxNestingDepth)
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*([\*#]{" + (minNestingDepth - 1) + @"," + (maxNestingDepth - 1) + @"})\*" + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\s");

View File

@ -10,45 +10,44 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
/// <summary>
/// Formatting state for a standard text (i.e. just paragraphs).
/// </summary>
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"p" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class ParagraphFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
/// <summary>
/// Formatting state for a standard text (i.e. just paragraphs).
/// </summary>
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"p" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class ParagraphFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
public ParagraphFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public ParagraphFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.Write("<p" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("p") + ">");
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.Write("<p" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("p") + ">");
public override void Exit()
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*$"))
return true;
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<br />");
return false;
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*$"))
return true;
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<br />");
return false;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;

View File

@ -1,40 +1,39 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
[FormatterState(@"^\s*<(h[0-9]|p|pre|blockquote)" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + ">")]
public class PassthroughFormatterState : FormatterState
[FormatterState(@"^\s*<(h[0-9]|p|pre|blockquote)" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + ">")]
public class PassthroughFormatterState : FormatterState
public PassthroughFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public PassthroughFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
return input;
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
return input;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override void Enter()
public override void Enter()
public override void Exit()
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
return true;
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
return true;

View File

@ -1,59 +1,58 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"bc" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class PreCodeFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
[FormatterState(SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"bc" + SimpleBlockFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class PreCodeFormatterState : SimpleBlockFormatterState
public PreCodeFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
public PreCodeFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
public override void Enter()
public override void Enter()
public override void Exit()
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override void FormatLine(string input)
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*$"))
return true;
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<br />");
return false;
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*$"))
return true;
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<br />");
return false;
public override bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
return false;
private string FixEntities(string text)
// de-entify any remaining angle brackets or ampersands
text = text.Replace("&", "&amp;");
text = text.Replace(">", "&gt;");
text = text.Replace("<", "&lt;");
//Regex.Replace(text, @"\b&([#a-z0-9]+;)", "x%x%");
return text;
private string FixEntities(string text)
// de-entify any remaining angle brackets or ampersands
text = text.Replace("&", "&amp;");
text = text.Replace(">", "&gt;");
text = text.Replace("<", "&lt;");
//Regex.Replace(text, @"\b&([#a-z0-9]+;)", "x%x%");
return text;

View File

@ -1,75 +1,74 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
[FormatterState(@"^\s*<pre" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + ">")]
public class PreFormatterState : FormatterState
[FormatterState(@"^\s*<pre" + Globals.HtmlAttributesPattern + ">")]
public class PreFormatterState : FormatterState
private bool _shouldExitNextTime = false;
private int _fakeNestingDepth = 0;
public PreFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
bool m_shouldExitNextTime = false;
int m_fakeNestingDepth = 0;
public PreFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
if (!Regex.IsMatch(input, "</pre>"))
this.Formatter.ChangeState(new PassthroughFormatterState(this.Formatter));
return input;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override void Enter()
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, "<pre>"))
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (m_shouldExitNextTime)
return true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, @"</pre>"))
if (m_fakeNestingDepth <= 0)
m_shouldExitNextTime = true;
return false;
public override bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
// Only allow a child formatting state for <code> tag.
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*<code");
public override Type FallbackFormattingState
get { return null; }
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
if (!Regex.IsMatch(input, "</pre>"))
this.Formatter.ChangeState(new PassthroughFormatterState(this.Formatter));
return input;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override void Enter()
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, "<pre>"))
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
if (_shouldExitNextTime)
return true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(input, @"</pre>"))
if (_fakeNestingDepth <= 0)
_shouldExitNextTime = true;
return false;
public override bool ShouldFormatBlocks(string input)
return false;
public override bool ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(string input)
// Only allow a child formatting state for <code> tag.
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*<code");
public override Type FallbackFormattingState
get { return null; }

View File

@ -1,64 +1,63 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
public abstract class SimpleBlockFormatterState : FormatterState
public abstract class SimpleBlockFormatterState : FormatterState
internal const string PatternBegin = @"^\s*(?<tag>";
internal const string PatternEnd = @")" + Globals.AlignPattern + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\.(?:\s+)?(?<content>.*)$";
public string Tag { get; private set; } = null;
public string AlignInfo { get; private set; } = null;
public string AttInfo { get; private set; } = null;
protected SimpleBlockFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
internal const string PatternBegin = @"^\s*(?<tag>";
internal const string PatternEnd = @")" + Globals.AlignPattern + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\.(?:\s+)?(?<content>.*)$";
public string Tag { get; private set; } = null;
public string AlignInfo { get; private set; } = null;
public string AttInfo { get; private set; } = null;
protected SimpleBlockFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
Tag = m.Groups["tag"].Value;
AlignInfo = m.Groups["align"].Value;
AttInfo = m.Groups["atts"].Value;
input = m.Groups["content"].Value;
return input;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
var blockFormatterState = (SimpleBlockFormatterState)other;
return blockFormatterState.Tag != Tag ||
blockFormatterState.AlignInfo != AlignInfo ||
blockFormatterState.AttInfo != AttInfo;
protected virtual void OnContextAcquired()
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected string FormattedAlignment()
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(AlignInfo);
protected string FormattedStyles(string element)
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(AttInfo, element);
protected string FormattedStylesAndAlignment(string element)
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(AlignInfo + AttInfo, element);
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
Tag = m.Groups["tag"].Value;
AlignInfo = m.Groups["align"].Value;
AttInfo = m.Groups["atts"].Value;
input = m.Groups["content"].Value;
return input;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
var blockFormatterState = (SimpleBlockFormatterState)other;
return blockFormatterState.Tag != Tag ||
blockFormatterState.AlignInfo != AlignInfo ||
blockFormatterState.AttInfo != AttInfo;
protected virtual void OnContextAcquired()
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected string FormattedAlignment()
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(AlignInfo);
protected string FormattedStyles(string element)
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(AttInfo, element);
protected string FormattedStylesAndAlignment(string element)
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(AlignInfo + AttInfo, element);

View File

@ -1,45 +1,44 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
public class TableCellParser
public class TableCellParser
readonly string _lineFragment;
public TableCellParser(string input)
readonly string m_lineFragment;
public TableCellParser(string input)
m_lineFragment = input;
public string GetLineFragmentFormatting()
var htmlTag = "td";
var m = Regex.Match(m_lineFragment,
@"^((?<head>_?)" +
Globals.SpanPattern +
Globals.AlignPattern +
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern +
@"(?<dot>\.)\s?)?" +
if (!m.Success)
throw new Exception("Couldn't parse table cell.");
if (m.Groups["head"].Value == "_")
htmlTag = "th";
//string opts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["span"].Value, "td") +
// BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["align"].Value, "td") +
// BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "td");
var opts = Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["span"].Value + m.Groups["align"].Value + m.Groups["atts"].Value, "td");
var res = "<" + htmlTag + opts + ">";
// It may be possible the user actually intended to have a dot at the beginning of
// this cell's text, without any formatting (header tag or options).
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(opts) && htmlTag == "td" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["dot"].Value))
res += ".";
res += m.Groups["content"].Value;
res += "</" + htmlTag + ">";
return res;
_lineFragment = input;
public string GetLineFragmentFormatting()
var htmlTag = "td";
var m = Regex.Match(_lineFragment,
@"^((?<head>_?)" +
Globals.SpanPattern +
Globals.AlignPattern +
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern +
@"(?<dot>\.)\s?)?" +
if (!m.Success)
throw new Exception("Couldn't parse table cell.");
if (m.Groups["head"].Value == "_")
htmlTag = "th";
//string opts = BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["span"].Value, "td") +
// BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["align"].Value, "td") +
// BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["atts"].Value, "td");
var opts = Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m.Groups["span"].Value + m.Groups["align"].Value + m.Groups["atts"].Value, "td");
var res = "<" + htmlTag + opts + ">";
// It may be possible the user actually intended to have a dot at the beginning of
// this cell's text, without any formatting (header tag or options).
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(opts) && htmlTag == "td" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["dot"].Value))
res += ".";
res += m.Groups["content"].Value;
res += "</" + htmlTag + ">";
return res;

View File

@ -1,65 +1,64 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
[FormatterState(@"^\s*(?<tag>table)" +
Globals.SpanPattern +
Globals.AlignPattern +
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern +
public class TableFormatterState : FormatterState
[FormatterState(@"^\s*(?<tag>table)" +
Globals.SpanPattern +
Globals.AlignPattern +
Globals.BlockModifiersPattern +
public class TableFormatterState : FormatterState
private string _attsInfo;
private string _alignInfo;
public TableFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
private string m_attsInfo;
private string m_alignInfo;
public TableFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
_alignInfo = m.Groups["align"].Value;
_attsInfo = m.Groups["atts"].Value;
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
m_alignInfo = m.Groups["align"].Value;
m_attsInfo = m.Groups["atts"].Value;
//TODO: check the state (it could already be a table!)
//TODO: check the state (it could already be a table!)
return string.Empty;
return string.Empty;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<table" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment() + ">");
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<table" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment() + ">");
public override void Exit()
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
if (input.Length > 0)
throw new Exception("The TableFormatter state is not supposed to format any lines!");
public override void FormatLine(string input)
if (input.Length > 0)
throw new Exception("The TableFormatter state is not supposed to format any lines!");
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
var m = Regex.Match(input,
@"^\s*" + Globals.AlignPattern + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern +
@"(\.\s?)?(?<tag>\|)" +
return !m.Success;
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
var m = Regex.Match(input,
@"^\s*" + Globals.AlignPattern + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern +
@"(\.\s?)?(?<tag>\|)" +
return !m.Success;
protected string FormattedStylesAndAlignment()
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m_alignInfo + m_attsInfo);
protected string FormattedStylesAndAlignment()
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(_alignInfo + _attsInfo);

View File

@ -1,73 +1,72 @@
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
[FormatterState(@"^\s*(" + Globals.AlignPattern + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\.\s?)?" +
public class TableRowFormatterState : FormatterState
[FormatterState(@"^\s*(" + Globals.AlignPattern + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\.\s?)?" +
public class TableRowFormatterState : FormatterState
private string _attsInfo;
private string _alignInfo;
public TableRowFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
private string m_attsInfo;
private string m_alignInfo;
public TableRowFormatterState(TextileFormatter f)
: base(f)
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
m_alignInfo = m.Groups["align"].Value;
m_attsInfo = m.Groups["atts"].Value;
input = "|" + m.Groups["content"].Value + "|";
if (!(this.Formatter.CurrentState is TableFormatterState))
var s = new TableFormatterState(this.Formatter);
return input;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<tr" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment() + ">");
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
// can get: Align & Classes
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var cellsInput = input.Split('|');
for (var i = 1; i < cellsInput.Length - 1; i++)
var cellInput = cellsInput[i];
var tcp = new TableCellParser(cellInput);
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
return true;
protected string FormattedStylesAndAlignment()
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(m_alignInfo + m_attsInfo);
public override string Consume(string input, Match m)
_alignInfo = m.Groups["align"].Value;
_attsInfo = m.Groups["atts"].Value;
input = "|" + m.Groups["content"].Value + "|";
if (!(this.Formatter.CurrentState is TableFormatterState))
var s = new TableFormatterState(this.Formatter);
return input;
public override bool ShouldNestState(FormatterState other)
return false;
public override void Enter()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<tr" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment() + ">");
public override void Exit()
public override void FormatLine(string input)
// can get: Align & Classes
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var cellsInput = input.Split('|');
for (var i = 1; i < cellsInput.Length - 1; i++)
var cellInput = cellsInput[i];
var tcp = new TableCellParser(cellInput);
public override bool ShouldExit(string input)
return true;
protected string FormattedStylesAndAlignment()
return Blocks.BlockAttributesParser.ParseBlockAttributes(_alignInfo + _attsInfo);

View File

@ -10,37 +10,36 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile.States
namespace Textile.States;
/// <summary>
/// Formatting state for a bulleted list.
/// </summary>
[FormatterState(ListFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"\*+" + ListFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class UnorderedListFormatterState : ListFormatterState
/// <summary>
/// Formatting state for a bulleted list.
/// </summary>
[FormatterState(ListFormatterState.PatternBegin + @"\*+" + ListFormatterState.PatternEnd)]
public class UnorderedListFormatterState : ListFormatterState
public UnorderedListFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
public UnorderedListFormatterState(TextileFormatter formatter)
: base(formatter)
protected override void WriteIndent()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<ul" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("ul") + ">");
protected override void WriteOutdent()
protected override bool IsMatchForMe(string input, int minNestingDepth, int maxNestingDepth)
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*[\*]{" + minNestingDepth + @"," + maxNestingDepth + @"}" + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\s");
protected override bool IsMatchForOthers(string input, int minNestingDepth, int maxNestingDepth)
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*[#]{" + minNestingDepth + @"," + maxNestingDepth + @"}" + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\s");
protected override void WriteIndent()
Formatter.Output.WriteLine("<ul" + FormattedStylesAndAlignment("ul") + ">");
protected override void WriteOutdent()
protected override bool IsMatchForMe(string input, int minNestingDepth, int maxNestingDepth)
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*[\*]{" + minNestingDepth + @"," + maxNestingDepth + @"}" + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\s");
protected override bool IsMatchForOthers(string input, int minNestingDepth, int maxNestingDepth)
return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\s*[#]{" + minNestingDepth + @"," + maxNestingDepth + @"}" + Globals.BlockModifiersPattern + @"\s");

View File

@ -11,42 +11,41 @@
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
public class StringBuilderTextileFormatter : IOutputter
public class StringBuilderTextileFormatter : IOutputter
private StringBuilder _stringBuilder = null;
public StringBuilderTextileFormatter()
StringBuilder m_stringBuilder = null;
public StringBuilderTextileFormatter()
public string GetFormattedText()
return m_stringBuilder.ToString();
#region IOutputter Members
public void Begin()
m_stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
public void End()
public void Write(string text)
public void WriteLine(string line)
public string GetFormattedText()
return _stringBuilder.ToString();
#region IOutputter Members
public void Begin()
_stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
public void End()
public void Write(string text)
public void WriteLine(string line)

View File

@ -1,28 +1,26 @@
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
public class StyleReader
public class StyleReader
private readonly Regex _styleParser = new Regex(@"(?<selector>[^\{]+)(?<style>[^\}]+)");
private readonly Regex _minimizer = new Regex(@";\s+");
private readonly System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary _tagStyler = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary();
public StyleReader(string styles)
private readonly Regex _styleParser = new Regex(@"(?<selector>[^\{]+)(?<style>[^\}]+)");
private readonly Regex _minimizer = new Regex(@";\s+");
private readonly System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary _tagStyler = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary();
public StyleReader(string styles)
//Read it
var matches = _styleParser.Matches(styles.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, ""));
foreach (Match match in matches)
//Read it
var matches = _styleParser.Matches(styles.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, ""));
foreach (Match match in matches)
if (match.Success)
if (match.Success)
_tagStyler.Add(match.Groups["selector"].Value.Trim('{', '}', ' '), _minimizer.Replace(match.Groups["style"].Value.Trim('{', '}', ' '), ";"));
_tagStyler.Add(match.Groups["selector"].Value.Trim('{', '}', ' '), _minimizer.Replace(match.Groups["style"].Value.Trim('{', '}', ' '), ";"));
public string GetStyle(string tag)
return _tagStyler[tag];
public string GetStyle(string tag)
return _tagStyler[tag];

View File

@ -12,160 +12,159 @@
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
/// <summary>
/// Class for formatting Textile input into HTML.
/// </summary>
/// This class takes raw Textile text and sends the
/// formatted, ready to display HTML string to the
/// outputter defined in the constructor of the
/// class.
public partial class TextileFormatter
/// <summary>
/// Class for formatting Textile input into HTML.
/// </summary>
/// This class takes raw Textile text and sends the
/// formatted, ready to display HTML string to the
/// outputter defined in the constructor of the
/// class.
public partial class TextileFormatter
static TextileFormatter()
static TextileFormatter()
RegisterBlockModifier(new NoTextileBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new CodeBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new PreBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new HyperLinkBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new ImageBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new GlyphBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new EmphasisPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new StrongPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new ItalicPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new BoldPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new CitePhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new DeletedPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new InsertedPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new SuperScriptPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new SubScriptPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new SpanPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new FootNoteReferenceBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new NoTextileBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new CodeBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new PreBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new HyperLinkBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new ImageBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new GlyphBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new EmphasisPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new StrongPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new ItalicPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new BoldPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new CitePhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new DeletedPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new InsertedPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new SuperScriptPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new SubScriptPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new SpanPhraseBlockModifier());
RegisterBlockModifier(new FootNoteReferenceBlockModifier());
//TODO: capitals block modifier
/// <summary>
/// Public constructor, where the formatter is hooked up
/// to an outputter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="output">The outputter to be used.</param>
public TextileFormatter(IOutputter output)
Output = output;
#region Properties for Output
/// <summary>
/// The ouputter to which the formatted text
/// is sent to.
/// </summary>
public IOutputter Output { get; } = null;
/// <summary>
/// The offset for the header tags.
/// </summary>
/// When the formatted text is inserted into another page
/// there might be a need to offset all headers (h1 becomes
/// h4, for instance). The header offset allows this.
public int HeaderOffset { get; set; } = 0;
#region Properties for Conversion
public bool FormatImages
get { return IsBlockModifierEnabled(typeof(ImageBlockModifier)); }
set { SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(ImageBlockModifier), value); }
public bool FormatLinks
get { return IsBlockModifierEnabled(typeof(HyperLinkBlockModifier)); }
set { SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(HyperLinkBlockModifier), value); }
public bool FormatLists
get { return IsBlockModifierEnabled(typeof(OrderedListFormatterState)); }
SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(OrderedListFormatterState), value);
SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(UnorderedListFormatterState), value);
public bool FormatFootNotes
get { return IsBlockModifierEnabled(typeof(FootNoteReferenceBlockModifier)); }
SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(FootNoteReferenceBlockModifier), value);
SwitchFormatterState(typeof(FootNoteFormatterState), value);
public bool FormatTables
get { return IsFormatterStateEnabled(typeof(TableFormatterState)); }
SwitchFormatterState(typeof(TableFormatterState), value);
SwitchFormatterState(typeof(TableRowFormatterState), value);
/// <summary>
/// Attribute to add to all links.
/// </summary>
public string Rel { get; set; } = string.Empty;
#region Utility Methods
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for quickly formatting a text without having
/// to create a TextileFormatter with an IOutputter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The string to format</param>
/// <returns>The formatted version of the string</returns>
public static string FormatString(string input)
var s = new StringBuilderTextileFormatter();
var f = new TextileFormatter(s);
return s.GetFormattedText();
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for formatting a text with a given outputter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The string to format</param>
/// <param name="outputter">The IOutputter to use</param>
public static void FormatString(string input, IOutputter outputter)
var f = new TextileFormatter(outputter);
//TODO: capitals block modifier
/// <summary>
/// Public constructor, where the formatter is hooked up
/// to an outputter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="output">The outputter to be used.</param>
public TextileFormatter(IOutputter output)
Output = output;
#region Properties for Output
/// <summary>
/// The ouputter to which the formatted text
/// is sent to.
/// </summary>
public IOutputter Output { get; } = null;
/// <summary>
/// The offset for the header tags.
/// </summary>
/// When the formatted text is inserted into another page
/// there might be a need to offset all headers (h1 becomes
/// h4, for instance). The header offset allows this.
public int HeaderOffset { get; set; } = 0;
#region Properties for Conversion
public bool FormatImages
get { return IsBlockModifierEnabled(typeof(ImageBlockModifier)); }
set { SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(ImageBlockModifier), value); }
public bool FormatLinks
get { return IsBlockModifierEnabled(typeof(HyperLinkBlockModifier)); }
set { SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(HyperLinkBlockModifier), value); }
public bool FormatLists
get { return IsBlockModifierEnabled(typeof(OrderedListFormatterState)); }
SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(OrderedListFormatterState), value);
SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(UnorderedListFormatterState), value);
public bool FormatFootNotes
get { return IsBlockModifierEnabled(typeof(FootNoteReferenceBlockModifier)); }
SwitchBlockModifier(typeof(FootNoteReferenceBlockModifier), value);
SwitchFormatterState(typeof(FootNoteFormatterState), value);
public bool FormatTables
get { return IsFormatterStateEnabled(typeof(TableFormatterState)); }
SwitchFormatterState(typeof(TableFormatterState), value);
SwitchFormatterState(typeof(TableRowFormatterState), value);
/// <summary>
/// Attribute to add to all links.
/// </summary>
public string Rel { get; set; } = string.Empty;
#region Utility Methods
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for quickly formatting a text without having
/// to create a TextileFormatter with an IOutputter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The string to format</param>
/// <returns>The formatted version of the string</returns>
public static string FormatString(string input)
var s = new StringBuilderTextileFormatter();
var f = new TextileFormatter(s);
return s.GetFormattedText();
/// <summary>
/// Utility method for formatting a text with a given outputter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The string to format</param>
/// <param name="outputter">The IOutputter to use</param>
public static void FormatString(string input, IOutputter outputter)
var f = new TextileFormatter(outputter);

View File

@ -11,40 +11,39 @@
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
public partial class TextileFormatter
public partial class TextileFormatter
#region Block Modifiers Registration
private static readonly List<BlockModifier> _blockModifiers = new List<BlockModifier>();
private static readonly List<Type> _blockModifiersTypes = new List<Type>();
public static void RegisterBlockModifier(BlockModifier blockModifer)
#region Block Modifiers Registration
private static readonly List<BlockModifier> s_blockModifiers = new List<BlockModifier>();
private static readonly List<Type> s_blockModifiersTypes = new List<Type>();
public static void RegisterBlockModifier(BlockModifier blockModifer)
#region Block Modifiers Management
private readonly List<Type> m_disabledBlockModifiers = new List<Type>();
public bool IsBlockModifierEnabled(Type type)
return !m_disabledBlockModifiers.Contains(type);
public void SwitchBlockModifier(Type type, bool onOff)
if (onOff)
else if (!m_disabledBlockModifiers.Contains(type))
#region Block Modifiers Management
private readonly List<Type> _disabledBlockModifiers = new List<Type>();
public bool IsBlockModifierEnabled(Type type)
return !_disabledBlockModifiers.Contains(type);
public void SwitchBlockModifier(Type type, bool onOff)
if (onOff)
else if (!_disabledBlockModifiers.Contains(type))

View File

@ -11,108 +11,107 @@
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
public partial class TextileFormatter
public partial class TextileFormatter
private readonly Regex _velocityArguments =
new Regex("nostyle(?<arg>.*?)/nostyle", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
private string ArgMatchReplace(Match match)
private readonly Regex VelocityArguments =
new Regex("nostyle(?<arg>.*?)/nostyle", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
return match.Result("${arg}");
private string ArgMatchReplace(Match match)
#region Formatting Methods
/// <summary>
/// Formats the given text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The text to format.</param>
public void Format(string input)
// Clean the text...
var str = PrepareInputForFormatting(input);
// ...and format each line.
foreach (var line in str.Split('\n'))
return match.Result("${arg}");
var tmp = line;
#region Formatting Methods
/// <summary>
/// Formats the given text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The text to format.</param>
public void Format(string input)
// Clean the text...
var str = PrepareInputForFormatting(input);
// ...and format each line.
foreach (var line in str.Split('\n'))
var tmp = line;
// Let's see if the current state(s) is(are) finished...
while (CurrentState != null && CurrentState.ShouldExit(tmp))
if (!Regex.IsMatch(tmp, @"^\s*$"))
// Figure out the new state for this text line, if possible.
if (CurrentState == null || CurrentState.ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(tmp))
tmp = HandleFormattingState(tmp);
// else, the current state doesn't want to be superceded by
// a new one. We'll leave him be.
// Modify the line with our block modifiers.
if (CurrentState == null || CurrentState.ShouldFormatBlocks(tmp))
foreach (var blockModifier in s_blockModifiers)
//TODO: if not disabled...
tmp = blockModifier.ModifyLine(tmp);
for (var i = s_blockModifiers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var blockModifier = s_blockModifiers[i];
tmp = blockModifier.Conclude(tmp);
tmp = VelocityArguments.Replace(tmp, ArgMatchReplace);
// Format the current line.
// We're done. There might be a few states still on
// the stack (for example if the text ends with a nested
// list), so we must pop them all so that they have
// their "Exit" method called correctly.
while (m_stackOfStates.Count > 0)
// Let's see if the current state(s) is(are) finished...
while (CurrentState != null && CurrentState.ShouldExit(tmp))
if (!Regex.IsMatch(tmp, @"^\s*$"))
// Figure out the new state for this text line, if possible.
if (CurrentState == null || CurrentState.ShouldParseForNewFormatterState(tmp))
tmp = HandleFormattingState(tmp);
// else, the current state doesn't want to be superceded by
// a new one. We'll leave him be.
// Modify the line with our block modifiers.
if (CurrentState == null || CurrentState.ShouldFormatBlocks(tmp))
foreach (var blockModifier in _blockModifiers)
//TODO: if not disabled...
tmp = blockModifier.ModifyLine(tmp);
for (var i = _blockModifiers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var blockModifier = _blockModifiers[i];
tmp = blockModifier.Conclude(tmp);
tmp = _velocityArguments.Replace(tmp, ArgMatchReplace);
// Format the current line.
// We're done. There might be a few states still on
// the stack (for example if the text ends with a nested
// list), so we must pop them all so that they have
// their "Exit" method called correctly.
while (_stackOfStates.Count > 0)
#region Preparation Methods
/// <summary>
/// Cleans up a text before formatting.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The text to clean up.</param>
/// <returns>The clean text.</returns>
/// This method cleans stuff like line endings, so that
/// we don't have to bother with it while formatting.
private string PrepareInputForFormatting(string input)
input = CleanWhiteSpace(input);
return input;
private string CleanWhiteSpace(string text)
text = text.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
text = text.Replace("\t", "");
text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\n{3,}", "\n\n");
text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\n *\n", "\n\n");
text = Regex.Replace(text, "\"$", "\" ");
return text;
#region Preparation Methods
/// <summary>
/// Cleans up a text before formatting.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The text to clean up.</param>
/// <returns>The clean text.</returns>
/// This method cleans stuff like line endings, so that
/// we don't have to bother with it while formatting.
private string PrepareInputForFormatting(string input)
input = CleanWhiteSpace(input);
return input;
private string CleanWhiteSpace(string text)
text = text.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
text = text.Replace("\t", "");
text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\n{3,}", "\n\n");
text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\n *\n", "\n\n");
text = Regex.Replace(text, "\"$", "\" ");
return text;

View File

@ -10,144 +10,142 @@
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
namespace Textile
namespace Textile;
public partial class TextileFormatter
public partial class TextileFormatter
#region State Registration
private static readonly List<Type> _registeredStates = new List<Type>();
private static readonly List<FormatterStateAttribute> _registeredStatesAttributes = new List<FormatterStateAttribute>();
public static void RegisterFormatterState(Type formatterStateType)
#region State Registration
if (!formatterStateType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(FormatterState)))
throw new ArgumentException("The formatter state must be a sub-public class of FormatterStateBase.");
private static readonly List<Type> s_registeredStates = new List<Type>();
private static readonly List<FormatterStateAttribute> s_registeredStatesAttributes = new List<FormatterStateAttribute>();
if (formatterStateType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(TextileFormatter) }) == null)
throw new ArgumentException("The formatter state must have a constructor that takes a TextileFormatter reference.");
public static void RegisterFormatterState(Type formatterStateType)
if (!formatterStateType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(FormatterState)))
throw new ArgumentException("The formatter state must be a sub-public class of FormatterStateBase.");
var att = FormatterStateAttribute.Get(formatterStateType);
if (att == null)
throw new ArgumentException("The formatter state must have the FormatterStateAttribute.");
if (formatterStateType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(TextileFormatter) }) == null)
throw new ArgumentException("The formatter state must have a constructor that takes a TextileFormatter reference.");
var att = FormatterStateAttribute.Get(formatterStateType);
if (att == null)
throw new ArgumentException("The formatter state must have the FormatterStateAttribute.");
#region State Management
private readonly List<Type> m_disabledFormatterStates = new List<Type>();
private readonly Stack<FormatterState> m_stackOfStates = new Stack<FormatterState>();
private bool IsFormatterStateEnabled(Type type)
return !m_disabledFormatterStates.Contains(type);
private void SwitchFormatterState(Type type, bool onOff)
if (onOff)
else if (!m_disabledFormatterStates.Contains(type))
/// <summary>
/// Pushes a new state on the stack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">The state to push.</param>
/// The state will be entered automatically.
private void PushState(FormatterState s)
/// <summary>
/// Removes the last state from the stack.
/// </summary>
/// The state will be exited automatically.
private void PopState()
/// <summary>
/// The current state, if any.
/// </summary>
internal FormatterState CurrentState
if (m_stackOfStates.Count > 0)
return m_stackOfStates.Peek();
return null;
internal void ChangeState(FormatterState formatterState)
if (CurrentState != null && CurrentState.GetType() == formatterState.GetType())
if (!CurrentState.ShouldNestState(formatterState))
#region State Handling
/// <summary>
/// Parses the string and updates the state accordingly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The text to process.</param>
/// <returns>The text, ready for formatting.</returns>
/// This method modifies the text because it removes some
/// syntax stuff. Maybe the states themselves should handle
/// their own syntax and remove it?
private string HandleFormattingState(string input)
for (var i = 0; i < s_registeredStates.Count; i++)
var type = s_registeredStates[i];
if (IsFormatterStateEnabled(type))
var att = s_registeredStatesAttributes[i];
var m = Regex.Match(input, att.Pattern);
if (m.Success)
var formatterState = (FormatterState)Activator.CreateInstance(type, this);
return formatterState.Consume(input, m);
// Default, when no block is specified, we ask the current state, or
// use the paragraph state.
if (CurrentState != null)
if (CurrentState.FallbackFormattingState != null)
var formatterState = (FormatterState)Activator.CreateInstance(CurrentState.FallbackFormattingState, this);
// else, the current state doesn't want to be superceded by
// a new one. We'll leave him be.
ChangeState(new States.ParagraphFormatterState(this));
return input;
#region State Management
private readonly List<Type> _disabledFormatterStates = new List<Type>();
private readonly Stack<FormatterState> _stackOfStates = new Stack<FormatterState>();
private bool IsFormatterStateEnabled(Type type)
return !_disabledFormatterStates.Contains(type);
private void SwitchFormatterState(Type type, bool onOff)
if (onOff)
else if (!_disabledFormatterStates.Contains(type))
/// <summary>
/// Pushes a new state on the stack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">The state to push.</param>
/// The state will be entered automatically.
private void PushState(FormatterState s)
/// <summary>
/// Removes the last state from the stack.
/// </summary>
/// The state will be exited automatically.
private void PopState()
/// <summary>
/// The current state, if any.
/// </summary>
internal FormatterState CurrentState
if (_stackOfStates.Count > 0)
return _stackOfStates.Peek();
return null;
internal void ChangeState(FormatterState formatterState)
if (CurrentState != null && CurrentState.GetType() == formatterState.GetType())
if (!CurrentState.ShouldNestState(formatterState))
#region State Handling
/// <summary>
/// Parses the string and updates the state accordingly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The text to process.</param>
/// <returns>The text, ready for formatting.</returns>
/// This method modifies the text because it removes some
/// syntax stuff. Maybe the states themselves should handle
/// their own syntax and remove it?
private string HandleFormattingState(string input)
for (var i = 0; i < _registeredStates.Count; i++)
var type = _registeredStates[i];
if (IsFormatterStateEnabled(type))
var att = _registeredStatesAttributes[i];
var m = Regex.Match(input, att.Pattern);
if (m.Success)
var formatterState = (FormatterState)Activator.CreateInstance(type, this);
return formatterState.Consume(input, m);
// Default, when no block is specified, we ask the current state, or
// use the paragraph state.
if (CurrentState != null)
if (CurrentState.FallbackFormattingState != null)
var formatterState = (FormatterState)Activator.CreateInstance(CurrentState.FallbackFormattingState, this);
// else, the current state doesn't want to be superceded by
// a new one. We'll leave him be.
ChangeState(new States.ParagraphFormatterState(this));
return input;

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<ApplicationIcon />
<StartupObject />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

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@ -24,39 +24,37 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService.Dao
namespace ASC.VoipService.Dao;
public class AbstractDao
public class AbstractDao
private readonly string _dbid = "default";
private readonly Lazy<VoipDbContext> _lazyVoipDbContext;
protected VoipDbContext VoipDbContext { get => _lazyVoipDbContext.Value; }
protected int TenantID
private readonly string dbid = "default";
private set;
private Lazy<VoipDbContext> LazyVoipDbContext { get; }
protected VoipDbContext VoipDbContext { get => LazyVoipDbContext.Value; }
protected AbstractDao(DbContextManager<VoipDbContext> dbOptions, TenantManager tenantManager)
_lazyVoipDbContext = new Lazy<VoipDbContext>(() => dbOptions.Get(_dbid));
TenantID = tenantManager.GetCurrentTenant().Id;
protected AbstractDao(DbContextManager<VoipDbContext> dbOptions, TenantManager tenantManager)
LazyVoipDbContext = new Lazy<VoipDbContext>(() => dbOptions.Get(dbid));
TenantID = tenantManager.GetCurrentTenant().Id;
protected int TenantID
private set;
protected string GetTenantColumnName(string table)
const string tenant = "tenant_id";
if (!table.Contains(' ')) return tenant;
return table.Substring(table.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal)).Trim() + "." + tenant;
protected string GetTenantColumnName(string table)
const string tenant = "tenant_id";
if (!table.Contains(' ')) return tenant;
return table.Substring(table.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal)).Trim() + "." + tenant;
protected static Guid ToGuid(object guid)
var str = guid as string;
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? new Guid(str) : Guid.Empty;
protected static Guid ToGuid(object guid)
var str = guid as string;
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? new Guid(str) : Guid.Empty;

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2018
* This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (
* In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that
* Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display
* Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains
* relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic
* form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE"
* in every copy of the program you distribute.
* Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
namespace ASC.VoipService.Dao
public class VoipDaoCache
internal ICache Cache { get; }
private ICacheNotify<CachedVoipItem> Notify { get; }
public VoipDaoCache(ICacheNotify<CachedVoipItem> notify, ICache cache)
Cache = cache;
Notify = notify;
Notify.Subscribe((c) => Cache.Remove(CachedVoipDao.GetCacheKey(c.Tenant)), Common.Caching.CacheNotifyAction.Any);
public void ResetCache(int tenant)
Notify.Publish(new CachedVoipItem { Tenant = tenant }, Common.Caching.CacheNotifyAction.Any);
public class CachedVoipDao : VoipDao
private readonly ICache cache;
private static readonly TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
private VoipDaoCache VoipDaoCache { get; }
public CachedVoipDao(
TenantManager tenantManager,
DbContextManager<VoipDbContext> dbOptions,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility,
ConsumerFactory consumerFactory,
VoipDaoCache voipDaoCache)
: base(tenantManager, dbOptions, authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility, consumerFactory)
cache = voipDaoCache.Cache;
VoipDaoCache = voipDaoCache;
public override VoipPhone SaveOrUpdateNumber(VoipPhone phone)
var result = base.SaveOrUpdateNumber(phone);
return result;
public override void DeleteNumber(string phoneId = "")
public override IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetNumbers(params string[] ids)
var numbers = cache.Get<List<VoipPhone>>(GetCacheKey(TenantID));
if (numbers == null)
numbers = new List<VoipPhone>(base.GetAllNumbers());
cache.Insert(GetCacheKey(TenantID), numbers, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(timeout));
return ids.Length > 0 ? numbers.Where(r => ids.Contains(r.Id) || ids.Contains(r.Number)).ToList() : numbers;
public static string GetCacheKey(int tenant)
return "voip" + tenant.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

View File

@ -23,92 +23,79 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService.Dao
namespace ASC.VoipService.Dao;
public class VoipCallFilter
public class VoipCallFilter
public string Type { get; set; }
public DateTime? FromDate { get; set; }
public DateTime? ToDate { get; set; }
public Guid? Agent { get; set; }
public int? Client { get; set; }
public int? ContactID { get; set; }
public string Id { get; set; }
public string ParentId { get; set; }
public string SortBy { get; set; }
public bool SortOrder { get; set; }
public string SearchText { get; set; }
public long Offset { get; set; }
public long Max { get; set; }
public int? TypeStatus
public string Type { get; set; }
public DateTime? FromDate { get; set; }
public DateTime? ToDate { get; set; }
public Guid? Agent { get; set; }
public int? Client { get; set; }
public int? ContactID { get; set; }
public string Id { get; set; }
public string ParentId { get; set; }
public string SortBy { get; set; }
public bool SortOrder { get; set; }
public string SearchText { get; set; }
public long Offset { get; set; }
public long Max { get; set; }
public int? TypeStatus
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Type)) return null;
if (TypeStatuses.TryGetValue(Type, out var status)) return status;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Type)) return null;
if (TypeStatuses.TryGetValue(Type, out var status)) return status;
return null;
return null;
public string SortByColumn
public string SortByColumn
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SortBy)) return null;
return SortColumns.ContainsKey(SortBy) ? SortColumns[SortBy] : null;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SortBy)) return null;
return SortColumns.ContainsKey(SortBy) ? SortColumns[SortBy] : null;
private static Dictionary<string, int> TypeStatuses
private static Dictionary<string, int> TypeStatuses
return new Dictionary<string, int>
return new Dictionary<string, int>
"answered", (int)VoipCallStatus.Answered
"missed", (int)VoipCallStatus.Missed
"outgoing", (int)VoipCallStatus.Outcoming
private static Dictionary<string, string> SortColumns
return new Dictionary<string, string>
"answered", (int)VoipCallStatus.Answered
"date", "dial_date"
"duration", "dial_duration"
"price", "price"
"missed", (int)VoipCallStatus.Missed
"outgoing", (int)VoipCallStatus.Outcoming
private static Dictionary<string, string> SortColumns
return new Dictionary<string, string>
"date", "dial_date"
"duration", "dial_duration"
"price", "price"

View File

@ -23,342 +23,303 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService.Dao
namespace ASC.VoipService.Dao;
[Scope(Additional = typeof(EventTypeConverterExtension))]
public class VoipDao : AbstractDao
public class VoipDao : AbstractDao
private readonly AuthContext _authContext;
private readonly TenantUtil _tenantUtil;
private readonly SecurityContext _securityContext;
private readonly BaseCommonLinkUtility _baseCommonLinkUtility;
private readonly ConsumerFactory _consumerFactory;
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
public VoipDao(
TenantManager tenantManager,
DbContextManager<VoipDbContext> dbOptions,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility,
ConsumerFactory consumerFactory,
IMapper mapper)
: base(dbOptions, tenantManager)
public VoipDao(
TenantManager tenantManager,
DbContextManager<VoipDbContext> dbOptions,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility,
ConsumerFactory consumerFactory)
: base(dbOptions, tenantManager)
AuthContext = authContext;
TenantUtil = tenantUtil;
SecurityContext = securityContext;
BaseCommonLinkUtility = baseCommonLinkUtility;
ConsumerFactory = consumerFactory;
public virtual VoipPhone SaveOrUpdateNumber(VoipPhone phone)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(phone.Number))
phone.Number = phone.Number.TrimStart('+');
var voipNumber = new VoipNumber
Id = phone.Id,
Number = phone.Number,
Alias = phone.Alias,
Settings = phone.Settings.ToString(),
TenantId = TenantID
return phone;
public virtual void DeleteNumber(string phoneId = "")
var number = VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers.Where(r => r.Id == phoneId && r.TenantId == TenantID).FirstOrDefault();
public virtual IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetAllNumbers()
return VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers
.Where(r => r.TenantId == TenantID)
public virtual IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetNumbers(params string[] ids)
var numbers = VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers.Where(r => r.TenantId == TenantID);
if (ids.Length > 0)
numbers = numbers.Where(r => ids.Any(a => a == r.Number || a == r.Id));
return numbers.ToList().ConvertAll(ToPhone);
public VoipPhone GetNumber(string id)
return GetNumbers(id.TrimStart('+')).FirstOrDefault();
public virtual VoipPhone GetCurrentNumber()
return GetNumbers().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Caller != null);
public VoipCall SaveOrUpdateCall(VoipCall call)
var voipCall = new DbVoipCall
TenantId = TenantID,
Id = call.Id,
NumberFrom = call.From,
NumberTo = call.To,
ContactId = call.ContactId
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.ParentID))
voipCall.ParentCallId = call.ParentID;
if (call.Status.HasValue)
voipCall.Status = (int)call.Status.Value;
if (!call.AnsweredBy.Equals(Guid.Empty))
voipCall.AnsweredBy = call.AnsweredBy;
if (call.DialDate == DateTime.MinValue)
call.DialDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
voipCall.DialDate = TenantUtil.DateTimeToUtc(call.DialDate);
if (call.DialDuration > 0)
voipCall.DialDuration = call.DialDuration;
if (call.Price > decimal.Zero)
voipCall.Price = call.Price;
if (call.VoipRecord != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.VoipRecord.Id))
voipCall.RecordSid = call.VoipRecord.Id;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.VoipRecord.Uri))
voipCall.RecordUrl = call.VoipRecord.Uri;
if (call.VoipRecord.Duration != 0)
voipCall.RecordDuration = call.VoipRecord.Duration;
if (call.VoipRecord.Price != default)
voipCall.RecordPrice = call.VoipRecord.Price;
return call;
public IEnumerable<VoipCall> GetCalls(VoipCallFilter filter)
var query = GetCallsQuery(filter);
if (filter.SortByColumn != null)
query.OrderBy(filter.SortByColumn, filter.SortOrder);
query = query.Skip((int)filter.Offset);
query = query.Take((int)filter.Max * 3);
var calls = query.ToList().ConvertAll(ToCall);
calls = calls.GroupJoin(calls, call => call.Id, h => h.ParentID, (call, h) =>
return call;
}).Where(r => string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.ParentID)).ToList();
return calls;
public VoipCall GetCall(string id)
return GetCalls(new VoipCallFilter { Id = id }).FirstOrDefault();
public int GetCallsCount(VoipCallFilter filter)
return GetCallsQuery(filter).Where(r => r.DbVoipCall.ParentCallId == "").Count();
public IEnumerable<VoipCall> GetMissedCalls(Guid agent, long count = 0, DateTime? from = null)
var query = GetCallsQuery(new VoipCallFilter { Agent = agent, SortBy = "date", SortOrder = true, Type = "missed" });
if (from.HasValue)
query = query.Where(r => r.DbVoipCall.DialDate >= TenantUtil.DateTimeFromUtc(from.Value));
if (count != 0)
query = query.Take((int)count);
var a = query.Select(ca => new
dbVoipCall = ca,
tmpDate = VoipDbContext.VoipCalls
.Where(tmp => tmp.TenantId == ca.DbVoipCall.TenantId)
.Where(tmp => tmp.NumberFrom == ca.DbVoipCall.NumberFrom || tmp.NumberTo == ca.DbVoipCall.NumberFrom)
.Where(tmp => tmp.Status <= (int)VoipCallStatus.Missed)
.Max(tmp => tmp.DialDate)
}).Where(r => r.dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.DialDate >= r.tmpDate || r.tmpDate == default);
return a.ToList().ConvertAll(r => ToCall(r.dbVoipCall));
private IQueryable<CallContact> GetCallsQuery(VoipCallFilter filter)
var q = VoipDbContext.VoipCalls
.Where(r => r.TenantId == TenantID);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Id))
q = q.Where(r => r.Id == filter.Id || r.ParentCallId == filter.Id);
if (filter.ContactID.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.ContactId == filter.ContactID.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.SearchText))
q = q.Where(r => r.Id.StartsWith(filter.SearchText));
if (filter.TypeStatus.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.Status == filter.TypeStatus.Value);
if (filter.FromDate.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.DialDate >= filter.FromDate.Value);
if (filter.ToDate.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.DialDate <= filter.ToDate.Value);
if (filter.Agent.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.AnsweredBy == filter.Agent.Value);
return q
.GroupBy(r => r.Id, r => r)
r => r.FirstOrDefault().ContactId,
c => c.Id,
(call, contact) => new CallContact { DbVoipCall = call.FirstOrDefault(), CrmContact = contact })
class CallContact
public DbVoipCall DbVoipCall { get; set; }
public CrmContact CrmContact { get; set; }
#region Converters
private VoipPhone ToPhone(VoipNumber r)
return GetProvider().GetPhone(r);
private VoipCall ToCall(CallContact dbVoipCall)
var call = new VoipCall
Id = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.Id,
ParentID = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.ParentCallId,
From = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.NumberFrom,
To = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.NumberTo,
AnsweredBy = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.AnsweredBy,
DialDate = TenantUtil.DateTimeFromUtc(dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.DialDate),
DialDuration = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.DialDuration,
Price = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.Price,
Status = (VoipCallStatus)dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.Status,
VoipRecord = new VoipRecord
Id = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.RecordSid,
Uri = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.RecordUrl,
Duration = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.RecordDuration,
Price = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.RecordPrice
ContactId = dbVoipCall.CrmContact.Id,
ContactIsCompany = dbVoipCall.CrmContact.IsCompany,
if (call.ContactId != 0)
call.ContactTitle = call.ContactIsCompany
? dbVoipCall.CrmContact.CompanyName
: dbVoipCall.CrmContact.FirstName == null || dbVoipCall.CrmContact.LastName == null ? null : $"{dbVoipCall.CrmContact.FirstName} {dbVoipCall.CrmContact.LastName}";
return call;
public Consumer Consumer
get { return ConsumerFactory.GetByKey("twilio"); }
public TwilioProvider GetProvider()
return new TwilioProvider(Consumer["twilioAccountSid"], Consumer["twilioAuthToken"], AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility);
public bool ConfigSettingsExist
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Consumer["twilioAccountSid"]) &&
private AuthContext AuthContext { get; }
private TenantUtil TenantUtil { get; }
private SecurityContext SecurityContext { get; }
private BaseCommonLinkUtility BaseCommonLinkUtility { get; }
private ConsumerFactory ConsumerFactory { get; }
_authContext = authContext;
_tenantUtil = tenantUtil;
_securityContext = securityContext;
_baseCommonLinkUtility = baseCommonLinkUtility;
_consumerFactory = consumerFactory;
_mapper = mapper;
public virtual VoipPhone SaveOrUpdateNumber(VoipPhone phone)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(phone.Number))
phone.Number = phone.Number.TrimStart('+');
var voipNumber = new VoipNumber
Id = phone.Id,
Number = phone.Number,
Alias = phone.Alias,
Settings = phone.Settings.ToString(),
TenantId = TenantID
return phone;
public virtual void DeleteNumber(string phoneId = "")
var number = VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers.Where(r => r.Id == phoneId && r.TenantId == TenantID).FirstOrDefault();
public virtual IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetAllNumbers()
return VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers
.Where(r => r.TenantId == TenantID)
public virtual IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetNumbers(params string[] ids)
var numbers = VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers.Where(r => r.TenantId == TenantID);
if (ids.Length > 0)
numbers = numbers.Where(r => ids.Any(a => a == r.Number || a == r.Id));
return numbers.ToList().ConvertAll(ToPhone);
public VoipPhone GetNumber(string id)
return GetNumbers(id.TrimStart('+')).FirstOrDefault();
public virtual VoipPhone GetCurrentNumber()
return GetNumbers().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Caller != null);
public VoipCall SaveOrUpdateCall(VoipCall call)
var voipCall = new DbVoipCall
TenantId = TenantID,
Id = call.Id,
NumberFrom = call.NumberFrom,
NumberTo = call.NumberTo,
ContactId = call.ContactId
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.ParentCallId))
voipCall.ParentCallId = call.ParentCallId;
if (call.Status.HasValue)
voipCall.Status = (int)call.Status.Value;
if (!call.AnsweredBy.Equals(Guid.Empty))
voipCall.AnsweredBy = call.AnsweredBy;
if (call.DialDate == DateTime.MinValue)
call.DialDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
voipCall.DialDate = _tenantUtil.DateTimeToUtc(call.DialDate);
if (call.DialDuration > 0)
voipCall.DialDuration = call.DialDuration;
if (call.Price > decimal.Zero)
voipCall.Price = call.Price;
if (call.VoipRecord != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.VoipRecord.Sid))
voipCall.Sid = call.VoipRecord.Sid;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.VoipRecord.Uri))
voipCall.Uri = call.VoipRecord.Uri;
if (call.VoipRecord.Duration != 0)
voipCall.Duration = call.VoipRecord.Duration;
if (call.VoipRecord.Price != default)
voipCall.RecordPrice = call.VoipRecord.Price;
return call;
public IEnumerable<VoipCall> GetCalls(VoipCallFilter filter)
var query = GetCallsQuery(filter);
if (filter.SortByColumn != null)
query.OrderBy(filter.SortByColumn, filter.SortOrder);
query = query.Skip((int)filter.Offset);
query = query.Take((int)filter.Max * 3);
var calls = _mapper.Map<List<CallContact>, IEnumerable<VoipCall>>(query.ToList());
calls = calls.GroupJoin(calls, call => call.Id, h => h.ParentCallId, (call, h) =>
return call;
}).Where(r => string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.ParentCallId)).ToList();
return calls;
public VoipCall GetCall(string id)
return GetCalls(new VoipCallFilter { Id = id }).FirstOrDefault();
public int GetCallsCount(VoipCallFilter filter)
return GetCallsQuery(filter).Where(r => r.DbVoipCall.ParentCallId == "").Count();
public IEnumerable<VoipCall> GetMissedCalls(Guid agent, long count = 0, DateTime? from = null)
var query = GetCallsQuery(new VoipCallFilter { Agent = agent, SortBy = "date", SortOrder = true, Type = "missed" });
if (from.HasValue)
query = query.Where(r => r.DbVoipCall.DialDate >= _tenantUtil.DateTimeFromUtc(from.Value));
if (count != 0)
query = query.Take((int)count);
query = query.Select(ca => new
dbVoipCall = ca,
tmpDate = VoipDbContext.VoipCalls
.Where(tmp => tmp.TenantId == ca.DbVoipCall.TenantId)
.Where(tmp => tmp.NumberFrom == ca.DbVoipCall.NumberFrom || tmp.NumberTo == ca.DbVoipCall.NumberFrom)
.Where(tmp => tmp.Status <= (int)VoipCallStatus.Missed)
.Max(tmp => tmp.DialDate)
}).Where(r => r.dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.DialDate >= r.tmpDate || r.tmpDate == default)
.Select(q=> q.dbVoipCall);
return _mapper.Map<List<CallContact>, IEnumerable<VoipCall>>(query.ToList());
private IQueryable<CallContact> GetCallsQuery(VoipCallFilter filter)
var q = VoipDbContext.VoipCalls
.Where(r => r.TenantId == TenantID);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Id))
q = q.Where(r => r.Id == filter.Id || r.ParentCallId == filter.Id);
if (filter.ContactID.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.ContactId == filter.ContactID.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.SearchText))
q = q.Where(r => r.Id.StartsWith(filter.SearchText));
if (filter.TypeStatus.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.Status == filter.TypeStatus.Value);
if (filter.FromDate.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.DialDate >= filter.FromDate.Value);
if (filter.ToDate.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.DialDate <= filter.ToDate.Value);
if (filter.Agent.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.AnsweredBy == filter.Agent.Value);
return from voipCalls in q
join crmContact in VoipDbContext.CrmContact on voipCalls.ContactId equals crmContact.Id into grouping
from g in grouping.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new CallContact { DbVoipCall = voipCalls, CrmContact = g };
private VoipPhone ToPhone(VoipNumber r)
return GetProvider().GetPhone(r);
public Consumer Consumer
get { return _consumerFactory.GetByKey("twilio"); }
public TwilioProvider GetProvider()
return new TwilioProvider(Consumer["twilioAccountSid"], Consumer["twilioAuthToken"], _authContext, _tenantUtil, _securityContext, _baseCommonLinkUtility);
public bool ConfigSettingsExist
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Consumer["twilioAccountSid"]) &&
public class CallContact
public DbVoipCall DbVoipCall { get; set; }
public CrmContact CrmContact { get; set; }

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@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Web;
global using ASC.Common;
global using ASC.Common.Caching;
global using ASC.Common.Mapping;
global using ASC.Core;
global using ASC.Core.Common;
global using ASC.Core.Common.Configuration;
@ -16,19 +11,22 @@ global using ASC.Core.Common.EF;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF.Context;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF.Model;
global using ASC.Core.Tenants;
global using ASC.VoipService.Dao;
global using ASC.VoipService.Mappings;
global using ASC.VoipService.Twilio;
global using AutoMapper;
global using Newtonsoft.Json;
global using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
global using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;
global using Twilio.Clients;
global using Twilio.Exceptions;
global using Twilio.Http;
global using Twilio.Jwt;
global using Twilio.Jwt.Client;
global using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account;
global using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account.AvailablePhoneNumberCountry;
global using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account.Queue;
global using Twilio.TwiML;
global using Twilio.Types;
global using Twilio.Types;

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@ -23,32 +23,31 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService
namespace ASC.VoipService;
public interface IVoipProvider
public interface IVoipProvider
IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetExistingPhoneNumbers();
IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetExistingPhoneNumbers();
IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetAvailablePhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, string isoCountryCode);
IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetAvailablePhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, string isoCountryCode);
VoipPhone BuyNumber(string phoneNumber);
VoipPhone BuyNumber(string phoneNumber);
VoipPhone DeleteNumber(VoipPhone phone);
VoipPhone DeleteNumber(VoipPhone phone);
VoipPhone GetPhone(VoipNumber r);
VoipPhone GetPhone(VoipNumber r);
VoipPhone GetPhone(string id);
VoipPhone GetPhone(string id);
VoipCall GetCall(string callId);
VoipCall GetCall(string callId);
string GetToken(Agent agent, int seconds = 60 * 60 * 24);
string GetToken(Agent agent, int seconds = 60 * 60 * 24);
void UpdateSettings(VoipPhone phone);
void UpdateSettings(VoipPhone phone);
VoipRecord GetRecord(string callId, string recordId);
VoipRecord GetRecord(string callId, string recordId);
void CreateQueue(VoipPhone newPhone);
void CreateQueue(VoipPhone newPhone);
void DisablePhone(VoipPhone phone);
void DisablePhone(VoipPhone phone);

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService.Mappings;
public class CallTypeConverter : ITypeConverter<CallContact, VoipCall>
public VoipCall Convert(CallContact source, VoipCall destination, ResolutionContext context)
var result = context.Mapper.Map<DbVoipCall, VoipCall>(source.DbVoipCall);
result.VoipRecord = context.Mapper.Map<DbVoipCall, VoipRecord>(source.DbVoipCall);
if (source.CrmContact != null)
result.ContactId = source.CrmContact.Id;
result.ContactIsCompany = source.CrmContact.IsCompany;
result.ContactTitle = result.ContactIsCompany
? source.CrmContact.CompanyName
: source.CrmContact.FirstName == null || source.CrmContact.LastName == null ? null : $"{source.CrmContact.FirstName} {source.CrmContact.LastName}";
result.ContactId = 0;
return result;
public class EventTypeConverterExtension
public static void Register(DIHelper services)

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@ -23,103 +23,103 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService.Twilio
using HttpMethod = Twilio.Http.HttpMethod;
namespace ASC.VoipService.Twilio;
public class TwilioPhone : VoipPhone
public class TwilioPhone : VoipPhone
private readonly TwilioRestClient _twilio;
public TwilioPhone(
TwilioRestClient twilio,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility) :
base(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility)
private readonly TwilioRestClient twilio;
public TwilioPhone(
TwilioRestClient twilio,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility) :
base(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility)
this.twilio = twilio;
Settings = new TwilioVoipSettings(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility);
#region Calls
public override VoipCall Call(string to, string contactId = null)
var number = to.Split('#');
var call = CallResource.Create(new CreateCallOptions(new PhoneNumber("+" + number[0].TrimStart('+')), new PhoneNumber("+" + Number.TrimStart('+')))
SendDigits = number.Length > 1 ? number[1] + "#" : string.Empty,
Record = Settings.Caller.Record,
Url = new System.Uri(Settings.Connect(contactId: contactId))
}, twilio);
return new VoipCall { Id = call.Sid, From = call.From, To = call.To };
public override VoipCall LocalCall(string to)
return Call(Number + "#" + to);
public override VoipCall RedirectCall(string callId, string to)
var call = CallResource.Update(callId, url: new System.Uri(Settings.Redirect(to)), method: HttpMethod.Post, client: twilio);
return new VoipCall { Id = call.Sid, To = to };
public override VoipCall HoldUp(string callId)
return RedirectCall(callId, "hold");
#region Queue
public Queue CreateQueue(string name, int size, string waitUrl, int waitTime)
var queues = QueueResource.Read(new ReadQueueOptions(), twilio);
var queue = queues.FirstOrDefault(r => r.FriendlyName == name);
if (queue == null)
queue = QueueResource.Create(name, client: twilio);
return new Queue(queue.Sid, name, size, waitUrl, waitTime);
public string GetQueue(string name)
var queues = QueueResource.Read(new ReadQueueOptions(), twilio);
return queues.First(r => r.FriendlyName == name).Sid;
public IEnumerable<string> QueueCalls(string id)
var calls = MemberResource.Read(id, client: twilio);
return calls.Select(r => r.CallSid);
private void AnswerQueueCall(string queueId, string callId, bool reject = false)
var calls = QueueCalls(queueId);
if (calls.Contains(callId))
MemberResource.Update(queueId, callId, new System.Uri(Settings.Dequeue(reject)), HttpMethod.Post,
client: twilio);
public override void AnswerQueueCall(string callId)
AnswerQueueCall(Settings.Queue.Id, callId);
public override void RejectQueueCall(string callId)
AnswerQueueCall(Settings.Queue.Id, callId, true);
_twilio = twilio;
Settings = new TwilioVoipSettings(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility);
#region Calls
public override VoipCall Call(string to, string contactId = null)
var number = to.Split('#');
var call = CallResource.Create(new CreateCallOptions(new PhoneNumber("+" + number[0].TrimStart('+')), new PhoneNumber("+" + Number.TrimStart('+')))
SendDigits = number.Length > 1 ? number[1] + "#" : string.Empty,
Record = Settings.Caller.Record,
Url = new System.Uri(Settings.Connect(contactId: contactId))
}, _twilio);
return new VoipCall { Id = call.Sid, NumberFrom = call.From, NumberTo = call.To };
public override VoipCall LocalCall(string to)
return Call(Number + "#" + to);
public override VoipCall RedirectCall(string callId, string to)
var call = CallResource.Update(callId, url: new System.Uri(Settings.Redirect(to)), method: HttpMethod.Post, client: _twilio);
return new VoipCall { Id = call.Sid, NumberTo = to };
public override VoipCall HoldUp(string callId)
return RedirectCall(callId, "hold");
#region Queue
public Queue CreateQueue(string name, int size, string waitUrl, int waitTime)
var queues = QueueResource.Read(new ReadQueueOptions(), _twilio);
var queue = queues.FirstOrDefault(r => r.FriendlyName == name);
if (queue == null)
queue = QueueResource.Create(name, client: _twilio);
return new Queue(queue.Sid, name, size, waitUrl, waitTime);
public string GetQueue(string name)
var queues = QueueResource.Read(new ReadQueueOptions(), _twilio);
return queues.First(r => r.FriendlyName == name).Sid;
public IEnumerable<string> QueueCalls(string id)
var calls = MemberResource.Read(id, client: _twilio);
return calls.Select(r => r.CallSid);
private void AnswerQueueCall(string queueId, string callId, bool reject = false)
var calls = QueueCalls(queueId);
if (calls.Contains(callId))
MemberResource.Update(queueId, callId, new System.Uri(Settings.Dequeue(reject)), HttpMethod.Post,
client: _twilio);
public override void AnswerQueueCall(string callId)
AnswerQueueCall(Settings.Queue.Id, callId);
public override void RejectQueueCall(string callId)
AnswerQueueCall(Settings.Queue.Id, callId, true);

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@ -27,208 +27,206 @@
using RecordingResource = Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account.Call.RecordingResource;
namespace ASC.VoipService.Twilio
namespace ASC.VoipService.Twilio;
public class TwilioProvider : IVoipProvider
public class TwilioProvider : IVoipProvider
private readonly string _accountSid;
private readonly string _authToken;
private readonly TwilioRestClient _client;
private readonly AuthContext _authContext;
private readonly TenantUtil _tenantUtil;
private readonly SecurityContext _securityContext;
private readonly BaseCommonLinkUtility _baseCommonLinkUtility;
public TwilioProvider(string accountSid, string authToken, AuthContext authContext, TenantUtil tenantUtil, SecurityContext securityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility)
private readonly string accountSid;
private readonly string authToken;
private readonly TwilioRestClient client;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountSid)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(accountSid));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(authToken));
private AuthContext AuthContext { get; }
private TenantUtil TenantUtil { get; }
private SecurityContext SecurityContext { get; }
private BaseCommonLinkUtility BaseCommonLinkUtility { get; }
_authToken = authToken;
_authContext = authContext;
_tenantUtil = tenantUtil;
_securityContext = securityContext;
_baseCommonLinkUtility = baseCommonLinkUtility;
_accountSid = accountSid;
public TwilioProvider(string accountSid, string authToken, AuthContext authContext, TenantUtil tenantUtil, SecurityContext securityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility)
_client = new TwilioRestClient(accountSid, authToken);
#region Call
public VoipRecord GetRecord(string callId, string recordSid)
var result = new VoipRecord { Sid = recordSid };
var count = 6;
while (count > 0)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountSid)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(accountSid));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(authToken));
this.authToken = authToken;
AuthContext = authContext;
TenantUtil = tenantUtil;
SecurityContext = securityContext;
BaseCommonLinkUtility = baseCommonLinkUtility;
this.accountSid = accountSid;
client = new TwilioRestClient(accountSid, authToken);
#region Call
public VoipRecord GetRecord(string callId, string recordSid)
var result = new VoipRecord { Id = recordSid };
var count = 6;
while (count > 0)
var record = RecordingResource.Fetch(callId, recordSid, client: client);
var record = RecordingResource.Fetch(callId, recordSid, client: _client);
if (!record.Price.HasValue)
result.Price = (-1) * record.Price.Value;
result.Duration = Convert.ToInt32(record.Duration);
if (record.Uri != null)
result.Uri = record.Uri;
catch (ApiException)
if (!record.Price.HasValue)
return result;
result.Price = (-1) * record.Price.Value;
public void CreateQueue(VoipPhone newPhone)
newPhone.Settings.Queue = ((TwilioPhone)newPhone).CreateQueue(newPhone.Number, 5, string.Empty, 5);
#region Numbers
public VoipPhone BuyNumber(string phoneNumber)
var newNumber = IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Create(
new CreateIncomingPhoneNumberOptions
result.Duration = Convert.ToInt32(record.Duration);
if (record.Uri != null)
PathAccountSid = accountSid,
PhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
}, client);
return new TwilioPhone(client, AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility) { Id = newNumber.Sid, Number = phoneNumber.Substring(1) };
public VoipPhone DeleteNumber(VoipPhone phone)
IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Delete(phone.Id, client: client);
return phone;
public IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetExistingPhoneNumbers()
var result = IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Read(client: client);
return result.Select(r => new TwilioPhone(client, AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility) { Id = r.Sid, Number = r.PhoneNumber.ToString() });
public IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetAvailablePhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, string isoCountryCode)
return phoneNumberType switch
PhoneNumberType.Local => LocalResource.Read(isoCountryCode, voiceEnabled: true, client: client).Select(r => new TwilioPhone(client, AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility) { Number = r.PhoneNumber.ToString() }),
PhoneNumberType.TollFree => TollFreeResource.Read(isoCountryCode, voiceEnabled: true, client: client).Select(r => new TwilioPhone(client, AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility) { Number = r.PhoneNumber.ToString() }),
_ => new List<VoipPhone>(),
public VoipPhone GetPhone(string phoneSid)
var phone = IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Fetch(phoneSid, client: client);
var result = new TwilioPhone(client, AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility)
Id = phone.Sid,
Number = phone.PhoneNumber.ToString(),
Settings = new TwilioVoipSettings(AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility)
if (phone.VoiceUrl == null)
result.Settings.VoiceUrl = result.Settings.Connect(false);
return result;
public VoipPhone GetPhone(VoipNumber data)
return new TwilioPhone(client, AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility)
Id = data.Id,
Number = data.Number,
Alias = data.Alias,
Settings = new TwilioVoipSettings(data.Settings, AuthContext)
public VoipCall GetCall(string callId)
var result = new VoipCall { Id = callId };
var count = 6;
while (count > 0)
var call = CallResource.Fetch(result.Id, client: client);
if (!call.Price.HasValue || string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.Duration))
result.Price = (-1) * call.Price.Value;
result.DialDuration = Convert.ToInt32(call.Duration);
result.Uri = record.Uri;
catch (ApiException)
catch (ApiException)
return result;
public void CreateQueue(VoipPhone newPhone)
newPhone.Settings.Queue = ((TwilioPhone)newPhone).CreateQueue(newPhone.Number, 5, string.Empty, 5);
#region Numbers
public VoipPhone BuyNumber(string phoneNumber)
var newNumber = IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Create(
new CreateIncomingPhoneNumberOptions
PathAccountSid = _accountSid,
PhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
}, _client);
return new TwilioPhone(_client, _authContext, _tenantUtil, _securityContext, _baseCommonLinkUtility) { Id = newNumber.Sid, Number = phoneNumber.Substring(1) };
public VoipPhone DeleteNumber(VoipPhone phone)
IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Delete(phone.Id, client: _client);
return phone;
public IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetExistingPhoneNumbers()
var result = IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Read(client: _client);
return result.Select(r => new TwilioPhone(_client, _authContext, _tenantUtil, _securityContext, _baseCommonLinkUtility) { Id = r.Sid, Number = r.PhoneNumber.ToString() });
public IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetAvailablePhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, string isoCountryCode)
return phoneNumberType switch
PhoneNumberType.Local => LocalResource.Read(isoCountryCode, voiceEnabled: true, client: _client).Select(r => new TwilioPhone(_client, _authContext, _tenantUtil, _securityContext, _baseCommonLinkUtility) { Number = r.PhoneNumber.ToString() }),
PhoneNumberType.TollFree => TollFreeResource.Read(isoCountryCode, voiceEnabled: true, client: _client).Select(r => new TwilioPhone(_client, _authContext, _tenantUtil, _securityContext, _baseCommonLinkUtility) { Number = r.PhoneNumber.ToString() }),
_ => new List<VoipPhone>(),
public VoipPhone GetPhone(string phoneSid)
var phone = IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Fetch(phoneSid, client: _client);
var result = new TwilioPhone(_client, _authContext, _tenantUtil, _securityContext, _baseCommonLinkUtility)
Id = phone.Sid,
Number = phone.PhoneNumber.ToString(),
Settings = new TwilioVoipSettings(_authContext, _tenantUtil, _securityContext, _baseCommonLinkUtility)
if (phone.VoiceUrl == null)
result.Settings.VoiceUrl = result.Settings.Connect(false);
return result;
public VoipPhone GetPhone(VoipNumber data)
return new TwilioPhone(_client, _authContext, _tenantUtil, _securityContext, _baseCommonLinkUtility)
Id = data.Id,
Number = data.Number,
Alias = data.Alias,
Settings = new TwilioVoipSettings(data.Settings, _authContext)
public VoipCall GetCall(string callId)
var result = new VoipCall { Id = callId };
var count = 6;
while (count > 0)
var call = CallResource.Fetch(result.Id, client: _client);
if (!call.Price.HasValue || string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.Duration))
return result;
result.Price = (-1) * call.Price.Value;
result.DialDuration = Convert.ToInt32(call.Duration);
catch (ApiException)
public string GetToken(Agent agent, int seconds = 60 * 60 * 24)
var scopes = new HashSet<IScope>
return result;
public string GetToken(Agent agent, int seconds = 60 * 60 * 24)
var scopes = new HashSet<IScope>
new IncomingClientScope(agent.ClientID)
var capability = new ClientCapability(accountSid, authToken, scopes: scopes);
var capability = new ClientCapability(_accountSid, _authToken, scopes: scopes);
return capability.ToJwt();
public void UpdateSettings(VoipPhone phone)
IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Update(phone.Id, voiceUrl: new Uri(phone.Settings.Connect(false)), client: client);
public void DisablePhone(VoipPhone phone)
IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Update(phone.Id, voiceUrl: new Uri(""), client: client);
return capability.ToJwt();
public enum PhoneNumberType
public void UpdateSettings(VoipPhone phone)
/* Mobile,*/
IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Update(phone.Id, voiceUrl: new Uri(phone.Settings.Connect(false)), client: _client);
public void DisablePhone(VoipPhone phone)
IncomingPhoneNumberResource.Update(phone.Id, voiceUrl: new Uri(""), client: _client);
public enum PhoneNumberType
/* Mobile,*/

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@ -23,189 +23,187 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService.Twilio
namespace ASC.VoipService.Twilio;
public class TwilioResponseHelper
public class TwilioResponseHelper
private readonly VoipSettings _settings;
private readonly string _baseUrl;
private readonly AuthContext _authContext;
private readonly TenantUtil _tenantUtil;
private readonly SecurityContext _securityContext;
public TwilioResponseHelper(
VoipSettings settings,
string baseUrl,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext)
private readonly VoipSettings settings;
private readonly string baseUrl;
_settings = settings;
_authContext = authContext;
_tenantUtil = tenantUtil;
_securityContext = securityContext;
_baseUrl = baseUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/twilio/";
private AuthContext AuthContext { get; }
private TenantUtil TenantUtil { get; }
private SecurityContext SecurityContext { get; }
public VoiceResponse Inbound(Tuple<Agent, bool> agentTuple)
var agent = agentTuple?.Item1;
var anyOnline = agentTuple != null && agentTuple.Item2;
var response = new VoiceResponse();
public TwilioResponseHelper(
VoipSettings settings,
string baseUrl,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext)
if (_settings.WorkingHours != null && _settings.WorkingHours.Enabled)
this.settings = settings;
AuthContext = authContext;
TenantUtil = tenantUtil;
SecurityContext = securityContext;
this.baseUrl = baseUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/twilio/";
var now = _tenantUtil.DateTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow);
if (!(_settings.WorkingHours.From <= now.TimeOfDay && _settings.WorkingHours.To >= now.TimeOfDay))
return AddVoiceMail(response);
public VoiceResponse Inbound(Tuple<Agent, bool> agentTuple)
if (anyOnline)
var agent = agentTuple?.Item1;
var anyOnline = agentTuple != null && agentTuple.Item2;
var response = new VoiceResponse();
if (settings.WorkingHours != null && settings.WorkingHours.Enabled)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.GreetingAudio))
var now = TenantUtil.DateTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow);
if (!(settings.WorkingHours.From <= now.TimeOfDay && settings.WorkingHours.To >= now.TimeOfDay))
return AddVoiceMail(response);
if (anyOnline)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.GreetingAudio))
response.Enqueue(settings.Queue.Name, GetEcho("Enqueue", agent != null), "POST",
GetEcho("Wait", agent != null), "POST");
return AddVoiceMail(response);
response.Enqueue(_settings.Queue.Name, GetEcho("Enqueue", agent != null), "POST",
GetEcho("Wait", agent != null), "POST");
public VoiceResponse Outbound()
return AddVoiceMail(response);
public VoiceResponse Outbound()
return !_settings.Caller.AllowOutgoingCalls
? new VoiceResponse()
: AddToResponse(new VoiceResponse(), _settings.Caller);
public VoiceResponse Dial()
return new VoiceResponse();
public VoiceResponse Queue()
return new VoiceResponse();
public VoiceResponse Enqueue(string queueResult)
return queueResult == "leave" ? AddVoiceMail(new VoiceResponse()) : new VoiceResponse();
public VoiceResponse Dequeue()
return AddToResponse(new VoiceResponse(), _settings.Caller);
public VoiceResponse Leave()
return AddVoiceMail(new VoiceResponse());
public VoiceResponse Wait(string queueTime, string queueSize)
var response = new VoiceResponse();
var queue = _settings.Queue;
if (Convert.ToInt32(queueTime) > queue.WaitTime || Convert.ToInt32(queueSize) > queue.Size) return response.Leave();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queue.WaitUrl))
return !settings.Caller.AllowOutgoingCalls
? new VoiceResponse()
: AddToResponse(new VoiceResponse(), settings.Caller);
var gather = new Gather(method: "POST", action: GetEcho("gatherQueue"));
public VoiceResponse Dial()
return new VoiceResponse();
public VoiceResponse Queue()
return response;
public VoiceResponse GatherQueue(string digits, List<Agent> availableOperators)
var response = new VoiceResponse();
if (digits == "#") return AddVoiceMail(response);
var oper = _settings.Operators.Find(r => r.PostFix == digits && availableOperators.Contains(r)) ??
_settings.Operators.FirstOrDefault(r => availableOperators.Contains(r));
return oper != null ? AddToResponse(response, oper) : response;
public VoiceResponse Redirect(string to)
if (to == "hold")
return new VoiceResponse();
return new VoiceResponse().Play(Uri.EscapeDataString(_settings.HoldAudio), 0);
public VoiceResponse Enqueue(string queueResult)
if (Guid.TryParse(to, out var newCallerId))
return queueResult == "leave" ? AddVoiceMail(new VoiceResponse()) : new VoiceResponse();
public VoiceResponse Dequeue()
return new VoiceResponse().Enqueue(_settings.Queue.Name, GetEcho("enqueue"), "POST",
GetEcho("wait") + "&RedirectTo=" + to, "POST");
public VoiceResponse VoiceMail()
return new VoiceResponse();
private VoiceResponse AddToResponse(VoiceResponse response, Agent agent)
var dial = new Dial(method: "POST", action: GetEcho("dial"), timeout: agent.TimeOut, record: agent.Record ? "record-from-answer" : "do-not-record");
switch (agent.Answer)
return AddToResponse(new VoiceResponse(), settings.Caller);
case AnswerType.Number:
response.Dial(dial.Number(agent.PhoneNumber, method: "POST", url: GetEcho("client")));
case AnswerType.Client:
response.Dial(dial.Client(agent.ClientID, "POST", GetEcho("client")));
case AnswerType.Sip:
response.Dial(dial.Sip(agent.ClientID, method: "POST", url: GetEcho("client")));
public VoiceResponse Leave()
return response;
private VoiceResponse AddVoiceMail(VoiceResponse response)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.VoiceMail)
? response.Say("")
: response.Play(Uri.EscapeDataString(_settings.VoiceMail)).Record(method: "POST", action: GetEcho("voiceMail"), maxLength: 30);
public string GetEcho(string action, bool user = true)
var result = _baseUrl.TrimEnd('/');
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action))
return AddVoiceMail(new VoiceResponse());
result += "/" + action.TrimStart('/');
public VoiceResponse Wait(string queueTime, string queueSize)
if (user)
var response = new VoiceResponse();
var queue = settings.Queue;
if (Convert.ToInt32(queueTime) > queue.WaitTime || Convert.ToInt32(queueSize) > queue.Size) return response.Leave();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queue.WaitUrl))
var gather = new Gather(method: "POST", action: GetEcho("gatherQueue"));
return response;
result += "?CallerId=" + _authContext.CurrentAccount.ID;
public VoiceResponse GatherQueue(string digits, List<Agent> availableOperators)
var response = new VoiceResponse();
if (digits == "#") return AddVoiceMail(response);
var oper = settings.Operators.Find(r => r.PostFix == digits && availableOperators.Contains(r)) ??
settings.Operators.FirstOrDefault(r => availableOperators.Contains(r));
return oper != null ? AddToResponse(response, oper) : response;
public VoiceResponse Redirect(string to)
if (to == "hold")
return new VoiceResponse().Play(Uri.EscapeDataString(settings.HoldAudio), 0);
if (Guid.TryParse(to, out var newCallerId))
return new VoiceResponse().Enqueue(settings.Queue.Name, GetEcho("enqueue"), "POST",
GetEcho("wait") + "&RedirectTo=" + to, "POST");
public VoiceResponse VoiceMail()
return new VoiceResponse();
private VoiceResponse AddToResponse(VoiceResponse response, Agent agent)
var dial = new Dial(method: "POST", action: GetEcho("dial"), timeout: agent.TimeOut, record: agent.Record ? "record-from-answer" : "do-not-record");
switch (agent.Answer)
case AnswerType.Number:
response.Dial(dial.Number(agent.PhoneNumber, method: "POST", url: GetEcho("client")));
case AnswerType.Client:
response.Dial(dial.Client(agent.ClientID, "POST", GetEcho("client")));
case AnswerType.Sip:
response.Dial(dial.Sip(agent.ClientID, method: "POST", url: GetEcho("client")));
return response;
private VoiceResponse AddVoiceMail(VoiceResponse response)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.VoiceMail)
? response.Say("")
: response.Play(Uri.EscapeDataString(settings.VoiceMail)).Record(method: "POST", action: GetEcho("voiceMail"), maxLength: 30);
public string GetEcho(string action, bool user = true)
var result = baseUrl.TrimEnd('/');
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action))
result += "/" + action.TrimStart('/');
if (user)
result += "?CallerId=" + AuthContext.CurrentAccount.ID;
return result;
return result;

View File

@ -26,58 +26,57 @@
using Uri = System.Uri;
namespace ASC.VoipService.Twilio
namespace ASC.VoipService.Twilio;
public class TwilioVoipSettings : VoipSettings
public class TwilioVoipSettings : VoipSettings
public TwilioVoipSettings(
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility) :
base(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility)
{ }
public TwilioVoipSettings(
Uri voiceUrl,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility) :
this(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility)
public TwilioVoipSettings(
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility) :
base(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility)
{ }
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voiceUrl.Query)) return;
public TwilioVoipSettings(
Uri voiceUrl,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility) :
this(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility)
JsonSettings = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(voiceUrl.Query)["settings"])));
public TwilioVoipSettings(string settings, AuthContext authContext) : base(settings, authContext)
public override string Connect(bool user = true, string contactId = null)
var result = GetEcho("", user);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactId))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(voiceUrl.Query)) return;
JsonSettings = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(voiceUrl.Query)["settings"])));
result += "&ContactId=" + contactId;
return result;
public TwilioVoipSettings(string settings, AuthContext authContext) : base(settings, authContext)
public override string Redirect(string to)
return GetEcho("redirect") + "&RedirectTo=" + to;
public override string Connect(bool user = true, string contactId = null)
var result = GetEcho("", user);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactId))
result += "&ContactId=" + contactId;
return result;
public override string Dequeue(bool reject)
return GetEcho("dequeue") + "&Reject=" + reject;
public override string Redirect(string to)
return GetEcho("redirect") + "&RedirectTo=" + to;
public override string Dequeue(bool reject)
return GetEcho("dequeue") + "&Reject=" + reject;
private string GetEcho(string method, bool user = true)
return new TwilioResponseHelper(this, BaseCommonLinkUtility.GetFullAbsolutePath(""), AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext).GetEcho(method, user);
private string GetEcho(string method, bool user = true)
return new TwilioResponseHelper(this, BaseCommonLinkUtility.GetFullAbsolutePath(""), AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext).GetEcho(method, user);

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@ -23,54 +23,46 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService
namespace ASC.VoipService;
public class VoipCall : IMapFrom<CallContact>
public class VoipCall
public string Id { get; set; }
public string ParentCallId { get; set; }
public string NumberFrom { get; set; }
public string NumberTo { get; set; }
public Guid AnsweredBy { get; set; }
public DateTime DialDate { get; set; }
public int DialDuration { get; set; }
public VoipCallStatus? Status { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public int ContactId { get; set; }
public bool ContactIsCompany { get; set; }
public string ContactTitle { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public DateTime EndDialDate { get; set; }
public VoipRecord VoipRecord { get; set; }
public List<VoipCall> ChildCalls { get; set; }
public VoipCall()
public string Id { get; set; }
public string ParentID { get; set; }
public string From { get; set; }
public string To { get; set; }
public Guid AnsweredBy { get; set; }
public DateTime DialDate { get; set; }
public int DialDuration { get; set; }
public VoipCallStatus? Status { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public int ContactId { get; set; }
public bool ContactIsCompany { get; set; }
public string ContactTitle { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public DateTime EndDialDate { get; set; }
public VoipRecord VoipRecord { get; set; }
public List<VoipCall> ChildCalls { get; set; }
public VoipCall()
ChildCalls = new List<VoipCall>();
VoipRecord = new VoipRecord();
ChildCalls = new List<VoipCall>();
VoipRecord = new VoipRecord();
public enum VoipCallStatus
public void Mapping(Profile profile)
profile.CreateMap<DbVoipCall, VoipCall>();
profile.CreateMap<CallContact, VoipCall>()
public enum VoipCallStatus

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@ -23,142 +23,128 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService
namespace ASC.VoipService;
public class Agent
public class Agent
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public AnswerType Answer { get; set; }
public string ClientID { get { return PhoneNumber + PostFix; } }
public bool Record { get; set; }
public int TimeOut { get; set; }
public AgentStatus Status { get; set; }
public bool AllowOutgoingCalls { get; set; }
public string PostFix { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public string RedirectToNumber { get; set; }
public Agent()
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public AnswerType Answer { get; set; }
public string ClientID { get { return PhoneNumber + PostFix; } }
public bool Record { get; set; }
public int TimeOut { get; set; }
public AgentStatus Status { get; set; }
public bool AllowOutgoingCalls { get; set; }
public string PostFix { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public string RedirectToNumber { get; set; }
public Agent()
Status = AgentStatus.Offline;
TimeOut = 30;
AllowOutgoingCalls = true;
Record = true;
public Agent(Guid id, AnswerType answer, VoipPhone phone, string postFix)
: this()
Id = id;
Answer = answer;
PhoneNumber = phone.Number;
AllowOutgoingCalls = phone.Settings.AllowOutgoingCalls;
Record = phone.Settings.Record;
PostFix = postFix;
Status = AgentStatus.Offline;
TimeOut = 30;
AllowOutgoingCalls = true;
Record = true;
public class Queue
public Agent(Guid id, AnswerType answer, VoipPhone phone, string postFix)
: this()
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public string WaitUrl { get; set; }
public int WaitTime { get; set; }
public Queue() { }
public Queue(string id, string name, int size, string waitUrl, int waitTime)
Id = id;
Name = name;
WaitUrl = waitUrl;
WaitTime = waitTime;
Size = size;
Id = id;
Answer = answer;
PhoneNumber = phone.Number;
AllowOutgoingCalls = phone.Settings.AllowOutgoingCalls;
Record = phone.Settings.Record;
PostFix = postFix;
public sealed class WorkingHours
public bool Enabled { get; set; }
public TimeSpan? From { get; set; }
public TimeSpan? To { get; set; }
public WorkingHours() { }
public WorkingHours(TimeSpan from, TimeSpan to)
From = from;
To = to;
private bool Equals(WorkingHours other)
return Enabled.Equals(other.Enabled) && From.Equals(other.From) && To.Equals(other.To);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is null) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) return false;
return Equals((WorkingHours)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return HashCode.Combine(Enabled, From, To);
public class VoipUpload
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Path { get; set; }
public AudioType AudioType { get; set; }
public bool IsDefault { get; set; }
#region Enum
public enum AnswerType
public enum GreetingMessageVoice
public enum AgentStatus
public enum AudioType
public class Queue
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public string WaitUrl { get; set; }
public int WaitTime { get; set; }
public Queue() { }
public Queue(string id, string name, int size, string waitUrl, int waitTime)
Id = id;
Name = name;
WaitUrl = waitUrl;
WaitTime = waitTime;
Size = size;
public sealed class WorkingHours
public bool Enabled { get; set; }
public TimeSpan? From { get; set; }
public TimeSpan? To { get; set; }
public WorkingHours() { }
public WorkingHours(TimeSpan from, TimeSpan to)
From = from;
To = to;
private bool Equals(WorkingHours other)
return Enabled.Equals(other.Enabled) && From.Equals(other.From) && To.Equals(other.To);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is null) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) return false;
return Equals((WorkingHours)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return HashCode.Combine(Enabled, From, To);
public class VoipUpload
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Path { get; set; }
public AudioType AudioType { get; set; }
public bool IsDefault { get; set; }
public enum AnswerType
public enum GreetingMessageVoice
public enum AgentStatus
public enum AudioType

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@ -23,63 +23,67 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService
using AutoMapper;
namespace ASC.VoipService;
public class VoipPhone
public class VoipPhone
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public string Alias { get; set; }
public VoipSettings Settings { get; set; }
public Agent Caller
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public string Alias { get; set; }
public VoipSettings Settings { get; set; }
public Agent Caller
get { return Settings.Caller; }
public VoipPhone(AuthContext authContext, TenantUtil tenantUtil, SecurityContext securityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility)
Settings = new VoipSettings(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility);
public virtual VoipCall Call(string to, string contactId = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual VoipCall LocalCall(string to)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual VoipCall RedirectCall(string callId, string to)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual VoipCall HoldUp(string callId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual void AnswerQueueCall(string callId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual void RejectQueueCall(string callId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
get { return Settings.Caller; }
public class VoipRecord
public VoipPhone(AuthContext authContext, TenantUtil tenantUtil, SecurityContext securityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility)
public string Id { get; set; }
Settings = new VoipSettings(authContext, tenantUtil, securityContext, baseCommonLinkUtility);
public string Uri { get; set; }
public virtual VoipCall Call(string to, string contactId = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public int Duration { get; set; }
public virtual VoipCall LocalCall(string to)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public virtual VoipCall RedirectCall(string callId, string to)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual VoipCall HoldUp(string callId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual void AnswerQueueCall(string callId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual void RejectQueueCall(string callId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public class VoipRecord : IMapFrom<DbVoipCall>
public string Sid { get; set; }
public string Uri { get; set; }
public int Duration { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public void Mapping(Profile profile)
profile.CreateMap<DbVoipCall, VoipRecord>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Price, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.RecordPrice));

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@ -23,165 +23,152 @@
namespace ASC.VoipService
namespace ASC.VoipService;
public class VoipSettings
public class VoipSettings
public string VoiceUrl { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Agent> Operators { get; set; }
public Queue Queue { get; set; }
public Agent Caller { get { return Operators.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == AuthContext.CurrentAccount.ID); } }
public WorkingHours WorkingHours { get; set; }
public string VoiceMail { get; set; }
public string GreetingAudio { get; set; }
public string HoldAudio { get; set; }
public bool AllowOutgoingCalls { get; set; }
public bool Pause { get; set; }
public bool Record { get; set; }
internal string JsonSettings
public string VoiceUrl { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Agent> Operators { get; set; }
public Queue Queue { get; set; }
public Agent Caller { get { return Operators.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == AuthContext.CurrentAccount.ID); } }
public WorkingHours WorkingHours { get; set; }
public string VoiceMail { get; set; }
public string GreetingAudio { get; set; }
public string HoldAudio { get; set; }
public bool AllowOutgoingCalls { get; set; }
public bool Pause { get; set; }
public bool Record { get; set; }
internal string JsonSettings
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = CustomSerializeContractResolver.Instance });
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = CustomSerializeContractResolver.Instance });
var settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<VoipSettings>(value, new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = CustomSerializeContractResolver.Instance });
Operators = settings.Operators ?? new List<Agent>();
Name = settings.Name;
Queue = settings.Queue;
WorkingHours = settings.WorkingHours;
GreetingAudio = settings.GreetingAudio;
VoiceMail = settings.VoiceMail;
HoldAudio = settings.HoldAudio;
AllowOutgoingCalls = settings.AllowOutgoingCalls;
Pause = settings.Pause;
Record = settings.Record;
catch (Exception)
var settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<VoipSettings>(value, new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = CustomSerializeContractResolver.Instance });
Operators = settings.Operators ?? new List<Agent>();
Name = settings.Name;
Queue = settings.Queue;
WorkingHours = settings.WorkingHours;
GreetingAudio = settings.GreetingAudio;
VoiceMail = settings.VoiceMail;
HoldAudio = settings.HoldAudio;
AllowOutgoingCalls = settings.AllowOutgoingCalls;
Pause = settings.Pause;
Record = settings.Record;
catch (Exception)
protected AuthContext AuthContext { get; }
protected TenantUtil TenantUtil { get; }
protected SecurityContext SecurityContext { get; }
protected BaseCommonLinkUtility BaseCommonLinkUtility { get; }
public VoipSettings(AuthContext authContext, TenantUtil tenantUtil, SecurityContext securityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility)
Operators = new List<Agent>();
AuthContext = authContext;
TenantUtil = tenantUtil;
SecurityContext = securityContext;
BaseCommonLinkUtility = baseCommonLinkUtility;
public VoipSettings(string settings, AuthContext authContext)
JsonSettings = settings;
AuthContext = authContext;
public virtual string Connect(bool user = true, string contactId = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual string Redirect(string to)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual string Dequeue(bool reject)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string ToString()
return JsonSettings;
public VoipSettings GetSettings(string settings)
return new VoipSettings(AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility) { JsonSettings = settings };
class CustomSerializeContractResolver : CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver
protected AuthContext AuthContext { get; }
protected TenantUtil TenantUtil { get; }
protected SecurityContext SecurityContext { get; }
protected BaseCommonLinkUtility BaseCommonLinkUtility { get; }
public VoipSettings(AuthContext authContext, TenantUtil tenantUtil, SecurityContext securityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility)
public static readonly CustomSerializeContractResolver Instance = new CustomSerializeContractResolver();
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
if (property.PropertyName == "voiceMail")
property.Converter = new VoiceMailConverter();
return property;
Operators = new List<Agent>();
AuthContext = authContext;
TenantUtil = tenantUtil;
SecurityContext = securityContext;
BaseCommonLinkUtility = baseCommonLinkUtility;
class VoiceMailConverter : JsonConverter
public VoipSettings(string settings, AuthContext authContext)
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
JsonSettings = settings;
AuthContext = authContext;
public virtual string Connect(bool user = true, string contactId = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual string Redirect(string to)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual string Dequeue(bool reject)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string ToString()
return JsonSettings;
public VoipSettings GetSettings(string settings)
return new VoipSettings(AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility) { JsonSettings = settings };
class CustomSerializeContractResolver : CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver
public static readonly CustomSerializeContractResolver Instance = new CustomSerializeContractResolver();
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
if (property.PropertyName == "voiceMail")
serializer.Serialize(writer, value);
property.Converter = new VoiceMailConverter();
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
return property;
class VoiceMailConverter : JsonConverter
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
serializer.Serialize(writer, value);
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
if (reader.ValueType != null && reader.ValueType.Name == "String")
if (reader.ValueType != null && reader.ValueType.Name == "String")
return reader.Value;
var jObject = JObject.Load(reader);
var url = jObject.Value<string>("url");
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ? url : "";
return reader.Value;
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return true;
var jObject = JObject.Load(reader);
var url = jObject.Value<string>("url");
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ? url : "";
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return true;

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

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@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Linq;
global using ASC.Common;
global using ASC.Common;
global using ASC.Common.Caching;
global using ASC.Common.Logging;
global using ASC.Core;

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

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@ -1,37 +1,31 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.IO;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Text;
global using System.Globalization;
global using System.Reflection;
global using System.Text;
global using ASC.AuditTrail.Attributes;
global using ASC.AuditTrail.Mappers;
global using ASC.AuditTrail.Models;
global using ASC.AuditTrail.Models.Mappings;
global using ASC.Common;
global using ASC.Common.Logging;
global using ASC.Common.Mapping;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF;
global using ASC.Core.Users;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Core;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Data;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Models;
global using ASC.Web.Studio.Utility;
global using ASC.AuditTrail.Attributes;
global using ASC.Web.Core.Files;
global using ASC.Web.Files.Classes;
global using ASC.Web.Files.Utils;
global using ASC.AuditTrail.Models;
global using ASC.AuditTrail.Models.Mappings;
global using ASC.Common.Mapping;
global using ASC.Web.Studio.Utility;
global using Autofac;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
global using Newtonsoft.Json;
global using AutoMapper;
global using CsvHelper;
global using CsvHelper.Configuration;
global using CsvHelper.Configuration;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
global using Newtonsoft.Json;

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<ApplicationIcon />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

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@ -1,32 +1,22 @@
global using System;
global using System.IO;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Linq.Expressions;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Threading.Tasks;
global using System.Linq.Expressions;
global using ASC.Api.Core;
global using ASC.ClearEvents.Services;
global using ASC.Common;
global using ASC.Common.Utils;
global using ASC.Common.Caching;
global using ASC.Common.DependencyInjection;
global using ASC.Common.Logging;
global using ASC.Common.Utils;
global using ASC.Core.Common.EF;
global using ASC.Core.Tenants;
global using ASC.Core.Tenants;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Data;
global using ASC.MessagingSystem.Models;
global using Autofac;
global using Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
global using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.WindowsServices;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
global using StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.Core.Configuration;

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@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">

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@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
global using System;
global using System.Collections.Generic;
global using System.IO;
global using System.Linq;
global using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
global using System.Threading;
global using System.Threading.Tasks;
global using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
global using ASC.Api.Collections;
global using ASC.Api.Core;
@ -18,7 +12,6 @@ global using ASC.Core.Billing;
global using ASC.Data.Backup;
global using ASC.Data.Backup.ApiModels;
global using ASC.Data.Backup.Contracts;
global using ASC.Data.Backup.Controllers;
global using ASC.Data.Backup.Services;
global using ASC.Data.Backup.Storage;
global using ASC.Files.Core;
@ -29,12 +22,7 @@ global using ASC.Web.Studio.Utility;
global using Autofac;
global using Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
global using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
global using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
global using static ASC.Data.Backup.BackupAjaxHandler;

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
<Copyright>(c) Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved</Copyright>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">

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