fix merge

This commit is contained in:
Anton Suhorukov 2023-04-10 23:20:16 +03:00
parent 4dad1d6067
commit d88fd2c2b2
5 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class QuotaSocketManager : SocketServiceClient
_tenantManager = tenantManager;
public async Task ChangeQuotaUsedValue(string featureId, object value)
public async Task ChangeQuotaUsedValueAsync(string featureId, object value)
var room = GetQuotaRoom();

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class TenantQuotaFeatureStatHelper
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public async Task<(string Name, T1 Value)> GetStat<T, T1>() where T : TenantQuotaFeature
public async Task<(string Name, T1 Value)> GetStatAsync<T, T1>() where T : TenantQuotaFeature
var statisticProvider = (ITenantQuotaFeatureStat<T1>)_serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITenantQuotaFeatureStat<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T), typeof(T1)));
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class TenantQuotaFeatureStatHelper
if (statisticProvider != null)
return (name, await statisticProvider.GetValue());
return (name, await statisticProvider.GetValueAsync());
return (name, default(T1));

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@ -461,16 +461,16 @@ class FileMoveCopyOperation<T> : FileOperation<FileMoveCopyOperationData<T>, T>
await countRoomChecker.CheckAppend();
newFolderId = await FolderDao.MoveFolderAsync(folder.Id, toFolderId, CancellationToken);
var (name, value) = await tenantQuotaFeatureStatHelper.GetStat<CountRoomFeature, int>();
_ = quotaSocketManager.ChangeQuotaUsedValue(name, value);
var (name, value) = await tenantQuotaFeatureStatHelper.GetStatAsync<CountRoomFeature, int>();
_ = quotaSocketManager.ChangeQuotaUsedValueAsync(name, value);
else if (isRoom && toFolder.FolderType == FolderType.Archive)
await _semaphore.WaitAsync();
newFolderId = await FolderDao.MoveFolderAsync(folder.Id, toFolderId, CancellationToken);
var (name, value) = await tenantQuotaFeatureStatHelper.GetStat<CountRoomFeature, int>();
_ = quotaSocketManager.ChangeQuotaUsedValue(name, value);
var (name, value) = await tenantQuotaFeatureStatHelper.GetStatAsync<CountRoomFeature, int>();
_ = quotaSocketManager.ChangeQuotaUsedValueAsync(name, value);

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 776d5631ee3e26f9f20d24415a5b7ad85d40b64d
Subproject commit 8933c733a8651c221f62b359fa92e4305f7bd5bc

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace ASC.Web.Core.PublicResources {
// class via a tool like ResGen or Visual Studio.
// To add or remove a member, edit your .ResX file then rerun ResGen
// with the /str option, or rebuild your VS project.
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
public class Resource {