Merge pull request #1726 from ONLYOFFICE/feature/new-for-client

Feature/new for client
This commit is contained in:
Alexey Safronov 2023-09-08 19:05:26 +04:00 committed by GitHub
commit d8eb149b09
No known key found for this signature in database
124 changed files with 4869 additions and 279 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/ is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
<xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xsd:import namespace="" />
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="metadata">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="assembly">
<xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="data">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="resheader">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
<resheader name="resmimetype">
<resheader name="version">
<resheader name="reader">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<resheader name="writer">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="POST|api/2.0/files/file/{fileId}/startedit" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Redaktə etməyə başlayın</value>
<data name="POST|api/2.0/files/file/{fileId}/startedit_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Təsviri redaktə etməyə başlayın</value>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/ is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
<xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xsd:import namespace="" />
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="metadata">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="assembly">
<xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="data">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="resheader">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
<resheader name="resmimetype">
<resheader name="version">
<resheader name="reader">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<resheader name="writer">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="POST|api/2.0/files/file/{fileId}/startedit" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Commencer à modifier</value>
<data name="POST|api/2.0/files/file/{fileId}/startedit_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Commencer à modifier la description</value>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -30022,6 +30022,126 @@

View File

@ -1,3 +1 @@
"Add": "إضافة"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
"MakeRoomPrivateDescription": "Alle Dateien in diesem Raum werden verschlüsselt.",
"MakeRoomPrivateLimitationsWarningDescription": "Mit dieser Funktion können Sie nur bestehende DocSpace-Benutzer einladen. Nachdem Sie einen Raum erstellt haben, können Sie die Liste der Benutzer nicht mehr ändern.",
"MakeRoomPrivateTitle": "Machen Sie den Raum privat",
"PublicRoomBarDescription": "Dieser Raum steht jedem mit dem Link zur Verfügung. Externe Benutzer haben für alle Dateien die Berechtigung \"Nur Anzeigen\".",
"PublicRoomDescription": "Laden Sie Nutzer über externe Links ein, um Dokumente ohne Registrierung einzusehen. Sie können diesen Raum auch in eine beliebige Weboberfläche einbetten.",
"ReviewRoomDescription": "Eine Überprüfung oder Kommentare zu den Dokumenten anfordern",
"ReviewRoomTitle": "Raum überprüfen",
"RoomEditing": "Bearbeitung von Räumen",

View File

@ -5,5 +5,9 @@
"ErrorDeactivatedText": "Dieser DocSpace ist deaktiviert",
"ErrorEmptyResponse": "Leere Antwort",
"ErrorOfflineText": "Keine Internetverbindung gefunden",
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace nicht verfügbar"
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace nicht verfügbar",
"ExpiredLink": "Abgelaufener Link",
"InvalidLink": "Ungültiger Link",
"LinkDoesNotExist": "Der Link, den Sie öffnen möchten, existiert nicht.",
"LinkHasExpired": "Der von Ihnen verwendete Link ist abgelaufen."

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
"AddMembersDescription": "Sie können neue Teammitglieder manuell hinzufügen oder sie über einen Link einladen.",
"AddNewExternalLink": "Neuen externen Link hinzufügen",
"AddNewLink": "Neuen Link hinzufügen",
"All": "Alle",
"AllFiles": "Alle Dateien",
"AllLinksAreDisabled": "Alle Links sind deaktiviert",
"ArchiveAction": "Leeres Archiv",
"ArchivedRoomAction": "Der Raum '{{name}}' ist archiviert",
"ArchivedRoomsAction": "Die Räume sind archiviert",
@ -14,18 +17,29 @@
"ByCreation": "Erstellt",
"ByErasure": "Löschen",
"ByLastModified": "Verändert",
"ChooseExpirationDate": "Begrenzen Sie den Verfügbarkeitszeitraum für diesen Link, indem Sie ein Verfallsdatum festlegen.",
"Clean": "Löschen",
"CollaborationRooms": "Zusammenarbeit",
"ContainsSpecCharacter": "Der Titel darf diese Symbole nicht beinhalten: *+:\"<>?|/",
"Convert": "Konvertierung",
"CopyItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> kopiert",
"CopyItems": "Elemente kopiert: <strong>{{qty}}</strong>",
"CopyLinkPassword": "Passwort für Link kopieren",
"CopyPassword": "Passwort kopieren",
"CreateRoom": "Raum erstellen",
"CustomRooms": "Benutzerdefiniert",
"DaysRemaining": "Verbleibende Tage: {{daysRemaining}}",
"DeleteLink": "Link löschen",
"DeleteLinkNote": "Der Link wird dauerhaft gelöscht. Sie können diesen Vorgang nicht rückgängig machen.",
"DisableDownload": "Download-Funktion deaktivieren",
"DisableLink": "Link deaktivieren",
"DisableNotifications": "Benachrichtigungen deaktivieren",
"Document": "Dokument",
"DocumentEdited": "Die Aktion kann nicht ausgeführt werden, da das Dokument gerade bearbeitet wird.",
"DownloadAll": "Alles herunterladen",
"EditLink": "Link ändern",
"EditRoom": "Raum bearbeiten",
"EmbeddingSettings": "Einstellungen zum Einbetten",
"EmptyFile": "Leere Datei",
"EmptyFilterDescriptionText": "Keine Dateien oder Ordner entsprechen diesem Filter. Versuchen Sie einen anderen Filter oder entfernen Sie diesen, um alle Dateien zu sehen.",
"EmptyFilterSubheadingText": "Hier gibt es keine Dateien, die diesem Filter entsprechen",
@ -35,6 +49,7 @@
"EmptyRecycleBin": "Papierkorb leeren",
"EmptyRootRoomHeader": "Willkommen in DocSpace",
"EmptyScreenFolder": "Keine Dokumente hier",
"EnableLink": "Link aktivieren",
"EnableNotifications": "Benachrichtigungen einschalten",
"ExcludeSubfolders": "Unterordner ausschließen",
"FavoritesEmptyContainerDescription": "Benutzen Sie das Kontext-Menü, um Dateien als Favoriten zu kennzeichnen oder sie aus dieser Liste zu entfernen.",
@ -53,39 +68,60 @@
"GoToPersonal": "Zu Meine Dokumente",
"Images": "Bilder",
"InviteUsersInRoom": "Benutzer in den Raum einladen",
"LimitByTimePeriod": "Zeitlich begrenzen",
"LinkAddedSuccessfully": "Link erfolgreich hinzugefügt",
"LinkDeletedSuccessfully": "Link erfolgreich gelöscht",
"LinkDisabledSuccessfully": "Link erfolgreich deaktiviert",
"LinkEditedSuccessfully": "Link erfolgreich geändert",
"LinkEnabledSuccessfully": "Link erfolgreich aktiviert",
"LinkForPortalUsers": "Link für DocSpace-Benutzer",
"LinkForRoomMembers": "Link für Mitglieder im Raum",
"Links": "Links",
"LinkSuccessfullyCopied": "Link erfolgreich kopiert",
"LinkValidUntil": "Dieser Link ist gültig bis",
"MarkAsFavorite": "Als Favorit kennzeichnen",
"MarkAsRevision": "Als Revision markieren",
"MarkAsVersion": "Als Version markieren",
"MarkedAsFavorite": "Zu Favoriten hinzugefügt",
"MarkRead": "Als gelesen kennzeichnen",
"MaximumNumberOfExternalLinksCreated": "Maximale Anzahl der erstellten externen Links",
"Media": "Medien",
"MoveItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> verschoben",
"MoveItems": "Elemente verschoben: <strong>{{qty}}</strong>",
"MoveOrCopy": "Verschieben oder kopieren",
"MoveToArchive": "Ins Archiv verschieben",
"MoveToFolderMessage": "Ordner können nicht in Unterordner verschoben werden",
"MoveToPublicRoom": "Dieser Raum und sein gesamter Inhalt sind für jeden mit dem Link zugänglich. Möchten Sie fortfahren?",
"MoveToPublicRoomTitle": "In den öffentlichen Raum verschieben",
"New": "Erstellen",
"NewRoom": "Neuer Raum",
"NoAccessRoomDescription": "Sie werden in 5 Sekunden automatisch zu \"Meine Räume\" weitergeleitet.",
"NoAccessRoomTitle": "Sie haben leider keinen Zugang zu diesem Raum.",
"NoExternalLinks": "Keine externen Links",
"NoFilesHereYet": "Noch keine Dateien vorhanden",
"Open": "Öffnen",
"OpenLocation": "Ordner öffnen",
"PasswordAccess": "Zugang mit Passwort",
"PasswordLink": "Fügen Sie ein Passwort hinzu, um Ihren Link zu schützen.",
"PasswordSuccessfullyCopied": "Passwort erfolgreich kopiert",
"Pin": "Anstecken",
"PinToTop": "Oben anstecken",
"Presentation": "Präsentation",
"PreventDownloadFilesAndFolders": "Deaktivieren Sie Downloads von Dateien und Ordnern aus diesem Raum, um Ihre Daten zu schützen. ",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionEncrypted": "Verschlüsselte Bearbeitung und Zusammenarbeit in Echtzeit.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSafest": "Der sicherste Speicher für DOCX-, XLSX- und PPTX-Dateien.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSecure": "Sichere Freigabe für Teammitglieder.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionUnbreakable": "Unzerbrechlicher AES-256-Algorithmus",
"PrivateRoomHeader": "Willkommen im Privatraum von ONLYOFFICE, wo jedes von Ihnen eingegebene Zeichen verschlüsselt wird",
"PrivateRoomSupport": "Privaträume sind über {{organizationName}}-App für Desktop verfügbar. <3>Informationen</3>",
"PublicRoom": "Öffentlicher Raum",
"RecentEmptyContainerDescription": "Ihre zuletzt angesehenen oder bearbeiteten Dokumente werden in diesem Bereich angezeigt.",
"RecycleBinAction": "Papierkorb leeren",
"RemovedFromFavorites": "Aus Favoriten entfernt",
"RemoveFromFavorites": "Aus Favoriten entfernen",
"RemoveFromList": "Aus Liste entfernen",
"RestoreAll": "Alle wiederherstellen",
"RoomAvailableViaExternalLink": "Raum verfügbar über externen Link",
"RoomCreated": "Raum erstellt",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescription": "Bitte erstellen Sie den ersten Raum.",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescriptionUser": "Die mit Ihnen geteilten Räume werden hier angezeigt.",
@ -96,10 +132,14 @@
"RoomsRemoved": "Räume entfernt",
"RoomUnpinned": "Raum nicht mehr angeheftet",
"SearchByContent": "Suche nach Dateiinhalten",
"SelectorEmptyScreenHeader": "Noch keine Dateien und Ordner vorhanden",
"SendByEmail": "Per E-Mail senden",
"Share": "Freigeben",
"ShareRoom": "Raum freigeben",
"ShowLinkActions": "Link-Optionen anzeigen",
"ShowVersionHistory": "Versionshistorie anzeigen",
"Spreadsheet": "Tabellenkalkulation",
"TableSettingsTitle": "Angezeigte Spalten verwalten",
"TooltipElementCopyMessage": "Kopieren {{element}}",
"TooltipElementsCopyMessage": "Kopieren {{element}} Element(e)",
"TooltipElementsMoveMessage": "{{element}} Element(e) verschieben",
@ -114,5 +154,7 @@
"ViewList": "Liste",
"ViewOnlyRooms": "Schreibgeschützt",
"ViewTiles": "Zellen",
"WantToRestoreTheRoom": "Alle externen Links in diesem Raum werden aktiv und der Inhalt ist für jeden mit dem Link zugänglich. Möchten Sie den Raum wiederherstellen?",
"WantToRestoreTheRooms": "Alle externen Links in wiederhergestellten Räumen werden aktiv und ihre Inhalte sind für alle mit den Raumlinks zugänglich. Möchten Sie die Räume wiederherstellen?",
"WithSubfolders": "Mit Unterordnern"

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"HistoryEmptyScreenText": "Aktivitätsverlauf wird hier angezeigt",
"ItemsSelected": "Ausgewählte Elemente",
"LastModifiedBy": "Zuletzt geändert von",
"LinksToViewingIcon": "Links zur Ansicht",
"PendingInvitations": "Ausstehende Einladungen",
"Properties": "Eigenschaften",
"RoomsEmptyScreenTent": "Siehe Details von Räumen hier",

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"BackupList": "Backup-Liste",
"BackupListWarningText": "Falls Sie einige Elemente aus der Liste löschen, werden die entsprechende Dateien auch gelöscht. Dieser Vorgang nicht rückgängig gemacht werden kann. Um alle Dateien zu löschen, verwenden Sie den Link:",
"BetaLabel": "BETA",
"BlockingTime": "Blockierungszeit (Sek.)",
"Branding": "Branding",
"BrandingSectionDescription": "Geben Sie Ihre Unternehmensinformationen an, fügen Sie Links zu externen Ressourcen und E-Mail-Adressen hinzu, die auf der DocSpace-Oberfläche angezeigt werden.",
"BrandingSubtitle": "Verwenden Sie diese Option, um den Nutzern ein markengerechtes Erlebnis zu bieten.",
@ -47,12 +48,17 @@
"BreakpointSmallTextPrompt": "Bitte ändern Sie die Größe des Fensters oder gehen Sie in den Vollbildmodus",
"BreakpointWarningText": "Dieser Bereich ist nur in der Desktop-Version verfügbar",
"BreakpointWarningTextPrompt": "Bitte verwenden Sie die Desktop-Seite, um auf die <1>{{sectionName}}</1>-Einstellungen zuzugreifen.",
"BruteForceProtection": "Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen",
"BruteForceProtectionDescription": "Legen Sie ein Limit für erfolglose Anmeldeversuche des Benutzers fest, um DocSpace vor Brute-Force-Angriffen zu schützen. Wenn das Limit erreicht ist, werden die Versuche von der zugehörigen IP-Adresse für einen bestimmten Zeitraum gesperrt, oder es wird ein Captcha angefordert, falls aktiviert.",
"BruteForceProtectionDescriptionMobile": "Um DocSpace vor Brute-Force-Angriffen zu schützen, können Sie die Anzahl der erfolglosen Anmeldeversuche des Benutzers begrenzen.",
"ButtonsColor": "Schaltflächen",
"ByApp": "Über die Authentifizierungs-App",
"BySms": "Per SMS",
"ChangeLogoButton": "Logo ändern",
"Characters": "{{length}} Zeichen",
"CheckPeriod": "Prüfdauer (Sek.)",
"ClearBackupList": "Alle Datensicherungen löschen",
"CloseMenu": "Menü schließen",
"CompanyInfoSettings": "Einstellungen zum Unternehmen",
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Diese Informationen werden im Fenster <1>{{link}}</1> angezeigt.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Bestätiguns-E-Mail wurde an {{ownerName}} gesendet.",
@ -94,7 +100,10 @@
"EmptyBackupList": "Keine Sicherungskopien wurden noch erstellt. Erstellen Sie eine oder mehrere Sicherungskopien, damit sie in dieser Liste erscheint.",
"EnableAutomaticBackup": "Automatische Datensicherung aktivieren.",
"EnableAutomaticBackupDescription": "Verwenden Sie diese Option, um die Bereichsdaten zu sichern.",
"EnterNumber": "Anzahl eingeben",
"EnterTime": "Zeit eingeben",
"EnterTitle": "Titel eingeben",
"ErrorMessageBruteForceProtection": "Das angegebene Argument lag außerhalb des gültigen Wertebereichs.",
"EveryDay": "Jeden Tag",
"EveryMonth": "Jeden Monat",
"EveryWeek": "Jede Woche",
@ -128,6 +137,7 @@
"MaxCopies": "{{copiesCount}} - maximale Anzahl von Sicherungskopien",
"Migration": "Migration",
"NewColorScheme": "Neues Farbschema",
"NumberOfAttempts": "Anzahl der Versuche",
"PasswordMinLenght": "Minimale Kennwortlänge",
"Path": "Pfad",
"PleaseNote": "Sei bemerkt",
@ -199,6 +209,7 @@
"TwoFactorAuth": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription": "<1>Die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung</1> bietet Benutzern einen sichereren Zugang auf DocSpace. Nach der Eingabe der Anmeldeinformationen muss der Benutzer den Code der erhaltenen SMS mit der beim ersten Portal-Login angegebenen Nummer oder dem Code einer Authentifizierungsanwendung an das Mobiltelefon eingeben. <br> Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um einen sichereren Zugriff für alle DocSpace-Benutzer zu gewährleisten. <br> Um alle Änderungen zu übernehmen, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche <2>Speichern</2> im unteren Bereich der Sektion. <br> <3>Hinweis</3>: SMS-Nachrichten können nur versendet werden, wenn Sie einen positiven Kontostand haben. Sie können Ihr aktuelles Guthaben jederzeit in Ihrem SMS-Provider-Konto abfragen. Vergessen Sie nicht, Ihr Kontostand rechtzeitig wieder aufzufüllen.",
"TwoFactorAuthHelper": "Hinweis: SMS-Nachrichten können nur beim positiven Saldo gesendet werden. Sie können Ihren aktuellen Kontostand jederzeit in Ihrem SMS-Anbieterkonto einsehen. Vergessen Sie nicht, rechtzeitig Geld auf das vorgenannte Konto zu überweisen.",
"UnsavedChangesBody": "Wenn Sie das Menü für Link-Einstellungen jetzt schließen, werden Ihre Änderungen nicht gespeichert.",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Als Logo verwenden",
"UseDigits": "Zahlen verwenden",
"UseHttp": "HTTP nutzen",

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"ExternalLink": "Externer Link",
"FormFilling": "Ausfüllen von Formularen",
"InternalLink": "Interner Link",
"LinkName": "Linkname",
"Notify users": "Benutzer benachrichtigen",
"ReadOnly": "Schreibgeschützt",
"ShareEmailBody": "Ihnen wurde Zugriff auf das Dokument {{itemName}} erteilt. Zum Öffnen klicken Sie auf den Link: {{shareLink}}.",

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"FolderTitleYandex": "Yandex Verzeichnis",
"FormTemplates": "Formularvorlagen",
"LinkCopySuccess": "Der Link wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"LinkHasExpiredAndHasBeenDisabled": "Der Link ist abgelaufen und wurde deaktiviert.",
"LinkValidTime": "Dieser Link ist nur für {{days_count}} Tage gültig.",
"MobileAndroid": "Laden Sie ONLYOFFICE Documents im Google Play Store herunter",
"MobileIos": "Download ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors im App Store",
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
"Other": "Sonstiges",
"OwnerChange": "Besitzer ändern",
"Presentations": "Präsentationen",
"PublicRoomLinkValidTime": "Dieser Link ist bis zum {{date}} gültig. Sobald die Gültigkeitsdauer abgelaufen ist, ist der Zugriff auf den Raum über diesen Link nicht mehr möglich.",
"Remove": "Entfernen",
"RoleCommentator": "Kommentator",
"RoleCommentatorDescription": "Vorgänge mit bestehenden Dateien: Anzeigen, Kommentieren.",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
"Before": "Vor",
"CreateWebhook": "Webhook erstellen",
"DeleteHint": "Webhook wird dauerhaft gelöscht.\nSie können diese Aktion nicht rückgängig machen.",
"DeleteWebhook": "Webhook löschen",
"DeleteWebhookForeverQuestion": "Webhook dauerhaft löschen?",
"Delivery": "Lieferung",
"DeliveryDate": "Datum der Lieferung",
"DisableSSL": "Deaktivieren (nicht empfohlen)",
"EnableSSL": "SSL-Verifizierung aktivieren",
"EnterSecretKey": "Geheimschlüssel eingeben",
"EnterUrl": "URL eingeben",
"EnterWebhookName": "Webhook-Namen eingeben",
"EventHint": "Lieferungen werden nach 15 Tagen automatisch gelöscht",
"EventID": "Event ID",
"FailedToConnect": "Wir konnten diese Nutzlast nicht zustellen: Verbindung zum Host fehlgeschlagen",
"From": "Von",
"Generate": "Generieren",
"NoResultsMatched": "Keine Ergebnisse entsprechen diesem Filter. Versuchen Sie es mit einem anderen oder löschen Sie den Filter, um alle Elemente anzuzeigen.",
"NotSent": "Nicht gesendet",
"PayloadIsTooLarge": "Die Nutzlast ist zu groß für die Anzeige.",
"PayloadUrl": "Nutzlast-URL",
"ReadMore": "Weiterlesen",
"Request": "Anfrage",
"RequestBodyCopied": "POST-Anfragekörper erfolgreich in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"RequestHeaderCopied": "POST-Anfrage-Header erfolgreich in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"RequestPostBody": "POST-Anfragekörper",
"RequestPostHeader": "POST-Anfrage-Header",
"ResetKey": "Reset-Key",
"Response": "Antwort",
"ResponseBodyCopied": "POST-Antwortkörper erfolgreich in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"ResponseHeaderCopied": "POST-Antwort-Header erfolgreich in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"ResponsePostBody": "POST-Antwortkörper",
"ResponsePostHeader": "POST-Antwort-Header",
"Retry": "Wiederholen",
"SecretKey": "Geheimschlüssel",
"SecretKeyHint": "Das Festlegen eines Webhook-Geheimnisses ermöglicht es Ihnen, an die Nutzlast-URL gesendete Anfragen zu überprüfen.",
"SecretKeyWarning": "Sie können Ihren Geheimschlüssel nicht mehr abrufen, wenn er einmal gespeichert wurde. Wenn Sie diesen Geheimschlüssel verloren oder vergessen haben, können Sie ihn zurücksetzen, aber alle Integrationen, die diesen Geheimschlüssel verwenden, müssen aktualisiert werden.",
"SelectDate": "Datum auswählen",
"SelectDeliveryTime": "Lieferzeit auswählen",
"SettingsWebhook": "Webhook-Einstellungen",
"SSLHint": "Standardmäßig werden SSL-Zertifikate bei der Übermittlung von Nutzdaten überprüft.",
"SSLVerification": "SSL-Verifizierung",
"State": "Zustand",
"UnselectAll": "Alle abwählen",
"URL": "URL",
"ViewRawPayload": "Rohen Nutzlast anzeigen",
"Webhook": "Webhook",
"WebhookCreationHint": "Dieser Webhook wird allen Ereignissen in DocSpace zugewiesen",
"WebhookDetails": "Webhook-Details",
"WebhookEditedSuccessfully": "Webhook-Konfiguration erfolgreich bearbeitet",
"WebhookHistory": "Webhook-Verlauf",
"WebhookName": "Webhook-Name",
"WebhookRedilivered": "Webhook erneut zugestellt",
"WebhookRemoved": "Webhook entfernt",
"Webhooks": "Webhooks",
"WebhooksGuide": "Anleitung für Webhooks",
"WebhooksInfo": "Verwenden Sie Webhooks, um benutzerdefinierte Aktionen auf der Seite jeder von Ihnen verwendeten Anwendung oder Website basierend auf verschiedenen Events in ONLYOFFICE DocSpace durchzuführen.\nHier können Sie alle Ihre Webhooks erstellen und verwalten, diese konfigurieren und den Verlauf jedes Webhooks durchsuchen, um seine Leistung zu überprüfen."

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
"AddTrustedDomain": "Add trusted domain",
"Admins": "Admins",
"AdminsMessage": "Administrator Message Settings",
"AdminsMessageSave": "Click the <strong>Save</strong> button at the bottom to apply.",
"AdminsMessageSettingDescription": "Enable this option to display the DocSpace administrator contact form on the Sign In page.",
"AdminsMessageMobileDescription": "Administrator Message Settings is a way to contact the portal administrator.",
"AdminsMessageDescription": "<1>Administrator Message Settings</1> is a way to contact the DocSpace administrator. <br> Enable this option to display the contact form on the <2>Sign In</2> page so that people could send the message to the space administrator in case they have troubles accessing the space. <br> To make the parameters you set take effect click the <3>Save</3> button at the bottom of the section.",
"AdminsMessageHelper": "Enable this option to display the contact form on the Sign In page so that people could send the message to the administrator in case they have troubles accessing your DocSpace.",
"AdminsMessageMobileDescription": "Administrator Message Settings is a way to contact the portal administrator.",
"AdminsMessageSave": "Click the <strong>Save</strong> button at the bottom to apply.",
"AdminsMessageSettingDescription": "Enable this option to display the DocSpace administrator contact form on the Sign In page.",
"AllDomains": "Any domains",
"AmazonBucketTip": "Enter the unique name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you want to store your backups.",
"AmazonCSE": "Client-Side Encryption",
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
"Customization": "Customization",
"CustomizationDescription": "This subsection allows you to change the look and feel of your space. You can use your own company logo, name and text to match your organization brand.",
"CustomTitles": "Custom titles",
"CustomTitlesDescription": "Adjust the default space title displayed on the Welcome Page and in the From field of the email notifications.",
"CustomTitlesFrom": "From",
"CustomTitlesSettingsDescription": "Welcome Page Settings is a way to change the default space title to be displayed on the Welcome Page. The same name is also used for the From field of the space email notifications.",
"CustomTitlesSettingsNavDescription": "Welcome Page Settings is a way to change the default portal title to be displayed on the Welcome Page of your portal. The same name is also used for the From field of your portal email notifications.",
@ -78,7 +79,6 @@
"CustomTitlesSettingsTooltipDescription": "Enter the name you like in the <1>{{ header }}</1> field.",
"CustomTitlesText": "Welcome Page",
"CustomTitlesWelcome": "Welcome Page Settings",
"CustomTitlesDescription": "Adjust the default space title displayed on the Welcome Page and in the From field of the email notifications.",
"DataBackup": "Data backup",
"Deactivate": "Deactivate",
"DeactivateOrDeletePortal": "Deactivate or delete space.",
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"DNSSettings": "DNS Settings",
"DNSSettingsDescription": "Set an alternative URL address for your space. Send your request to our support team to get help with the settings.",
"DNSSettingsNavDescription": "DNS Settings is a way to set an alternative URL for your portal.",
"DNSSettingsMobile": "Send your request to our support team, and our specialists will help you with the settings.",
"DNSSettingsNavDescription": "DNS Settings is a way to set an alternative URL for your portal.",
"DNSSettingsTooltipMain": "DNS Settings allow you to set an alternative URL address for your {{ organizationName }} space.",
"DNSSettingsTooltipStandalone": "Check the 'Custom domain name box' and specify your own domain name for the ONLYOFFICE space in the field below. To make the parameters you set take effect click the 'Save button' at the bottom of the section.",
"DownloadCopy": "Download copy",
@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
"ForcePathStyle": "Force Path Style",
"IntegrationRequest": "Missing a useful integration or component in ONLYOFFICE DocSpace? Leave a request to our team and we will look into that.",
"IPSecurity": "IP Security",
"IPSecuritySettingDescription": "Configure IP Security to restrict login possibility to select IP addresses. Use either exact IP addresses in the IPv4 format, IP range or CIDR masking. The IP security does not work for space owners, they can access the space from any IP address.",
"IPSecurityMobileDescription": "IP Security is used to restrict login to the portal from all IP addresses except certain addresses.",
"IPSecurityDescription": "<1>IP Security</1> is used to restrict login to the space from all IP addresses except certain addresses. You can set the allowed IP addresses using either exact IP addresses in the IPv4 format (#.#.#.#, where # is a numeric value from 0 to 255), IP range (in the #.#.#.#-#.#.#.# format), or CIDR masking (in the #.#.#.#/# format). The IP security does not work for space owners, they can access the space from any IP address. Rules set in the For all users section apply to full access administrators as well. At the same time, you can set additional rules for full access administrators in the corresponding section.",
"IPSecurityHelper": "You can set the allowed IP addresses using either exact IP addresses in the IPv4 format (#.#.#.#, where # is a numeric value from 0 to 255) or IP range (in the #.#.#.#-#.#.#.# format).",
"IPSecurityMobileDescription": "IP Security is used to restrict login to the portal from all IP addresses except certain addresses.",
"IPSecuritySettingDescription": "Configure IP Security to restrict login possibility to select IP addresses. Use either exact IP addresses in the IPv4 format, IP range or CIDR masking. The IP security does not work for space owners, they can access the space from any IP address.",
"IPSecurityWarningHelper": "First, you need to specify your current IP or the IP range your current IP address belongs to, otherwise your space access will be blocked right after you save the settings. The space owner will have the space access from any IP address.",
"LanguageAndTimeZoneSettingsDescription": "Language and Time Zone Settings is a way to change the language of the space for all users and to configure the time zone so that all the actions will be shown with the correct date and time.",
"LanguageAndTimeZoneSettingsNavDescription": "Language and Time Zone Settings is a way to change the language of the whole portal for all portal users and to configure the time zone so that all the events of the portal will be shown with the correct date and time.",
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@
"Plugins": "Plugins",
"PortalAccess": "DocSpace access",
"PortalAccessSubTitle": "This section allows you to provide users with safe and convenient ways to access the space.",
"PortalSecurityTitle": "This subsection allows you to provide users with secure and convenient ways to access the portal.",
"PortalDeactivation": "Deactivate DocSpace",
"PortalDeactivationDescription": "Use this option to deactivate your space temporarily.",
"PortalDeactivationHelper": "If you wish to deactivate this DocSpace, your space and all information associated with it will be blocked so that no one has access to it for a particular period. To do that, click the Deactivate button. A link to confirm the operation will be sent to the email address of the space owner.\nIn case you want to come back to the space and continue using it, you will need to use the second link provided in the confirmation email. So, please, keep this email in a safe place.",
@ -167,14 +166,15 @@
"PortalNameIncorrect": "Incorrect account name",
"PortalNameLength": "The account name must be between {{minLength}} and {{maxLength}} characters long",
"PortalRenaming": "DocSpace Renaming",
"PortalRenamingDescriptionText": "Change the space address that appears next to {{ domain }}.",
"PortalRenamingNote": "<strong>Note:</strong> Your old space address will become unavailable to new users once you click the Save button.",
"PortalRenamingDescription": "Here you can change your space address.",
"PortalRenamingNavDescription": "Here you can change your portal address.",
"PortalRenamingDescriptionText": "Change the space address that appears next to {{ domain }}.",
"PortalRenamingLabelText": "New space name",
"PortalRenamingMobile": "Enter the part that will appear next to the {{domain}} space address. Please note: your old space address will become unavailable to new users once you click the Save button.",
"PortalRenamingModalText": "You are about to rename your portal. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"PortalRenamingNavDescription": "Here you can change your portal address.",
"PortalRenamingNote": "<strong>Note:</strong> Your old space address will become unavailable to new users once you click the Save button.",
"PortalRenamingSettingsTooltip": "<0>{{text}}</0> Enter the part that will appear next to the {{domain}} space address.",
"PortalSecurityTitle": "This subsection allows you to provide users with secure and convenient ways to access the portal.",
"ProductUserOpportunities": "View profiles and groups",
"RecoveryFileNotSelected": "Recovery error. Recovery file not selected.",
"RestoreBackup": "Restore",
@ -189,17 +189,17 @@
"ServerSideEncryptionMethod": "Server Side Encryption Method",
"ServiceUrl": "Service Url",
"SessionLifetime": "Session Lifetime",
"SessionLifetimeSettingDescription": "Adjust Session Lifetime to define the time period before automatic logoff. After saving, logoff will be performed for all users.",
"SessionLifetimeMobileDescription": "Session Lifetime allows to set time (in minutes) before the DocSpace users will need to enter the space credentials again in order to access the space.",
"SessionLifetimeDescription": "<1>Session Lifetime</1> allows to set time (in minutes) before the space users will need to enter the space credentials again in order to access the space. After save all the users will be logged out from space.",
"SessionLifetimeHelper": "After saving, all the users will be logged out from the space.",
"SettingPasswordStrength": "Setting password strength",
"SettingPasswordTittle": "Password Strength Settings",
"SessionLifetimeMobileDescription": "Session Lifetime allows to set time (in minutes) before the DocSpace users will need to enter the space credentials again in order to access the space.",
"SessionLifetimeSettingDescription": "Adjust Session Lifetime to define the time period before automatic logoff. After saving, logoff will be performed for all users.",
"SettingPasswordDescription": "Configure Password Strength Settings to enforce more secure, computation-resistant passwords.",
"SettingPasswordDescriptionSave": "Click the <strong>Save</strong> button at the bottom to apply.",
"SettingPasswordStrengthMobileDescription": "Password Strength Settings is a way to determine the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks.",
"SettingPasswordStrength": "Setting password strength",
"SettingPasswordStrengthDescription": "<1>Password Strength Settings</1> is a way to determine the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks. <br> Use the <2>Minimum Password Length</2> bar to determine how long the password should be. Check the appropriate boxes below to determine the character set that must be used in the password. <br> To make the parameters you set take effect click the <3>Save</3> button at the bottom of the section.",
"SettingPasswordStrengthHelper": "Use the Minimum Password Length bar to determine how long the password should be. Check the appropriate boxes below to determine the character set that must be used in the password.",
"SettingPasswordStrengthMobileDescription": "Password Strength Settings is a way to determine the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks.",
"SettingPasswordTittle": "Password Strength Settings",
"ShowFeedbackAndSupport": "Show Feedback & Support link",
"ShowHelpCenter": "Show link to Help Center",
"ShowVideoGuides": "Show link to Video Guides",
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@
"SMTPSettingsDescription": "The SMTP settings are needed to set up an email account which will be used to send notifications from the portal using your own SMTP server instead of the one {{organizationName}} uses. Please fill in all the fields and click the 'Save' button. You can use the 'Send Test Mail' button to check if all the settings you entered are correct and work as supposed.",
"StoragePeriod": "Storage period",
"StudioTimeLanguageSettings": "Language and Time Zone Settings",
"TimeLanguageSettingsDescription": "Change Language and Time Zone Settings to adjust common DocSpace language and time.",
"TimeLanguageSettingsSave": "Click <strong>Save</strong> at the bottom to apply.",
"Submit": "Submit",
"SuccessfullySaveGreetingSettingsMessage": "Welcome Page settings have been successfully saved",
"SuccessfullySavePortalNameMessage": "Space has been renamed successfully",
@ -225,20 +223,22 @@
"ThirdPartyResourceDescription": "Backup can be saved to your third-party account (Dropbox,, OneDrive or Google Drive). You need to connect your third-party account (Dropbox,, OneDrive or Google Drive) before you will be able to save your backup there.",
"ThirdPartyStorageDescription": "Backup can be saved to a third-party storage. Before, you need to connect the corresponding service in the 'Integration' section. Otherwise, the following settings will be inactive.",
"ThirdPartyTitleDescription": "With Authorization keys, you can connect third-party services to your space. Sign in easily with Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn. Add Dropbox, OneDrive, and other accounts to work with files stored there.",
"TimeLanguageSettingsDescription": "Change Language and Time Zone Settings to adjust common DocSpace language and time.",
"TimeLanguageSettingsSave": "Click <strong>Save</strong> at the bottom to apply.",
"TimeZone": "Time zone",
"TrustedMail": "Trusted mail domain settings",
"TrustedMailSettingDescription": "Configure Trusted Mail Domain Settings to specify the allowed mail servers to use for self-registration.",
"TrustedMailSave": "Click the <strong>Save</strong> button at the bottom to apply.",
"TrustedMailMobileDescription": "Trusted Mail Domain Settings is a way to specify the mail servers used for user self-registration.",
"TrustedMailDescription": "<1>Trusted Mail Domain Settings</1> is a way to specify the mail servers used for user self-registration. <br> You can either check the <2>Custom domains</2> option and enter the trusted mail server in the field below so that a person who has an account at it will be able to register him(her)self by clicking the Join link on the <3>Sign In</3> page or disable this option. <br> To make the parameters you set take effect, click the <4>Save</4> button at the bottom of the section.",
"TrustedMailHelper": "You can either check the Custom domains option and enter the trusted mail server in the field below so that a person who has an account at it will be able to register him(her)self by clicking the Join link on the Sign In page or disable this option.",
"TrustedMailMobileDescription": "Trusted Mail Domain Settings is a way to specify the mail servers used for user self-registration.",
"TrustedMailSave": "Click the <strong>Save</strong> button at the bottom to apply.",
"TrustedMailSettingDescription": "Configure Trusted Mail Domain Settings to specify the allowed mail servers to use for self-registration.",
"TwoFactorAuth": "Two-factor authentication",
"TwoFactorAuthEnableDescription": "Enable two-factor authentication for a more secure DocSpace access for users.",
"TwoFactorAuthSave": "Click the <strong>Save</strong> button below to apply.",
"TwoFactorAuthNote": "<strong>Note:</strong> make sure to always have positive balance when SMS message option is chosen.",
"TwoFactorAuthMobileDescription": "Two-factor authentication is a more secure way for the users to enter the portal. After the credentials are entered, the user will have to enter the code from the SMS received to the mobile phone with the number which was specified at the first portal login or the code from an authentication application.",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription": "<1>Two-factor authentication</1> is a more secure way for the users to enter the DocSpace. After the credentials are entered, the user will have to enter the code from the SMS received to the mobile phone with the number which was specified at the first space login or the code from an authentication application. <br> Enable this option for a more secure DocSpace access by all the DocSpace users. <br> To apply the changes you made click the <2>Save</2> button below this section. <br> <3>Note</3>: SMS messages can be sent if you have a positive balance only. You can always check your current balance in your SMS provider account. Do not forget to replenish your balance in good time.",
"TwoFactorAuthEnableDescription": "Enable two-factor authentication for a more secure DocSpace access for users.",
"TwoFactorAuthHelper": "Note: SMS messages can be sent if you have a positive balance only. You can always check your current balance in your SMS provider account. Do not forget to replenish your balance in good time.",
"TwoFactorAuthMobileDescription": "Two-factor authentication is a more secure way for the users to enter the portal. After the credentials are entered, the user will have to enter the code from the SMS received to the mobile phone with the number which was specified at the first portal login or the code from an authentication application.",
"TwoFactorAuthNote": "<strong>Note:</strong> make sure to always have positive balance when SMS message option is chosen.",
"TwoFactorAuthSave": "Click the <strong>Save</strong> button below to apply.",
"UnsavedChangesBody": "If you close the link settings menu right now, your changes will not be saved.",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Use as logo",
"UseDigits": "Use digits",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
"Add": "Add",
"Before": "Before",
"CreateWebhook": "Create webhook",
"DeleteHint": "The webhook will be deleted permanently.\nYou will not be able to undo this action.",
@ -57,5 +56,5 @@
"WebhookRemoved": "Webhook removed",
"Webhooks": "Webhooks",
"WebhooksGuide": "Webhooks Guide",
"WebhooksInfo": "Use webhooks to perform custom actions on the side of any application or website you are using based on various events in ONLYOFFICE Docspace.\nHere, you can create and manage all your webhooks, configure them, and browse history of every webhook to audit their performance."
"WebhooksInfo": "Use webhooks to perform custom actions on the side of any application or website you are using based on various events in ONLYOFFICE DocSpace.\nHere, you can create and manage all your webhooks, configure them, and browse history of every webhook to audit their performance."

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
"MakeRoomPrivateDescription": "Todos los archivos de esta sala se cifrarán.",
"MakeRoomPrivateLimitationsWarningDescription": "Con esta característica, solo puede invitar a los usuarios existentes de DocSpace. Después de crear una sala, no podrá cambiar la lista de usuarios.",
"MakeRoomPrivateTitle": "Hacer que la sala sea privada",
"PublicRoomBarDescription": "Esta sala está disponible para cualquiera que tenga el enlace. Los usuarios externos tendrán permiso de Solo visualización para todos los archivos.",
"PublicRoomDescription": "Invite a los usuarios mediante enlaces externos para que vean los documentos sin necesidad de registrarse. También puede incrustar esta sala en cualquier interfaz web.",
"ReviewRoomDescription": "Solicitar una revisión o comentarios sobre los documentos",
"ReviewRoomTitle": "Sala de revisión",
"RoomEditing": "Edición de las salas",

View File

@ -5,5 +5,9 @@
"ErrorDeactivatedText": "Este DocSpace está desactivado",
"ErrorEmptyResponse": "Respuesta vacía",
"ErrorOfflineText": "No se ha encontrado ninguna conexión a Internet",
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace no está disponible"
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace no está disponible",
"ExpiredLink": "Enlace expirado",
"InvalidLink": "Enlace no válido",
"LinkDoesNotExist": "El enlace que usted intenta abrir no existe.",
"LinkHasExpired": "El enlace que usted ha seguido ha expirado."

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
"AddMembersDescription": "Puede añadir nuevos miembros del equipo manualmente o invitarlos a través de un enlace.",
"AddNewExternalLink": "Añadir nuevo enlace externo",
"AddNewLink": "Añadir nuevo enlace",
"All": "Todos",
"AllFiles": "Todos los archivos",
"AllLinksAreDisabled": "Todos los enlaces están desactivados",
"ArchiveAction": "Archivo vacío",
"ArchivedRoomAction": "La sala {{name}} está archivada",
"ArchivedRoomsAction": "Las salas están archivadas",
@ -14,18 +17,29 @@
"ByCreation": "Creado",
"ByErasure": "Eliminación",
"ByLastModified": "Modificado",
"ChooseExpirationDate": "Limite el periodo de disponibilidad de este enlace estableciendo una fecha de vencimiento.",
"Clean": "Limpiar",
"CollaborationRooms": "Colaboración",
"ContainsSpecCharacter": "El título no puede contener ninguno de los siguientes caracteres: *+:\"<>?|/",
"Convert": "Conversión",
"CopyItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> copiado",
"CopyItems": "<strong>{{qty}}</strong> elementos copiados",
"CopyLinkPassword": "Copiar contraseña del enlace",
"CopyPassword": "Copiar contraseña",
"CreateRoom": "Crear sala",
"CustomRooms": "Personalizada",
"DaysRemaining": "Días restantes: {{daysRemaining}}",
"DeleteLink": "Eliminar enlace",
"DeleteLinkNote": "El enlace se eliminará de forma permanente. Usted no podrá deshacer esta acción.",
"DisableDownload": "Desactivar la función de descarga",
"DisableLink": "Desactivar enlace",
"DisableNotifications": "Deshabilitar notificaciones",
"Document": "Documento",
"DocumentEdited": "No se puede realizar la acción porque el documento se está editando.",
"DownloadAll": "Descargar todo",
"EditLink": "Editar enlace",
"EditRoom": "Editar sala",
"EmbeddingSettings": "Configuración de incrustación",
"EmptyFile": "Archivo vacío",
"EmptyFilterDescriptionText": "Ningún archivo o carpeta coincide con este filtro. Pruebe con otro o borre el filtro para ver todos los archivos. ",
"EmptyFilterSubheadingText": "No hay archivos que se muestren para este filtro aquí",
@ -35,6 +49,7 @@
"EmptyRecycleBin": "Vaciar Papelera",
"EmptyRootRoomHeader": "Bienvenido/a a DocSpace",
"EmptyScreenFolder": "Todavía no hay documentos aquí",
"EnableLink": "Activar enlace",
"EnableNotifications": "Habilitar notificaciones",
"ExcludeSubfolders": "Excluir subcarpetas",
"FavoritesEmptyContainerDescription": "Para marcar archivos como favoritos o eliminarlos de esta lista, utilice el menú contextual.",
@ -53,39 +68,60 @@
"GoToPersonal": "Ir a Mis documentos",
"Images": "Imágenes",
"InviteUsersInRoom": "Invitar usuarios a la sala",
"LimitByTimePeriod": "Limitar por periodo de tiempo",
"LinkAddedSuccessfully": "El enlace se ha añadido correctamente",
"LinkDeletedSuccessfully": "El enlace se ha eliminado correctamente",
"LinkDisabledSuccessfully": "El enlace se ha desactivado correctamente",
"LinkEditedSuccessfully": "El enlace se ha editado correctamente",
"LinkEnabledSuccessfully": "El enlace se ha activado correctamente",
"LinkForPortalUsers": "Enlace para los usuarios de DocSpace",
"LinkForRoomMembers": "Enlace para los miembros de la sala",
"Links": "Enlaces",
"LinkSuccessfullyCopied": "El enlace se ha copiado correctamente",
"LinkValidUntil": "Este enlace será válido hasta",
"MarkAsFavorite": "Marcar como favorito",
"MarkAsRevision": "Marcar como revisión",
"MarkAsVersion": "Marcar como versión",
"MarkedAsFavorite": "Agregado a los favoritos",
"MarkRead": "Marcar como leído",
"MaximumNumberOfExternalLinksCreated": "Número máximo de enlaces externos creados",
"Media": "Multimedia",
"MoveItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> movido",
"MoveItems": "<strong>{{qty}}</strong> elementos se han movido",
"MoveOrCopy": "Mover o Copiar",
"MoveToArchive": "Mover a archivo",
"MoveToFolderMessage": "No se puede mover la carpeta a su subcarpeta",
"MoveToPublicRoom": "Esta sala y todo su contenido están disponibles para cualquiera que tenga el enlace. ¿Desea continuar?",
"MoveToPublicRoomTitle": "Mover a Sala pública",
"New": "Nuevo",
"NewRoom": "Nueva sala",
"NoAccessRoomDescription": "En 5 segundos será redirigido automáticamente a Mis salas.",
"NoAccessRoomTitle": "Perdón, no tiene acceso a esta sala.",
"NoExternalLinks": "Sin enlaces externos",
"NoFilesHereYet": "Todavía no hay archivos aquí",
"Open": "Abrir",
"OpenLocation": "Abrir ubicación",
"PasswordAccess": "Acceso con contraseña",
"PasswordLink": "Añada una contraseña para proteger su enlace.",
"PasswordSuccessfullyCopied": "La contraseña se ha copiado correctamente",
"Pin": "Anclar",
"PinToTop": "Anclar al principio",
"Presentation": "Presentación",
"PreventDownloadFilesAndFolders": "Desactive las descargas de archivos y carpetas desde esta sala para proteger sus datos.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionEncrypted": "Edición y colaboración cifradas en tiempo real.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSafest": "El almacenamiento más seguro para docx, xlsx y pptx.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSecure": "Intercambio seguro con compañeros de equipo de confianza.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionUnbreakable": "Algoritmo AES-256 irrompible.",
"PrivateRoomHeader": "Bienvenido/a a la sala privada de ONLYOFFICE, donde cada símbolo que usted escribe está cifrado.",
"PrivateRoomSupport": "El trabajo en la sala privada está disponible a través de la aplicación de escritorio {{organizationName}}. <3>Instrucciones</3>",
"PublicRoom": "Sala pública",
"RecentEmptyContainerDescription": "Sus últimos documentos vistos o editados se mostrarán en esta sección.",
"RecycleBinAction": "Vaciar la papelera",
"RemovedFromFavorites": "Quitado de favoritos",
"RemoveFromFavorites": "Quitar de favoritos",
"RemoveFromList": "Quitar de la lista",
"RestoreAll": "Restaurar todo",
"RoomAvailableViaExternalLink": "Sala disponible a través de enlace externo",
"RoomCreated": "La sala se ha creado",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescription": "Por favor, cree la primera sala.",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescriptionUser": "Las salas compartidas con usted aparecerán aquí.",
@ -96,10 +132,14 @@
"RoomsRemoved": "Se han eliminado las salas",
"RoomUnpinned": "Se ha desanclado la sala",
"SearchByContent": "Buscar por contenido del archivo",
"SelectorEmptyScreenHeader": "Aún no hay archivos ni carpetas aquí",
"SendByEmail": "Enviar por correo electrónico",
"Share": "Compartir",
"ShareRoom": "Compartir sala",
"ShowLinkActions": "Mostrar acciones de enlace",
"ShowVersionHistory": "Mostrar historial de versiones",
"Spreadsheet": "Hoja de cálculo",
"TableSettingsTitle": "Gestionar las columnas mostradas",
"TooltipElementCopyMessage": "Copiar {{element}}",
"TooltipElementsCopyMessage": "Copiar {{element}} elementos",
"TooltipElementsMoveMessage": "Mover {{element}} elementos",
@ -114,5 +154,7 @@
"ViewList": "Lista",
"ViewOnlyRooms": "Solo lectura",
"ViewTiles": "Iconos",
"WantToRestoreTheRoom": "Todos los enlaces externos de esta sala se activarán, y su contenido estará disponible para todos los que tengan el enlace. ¿Desea restaurar la sala?",
"WantToRestoreTheRooms": "Todos los enlaces externos de las salas restauradas se activarán, y su contenido estará disponible para todos los que tengan el enlace a la sala. ¿Desea restaurar las salas?",
"WithSubfolders": "Con subcarpetas"

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"HistoryEmptyScreenText": "El historial de actividad se mostrará aquí",
"ItemsSelected": "Elementos seleccionados",
"LastModifiedBy": "Ultima modificación por",
"LinksToViewingIcon": "Enlaces para visualización",
"PendingInvitations": "Invitaciones pendientes",
"Properties": "Propiedades",
"RoomsEmptyScreenTent": "Vea los detalles de las salas aquí",

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"ChangeLogoButton": "Cambiar logo",
"Characters": "{{length}} caracteres",
"ClearBackupList": "Eliminar todas las copias de seguridad",
"CloseMenu": "Cerrar menú",
"CompanyInfoSettings": "Configuración de la información de la empresa",
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Esta información se mostrará en la ventana <1>{{link}}</1>.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "El correo electrónico de confirmación ha sido enviado a {{ownerName}}",
@ -199,6 +200,7 @@
"TwoFactorAuth": "Autenticación de dos factores",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription": "<1>Autenticación de dos factores</1> es un modo más seguro de acceder a DocSpace para los usuarios. Cuando los datos de acceso estén introducidos, el usuario tendrá que introducir el código enviado por SMS al teléfono móvil con el número que fue especificado durante el primer ingreso al portal o el código de la aplicación de autenticador. <br> Active esta opción para el acceso a DocSpace más seguro para todos los usuarios de DocSpace. <br> Para aplicar los cambios realizados pulse el botón <2>Guardar</2> debajo de esta sección. <br> <3>Nota</3>: Solo se pueden enviar mensajes SMS si tiene saldo positivo. Siempre puede comprobar su saldo actual en su cuenta de proveedor de SMS. No olvide recargar su saldo a tiempo.",
"TwoFactorAuthHelper": "Nota: Sólo se pueden enviar mensajes SMS si tiene un saldo positivo. Siempre puede comprobar su saldo actual en su cuenta de proveedor de SMS. No olvide reponer su saldo a tiempo.",
"UnsavedChangesBody": "Si usted cierra el menú de configuración de enlaces en este momento, sus cambios no se guardarán.",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Usar como logo",
"UseDigits": "Usar cifras",
"UseHttp": "Utilice Http",

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"ExternalLink": "Enlace externo",
"FormFilling": "Relleno de formularios",
"InternalLink": "Enlace interno",
"LinkName": "Nombre del enlace",
"Notify users": "Notificar a usuarios",
"ReadOnly": "Sólo lectura",
"ShareEmailBody": "Se le ha concedido acceso al documento {{itemName}}. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para abrir el documento ahora mismo: {{shareLink}}.",

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"FolderTitleYandex": "Directorio Yandex",
"FormTemplates": "Plantillas de formulario",
"LinkCopySuccess": "El enlace se ha copiado en el portapapeles",
"LinkHasExpiredAndHasBeenDisabled": "El enlace ha expirado y se ha desactivado",
"LinkValidTime": "Este enlace solo es válido durante {{days_count}} días.",
"MobileAndroid": "Obtener ONLYOFFICE Documents en el Google Play",
"MobileIos": "Descargar ONLYOFFICE Documents en el App Store",
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
"Other": "Otro",
"OwnerChange": "Cambiar propietario",
"Presentations": "Presentaciones",
"PublicRoomLinkValidTime": "Este enlace es válido hasta {{date}}. Una vez que caduque, será imposible acceder a la sala a través de este enlace.",
"Remove": "Eliminar",
"RoleCommentator": "Comentarista",
"RoleCommentatorDescription": "Operaciones con archivos existentes: visualización, comentarios.",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"Before": "Antes de",
"CreateWebhook": "Crear webhook",
"DeleteHint": "El webhook se eliminará de forma permanente.\nUsted no podrá deshacer esta acción.",
"DeleteWebhook": "Eliminar webhook",
"DeleteWebhookForeverQuestion": "¿Eliminar el webhook para siempre?",
"Delivery": "Entrega",
"DeliveryDate": "Fecha de entrega",
"DisableSSL": "Desactivar (no recomendado)",
"EnableSSL": "Activar la verificación SSL",
"EnterSecretKey": "Introduzca la clave secreta",
"EnterUrl": "Introduzca la URL",
"EnterWebhookName": "Introduzca el nombre del webhook",
"EventHint": "Las entregas se eliminan automáticamente después de 15 días",
"EventID": "ID del evento",
"FailedToConnect": "No pudimos entregar esta carga útil: error al conectarse al host",
"From": "Desde",
"Generate": "Generar",
"NoResultsMatched": "No hay resultados que coincidan con este filtro. Pruebe con otro o borre el filtro para ver todos los elementos.",
"NotSent": "No enviado",
"PayloadIsTooLarge": "La carga útil es demasiado grande para mostrarla.",
"PayloadUrl": "URL de la carga útil",
"ReadMore": "Leer más",
"Request": "Solicitar",
"RequestBodyCopied": "El cuerpo de la solicitud POST se ha copiado correctamente en el portapapele",
"RequestHeaderCopied": "El encabezado de la solicitud POST se ha copiado correctamente en el portapapeles",
"RequestPostBody": "El cuerpo de la solicitud POST",
"RequestPostHeader": "El encabezado de la solicitud POST"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
"MakeRoomPrivateDescription": "Tous les fichiers de cette salle seront chiffrés.",
"MakeRoomPrivateLimitationsWarningDescription": "Cette fonction vous permet dinviter uniquement les utilisateurs existants de DocSpace. Après avoir créé une salle, vous ne pourrez pas modifier la liste des utilisateurs.",
"MakeRoomPrivateTitle": "Rendre la salle privée",
"PublicRoomBarDescription": "Cette salle est accessible à toute personne disposant du lien. Les utilisateurs externes auront l'autorisation Lecture seule pour tous les fichiers.",
"PublicRoomDescription": "Invitez les utilisateurs via des liens externes à consulter les documents sans inscription. Vous pouvez également intégrer cette salle dans n'importe quelle interface web.",
"ReviewRoomDescription": "Demander une révision ou des commentaires sur les documents",
"ReviewRoomTitle": "Salle de révision",
"RoomEditing": "Salle de lédition",

View File

@ -5,5 +5,9 @@
"ErrorDeactivatedText": "Ce DocSpace est désactivé",
"ErrorEmptyResponse": "Réponse vide",
"ErrorOfflineText": "Aucune connexion Internet trouvée",
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace non disponible"
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace non disponible",
"ExpiredLink": "Lien expiré",
"InvalidLink": "Lien incorrect",
"LinkDoesNotExist": "Le lien que vous essayez d'ouvrir n'existe pas.",
"LinkHasExpired": "Le lien que vous avez suivi a expiré."

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
"AddMembersDescription": "Vous pouvez ajouter de nouveaux membres de léquipe manuellement ou les inviter via un lien.",
"AddNewExternalLink": "Ajouter un nouveau lien externe",
"AddNewLink": "Ajouter un nouveau lien",
"All": "Tout",
"AllFiles": "Tous les fichiers",
"AllLinksAreDisabled": "Tous les liens sont désactivés",
"ArchiveAction": "Archives vides",
"ArchivedRoomAction": "La salle '{{name}}' est archivée",
"ArchivedRoomsAction": "Les salles sont archivées",
@ -14,18 +17,29 @@
"ByCreation": "Créé",
"ByErasure": "Suppression",
"ByLastModified": "Modifié",
"ChooseExpirationDate": "Limitez la période de disponibilité de ce lien en fixant une date d'expiration.",
"Clean": "Effacer",
"CollaborationRooms": "Collaboration",
"ContainsSpecCharacter": "Le titre ne peut contenir aucun des caractères suivants : *+ :\"<>?|/",
"Convert": "Conversion",
"CopyItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> copié",
"CopyItems": "<strong>{{qty}}</strong> éléments copiés",
"CopyLinkPassword": "Copier le mot de passe du lien",
"CopyPassword": "Copier le mot de passe",
"CreateRoom": "Créer une salle",
"CustomRooms": "Pesonnalisée",
"DaysRemaining": "Jours restants : {{daysRemaining}}",
"DeleteLink": "Supprimer le lien",
"DeleteLinkNote": "Le lien sera définitivement supprimé. Vous ne pourrez pas annuler cette action.",
"DisableDownload": "Désactiver la fonction de téléchargement",
"DisableLink": "Désactiver le lien",
"DisableNotifications": "Désactiver les notifications",
"Document": "Document",
"DocumentEdited": "Impossible deffectuer laction car le document est en cours de modification.",
"DownloadAll": "Télécharger tout",
"EditLink": "Modifier le lien",
"EditRoom": "Modifier la salle",
"EmbeddingSettings": "Paramètres d'intégration",
"EmptyFile": "Fichier vide",
"EmptyFilterDescriptionText": "Aucun fichier ou dossier ne correspond à ce filtre. Essayez un autre filtre ou effacez le filtre pour afficher tous les fichiers. ",
"EmptyFilterSubheadingText": "Aucun fichier à afficher pour ce filtre ici",
@ -35,6 +49,7 @@
"EmptyRecycleBin": "Vider la corbeille",
"EmptyRootRoomHeader": "Bienvenue dans DocSpace !",
"EmptyScreenFolder": "Aucun document ici pour le moment",
"EnableLink": "Activer le lien",
"EnableNotifications": "Activer les notifications",
"ExcludeSubfolders": "Exclure des sous-dossiers",
"FavoritesEmptyContainerDescription": "Pour marquer des fichiers comme favoris ou les supprimer de cette liste, utilisez le menu contextuel.",
@ -53,39 +68,60 @@
"GoToPersonal": "Aller dans Mes documents",
"Images": "Images",
"InviteUsersInRoom": "Inviter des utilisateurs dans la salle",
"LimitByTimePeriod": "Limite par période",
"LinkAddedSuccessfully": "Le lien a été ajouté avec succès",
"LinkDeletedSuccessfully": "Le lien a été supprimé avec succès",
"LinkDisabledSuccessfully": "Le lien a été désactivé avec succès",
"LinkEditedSuccessfully": "Le lien a été modifié avec succès",
"LinkEnabledSuccessfully": "Le lien a été activé avec succès",
"LinkForPortalUsers": "Lien pour les utilisateurs de DocSpace",
"LinkForRoomMembers": "Lien pour les membres de la salle",
"Links": "Liens",
"LinkSuccessfullyCopied": "Le lien a été copié avec succès",
"LinkValidUntil": "Ce lien est valable jusqu'à",
"MarkAsFavorite": "Marquer en tant que favori",
"MarkAsRevision": "Marquer comme révision",
"MarkAsVersion": "Marquer comme version",
"MarkedAsFavorite": "Ajouté aux favoris",
"MarkRead": "Marquer comme lu(s)",
"MaximumNumberOfExternalLinksCreated": "Nombre maximum de liens externes créés",
"Media": "Média",
"MoveItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> déplacé",
"MoveItems": "<strong>{{qty}}</strong> éléments ont été déplacés",
"MoveOrCopy": "Déplacer ou copier",
"MoveToArchive": "Déplacer dans larchive",
"MoveToFolderMessage": "Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer le dossier vers son sous-dossier",
"MoveToPublicRoom": "Cette salle et tout son contenu sont accessibles à toute personne disposant du lien. Voulez-vous continuer ?",
"MoveToPublicRoomTitle": "Déplacer vers la salle publique",
"New": "nouveau",
"NewRoom": "Nouvelle salle",
"NoAccessRoomDescription": "Vous serez automatiquement redirigé vers Mes salles dans 5 secondes.",
"NoAccessRoomTitle": "Malheureusement, vous navez pas accès à cette salle.",
"NoExternalLinks": "Pas de liens externes",
"NoFilesHereYet": "Aucun fichier ici pour le moment",
"Open": "Ouvrir",
"OpenLocation": "Ouvrir un emplacement ",
"PasswordAccess": "Accès par mot de passe",
"PasswordLink": "Ajoutez un mot de passe pour protéger votre lien.",
"PasswordSuccessfullyCopied": "Le mot de passe a été copié avec succès",
"Pin": "Épingler",
"PinToTop": "Épingler en haut de page",
"Presentation": "Présentation",
"PreventDownloadFilesAndFolders": "Désactivez les téléchargements de fichiers et de dossiers à partir de cette salle pour sécuriser vos données.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionEncrypted": "Édition cryptée et collaboration en temps réel.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSafest": "Le stockage le plus sûr pour les docx, xlsx et pptx.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSecure": "Partage sécurisé avec des coéquipiers de confiance.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionUnbreakable": "Algorithme stable AES-256.",
"PrivateRoomHeader": "Bienvenue dans la Salle Privée ONLYOFFICE où chaque symbole que vous tapez est crypté.",
"PrivateRoomSupport": "Le travail dans la Salle Privée est disponible via l'application de bureau {{organizationName}}. <3>Instructions</3>",
"PublicRoom": "Salle publique",
"RecentEmptyContainerDescription": "Vos derniers documents consultés ou modifiés seront affichés dans cette section.",
"RecycleBinAction": "Vider la corbeille",
"RemovedFromFavorites": "Retiré des favoris",
"RemoveFromFavorites": "Retirer des favoris",
"RemoveFromList": "Retirer de la liste",
"RestoreAll": "Restaurer tout",
"RoomAvailableViaExternalLink": "Salle disponible via lien externe",
"RoomCreated": "Salle créée",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescription": "Veuillez créer la première salle.",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescriptionUser": "Les salles partagées avec vous apparaîtront ici.",
@ -96,10 +132,14 @@
"RoomsRemoved": "Salles supprimées",
"RoomUnpinned": "Salle désépinglée",
"SearchByContent": "Recherche par contenu de fichier",
"SelectorEmptyScreenHeader": "Aucun fichier ou dossier n'a encore été créé",
"SendByEmail": "Envoyer par émail",
"Share": "Partager",
"ShareRoom": "Partager la salle",
"ShowLinkActions": "Afficher les actions du lien",
"ShowVersionHistory": "Afficher l'historique des versions",
"Spreadsheet": "Feuille de calcul",
"TableSettingsTitle": "Gérer les colonnes affichées",
"TooltipElementCopyMessage": "Copier {{element}}",
"TooltipElementsCopyMessage": "Copier {{element}} des éléments",
"TooltipElementsMoveMessage": "Déplacer les éléments {{element}}",
@ -114,5 +154,7 @@
"ViewList": "Liste",
"ViewOnlyRooms": "Lecture seule",
"ViewTiles": "Carreaux",
"WantToRestoreTheRoom": "Tous les liens externes de cette salle deviendront actifs et son contenu sera accessible à tous les utilisateurs disposant du lien. Voulez-vous restaurer la salle ?",
"WantToRestoreTheRooms": "Tous les liens externes des salles restaurées deviendront actifs et leur contenu sera accessible à tous ceux qui possèdent les liens de la salle. Voulez-vous restaurer les salles ?",
"WithSubfolders": "Avec des sous-dossiers"

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"HistoryEmptyScreenText": "L'historique des activités sera affiché ici",
"ItemsSelected": "Éléments sélectionnés",
"LastModifiedBy": "Dernière modification par",
"LinksToViewingIcon": "Liens vers l'affichage",
"PendingInvitations": "Invitations en attente",
"Properties": "Propriétés",
"RoomsEmptyScreenTent": "Voir les détails des salles ici",

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"ChangeLogoButton": "Changer le logo",
"Characters": "{{length}} caractères",
"ClearBackupList": "Supprimer toutes les sauvegardes",
"CloseMenu": "Fermer le menu",
"CompanyInfoSettings": "Paramètres dinformation de lentreprise",
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Ces informations seront affichées dans la fenêtre <1>{{link}}</1>.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Un e-mail de confirmation a été envoyé à {{ownerName}}",
@ -199,6 +200,7 @@
"TwoFactorAuth": "Authentification à deux facteurs",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription": "L'<1>authentification à deux facteurs</1> est un moyen plus sécurisé pour les utilisateurs d'entrer dans DocSpace. Une fois les informations d'identification entrées, l'utilisateur doit entrer le code envoyé par SMS sur le téléphone portable avec le numéro spécifié lors du premier accès au portail ou le code d'une application d'authentification. <br> Activez cette option pour un accès plus sécurisé à DocSpace pour tous les utilisateurs de DocSpace. <br> Pour appliquer les modifications cliquez sur le bouton <2>Enregistrer</2> situé en bas de cette section. <br> <3>Note</3> : Les messages SMS ne peuvent être envoyés que si votre solde est positif. Vous pouvez toujours consulter votre solde actuel sur le compte de votre fournisseur de SMS. N'oubliez pas de réapprovisionner votre solde à temps.",
"TwoFactorAuthHelper": "Remarque: les SMS peuvent être envoyés si vous avez un solde positif uniquement. Vous pouvez toujours vérifier votre solde actuel dans votre compte fournisseur SMS. N'oubliez pas de réapprovisionner votre solde en temps opportun.",
"UnsavedChangesBody": "Si vous fermez le menu des paramètres du lien maintenant, vos modifications ne seront pas sauvegardées.",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Utiliser comme logo",
"UseDigits": "Utiliser chiffres",
"UseHttp": "Utiliser Http",

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"ExternalLink": "Lien externe",
"FormFilling": "Remplissage de formulaire",
"InternalLink": "Lien interne",
"LinkName": "Nom du lien",
"Notify users": "Informer les utilisateurs",
"ReadOnly": "Lecture seule",
"ShareEmailBody": "Vous avez été autorisé à accéder au document {{itemName}}. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour ouvrir le document maintenant : {{shareLink}}.",

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"FolderTitleYandex": "Répertoire Yandex",
"FormTemplates": "Modèles de formulaire",
"LinkCopySuccess": "Le lien a été copié dans le Presse-papiers",
"LinkHasExpiredAndHasBeenDisabled": "Le lien a expiré et a été désactivé",
"LinkValidTime": "Ce lien nest valable que pour les {{days_count}} jours.",
"MobileAndroid": "Télécharger ONLYOFFICE Documents sur Google Play",
"MobileIos": "Télécharger ONLYOFFICE Documents sur App Store",
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
"Other": "Autre",
"OwnerChange": "Changer le propriétaire",
"Presentations": "Présentations",
"PublicRoomLinkValidTime": "Ce lien est valable jusqu'à {{date}}. Une fois qu'il aura expiré, il sera impossible d'accéder à la salle via ce lien.",
"Remove": "Supprimer",
"RoleCommentator": "Commentateur",
"RoleCommentatorDescription": "Opérations sur les fichiers existants : affichage, commentaires.",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"Before": "Avant",
"CreateWebhook": "Créer un webhook",
"DeleteHint": "Le webhook sera définitivement supprimé.\nVous ne pourrez pas annuler cette action.",
"DeleteWebhook": "Supprimer le webhook",
"DeleteWebhookForeverQuestion": "Supprimer le webhook définitivement ?",
"Delivery": "Livraison",
"DeliveryDate": "Date de livraison",
"DisableSSL": "Désactiver (non recommandé)",
"EnableSSL": "Activer la vérification SSL",
"EnterSecretKey": "Saisir la clé secrète",
"EnterUrl": "Saisir l'URL",
"EnterWebhookName": "Saisir le nom du webhook",
"EventHint": "Les livraisons sont automatiquement supprimées après 15 jours",
"EventID": "Identifiant de l'événement",
"FailedToConnect": "Nous n'avons pas pu délivrer cette commande : la connexion à l'hôte a échoué.",
"From": "De",
"Generate": "Générer",
"NoResultsMatched": "Aucun résultat ne correspond à ce filtre. Essayez-en un autre ou effacez le filtre pour afficher tous les articles.",
"NotSent": "Non transmis",
"PayloadIsTooLarge": "La charge utile est trop importante pour être affichée.",
"PayloadUrl": "URL de la charge",
"ReadMore": "En savoir plus",
"Request": "Demande",
"RequestBodyCopied": "Le corps de la requête POST a été copié avec succès dans le presse-papiers",
"RequestHeaderCopied": "L'en-tête de la requête POST a été copié avec succès dans le presse-papiers",
"RequestPostBody": "Corps de la requête POST",
"RequestPostHeader": "En-tête de la requête POST",
"ResetKey": "Clé de réinitialisation",
"Response": "Réponse",
"ResponseBodyCopied": "Le corps de la réponse POST a été copié avec succès dans le presse-papiers",
"ResponseHeaderCopied": "L'en-tête de la réponse POST a été copié avec succès dans le presse-papiers",
"ResponsePostBody": "Corps de la réponse POST",
"ResponsePostHeader": "En-tête de réponse POST",
"Retry": "Réessayer",
"SecretKey": "Clé secrète",
"SecretKeyHint": "La définition d'un secret pour le webhook permet de vérifier les demandes envoyées à l'URL de la charge.",
"SecretKeyWarning": "Vous ne pouvez pas récupérer votre clé secrète une fois qu'elle a été enregistrée. Si vous avez perdu ou oublié cette clé secrète, vous pouvez la réinitialiser, mais toutes les intégrations utilisant ce secret devront être mises à jour.",
"SelectDate": "Sélectionner la date",
"SelectDeliveryTime": "Sélectionner le délai de livraison",
"SettingsWebhook": "Paramètres du webhook",
"SSLHint": "Par défaut, nous vérifions les certificats SSL lors de la livraison des charges utiles.",
"SSLVerification": "Vérification SSL",
"State": "État",
"UnselectAll": "Désélectionner tout",
"URL": "URL",
"ViewRawPayload": "Voir les données brutes",
"Webhook": "Webhook",
"WebhookCreationHint": "Ce webhook sera assigné à tous les événements dans DocSpace",
"WebhookDetails": "Détails du webhook",
"WebhookEditedSuccessfully": "La configuration du webhook a été modifiée avec succès",
"WebhookHistory": "Historique des webhooks",
"WebhookName": "Nom du webhook",
"WebhookRedilivered": "Webhook redélivré"

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
"MakeRoomPrivateDescription": "Այս սենյակի բոլոր ֆայլերը կգաղտնագրվեն",
"MakeRoomPrivateLimitationsWarningDescription": "Այս ֆունկցիայի միջոցով կարող եք հրավիրել միայն DocSpace-ի գոյություն ունեցող օգտվողներին: Սենյակ ստեղծելուց հետո դուք չեք կարողանա փոխել օգտատերերի ցանկը:",
"MakeRoomPrivateTitle": "Դարձրեք սենյակը մասնավոր",
"PublicRoomBarDescription": "Այս սենյակը հասանելի է բոլորին, ովքեր ունեն հղումը: Արտաքին օգտվողները բոլոր ֆայլերի համար միայն դիտելու թույլտվություն կունենան:",
"PublicRoomDescription": "Հրավիրեք օգտատերերին արտաքին հղումների միջոցով՝ առանց գրանցման փաստաթղթեր դիտելու: Դուք կարող եք նաև տեղադրել այս սենյակը ցանկացած վեբ ինտերֆեյսի մեջ:",
"ReviewRoomDescription": "Խնդրեք վերանայում կամ մեկնաբանություններ փաստաթղթերի վերաբերյալ",
"ReviewRoomTitle": "Վերանայման սենյակ",
"RoomEditing": "Սենյակի խմբագրում",

View File

@ -5,5 +5,9 @@
"ErrorDeactivatedText": "Այս DocSpace-ն ապաակտիվացված է",
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"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace-ը առկա չէ"
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"LinkHasExpired": "Ձեր հետևած հղումը ժամկետանց է:"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
"AddMembersDescription": "Դուք կարող եք ձեռքով ավելացնել թիմի նոր անդամներ կամ հրավիրել նրանց հղման միջոցով:",
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"ArchiveAction": "Դատարկ արխիվ",
"ArchivedRoomAction": "«{{name}}» սենյակը արխիվացված է",
"ArchivedRoomsAction": "Սենյակները արխիվացված են",
@ -14,18 +17,29 @@
"ByCreation": "Ստեղծված",
"ByErasure": "Ջնջում",
"ByLastModified": "Փոփոխված",
"ChooseExpirationDate": "Սահմանափակեք այս հղման հասանելիության ժամկետը՝ ժամկետ սահմանելով:",
"Clean": "Մաքուր",
"CollaborationRooms": "Համագործակցություն",
"ContainsSpecCharacter": "Վերնագիրը չի կարող պարունակել հետևյալ նիշերից որևէ մեկը՝ *+:\"<>?|/",
"Convert": "Փոխարկել",
"CopyItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> պատճենված է",
"CopyItems": "<strong>{{qty}}</strong> տարրերը պատճենված են",
"CopyLinkPassword": "Պատճենել հղման գաղտնաբառը",
"CopyPassword": "Պատճենել գաղտնաբառը",
"CreateRoom": "Ստեղծեք սենյակ",
"CustomRooms": "Հարմարեցնել",
"DaysRemaining": "Մնացած օր: {{daysRemaining}}",
"DeleteLink": "Ջնջել հղումը",
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"DownloadAll": "Ներբեռնեք բոլորը",
"EditLink": "Խմբագրել հղումը",
"EditRoom": "Խմբագրել սենյակը",
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"EmptyFilterSubheadingText": "Այս զտիչի համար այստեղ ցուցադրվող ֆայլեր չկան",
@ -35,6 +49,7 @@
"EmptyRecycleBin": "Դատարկել աղբը",
"EmptyRootRoomHeader": "Բարի գալուստ DocSpace",
"EmptyScreenFolder": "Այստեղ դեռ փաստաթղթեր չկան",
"EnableLink": "Միացնել հղումը",
"EnableNotifications": "Միացնել ծանուցումները",
"ExcludeSubfolders": "Բացառել ենթապանակները",
"FavoritesEmptyContainerDescription": "Ֆայլերը որպես ընտրյալներ նշելու կամ այս ցանկից հեռացնելու համար օգտագործեք համատեքստի ցանկը:",
@ -53,39 +68,60 @@
"GoToPersonal": "Գնալ Իմ փաստաթղթերը",
"Images": "Պատկերներ",
"InviteUsersInRoom": "Հրավիրել օգտվողներին սենյակ",
"LimitByTimePeriod": "Սահմանափակում ըստ ժամանակաշրջանի",
"LinkAddedSuccessfully": "Հղումը հաջողությամբ ավելացվեց",
"LinkDeletedSuccessfully": "Հղումը հաջողությամբ ջնջվեց",
"LinkDisabledSuccessfully": "Հղումը հաջողությամբ անջատվեց",
"LinkEditedSuccessfully": "Հղումը հաջողությամբ խմբագրվել է",
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"LinkForRoomMembers": "Հղում սենյակի անդամների համար",
"Links": "Հղումներ",
"LinkSuccessfullyCopied": "Հղումը հաջողությամբ պատճենվեց",
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"MarkAsRevision": "Նշել որպես վերանայում",
"MarkAsVersion": "Նշել որպես տարբերակ",
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"MarkRead": "Նշել որպես ընթերցված",
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"Media": "Մեդիա",
"MoveItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> տեղափոխել է",
"MoveItems": "<strong>{{qty}}</strong> տարրերը տեղափոխվել են",
"MoveOrCopy": "Տեղափոխել կամ պատճենել",
"MoveToArchive": "Տեղափոխել արխիվ",
"MoveToFolderMessage": "Դուք չեք կարող պանակը տեղափոխել իր ենթաթղթապանակ",
"MoveToPublicRoom": "Այս սենյակը և դրա ողջ բովանդակությունը հասանելի են բոլորին, ովքեր ունեն հղումը: Ցանկանու՞մ եք շարունակել։",
"MoveToPublicRoomTitle": "Տեղափոխեք հանրային սենյակ",
"New": "Նոր",
"NewRoom": "Նոր սենյակ",
"NoAccessRoomDescription": "Դուք ավտոմատ կերպով կվերահղվեք դեպի Իմ սենյակները 5 վայրկյանից:",
"NoAccessRoomTitle": "Ներեցեք, դուք մուտք չունեք այս սենյակ:",
"NoExternalLinks": "Արտաքին հղումներ չկան",
"NoFilesHereYet": "Այստեղ դեռ ֆայլեր չկան",
"Open": "Բաց",
"OpenLocation": "Բացել տեղադրությունը",
"PasswordAccess": "Գաղտնաբառի հասանելիություն",
"PasswordLink": "Ձեր հղումը պաշտպանելու համար գաղտնաբառ ավելացրեք:",
"PasswordSuccessfullyCopied": "Գաղտնաբառը հաջողությամբ պատճենվեց",
"Pin": "Ամրացնել",
"PinToTop": "Ամրացնել վերին մասում",
"Presentation": "Ներկայացում",
"PreventDownloadFilesAndFolders": "Անջատեք ֆայլերի և պանակների ներբեռնումն այս սենյակից՝ ձեր տվյալները պաշտպանելու համար:",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionEncrypted": "Գաղտնագրված խմբագրում և իրական ժամանակի համագործակցություն.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSafest": "Ամենաանվտանգ պահեստը` docx, xlsx and pptx-ի համար.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSecure": "Անվտանգ համօգտագործում վստահելի թիմակիցների հետ.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionUnbreakable": "Անկոտրում AES-256 ալգորիթմ.",
"PrivateRoomHeader": "Բարի գալուստ ONLYOFFICE մասնավոր սենյակ,որտեղ ձեր մուտքագրած յուրաքանչյուր նշանը գաղտնագրված է",
"PrivateRoomSupport": "Մասնավոր սենյակում աշխատանքը հասանելի է {{organizationName}} սեղանի գործադիր. <3>Հրահանգներ</3>",
"PublicRoom": "Հասարակական սենյակ",
"RecentEmptyContainerDescription": "Ձեր վերջին դիտված կամ խմբագրված փաստաթղթերը կցուցադրվեն այս բաժնում:",
"RecycleBinAction": "Դատարկ աղբարկղ",
"RemovedFromFavorites": "Հեռացված է ընտրյալներից",
"RemoveFromFavorites": "Հեռացնել ընտրյալներից",
"RemoveFromList": "Հեռացնել ցանկից",
"RestoreAll": "Վերականգնել բոլորը",
"RoomAvailableViaExternalLink": "Այստեղ դեռ ֆայլեր և թղթապանակներ չկան",
"RoomCreated": "Ստեղծվել է սենյակ",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescription": "Խնդրում եմ ստեղծեք առաջին սենյակը :",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescriptionUser": "Ձեզ հետ կիսված սենյակները կհայտնվեն այստեղ",
@ -96,10 +132,14 @@
"RoomsRemoved": "Սենյակները հեռացվեցին",
"RoomUnpinned": "Սենյակն ապաամրացվեց",
"SearchByContent": "Որոնել ըստ ֆայլի բովանդակության",
"SelectorEmptyScreenHeader": "Այստեղ դեռ ֆայլեր և թղթապանակներ չկան",
"SendByEmail": "Ուղարկել էլփոստով",
"Share": "Համօգտագործել",
"ShareRoom": "Կիսվեք սենյակով",
"ShowLinkActions": "Ցույց տալ հղման գործողությունները",
"ShowVersionHistory": "Ցույց տալ տարբերակի պատմությունը",
"Spreadsheet": "Աղյուսակաթերթ",
"TableSettingsTitle": "Կառավարեք ցուցադրված սյունակները",
"TooltipElementCopyMessage": "Պատճենել {{element}}",
"TooltipElementsCopyMessage": "Պատճենել {{element}} տարրեր",
"TooltipElementsMoveMessage": "Տեղափոխել {{element}} տարրեր",
@ -114,5 +154,7 @@
"ViewList": "Ցուցակ",
"ViewOnlyRooms": "Միայն դիտելու համար",
"ViewTiles": "Սալիկներ",
"WantToRestoreTheRoom": "Այս սենյակի բոլոր արտաքին հղումները կակտիվանան, և դրա բովանդակությունը հասանելի կլինի բոլորին, ովքեր ունեն հղումը: Ցանկանու՞մ եք վերականգնել սենյակը:",
"WantToRestoreTheRooms": "Վերականգնված սենյակների բոլոր արտաքին հղումները կակտիվանան, և դրանց բովանդակությունը հասանելի կլինի բոլորին սենյակի հղումներով: Ցանկանու՞մ եք վերականգնել սենյակները:",
"WithSubfolders": "Ենթաթղթապանակներով"

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"HistoryEmptyScreenText": "Գործողությունների պատմությունը կցուցադրվի այստեղ",
"ItemsSelected": "Ընտրված միավորները",
"LastModifiedBy": "Վերջին անգամ փոփոխվել է՝",
"LinksToViewingIcon": "Հղումներ դեպի դիտում",
"PendingInvitations": "Սպասվող հրավերներ",
"Properties": "Հատկություններ",
"RoomsEmptyScreenTent": "Սենյակների մանրամասները տես ",

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"ChangeLogoButton": "Փոխել լոգոն",
"Characters": "{{length}} գրանշաններ",
"ClearBackupList": "Ջնջել բոլոր պահուստները",
"CloseMenu": "Փակել մենյուն",
"CompanyInfoSettings": "Ընկերության տեղեկատվության կարգավորումները",
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Այս տեղեկատվությունը կցուցադրվի <1>{{link}}</1> պատուհանում:",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Հաստատման էլ-նամակը ուղարկվել է {{ownerName}}",
@ -199,6 +200,7 @@
"TwoFactorAuth": "Երկգործոն իսկորոշում",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription": "<1>Երկգործոնով նույնականացումը</1> օգտատերերի համար DocSpace մուտք գործելու ավելի ապահով միջոց է: Հավատարմագրերը մուտքագրվելուց հետո օգտատերը պետք է մուտքագրի բջջային հեռախոսին ստացված SMS-ի կոդը այն համարով, որը նշված է առաջին բացատ մուտքի ժամանակ կամ նույնականացման հավելվածի կոդը: <br> Միացրեք այս տարբերակը DocSpace-ի բոլոր օգտվողների կողմից ավելի ապահով DocSpace մուտք գործելու համար: <br> Ձեր կատարած փոփոխությունները կիրառելու համար սեղմեք այս բաժնի տակ գտնվող <2>Պահպանել</2> կոճակը: <br> <3>Նշում</3>. SMS հաղորդագրություններ կարող են ուղարկվել միայն դրական հաշվեկշռի դեպքում: Դուք միշտ կարող եք ստուգել ձեր ընթացիկ հաշվեկշիռը ձեր SMS մատակարարի հաշվում: Մի մոռացեք ժամանակին լրացնել ձեր հաշվեկշիռը:",
"TwoFactorAuthHelper": "Նշում. SMS հաղորդագրություններ կարող են ուղարկվել միայն դրական հաշվեկշռի դեպքում: Դուք միշտ կարող եք ստուգել Ձեր ընթացիկ հաշվեկշիռը ձեր SMS մատակարարի հաշվում: Մի մոռացեք ժամանակին լրացնել Ձեր հաշվեկշիռը:",
"UnsavedChangesBody": "Եթե հենց հիմա փակեք հղման կարգավորումների ընտրացանկը, ձեր փոփոխությունները չեն պահպանվի:",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Օգտագործել որպես լոգո",
"UseDigits": "Օգտագործել թվանշաններ",
"UseHttp": "Օգտագործել Http",

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"ExternalLink": "Արտաքին հղում",
"FormFilling": "Ձևաթղթի լրացում",
"InternalLink": "Ներքին հղում",
"LinkName": "Հղման անվանում",
"Notify users": "Տեղեկացնել օգտվողներին",
"ReadOnly": "Միայն կարդալու համար",
"ShareEmailBody": "Ձեզ տրվել է մատչում դեպի {{itemName}} փաստաթուղթ: Փաստաթուղթը հենց հիմա բացելու համար սեղմեք ստորև նշված հղումը՝ {{shareLink}}.",

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"FolderTitleYandex": "Yandex գրացուցակ",
"FormTemplates": "Ձեւանմուշներ",
"LinkCopySuccess": "Հղումը պատճենվել է սեղմատախտակին",
"LinkHasExpiredAndHasBeenDisabled": "Այս հղումն ուժի մեջ ",
"LinkValidTime": "Այս հղումը վավեր է միայն {{days_count}} օր:",
"MobileAndroid": "Ստացեք ONLYOFFICE փաստաթղթեր on Google Play-ում",
"MobileIos": "Ներբեռնել ONLYOFFICE Dփաստաթղթերը App Store-ում",
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
"Other": "Այլ",
"OwnerChange": "Փոխել տնօրինողին",
"Presentations": "Ներկայացումներ",
"PublicRoomLinkValidTime": "Այս հղումն ուժի մեջ է մինչև {{date}} ժամկետը լրանալուց հետո այս հղման միջոցով սենյակ մուտք գործելն անհնար կլինի:",
"Remove": "Հեռացնել",
"RoleCommentator": "Մեկնաբան",
"RoleCommentatorDescription": "Գործողություններ գոյություն ունեցող ֆայլերով՝ դիտում, մեկնաբանում։",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
"Before": "Նախքան",
"CreateWebhook": "Ստեղծեք վեբ կեռիկ",
"DeleteHint": "Webhook-ը ընդմիշտ կջնջվի:\nԴուք չեք կարողանա հետարկել այս գործողությունը:",
"DeleteWebhook": "Ջնջել վեբ կեռիկը",
"DeleteWebhookForeverQuestion": "Ջնջե՞լ Webhook-ը ընդմիշտ:",
"Delivery": "Առաքում",
"DeliveryDate": "Առաքման օրը",
"DisableSSL": "Անջատել (խորհուրդ չի տրվում)",
"EnableSSL": "Միացնել SSL ստուգումը",
"EnterSecretKey": "Մուտքագրել գաղտնի բանալին",
"EnterUrl": "Մուտքագրել URL",
"EnterWebhookName": "Մուտքագրեք վեբ-կապիկի անունը",
"EventHint": "Առաքումները ավտոմատ կերպով ջնջվում են 15 օր հետո",
"EventID": "Միջոցառման ID",
"FailedToConnect": "Մենք չկարողացանք առաքել այս ծանրաբեռնվածությունը. չհաջողվեց միանալ հոսթին",
"From": "Սկսած",
"Generate": "Ստեղծել",
"NoResultsMatched": "Ոչ մի արդյունք չի համապատասխանում այս ֆիլտրին: Փորձեք մեկ այլ կամ մաքուր զտիչ՝ բոլոր տարրերը դիտելու համար:",
"NotSent": "Չի ուղարկվել",
"PayloadIsTooLarge": "Օգտակար բեռը չափազանց մեծ է ցուցադրելու համար:",
"PayloadUrl": "Ուժային բեռի URL",
"ReadMore": "Կարդալ ավելին",
"Request": "Հայց",
"RequestBodyCopied": "POST հարցման մարմինը հաջողությամբ պատճենվեց սեղմատախտակում",
"RequestHeaderCopied": "POST հարցման մարմինը հաջողությամբ պատճենվեց սեղմատախտակում",
"RequestPostBody": "POST հարցման մարմին",
"RequestPostHeader": "POST հարցման վերնագիր",
"ResetKey": "Վերականգնել ստեղնը",
"Response": "Արձագանք",
"ResponseBodyCopied": "POST պատասխանի մարմինը հաջողությամբ պատճենվեց սեղմախտակում",
"ResponseHeaderCopied": "POST պատասխանի վերնագիրը հաջողությամբ պատճենվեց սեղմատախտակում",
"ResponsePostBody": "POST արձագանքման մարմին",
"ResponsePostHeader": "POST պատասխանի վերնագիր",
"Retry": "Կրկնել",
"SecretKey": "Գաղտնի բանալի",
"SecretKeyHint": "Webhook-ի գաղտնիքը սահմանելը թույլ է տալիս ստուգել բեռի URL-ին ուղարկված հարցումները:",
"SecretKeyWarning": "Դուք չեք կարող նորից վերցնել ձեր գաղտնի բանալին, երբ այն պահպանվել է: Եթե կորցրել եք կամ մոռացել եք այս գաղտնի բանալին, կարող եք վերականգնել այն, սակայն այս գաղտնիքն օգտագործող բոլոր ինտեգրումները պետք է թարմացվեն:",
"SelectDate": "Ընտրեք ամսաթիվը",
"SelectDeliveryTime": "Ընտրեք Առաքման ժամանակը",
"SettingsWebhook": "Webhook կարգավորումներ",
"SSLHint": "Լռելյայնորեն մենք ստուգում ենք SSL վկայականները օգտակար բեռներ առաքելիս:",
"SSLVerification": "SSL ստուգում",
"State": "Պետություն",
"UnselectAll": "Ապաընտրել բոլորը",
"URL": "URL",
"ViewRawPayload": "Դիտեք չմշակված ծանրաբեռնվածությունը",
"Webhook": "Webhook",
"WebhookCreationHint": "Այս webhook-ը կհատկացվի DocSpace-ի բոլոր իրադարձություններին",
"WebhookDetails": "Webhook մանրամասները",
"WebhookEditedSuccessfully": "Webhook-ի կոնֆիգուրացիան հաջողությամբ խմբագրվել է",
"WebhookHistory": "Webhook պատմություն",
"WebhookName": "Webhook անվանումը",
"WebhookRedilivered": "Webhook-ը վերահանձնվել ",
"WebhookRemoved": "Webhook-ը հեռացվել է",
"Webhooks": "Վեբկեռիկներ",
"WebhooksGuide": "Webhooks ուղեցույց",
"WebhooksInfo": "Օգտագործեք վեբ-կեռիկներ՝ ձեր կողմից օգտագործվող ցանկացած հավելվածի կամ կայքի վրա հատուկ գործողություններ կատարելու համար՝ հիմնված ONLYOFFICE Docspace-ի տարբեր իրադարձությունների վրա:\nԱյստեղ դուք կարող եք ստեղծել և կառավարել ձեր բոլոր վեբկեռիկները, կարգավորել դրանք և թերթել յուրաքանչյուր վեբ-կեռիկի պատմությունը՝ դրանց կատարողականությունը ստուգելու համար:"

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
"MakeRoomPrivateDescription": "Tutti i file in questa stanza verranno crittografati.",
"MakeRoomPrivateLimitationsWarningDescription": "Con questa funzione, puoi invitare solo gli utenti esistenti di DocSpace. Dopo aver creato una stanza, non sarai in grado di modificare lelenco degli utenti.",
"MakeRoomPrivateTitle": "Rendi la stanza privata",
"PublicRoomBarDescription": "Questa stanza è disponibile per chiunque abbia il link. Gli utenti esterni avranno l'autorizzazione di sola visualizzazione per tutti i file.",
"PublicRoomDescription": "Invita gli utenti tramite link esterni a visualizzare i documenti senza registrazione. Puoi anche incorporare questa stanza in qualsiasi interfaccia web.",
"ReviewRoomDescription": "Richiedi una revisione o dei commenti sui documenti",
"ReviewRoomTitle": "Rivedi la stanza",
"RoomEditing": "Modifica della stanza",

View File

@ -5,5 +5,9 @@
"ErrorDeactivatedText": "Questo DocSpace è disattivato",
"ErrorEmptyResponse": "Risposta vuota",
"ErrorOfflineText": "Nessuna connessione a internet trovata",
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace non disponibile"
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace non disponibile",
"ExpiredLink": "Link scaduto",
"InvalidLink": "Link non valido",
"LinkDoesNotExist": "Il link che stai cercando di aprire non esiste.",
"LinkHasExpired": "Il link che hai seguito è scaduto."

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
"AddMembersDescription": "Puoi aggiungere nuovi membri del team manualmente o invitarli tramite link.",
"AddNewExternalLink": "Aggiungi nuovo link esterno",
"AddNewLink": "Aggiungi nuovo link",
"All": "Tutti",
"AllFiles": "Tutti i file",
"AllLinksAreDisabled": "Tutti i link sono disabilitati",
"ArchiveAction": "Archivio vuoto",
"ArchivedRoomAction": "La stanza '{{name}}' è archiviata",
"ArchivedRoomsAction": "Le stanza sono archiviate",
@ -14,18 +17,29 @@
"ByCreation": "Creato",
"ByErasure": "Cancellazione",
"ByLastModified": "Modificato",
"ChooseExpirationDate": "Limita il periodo di disponibilità per questo link impostando una data di scadenza.",
"Clean": "Elimina",
"CollaborationRooms": "Collaborazione",
"ContainsSpecCharacter": "Il titolo non può contenere nessuno dei seguenti caratteri: *+:\"<>?|/",
"Convert": "Conversione",
"CopyItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> copiato",
"CopyItems": "<strong>{{qty}}</strong> elementi copiati",
"CopyLinkPassword": "Copia la password del link",
"CopyPassword": "Copia la password",
"CreateRoom": "Crea una stanza",
"CustomRooms": "Personalizzata",
"DaysRemaining": "Giorni rimanenti: {{daysRemaining}}",
"DeleteLink": "Elimina il link",
"DeleteLinkNote": "Il link verrà eliminato definitivamente. Non potrai annullare questa azione.",
"DisableDownload": "Disabilita la funzione di download",
"DisableLink": "Disabilita il link",
"DisableNotifications": "Disattiva notifiche",
"Document": "Documento",
"DocumentEdited": "Impossibile eseguire l'azione perché il documento è in fase di modifica.",
"DownloadAll": "Scarica tutto",
"EditLink": "Modifica il link",
"EditRoom": "Modifica la stanza",
"EmbeddingSettings": "Impostazioni di incorporamento",
"EmptyFile": "File vuoto",
"EmptyFilterDescriptionText": "Nessun file o cartella corrisponde a questo filtro. Provane uno diverso o cancella il filtro per visualizzare tutti i file.",
"EmptyFilterSubheadingText": "Nessun file da visualizzare per con l'uso di filtro qui",
@ -35,6 +49,7 @@
"EmptyRecycleBin": "Svuota cestino",
"EmptyRootRoomHeader": "Benvenuti in DocSpace",
"EmptyScreenFolder": "Nessun documento ancora qui",
"EnableLink": "Abilita il link",
"EnableNotifications": "Abilita le notifiche",
"ExcludeSubfolders": "Escludi sottocartelle",
"FavoritesEmptyContainerDescription": "Non hai ancora preferiti. Per contrassegnare i file come preferiti o rimuoverli da questo elenco, utilizzare il menù contestuale.",
@ -53,39 +68,60 @@
"GoToPersonal": "Vai a I miei documenti",
"Images": "Immagini",
"InviteUsersInRoom": "Invita gli utenti nella stanza",
"LimitByTimePeriod": "Limite in base al periodo di tempo",
"LinkAddedSuccessfully": "Link aggiunto con successo",
"LinkDeletedSuccessfully": "Link eliminato con successo",
"LinkDisabledSuccessfully": "Link disabilitato con successo",
"LinkEditedSuccessfully": "Link modificato con successo",
"LinkEnabledSuccessfully": "Link abilitato con successo",
"LinkForPortalUsers": "Collegamento per gli utenti di DocSpace",
"LinkForRoomMembers": "Collegamento per i membri della stanza",
"Links": "Link",
"LinkSuccessfullyCopied": "Link copiato con successo",
"LinkValidUntil": "Questo link sarà valido fino al",
"MarkAsFavorite": "Segna come preferito",
"MarkAsRevision": "Contrassegna come revisione",
"MarkAsVersion": "Contrassegna come versione",
"MarkedAsFavorite": "Aggiungi ai favoriti",
"MarkRead": "Segnare come letto",
"MaximumNumberOfExternalLinksCreated": "Numero massimo di link esterni creati",
"Media": "Multimedia",
"MoveItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> spostato",
"MoveItems": "I seguenti elementi sono stati spostati: <strong>{{qty}}</strong>",
"MoveOrCopy": "Sposta o Copia",
"MoveToArchive": "Sposta in archivio",
"MoveToFolderMessage": "Non puoi spostare la cartella nella sua sottocartella",
"MoveToPublicRoom": "Questa stanza e tutti i suoi contenuti sono disponibili a chiunque abbia il link. Vuoi continuare?",
"MoveToPublicRoomTitle": "Passa alla stanza pubblica",
"New": "Nuovo",
"NewRoom": "Nuova stanza",
"NoAccessRoomDescription": "Verrai reindirizzato automaticamente a a Le mie stanze in 5 secondi.",
"NoAccessRoomTitle": "Spiacenti, non hai accesso a questa stanza.",
"NoExternalLinks": "Nessun link esterno",
"NoFilesHereYet": "Non ci sono ancora file qui",
"Open": "Apri",
"OpenLocation": "Apri posizione",
"PasswordAccess": "Accesso tramite password",
"PasswordLink": "Aggiungi una password per proteggere il tuo link.",
"PasswordSuccessfullyCopied": "Password copiata con successo",
"Pin": "Fissa",
"PinToTop": "Fissa in alto",
"Presentation": "Presentazione",
"PreventDownloadFilesAndFolders": "Disabilita i download di file e cartelle da questa stanza per proteggere i tuoi dati.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionEncrypted": "Modifica collaborativa in tempo reale con crittografia.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSafest": "L'archiviazione più sicura per docx, xlsx e pptx.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSecure": "Condivisione sicura con gli utenti del gruppo fidato.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionUnbreakable": "L'algoritmo AES-256 attualmente è infrangibile.",
"PrivateRoomHeader": "Benvenuto nella stanza privata di ONLYOFFICE dove ogni simbolo digitato è crittografato",
"PrivateRoomSupport": "Il lavoro nella stanza privata è disponibile via {{organizationName}} tramite l'applicazione desktop. <3>Istruzioni</3>",
"PublicRoom": "Stanza pubblica",
"RecentEmptyContainerDescription": "I tuoi ultimi documenti visualizzati o modificati verranno visualizzati in questa sezione.",
"RecycleBinAction": "Cestino vuoto",
"RemovedFromFavorites": "Rimosso dai favoriti",
"RemoveFromFavorites": "Rimuovi dai preferiti",
"RemoveFromList": "Rimuovere dalla lista",
"RestoreAll": "Ripristina tutto",
"RoomAvailableViaExternalLink": "Stanza disponibile tramite collegamento esterno",
"RoomCreated": "La stanza è stata creata",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescription": "Ti preghiamo di creare la prima stanza.",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescriptionUser": "Le stanze condivise con te appariranno qui.",
@ -96,10 +132,14 @@
"RoomsRemoved": "Le stanze sono state rimosse",
"RoomUnpinned": "La stanza è stata sbloccata",
"SearchByContent": "Cerca per contenuto del file",
"SelectorEmptyScreenHeader": "Non ci sono ancora file e cartelle qui",
"SendByEmail": "Invia per email",
"Share": "Condividi",
"ShareRoom": "Condividi stanza",
"ShowLinkActions": "Mostra azioni di link",
"ShowVersionHistory": "Visualizza lo storico delle versioni",
"Spreadsheet": "Foglio elettronico di calcolo",
"TableSettingsTitle": "Gestisci le colonne visualizzate",
"TooltipElementCopyMessage": "Copia {{element}}",
"TooltipElementsCopyMessage": "Copia {{element}} elementi",
"TooltipElementsMoveMessage": "Sposta {{element}} elementi",
@ -114,5 +154,7 @@
"ViewList": "Lista",
"ViewOnlyRooms": "Solo visualizzazione",
"ViewTiles": "Tegole",
"WantToRestoreTheRoom": "Tutti i link esterni in questa stanza diventeranno attivi e i suoi contenuti saranno disponibili a chiunque abbia il collegamento. Vuoi ripristinare la stanza?",
"WantToRestoreTheRooms": "Tutti i link esterni nelle stanze ripristinate diventeranno attivi e i loro contenuti saranno disponibili a chiunque abbia i link alle stanze. Vuoi ripristinare le stanze?",
"WithSubfolders": "Con sottocartelle"

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"HistoryEmptyScreenText": "La cronologia delle attività verrà visualizzata qui",
"ItemsSelected": "Elementi selezionati",
"LastModifiedBy": "Ultima modifica di",
"LinksToViewingIcon": "Link alla visualizzazione",
"PendingInvitations": "Inviti in sospeso",
"Properties": "Proprietà",
"RoomsEmptyScreenTent": "Vedi i dettagli delle stanze qui",

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"BackupList": "Elenco di backup",
"BackupListWarningText": "Se si eliminano tutti gli elementi dall'elenco, i relativi file verranno eliminati. Questa azione non può essere annullata. Per eliminare tutti i file, utilizzare il collegamento:",
"BetaLabel": "BETA",
"BlockingTime": "Tempo di blocco (sec)",
"Branding": "Marchio",
"BrandingSectionDescription": "Specifica le informazioni sulla tua azienda, aggiungi link a risorse esterne e indirizzi email visualizzati nellinterfaccia di DocSpace.",
"BrandingSubtitle": "Utilizza questa opzione per offrire agli utenti unesperienza on-brand.",
@ -47,12 +48,17 @@
"BreakpointSmallTextPrompt": "Ti preghiamo di ridimensionare la finestra o attivare la modalità a schermo intero",
"BreakpointWarningText": "Questa sezione è disponibile solo nella versione desktop",
"BreakpointWarningTextPrompt": "Ti preghiamo di utilizzare il sito desktop per accedere alle impostazioni di <1>{{sectionName}}</1>.",
"BruteForceProtection": "Protezione dalla forza bruta",
"BruteForceProtectionDescription": "Imposta il limite dei tentativi di accesso non riusciti da parte dell'utente per proteggere lo spazio dagli attacchi di forza bruta. Quando viene raggiunto il limite, i tentativi provenienti dall'indirizzo IP associato verranno vietati per il periodo di tempo specificato oppure verrà richiesto il captcha, se abilitato.",
"BruteForceProtectionDescriptionMobile": "Per proteggere il portale dagli attacchi di forza bruta, è possibile impostare dei limiti ai tentativi di accesso non riusciti da parte dell'utente.",
"ButtonsColor": "Pulsanti",
"ByApp": "Con l'app di autenticazione",
"BySms": "Tramite SMS",
"ChangeLogoButton": "Cambia logo",
"Characters": "{{length}} caratteri",
"CheckPeriod": "Periodo di controllo (sec)",
"ClearBackupList": "Elimina tutti i backup",
"CloseMenu": "Chiudi menù",
"CompanyInfoSettings": "Impostazioni delle informazioni aziendali",
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Queste informazioni verranno visualizzate nella finestra <1>{{link}}</1>.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Un messaggio e-mail di conferma è stato spedito a {{ownerName}}",
@ -94,7 +100,10 @@
"EmptyBackupList": "Nessun backup creato. Crea almeno una copia di backup per visualizzarla in questo elenco.",
"EnableAutomaticBackup": "Attivare backup automatico.",
"EnableAutomaticBackupDescription": "Utilizza questa opzione per eseguire il backup dei dati dello spazio.",
"EnterNumber": "Inserisci numero",
"EnterTime": "Inserisci l'ora",
"EnterTitle": "Inserisci il titolo",
"ErrorMessageBruteForceProtection": "L'argomento specificato non rientra nell'intervallo di valori validi.",
"EveryDay": "Ogni giorno",
"EveryMonth": "Ogni mese",
"EveryWeek": "Ogni settimana",
@ -128,6 +137,7 @@
"MaxCopies": "{{copiesCount}} - numero massimo di copie di backup",
"Migration": "Migrazione",
"NewColorScheme": "Nuova combinazione di colori",
"NumberOfAttempts": "Numero di tentativi",
"PasswordMinLenght": "Lunghezza della password minima",
"Path": "Percorso",
"PleaseNote": "Si prega di notare",
@ -199,6 +209,7 @@
"TwoFactorAuth": "Autenticazione a due fattori",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription": "L'<1>autenticazione a due fattori</1> è un modo più sicuro per gli utenti di accedere a DocSpace. Dopo aver inserito le credenziali, l'utente dovrà inserire il codice dell'SMS ricevuto sul cellulare con il numero che è stato specificato al primo accesso allo spazio o il codice da un'applicazione di autenticazione. <br> Abilita questa opzione per un accesso più sicuro a DocSpace da parte di tutti gli utenti di DocSpace. <br> Per applicare le modifiche apportate, fai clic sul pulsante <2>Salva</2> sotto questa sezione. <br> <3>Nota</3>: i messaggi SMS possono essere inviati solo se hai un saldo positivo. Puoi sempre controllare il tuo saldo attuale nel tuo account del provider SMS. Non dimenticare di ricaricare il tuo saldo al momento giusto.",
"TwoFactorAuthHelper": "Nota: Quando avrai terminato gli SMS l'opzione di accesso ai portali di autenticazione a due fattori sarà automaticamente disattivata. Non dimenticate di acquistare un pacchetto SMS aggiuntivo in tempo utile.",
"UnsavedChangesBody": "Se chiudi subito il menu delle impostazioni del link, le modifiche non verranno salvate.",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Usa come logo",
"UseDigits": "Utilizza cifre",
"UseHttp": "Usa Http",

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"ExternalLink": "Collegamento esterno",
"FormFilling": "Compilare il modulo",
"InternalLink": "Collegamento interno",
"LinkName": "Nome del link",
"Notify users": "Notifica utenti",
"ReadOnly": "In sola lettura",
"ShareEmailBody": "Ti è stato concesso l'accesso al documento {{itemName}}. Fare clic sul collegamento sottostante per aprire subito il documento: {{shareLink}}.",

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"FolderTitleYandex": "Cartella di Yandex",
"FormTemplates": "Modelli di moduli",
"LinkCopySuccess": "Il link è stato copiato negli appunti",
"LinkHasExpiredAndHasBeenDisabled": "Il link è scaduto ed è stato disattivato",
"LinkValidTime": "Questo link è valido solo per {{days_count}} giorni.",
"MobileAndroid": "Ottieni ONLYOFFICE Documents da Google Play",
"MobileIos": "Scarica ONLYOFFICE Documents dall'App Store",
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
"Other": "Altro",
"OwnerChange": "Cambiare proprietario",
"Presentations": "Presentazioni",
"PublicRoomLinkValidTime": "Questo link è valido fino al {{date}}. Una volta scaduto sarà impossibile accedere alla stanza tramite questo link.",
"Remove": "Rimuovi",
"RoleCommentator": "Commentatore",
"RoleCommentatorDescription": "Operazioni con file esistenti: visualizzazione, commenti.",

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
"Before": "Prima",
"CreateWebhook": "Crea webhook",
"DeleteHint": "Il webhook verrà eliminato definitivamente.\nNon potrai annullare questa azione.",
"DeleteWebhook": "Elimina webhook",
"DeleteWebhookForeverQuestion": "Eliminare il Webhook per sempre?",
"Delivery": "Consegna",
"DeliveryDate": "Data di consegna",
"DisableSSL": "Disabilita (non consigliata)",
"EnableSSL": "Abilita la verifica SSL",
"EnterSecretKey": "Inserisci la chiave segreta",
"EnterUrl": "Inserisci l'URL",
"EnterWebhookName": "Inserisci il nome del webhook",
"EventHint": "Le consegne vengono automaticamente cancellate dopo 15 giorni",
"EventID": "ID evento",
"FailedToConnect": "Non è stato possibile consegnare questo carico utile: impossibile connettersi all'host",
"From": "Da",
"Generate": "Generare",
"NoResultsMatched": "Nessun risultato corrisponde a questo filtro. Provane uno diverso o cancella il filtro per visualizzare tutti gli elementi.",
"NotSent": "Non inviato",
"PayloadIsTooLarge": "Il carico utile è troppo grande per essere visualizzato.",
"PayloadUrl": "URL del carico utile",
"ReadMore": "Per saperne di più",
"Request": "Richiesta",
"RequestBodyCopied": "Corpo della richiesta POST copiato correttamente negli appunti",
"RequestHeaderCopied": "Intestazione della richiesta POST copiata correttamente negli appunti",
"RequestPostBody": "Corpo della richiesta POST",
"RequestPostHeader": "Intestazione della richiesta POST",
"ResetKey": "Tasto di ripristino",
"Response": "Risposta",
"ResponseBodyCopied": "Corpo della risposta POST copiato correttamente negli appunti",
"ResponseHeaderCopied": "Intestazione della risposta POST copiata con successo negli appunti",
"ResponsePostBody": "Corpo della risposta POST",
"ResponsePostHeader": "Intestazione della risposta POST",
"Retry": "Riprova",
"SecretKey": "Chiave segreta",
"SecretKeyHint": "L'impostazione di un segreto webhook consente di verificare le richieste inviate all'URL del carico utile",
"SecretKeyWarning": "Non potrai recuperare nuovamente la chiave segreta una volta salvata. Se hai perso o dimenticato questa chiave segreta, puoi reimpostarla, ma tutte le integrazioni che utilizzano questo segreto dovranno essere aggiornate.",
"SelectDate": "Seleziona la data",
"SelectDeliveryTime": "Seleziona Tempo di consegna",
"SettingsWebhook": "Impostazioni del webhook",
"SSLHint": "Per impostazione predefinita, verifichiamo i certificati SSL durante la consegna dei carichi utili.",
"SSLVerification": "Verifica SSL",
"State": "Stato",
"UnselectAll": "Deseleziona tutto",
"URL": "URL",
"ViewRawPayload": "Visualizza il carico utile iniziale",
"Webhook": "Webhook",
"WebhookCreationHint": "Questo webhook verrà assegnato a tutti gli eventi in DocSpace",
"WebhookDetails": "Dettagli del webhook",
"WebhookEditedSuccessfully": "La configurazione del webhook è stata modificata con successo",
"WebhookHistory": "Cronologia del webhook",
"WebhookName": "Nome del webhook",
"WebhookRedilivered": "Webhook riconsegnato",
"WebhookRemoved": "Webhook rimosso",
"Webhooks": "Webhook",
"WebhooksGuide": "Guida ai webhook",
"WebhooksInfo": "Utilizza i webhook per eseguire azioni personalizzate su qualsiasi applicazione o sito Web che stai utilizzando in base a vari eventi in ONLYOFFICE DocSpace.\nQui puoi creare e gestire tutti i tuoi webhook, configurarli e sfogliare la cronologia di ogni webhook per controllarne le prestazioni."

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
"RecoveryFileNotSelected": "Błąd odzyskiwania. Nie wybrano pliku odzyskiwania.",
"RestoreBackup": "Odzyskiwanie danych",
"RestoreBackupDescription": "Użyj tej opcji do przywrócenia portalu z wcześniej zapisanego pliku kopii zapasowej.",
"RestoreDefaultButton": "Przywróć ustawienia domyślne",
"RestoreDefaultButton": "Przywróć ustawienia domyślne",
"RoomsModule": "Stwórz kopię zapasową pokoju",
"RoomsModuleDescription": "Możesz utworzyć nowy pokój specjalnie do kopii zapasowej, wybrać jeden z istniejących pokoi lub zapisać kopię w jej pokoju {{roomName}}.",
"SelectFileInGZFormat": "Wybierz plik w formacie .GZ",

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
"MakeRoomPrivateDescription": "Todos os arquivos nesta sala serão criptografados.",
"MakeRoomPrivateLimitationsWarningDescription": "Com esse recurso, você pode convidar apenas usuários existentes do DocSpace. Depois de criar uma sala, você não poderá alterar a lista de usuários.",
"MakeRoomPrivateTitle": "Tornar o quarto privado",
"PublicRoomBarDescription": "Esta sala está disponível para qualquer pessoa com o link. Os usuários externos terão permissão Somente visualização para todos os arquivos.",
"PublicRoomDescription": "Convide usuários por meio de links externos para visualizar documentos sem registro. Você também pode incorporar esta sala em qualquer interface web.",
"ReviewRoomDescription": "Solicitar revisão ou comentários sobre os documentos",
"ReviewRoomTitle": "Sala de revisão",
"RoomEditing": "Edição de sala",

View File

@ -5,5 +5,9 @@
"ErrorDeactivatedText": "Este DocSpace está desativado",
"ErrorEmptyResponse": "Resposta vazia",
"ErrorOfflineText": "Nenhuma conexão com a Internet foi encontrada",
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace indisponível"
"ErrorUnavailableText": "DocSpace indisponível",
"ExpiredLink": "Link expirado",
"InvalidLink": "Link inválido",
"LinkDoesNotExist": "O link que você está tentando abrir não existe.",
"LinkHasExpired": "O link que você seguiu expirou."

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
"AddMembersDescription": "Você pode adicionar novos membros da equipe manualmente ou convidá-los por meio do link.",
"AddNewExternalLink": "Adicionar novo link externo",
"AddNewLink": "Adicionar novo link",
"All": "Todos",
"AllFiles": "Todos os arquivos",
"AllLinksAreDisabled": "Todos os links estão desativados",
"ArchiveAction": "Arquivo vazio",
"ArchivedRoomAction": "A sala '{{name}}' está arquivada",
"ArchivedRoomsAction": "As salas estão arquivadas",
@ -14,18 +17,29 @@
"ByCreation": "Criado",
"ByErasure": "Apagar",
"ByLastModified": "Modificado",
"ChooseExpirationDate": "Limite o período de disponibilidade deste link definindo uma data de expiração.",
"Clean": "Limpar",
"CollaborationRooms": "Colaboração",
"ContainsSpecCharacter": "O título não pode conter nenhum dos seguintes caracteres: *+:\"<>?|/",
"Convert": "Converter",
"CopyItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> copiado",
"CopyItems": "<strong>{{qty}}</strong> elementos copiados",
"CopyLinkPassword": "Copiar senha do link",
"CopyPassword": "Copiar senha",
"CreateRoom": "Criar sala",
"CustomRooms": "Personalizada",
"DaysRemaining": "Dias restantes: {{daysRemaining}}",
"DeleteLink": "Excluir link",
"DeleteLinkNote": "O link será excluído permanentemente. Você não poderá desfazer esta ação.",
"DisableDownload": "Desativar recurso de download",
"DisableLink": "Desativar link",
"DisableNotifications": "Desativar as notificações",
"Document": "Documento",
"DocumentEdited": "Não é possível executar a ação porque o documento está sendo editado.",
"DownloadAll": "Baixar tudo",
"EditLink": "Editar link",
"EditRoom": "Editar sala",
"EmbeddingSettings": "Configurações de incorporação",
"EmptyFile": "Arquivo vazio",
"EmptyFilterDescriptionText": "Nenhum arquivo ou pasta corresponde a este filtro. Tente um filtro diferente ou transparente para visualizar todos os arquivos. ",
"EmptyFilterSubheadingText": "Não há arquivos a serem exibidos para este filtro aqui",
@ -35,6 +49,7 @@
"EmptyRecycleBin": "Esvaziar lixeira",
"EmptyRootRoomHeader": "Bem-vindo ao DocSpace!",
"EmptyScreenFolder": "Ainda não há documentos aqui",
"EnableLink": "Ativar link",
"EnableNotifications": "Ativar notificações",
"ExcludeSubfolders": "Excluir subpastas",
"FavoritesEmptyContainerDescription": "Para marcar os arquivos como favoritos ou removê-los desta lista, use o menu de contexto.",
@ -53,39 +68,60 @@
"GoToPersonal": "Ir para Meus Documentos",
"Images": "Imagens",
"InviteUsersInRoom": "Convidar usuários na sala",
"LimitByTimePeriod": "Limite por período de tempo",
"LinkAddedSuccessfully": "Link adicionado com sucesso",
"LinkDeletedSuccessfully": "Link excluído com sucesso",
"LinkDisabledSuccessfully": "Link desativado com sucesso",
"LinkEditedSuccessfully": "Link editado com sucesso",
"LinkEnabledSuccessfully": "Link ativado com sucesso",
"LinkForPortalUsers": "Link para usuários do DocSpace",
"LinkForRoomMembers": "Link para membros da sala",
"Links": "Links",
"LinkSuccessfullyCopied": "Link copiado com sucesso",
"LinkValidUntil": "Este link será válido até",
"MarkAsFavorite": "Marcar como favorito",
"MarkAsRevision": "Marcar como revisão",
"MarkAsVersion": "Marcar como versão",
"MarkedAsFavorite": "Adicionado aos favoritos",
"MarkRead": "Marcar como lido",
"MaximumNumberOfExternalLinksCreated": "Número máximo de links externos criados",
"Media": "Média",
"MoveItem": "<strong>{{title}}</strong> movido",
"MoveItems": "<strong>{{qty}}</strong> elementos foram movidos",
"MoveOrCopy": "Mover ou copiar",
"MoveToArchive": "Mover para arquivo",
"MoveToFolderMessage": "Você não pode mover a pasta para sua subpasta",
"MoveToPublicRoom": "Esta sala e todo o seu conteúdo estão disponíveis para qualquer pessoa com o link. Você quer continuar?",
"MoveToPublicRoomTitle": "Mover para sala pública",
"New": "Novo",
"NewRoom": "Nova sala",
"NoAccessRoomDescription": "Você será redirecionado para Meus quartos automaticamente em 5 segundos.",
"NoAccessRoomTitle": "Desculpe, você não tem acesso a esta sala.",
"NoExternalLinks": "Sem links externos",
"NoFilesHereYet": "Ainda não há arquivos aqui",
"Open": "Abrir",
"OpenLocation": "Abrir a localização",
"PasswordAccess": "Acesso por senha",
"PasswordLink": "Adicione uma senha para proteger seu link.",
"PasswordSuccessfullyCopied": "Senha copiada com sucesso",
"Pin": "Fixar",
"PinToTop": "Fixar no topo",
"Presentation": "Apresentação",
"PreventDownloadFilesAndFolders": "Desative downloads de arquivos e pastas desta sala para proteger seus dados.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionEncrypted": "Edição criptografada e colaboração em tempo real.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSafest": "O armazenamento mais seguro para docx, xlsx e pptx.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionSecure": "Compartilhamento seguro com colegas de equipe de confiança.",
"PrivateRoomDescriptionUnbreakable": "Algoritmo inquebrável AES-256.",
"PrivateRoomHeader": "Bem-vindo à sala privada ONLYOFFICE onde cada símbolo que você digita é criptografado",
"PrivateRoomSupport": "O trabalho na Sala Privada está disponível através do aplicativo desktop {{organizationName}}. <3>Instruções</3>",
"PublicRoom": "Sala pública",
"RecentEmptyContainerDescription": "Seus últimos documentos visualizados ou editados serão exibidos nesta seção.",
"RecycleBinAction": "Esvaziar lixo",
"RemovedFromFavorites": "Removido dos favoritos",
"RemoveFromFavorites": "Remover dos Favoritos",
"RemoveFromList": "Remover da lista",
"RestoreAll": "Restaurar tudo",
"RoomAvailableViaExternalLink": "Quarto disponível via link externo",
"RoomCreated": "Sala criada",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescription": "Crie a primeira sala.",
"RoomEmptyContainerDescriptionUser": "Os quartos compartilhados com você aparecerão aqui.",
@ -96,10 +132,14 @@
"RoomsRemoved": "Salas removidas",
"RoomUnpinned": "Sala desafixada",
"SearchByContent": "Pesquise pelo conteúdo do arquivo",
"SelectorEmptyScreenHeader": "Nenhum arquivo e pasta aqui ainda",
"SendByEmail": "Enviar por e-mail",
"Share": "Compartilhar",
"ShareRoom": "Sala compartilhado",
"ShowLinkActions": "Mostrar ações de link",
"ShowVersionHistory": "Exibir histórico de versão",
"Spreadsheet": "Planilha",
"TableSettingsTitle": "Gerenciar colunas exibidas",
"TooltipElementCopyMessage": "Cópia {{element}}",
"TooltipElementsCopyMessage": "Cópia {{element}} elementos",
"TooltipElementsMoveMessage": "Mover {{element}} elementos",
@ -114,5 +154,7 @@
"ViewList": "Lista",
"ViewOnlyRooms": "Somente visualização",
"ViewTiles": "Azulejos",
"WantToRestoreTheRoom": "Todos os links externos desta sala ficarão ativos e seu conteúdo estará disponível para todos que possuem o link. Você quer restaurar o quarto?",
"WantToRestoreTheRooms": "Todos os links externos nas salas restauradas ficarão ativos e seu conteúdo estará disponível para todos com os links das salas. Quer restaurar os quartos?",
"WithSubfolders": "Com subpastas"

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"HistoryEmptyScreenText": "O histórico de atividades será mostrado aqui",
"ItemsSelected": "Itens selecionados",
"LastModifiedBy": "Última Modificação Por",
"LinksToViewingIcon": "Links para visualização",
"PendingInvitations": "Convites pendentes",
"Properties": "Propriedades",
"RoomsEmptyScreenTent": "Veja os detalhes dos quartos aqui",

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"ChangeLogoButton": "Alterar Logotipo",
"Characters": "{{length}} caracteres",
"ClearBackupList": "Excluir todos os backups",
"CloseMenu": "Fechar menu",
"CompanyInfoSettings": "Configurações de informações da empresa",
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Essas informações serão exibidas na janela <1>{{link}}</1>.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "O e-mail de confirmação foi enviado para {{ownerName}}.",
@ -199,6 +200,7 @@
"TwoFactorAuth": "Autenticação de dois fatores",
"TwoFactorAuthDescription": "A <1>autenticação de dois fatores</1> é uma forma mais segura para os usuários entrarem no DocSpace. Após a introdução das credenciais, o utilizador terá de introduzir o código do SMS recebido no telemóvel com o número que especificou no primeiro acesso ao espaço ou o código de uma aplicação de autenticação. <br> Habilite esta opção para um acesso DocSpace mais seguro para todos os usuários do DocSpace. <br> Para aplicar as alterações feitas, clique no botão <2>Salvar</2> abaixo desta seção. <br> <3>Nota</3>: as mensagens SMS só podem ser enviadas se você tiver um saldo positivo. Você sempre pode verificar seu saldo atual na conta do provedor de SMS. Não se esqueça de reabastecer seu saldo em tempo hábil.",
"TwoFactorAuthHelper": "Observação: as mensagens SMS só podem ser enviadas se você tiver um saldo positivo. Você pode verificar seu saldo atual em qualquer momento em sua conta de provedor de SMS. Não se esqueça de reabastecer seu saldo de forma oportuna.",
"UnsavedChangesBody": "Se você fechar o menu de configurações do link agora, suas alterações não serão salvas.",
"UseAsLogoButton": "Use como logo",
"UseDigits": "Utilizar dígitos",
"UseHttp": "Utilizar Http",

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"ExternalLink": "Link externo",
"FormFilling": "Preenchimento de formulário",
"InternalLink": "Link interno",
"LinkName": "Nome do link",
"Notify users": "Notificar os usuários",
"ReadOnly": "Somente leitura",
"ShareEmailBody": "Foi-lhe concedido acesso ao documento {{itemName}}. Clique no link abaixo para abrir o documento agora mesmo: {{shareLink}}.",

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"FolderTitleYandex": "Diretório Yandex",
"FormTemplates": "Modelos de formulário",
"LinkCopySuccess": "Link foi copiado para a área de trabalho",
"LinkHasExpiredAndHasBeenDisabled": "O link expirou e foi desativado",
"LinkValidTime": "Este link é válido apenas por {{days_count}} dias.",
"MobileAndroid": "Obter ONLYOFFICE Documents no Google Play",
"MobileIos": "Baixar ONLYOFFICE Documents na App Store",
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
"Other": "Outro",
"OwnerChange": "Alterar proprietário",
"Presentations": "Apresentações ",
"PublicRoomLinkValidTime": "Este link é válido até {{date}}. Após expirar, será impossível acessar a sala através deste link.",
"Remove": "Remover",
"RoleCommentator": "Comentarista",
"RoleCommentatorDescription": "Operações com arquivos existentes: visualização, comentário.",

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
"Before": "Antes",
"CreateWebhook": "Criar webhook",
"DeleteHint": "O webhook será excluído permanentemente.\nVocê não poderá desfazer esta ação.",
"DeleteWebhook": "Excluir webhook",
"DeleteWebhookForeverQuestion": "Excluir o Webhook para sempre?",
"Delivery": "Entrega",
"DeliveryDate": "Data de entrega",
"DisableSSL": "Desativar (não recomendado)",
"EnableSSL": "Habilitar verificação SSL",
"EnterSecretKey": "Insira a chave secreta",
"EnterUrl": "Insira o URL",
"EnterWebhookName": "Insira o nome do webhook",
"EventHint": "As entregas são excluídas automaticamente após 15 dias",
"EventID": "ID do evento",
"FailedToConnect": "Não foi possível entregar esta carga: falha ao conectar ao host",
"From": "De",
"Generate": "Gerar",
"NoResultsMatched": "Nenhum resultado corresponde a este filtro. Experimente um filtro diferente ou limpe para visualizar todos os itens.",
"NotSent": "Não enviado",
"PayloadIsTooLarge": "A carga útil é muito grande para ser exibida.",
"PayloadUrl": "URL de carga útil",
"ReadMore": "Consulte Mais informação",
"Request": "Solicitar",
"RequestBodyCopied": "Corpo da solicitação POST copiado com sucesso para a área de transferência",
"RequestHeaderCopied": "Cabeçalho da solicitação POST copiado com sucesso para a área de transferência",
"RequestPostBody": "Corpo da solicitação POST",
"RequestPostHeader": "Cabeçalho da solicitação POST",
"ResetKey": "Botão de reset",
"Response": "Resposta",
"ResponseBodyCopied": "Corpo da resposta POST copiado com sucesso para a área de transferência",
"ResponseHeaderCopied": "Cabeçalho de resposta POST copiado com sucesso para a área de transferência",
"ResponsePostBody": "Corpo da resposta POST",
"ResponsePostHeader": "Cabeçalho de resposta POST",
"Retry": "Tentar novamente",
"SecretKey": "Chave secreta",
"SecretKeyHint": "Definir um segredo do webhook permite verificar as solicitações enviadas para o URL da carga útil.",
"SecretKeyWarning": "Você não poderá recuperar sua chave secreta novamente depois que ela for salva. Se você perdeu ou esqueceu essa chave secreta, poderá redefini-la, mas todas as integrações que usam esse segredo precisarão ser atualizadas.",
"SelectDate": "Selecione a data",
"SelectDeliveryTime": "Selecione o prazo de entrega",
"SettingsWebhook": "Configurações de webhook",
"SSLHint": "Por padrão, verificamos os certificados SSL ao entregar cargas.",
"SSLVerification": "Verificação SSL",
"State": "Estado",
"UnselectAll": "Desmarque todos",
"URL": "URL",
"ViewRawPayload": "Ver carga útil bruta",
"Webhook": "Webhook",
"WebhookCreationHint": "Este webhook será atribuído a todos os eventos no DocSpace",
"WebhookDetails": "Detalhes do webhook",
"WebhookEditedSuccessfully": "Configuração do webhook editada com sucesso",
"WebhookHistory": "História do webhook",
"WebhookName": "Nome do webhook",
"WebhookRedilivered": "Webhook reenviado",
"WebhookRemoved": "Webhook removido",
"Webhooks": "Webhooks",
"WebhooksGuide": "Guia de webhooks",
"WebhooksInfo": "Use webhooks para executar ações personalizadas em qualquer aplicativo ou site que você esteja usando com base em vários eventos no ONLYOFFICE Docspace.\nAqui, você pode criar e gerenciar todos os seus webhooks, configurá-los e navegar no histórico de cada webhook para auditar seu desempenho."

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
"Before": "До",
"CreateWebhook": "Создать вебхук",
"DeleteHint": "Вебхук будет удален окончательно.\nВы не сможете отменить это действие.",
"DeleteWebhook": "Удалить вебхук",
"DeleteWebhookForeverQuestion": "Удалить вебхук навсегда?",
"Delivery": "Отправка",
"DeliveryDate": "Дата отправки",
"DisableSSL": "Отключить (не рекомендуется)",
"EnableSSL": "Использовать SSL-проверку",
"EnterSecretKey": "Ввести секретный ключ",
"EnterUrl": "Ввести URL",
"EnterWebhookName": "Ввести имя вебхука",
"EventHint": "Отправки автоматически удаляются через 15 дней",
"EventID": "Идентификатор события",
"FailedToConnect": "Не удалось отправить полезную нагрузку: отсутствует соединение с хостом",
"From": "От",
"Generate": "Генерация",
"NoResultsMatched": "Нет результатов, соответствующих этому фильтру. Попробуйте применить другой фильтр или очистите его, чтобы просмотреть все элементы.",
"NotSent": "Не отправлено",
"PayloadIsTooLarge": "Объем полезной нагрузки слишком большой для отображения.",
"PayloadUrl": "URL полезной нагрузки",
"ReadMore": "Подробнее",
"Request": "Запрос",
"RequestBodyCopied": "Тело запроса POST успешно скопировано в буфер обмена",
"RequestHeaderCopied": "Заголовок запроса POST успешно скопирован в буфер обмена",
"RequestPostBody": "Тело запроса POST",
"RequestPostHeader": "Заголовок запроса POST",
"ResetKey": "Кнопка сброса",
"Response": "Ответ",
"ResponseBodyCopied": "Тело ответа POST успешно скопировано в буфер обмена",
"ResponseHeaderCopied": "Заголовок ответа POST успешно скопирован в буфер обмена",
"ResponsePostBody": "Тело ответа POST",
"ResponsePostHeader": "Заголовок ответа POST",
"Retry": "Повторить",
"SecretKey": "Секретный ключ",
"SecretKeyHint": "Установка секретного ключа вебхука позволяет проверять запросы, отправленные на URL-адрес полезной нагрузки.",
"SecretKeyWarning": "Вы не сможете восстановить секретный ключ после его сохранения. Если вы потеряли или забыли этот секретный ключ, вы можете сбросить его, но все интеграции, использующие этот секретный ключ, необходимо впоследствии обновить.",
"SelectDate": "Выбрать дату",
"SelectDeliveryTime": "Выбрать время отправки",
"SettingsWebhook": "Настройки вебхука",
"SSLHint": "По умолчанию мы проверяем SSL-сертификаты при отправке полезной нагрузки.",
"SSLVerification": "Проверка SSL",
"State": "Состояние",
"UnselectAll": "Отменить выбор для всех",
"URL": "URL",
"ViewRawPayload": "Просмотр исходной полезной нагрузки",
"Webhook": "Вебхук",
"WebhookCreationHint": "Этот вебхук будет назначен всем событиям в DocSpace",
"WebhookDetails": "Сведения о вебхуке",
"WebhookEditedSuccessfully": "Конфигурация вебхука успешно отредактирована",
"WebhookHistory": "История вебхука",
"WebhookName": "Имя вебхука",
"WebhookRedilivered": "Вебхук отправлен повторно",
"WebhookRemoved": "Вебхук удален",
"Webhooks": "Вебхуки",
"WebhooksGuide": "Руководство по вебхукам",
"WebhooksInfo": "Используйте вебхуки для выполнения пользовательских действий на стороне любого используемого вами приложения или веб-сайта на основе различных событий в ONLYOFFICE Docspace.\nЗдесь вы можете создавать все ваши вебхуки и управлять ими, настраивать их и загружать историю каждого вебхука для проверки их эффективности."

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ const DeliveryDatePicker = ({
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation(["Webhooks"]);
const { t } = useTranslation(["Webhooks", "Common"]);
const calendarRef = useRef();
const selectorRef = useRef();
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ const DeliveryDatePicker = ({
) : (
className="mr-8 add-delivery-time-button"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Sənədi portalda və ya mobil proqramda aça bilərsiniz.",
"OpenInApp": "Tətbiqdə açın",
"OpeningDocument": "Sənədin açılması",
"StayInBrowser": "Brauzerdə qalın"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Можете да отворите документа в портала или в мобилното приложение",
"OpenInApp": "Отвори в приложението",
"OpeningDocument": "Отваряне на документ",
"StayInBrowser": "Остани в браузъра"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Dokument můžete otevřít na portálu nebo v mobilní aplikaci",
"OpenInApp": "Otevřít v aplikaci",
"OpeningDocument": "Otevření dokumentu",
"StayInBrowser": "Zůstat v prohlížeči"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Sie können das Dokument im Portal oder in der mobilen App öffnen",
"OpenInApp": "In der App öffnen",
"OpeningDocument": "Dokument wird geöffnet",
"StayInBrowser": "Im Browser bleiben"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Μπορείτε να ανοίξετε το έγγραφο στην πύλη ή στην εφαρμογή για κινητά",
"OpenInApp": "Άνοιγμα στην εφαρμογή",
"OpeningDocument": "Άνοιγμα εγγράφου",
"StayInBrowser": "Παραμονή στο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Usted puede abrir el documento en el portal o en la aplicación móvil",
"OpenInApp": "Abrir en la aplicación",
"OpeningDocument": "Abriendo el documento",
"StayInBrowser": "Quedarse en el navegador"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Voit avata asiakirjan portaalissa tai mobiilisovelluksessa",
"OpenInApp": "Avaa sovelluksessa",
"OpeningDocument": "Avataan asiakirjaa",
"StayInBrowser": "Pysy selaimessa"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Vous pouvez ouvrir le document sur le portail ou dans l'application mobile",
"OpenInApp": "Ouvrir dans l'application",
"OpeningDocument": "Ouverture du document",
"StayInBrowser": "Rester dans le navigateur"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Դուք կարող եք բացել փաստաթուղթը պորտալում կամ բջջային հավելվածում",
"OpenInApp": "Բացեք հավելվածում",
"OpeningDocument": "Փաստաթղթի բացում",
"StayInBrowser": "Մնացեք բրաուզերո"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "È possibile aprire il documento sul portale o nell'applicazione mobile",
"OpenInApp": "Apri nell'app",
"OpeningDocument": "Apertura di un documento",
"StayInBrowser": "Rimani nel browser"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "포털이나 모바일 애플리케이션에서 문서를 열 수 있습니다",
"OpenInApp": "앱에서 열기",
"OpeningDocument": "문서 여는 중",
"StayInBrowser": "계속 브라우저 사용"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Dokumentu var atvērt portālā un mobilajā lietotnē",
"OpenInApp": "Atvērt lietotnē",
"OpeningDocument": "Notiek dokumenta atvēršana",
"StayInBrowser": "Palieciet pārlūkprogrammā"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "U kunt het document openen op het portaal of in de mobiele applicatie",
"OpenInApp": "Openen in de app",
"OpeningDocument": "Een document openen",
"StayInBrowser": "Blijf in de browser"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Możesz otworzyć dokument w portalu lub w aplikacji mobilnej",
"OpenInApp": "Otwórz w aplikacji",
"OpeningDocument": "Otwieranie dokumentu",
"StayInBrowser": "Pozostań w przeglądarce"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Você pode abrir o documento no portal ou no aplicativo móvel",
"OpenInApp": "Abra no aplicativo",
"OpeningDocument": "Abrindo um documento",
"StayInBrowser": "Fique no navegador"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Pode abrir o documento no portal ou na aplicação",
"OpenInApp": "Abrir na app",
"OpeningDocument": "A abrir um documento",
"StayInBrowser": "Permanecer no navegador"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Вы можете открыть документ на портале или в мобильном приложении",
"OpenInApp": "Открыть в приложении",
"OpeningDocument": "Открытие документа",
"StayInBrowser": "Остаться в браузере"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Môžete otvoriť dokument na portáli alebo v mobilnej aplikácii",
"OpenInApp": "Otvoriť v aplikácii",
"OpeningDocument": "Otvorenie dokumentu",
"StayInBrowser": "Zostať v prehliadači"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Dokument lahko odprete na portalu ali v mobilni aplikaciji",
"OpenInApp": "Odprite v aplikaciji",
"OpeningDocument": "Odprite dokument",
"StayInBrowser": "Ostanite v brskalniku"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Belgeyi portalda veya mobil uygulamada açabilirsiniz",
"OpenInApp": "Uygulamada aç",
"OpeningDocument": "Belge açılıyor",
"StayInBrowser": "Tarayıcıda kal"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Ви можете відкрити документ на порталі або в мобільному застосунку",
"OpenInApp": "Відкрити в застосунку",
"OpeningDocument": "Відкриття документа",
"StayInBrowser": "Залишитися у браузері"

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"DeepLinkText": "Bạn có thể mở tài liệu trên cổng thông tin hoặc trong ứng dụng di động",
"OpenInApp": "Mở trong ứng dụng",
"OpeningDocument": "Đang mở tài liệu",
"StayInBrowser": "Ở lại trình duyệt"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More