added translations

This commit is contained in:
Maria Sukhova 2023-06-08 18:24:46 +03:00
parent f846b79cd4
commit fef76e032f
98 changed files with 739 additions and 160 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/">
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/ is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
<xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xsd:import namespace="" />
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="metadata">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="assembly">
<xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="data">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="resheader">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
<resheader name="resmimetype">
<resheader name="version">
<resheader name="reader">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<resheader name="writer">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="ButtonSetPassword" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Установка пароля</value>

View File

@ -673,4 +673,7 @@
<data name="LoginFailViaTfaApp" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Přihlášení prostřednictvím aplikace autentizátoru se nezdařilo</value>
<data name="DocumentsStoreForcesave" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Nastavení Store forcesave Aktualizováno</value>

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"ContactUs": "Satış sualları üçün bizimlə əlaqə saxlayın:",
"DelayedPayment": "{{date}} tarixli {{planName}} planının vaxtı keçmiş ödənişi",
"DowngradeNow": "İndi səviyyəni salın",
"EnterpriseExpiresDate": "Abunəliyiniz {{finalDate}} tarixində bitir.",
"ErrorNotification": "Tarif planını yeniləmək mümkün olmadı. Daha sonra yenidən cəhd edin və ya satış departamentilə əlaqə saxlayın.",
"GracePeriodActivatedDescription": "Güzəşt müddətində adminlər yeni otaqlar yarada və yeni istifadəçilər əlavə edə bilməzlər. Güzəşt müddəti bitdikdən sonra ödəniş edilənə qədər DocSpace əlçatan olmayacaq.",
"GracePeriodActivatedInfo": "Güzəşt müddəti <1>{{fromDate}} tarixindən {{byDate}}</1> tarixinədək tətbiq olunur (qalan günlər: {{delayDaysCount}}).",
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
"StartupSuggestion": "{{planName}} planı ilə daha çox şey edin",
"StartupTitle": "Pulsuz {{planName}} planından istifadə edirsiniz",
"StripeCustomerPortal": "Stripe müştəri portalına keçin",
"SwitchFullEnterprise": "Tam Enterprise versiyasına təkmilləşdirin",
"TotalPricePerMonth": "<1>{{currencySymbol}}</1><2>{{price}}</2><3>/ay</3>",
"UpgradeNow": "İndi yeniləyin",
"UpgradePlan": "Planı yeniləyin",

View File

@ -1 +1,12 @@
"Authentication": "İdentifikasiya",
"EnableSSL": "SSL-i aktivləşdirin",
"Host": "Ev sahibi",
"HostLogin": "Ev sahibi girişi",
"HostPassword": "Ev sahibi Parolu",
"Port": "Port",
"SenderDisplayName": "Göndərənin Göstərilən Adı",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Göndərənin Elektron Poçt Ünvanı",
"SendTestMail": "Test Poçtu Göndər",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Əməliyyat uğurla başa çatıb."

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Купи сега"

View File

@ -1 +1,13 @@
"Authentication": "Заверка",
"EnableSSL": "Активиране на SSL",
"EnterPassword": "Въведете паролата",
"Host": "Домакин",
"HostLogin": "Вход за хост",
"HostPassword": "Парола на хоста",
"Port": "Порт",
"SenderDisplayName": "Екранно име на подателя",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Имейл адрес на подателя",
"SendTestMail": "Изпращане на тестова поща",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Операцията е завършена успешно."

View File

@ -1,37 +1,6 @@
"ActivateLicenseActivated": "License activated",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyLicense": "To buy license, click the button below.",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Buy now",
"ActivatePurchaseRenewLicense": "To continue getting support and updates, buy a renewal.",
"ActivateRenewDescr": "To get your personal renewal terms, contact your dedicated manager or write us at <1>{{email}}</1>",
"ActivateRenewSubscriptionHeader": "Renew subscription for Enterprise",
"ActivateSwithToProHeader": "Switch to full Enterprise version",
"ActivateTariffDescr": "You are using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseExpiration": "Your subscription expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialDescr": "You are using the trial version of ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialExpiration": "Your trial expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateToProBannerHeaderTrial": "Buy the full Enterprise version to get:",
"ActivateUploadDescr": "To activate your license, upload it below and click the Activate.",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseExpired": "Your subscription to support and updates has expired",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseWarning": "Your subscription to support and updates is expiring on {{date}}",
"UpgradeToProBannerHeader": "Get free access to pro features for 30 days",
"UpgradeToProBannerInformationAboutShort": "Learn more about Enterprise Edition <1>on the official website</1>",
"UpgradeToProBannerInformationDemo": "Request demonstration <1>here</1>",
"UpgradeToProBannerInformationPurchase": "Ask purchase questions at <1>{{email}}</1>",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Koupit teď",
"UpgradeToProBannerInformationSupport": "Get tech assistance <1>{{helpUrl}}</1>",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionDescr": "Use the official documentation to upgrade:",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionItemDocker": "Docker instruction.",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionItemLinux": "Linux instruction.",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionItemWindows": "Windows instruction.",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionNote": "Please note that the editors will be unavailable during the upgrade. We also recommend to {0}backup your data{1} before you start.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemLicenseDescr": "+ 1-year subscription for functionality and security updates.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemLicenseHeader": "Lifetime license.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemMobileDescr": "Edit docs, sheets, and slides in mobile browsers.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemMobileEditingHeader": "Mobile editing.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemMobileHeader": "Mobile access.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemScalabilityDescr": "Comfortably edit and collaborate on docs no matter what size your team is.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemScalabilityHeader": "Scalability and clustering.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemSupportDescr": "Get quick professional help for all the issues you face.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemSupportHeader": "Tech support.",
"UpgradeToProHeader": "Free access to pro features"
"UpgradeToProBannerItemSupportHeader": "Technická podpora."

View File

@ -1 +1,13 @@
"Authentication": "Autentizace",
"EnableSSL": "Povolit SSL",
"EnterPassword": "Zadejte heslo",
"Host": "Hostitel",
"HostLogin": "Přihlášení hostitele",
"HostPassword": "Host-Heslo",
"Port": "Port",
"SenderDisplayName": "Zobrazit Jméno Odesílatele",
"SenderEmailAddress": "E-mailová Adresa Odesílatele",
"SendTestMail": "Odeslat testovací e-mail",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Operace byla úspěšně dokončena."

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"ContactUs": "Beim Fragen zum Verkauf kontaktieren Sie uns unter",
"DelayedPayment": "Aufgehaltene Bezahlung des {{planName}}-Plans vom {{date}}",
"DowngradeNow": "Jetzt herabstufen",
"EnterpriseExpiresDate": "Ihr Abonnement ist noch {0} Tage gültig.",
"ErrorNotification": "Aktualisierung des Tarifplans fehlgeschlagen. Versuchen Sie es später erneut oder wenden Sie sich an die Verkaufsabteilung.",
"GracePeriodActivatedDescription": "Während der bezahlten Frist können Administratoren keine neuen Räume erstellen und keine neuen Benutzer hinzufügen. Nach dem Fälligkeitsdatum der bezahlten Frist wird DocSpace nicht mehr verfügbar sein, bis die Zahlung erfolgt ist.",
"GracePeriodActivatedInfo": "Die bezahlte Frist gilt <1>vom {{fromDate}} bis {{byDate}}</1> (Tage übrig: {{delayDaysCount}}).",
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
"StartupSuggestion": "Mehr Möglichkeiten mit {{planName}} Plan",
"StartupTitle": "Sie verwenden einen kostenlosen {{planName}}-Plan",
"StripeCustomerPortal": "gehen Sie zum Stripe-Kundenportal",
"SwitchFullEnterprise": "Erwerben Sie die vollständige Enterprise-Version",
"TotalPricePerMonth": "<1>{{currencySymbol}}</1><2>{{price}}</2><3>/Monat</3>",
"UpgradeNow": "Jetzt upgraden",
"UpgradePlan": "Plan upgraden",

View File

@ -1 +1,15 @@
"Authentication": "Authentifizierung",
"AuthViaNTLM": "Authentifizierung über NTLM",
"EnableSSL": "SSL aktivieren",
"EnterName": "Namen eingeben",
"EnterPassword": "Kennwort eingeben",
"Host": "Host",
"HostLogin": "Host-Login",
"HostPassword": "Host-Kennwort",
"Port": "Port",
"SenderDisplayName": "Angezeigter Name des Absenders",
"SenderEmailAddress": "E-Mail-Adresse des Absenders",
"SendTestMail": "Test-E-Mail senden",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Operation erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde."

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Diese Informationen werden im Fenster <1>{{link}}</1> angezeigt.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Bestätiguns-E-Mail wurde an {{ownerName}} gesendet.",
"Custom": "Benutzerdefiniert",
"CustomDomainName": "Benutzerdefinierter Domänenname",
"CustomDomains": "Benutzerdefinierte Domains",
"Customization": "Anpassung",
"CustomizationDescription": "Dieser Unterabschnitt ermöglicht es Ihnen, das Aussehen Ihres Bereichs zu ändern. Sie können Ihr eigenes Unternehmenslogo, den Namen und Text verwenden, sodass Ihr Bereich zum Design Ihres Produkts passt.",

View File

@ -2,14 +2,7 @@
"ActivateLicenseActivated": "Η άδεια ενεργοποιήθηκε",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyLicense": "To buy license, click the button below.",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Αγορά τώρα",
"ActivatePurchaseRenewLicense": "To continue getting support and updates, buy a renewal.",
"ActivateRenewDescr": "To get your personal renewal terms, contact your dedicated manager or write us at <1>{{email}}</1>",
"ActivateRenewSubscriptionHeader": "Renew subscription for Enterprise",
"ActivateSwithToProHeader": "Switch to full Enterprise version",
"ActivateTariffDescr": "You are using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseExpiration": "Your subscription expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialDescr": "You are using the trial version of ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialExpiration": "Your trial expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateToProBannerHeaderTrial": "Buy the full Enterprise version to get:",
"ActivateUploadDescr": "To activate your license, upload it below and click the Activate.",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseExpired": "Your subscription to support and updates has expired",

View File

@ -1 +1,6 @@
"Authentication": "Πιστοποίηση",
"EnableSSL": "Ενεργοποίηση SSL",
"Port": "Θύρα",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Διεύθυνση Email Αποστολέα"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"ContactUs": "For sales questions, contact us at",
"DelayedPayment": "Delayed payment of the {{planName}} plan dated {{date}}",
"DowngradeNow": "Downgrade now",
"EnterpriseExpiresDate": "Your subscription expires on {{finalDate}}",
"EnterpriseExpiresDate": "Your subscription expires on {{finalDate}}.",
"ErrorNotification": "Failed to update tariff plan. Try again later or contact the sales department.",
"GracePeriodActivatedDescription": "During the grace period, admins cannot create new rooms and add new users. After the due date of the grace period, DocSpace will become unavailable until the payment is made.",
"GracePeriodActivatedInfo": "Grace period is effective <1>from {{fromDate}} to {{byDate}}</1> (days remaining: {{delayDaysCount}}).",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"ContactUs": "Si tiene preguntas sobre ventas, póngase en contacto con nosotros a través de",
"DelayedPayment": "Retraso en el pago para el plan {{planName}} con fecha {{date}}",
"DowngradeNow": "Cambiar al plan anterior ahora",
"EnterpriseExpiresDate": "Su suscripción expira el {{finalDate}}.",
"ErrorNotification": "Error al actualizar el plan de tarifas. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde o póngase en contacto con el departamento de ventas.",
"GracePeriodActivatedDescription": "Durante el periodo de gracia, los administradores no pueden crear nuevas salas ni añadir nuevos usuarios. Tras la fecha de vencimiento del periodo de gracia, DocSpace dejará de estar disponible hasta que se realice el pago.",
"GracePeriodActivatedInfo": "El periodo de gracia es válido <1>desde {{fromDate}} hasta {{byDate}}</1> (días restantes: {{delayDaysCount}}).",
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
"StartupSuggestion": "Puede hacer más con el plan {{planName}}",
"StartupTitle": "Está utilizando el plan gratuito {{planName}}",
"StripeCustomerPortal": "vaya al portal de cliente de Stripe",
"SwitchFullEnterprise": "Pasar a la versión completa de Enterprise",
"TotalPricePerMonth": "<1>{{currencySymbol}}</1><2>{{price}}</2><3>/mes</3>",
"UpgradeNow": "Actualizar ahora",
"UpgradePlan": "Actualizar plan",

View File

@ -1 +1,14 @@
"Authentication": "Autenticación",
"EnableSSL": "Habilitar SSL",
"EnterName": "Introduzca nombre",
"EnterPassword": "Introduzca su contraseña",
"Host": "Host",
"HostLogin": "Login de host",
"HostPassword": "Contraseña de host",
"Port": "Puerto",
"SenderDisplayName": "Nombre de remitente",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Dirección de email de remitente",
"SendTestMail": "Enviar mensaje de prueba",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "La operación ha sido ejecutada con éxito."

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Esta información se mostrará en la ventana <1>{{link}}</1>.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "El correo electrónico de confirmación ha sido enviado a {{ownerName}}",
"Custom": "Personalizado",
"CustomDomainName": "Nombre de dominio personalizado",
"CustomDomains": "Dominios personalizados",
"Customization": "Personalización",
"CustomizationDescription": "Esta subsección le permite cambiar el aspecto de su espacio. Puede utilizar el logotipo de su empresa, el nombre y el texto para que coincida con la marca de su organización.",

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Osta"

View File

@ -1 +1,13 @@
"Authentication": "Tunnistus",
"EnableSSL": "Ota käyttöön SSL",
"EnterPassword": "Anna salasana",
"Host": "Palvelin",
"HostLogin": "Käyttäjätunnus",
"HostPassword": "Salasana",
"Port": "Portti",
"SenderDisplayName": "Lähettäjän nimi",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Lähettäjän sähköpostiosoite",
"SendTestMail": "Lähetä testiviesti",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Toiminto on valmis."

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"ContactUs": "Pour toute question relative aux ventes, contactez-nous à",
"DelayedPayment": "Retard de paiement du plan {{planName}} daté du {{date}}",
"DowngradeNow": "Passer à une version antérieure maintenant",
"EnterpriseExpiresDate": "Votre abonnement expire le {{finalDate}}.",
"ErrorNotification": "Échec de la mise à jour du plan tarifaire. Réessayez plus tard ou contactez le service commercial.",
"GracePeriodActivatedDescription": "Pendant la période de grâce, les administrateurs ne peuvent pas créer de nouvelles salles ni ajouter de nouveaux utilisateurs. Après la date déchéance de la période de grâce, DocSpace deviendra indisponible jusquà ce que le paiement soit effectué.",
"GracePeriodActivatedInfo": "La période de grâce est effective <1>du {{fromDate}} au {{byDate}}</1> (jours restants : {{delayDaysCount}}).",
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
"StartupSuggestion": "Faites plus avec le plan tarifaire {{planName}}",
"StartupTitle": "Vous utilisez le plan gratuit {{planName}}",
"StripeCustomerPortal": "aller sur le portail client Stripe",
"SwitchFullEnterprise": "Passer à la version Enterprise complète",
"TotalPricePerMonth": "<1>{{currencySymbol}}</1><2>{{price}}</2><3>/mois</3>",
"UpgradeNow": "Mettre à jour maintenant",
"UpgradePlan": "Mettre à jour le plan tarifaire",

View File

@ -1 +1,16 @@
"Authentication": "Authentification",
"AuthViaNTLM": "Authentification via NTLM",
"EnableSSL": "Activer le SSL",
"EnterDomain": "Entrez le domaine",
"EnterName": "Saisir un prénom",
"EnterPassword": "Entrer le mot de passe",
"Host": "Hôte",
"HostLogin": "Identifiant",
"HostPassword": "Mot de passe",
"Port": "Port",
"SenderDisplayName": "Nom de l'expéditeur",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Adresse e-mail de l'expéditeur",
"SendTestMail": "Envoyer message de test",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "L'opération a été réalisée avec succès."

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Ces informations seront affichées dans la fenêtre <1>{{link}}</1>.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Un e-mail de confirmation a été envoyé à {{ownerName}}",
"Custom": "Pesonnalisé",
"CustomDomainName": "Nom de domaine personnalisé",
"CustomDomains": "Domaines autorisés",
"Customization": "Personnalisation",
"CustomizationDescription": "Cette sous-section vous permet de modifier l'aspect et la convivialité de votre espace. Vous pouvez utiliser le logo, le nom et le texte de votre entreprise pour qu'ils correspondent à la marque de votre entreprise.",

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"EnterPassword": "Մուտքագրեք գաղտնաբառը"

View File

@ -1,37 +1,19 @@
"ActivateLicenseActivated": "Licenza attivata",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyLicense": "To buy license, click the button below.",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Acquista ora",
"ActivatePurchaseRenewLicense": "To continue getting support and updates, buy a renewal.",
"ActivateRenewDescr": "To get your personal renewal terms, contact your dedicated manager or write us at <1>{{email}}</1>",
"ActivateRenewSubscriptionHeader": "Rinnova abbonamento di Enterprise",
"ActivateSwithToProHeader": "Switch to full Enterprise version",
"ActivateTariffDescr": "Stai usando ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseExpiration": "Your subscription expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialDescr": "You are using the trial version of ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialExpiration": "La tua prova scade il {{date}}.",
"ActivateToProBannerHeaderTrial": "Acquista la versione Enterprise completa per ottenere:",
"ActivateUploadDescr": "To activate your license, upload it below and click the Activate.",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseExpired": "Your subscription to support and updates has expired",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseWarning": "Your subscription to support and updates is expiring on {{date}}",
"UpgradeToProBannerHeader": "Get free access to pro features for 30 days",
"UpgradeToProBannerInformationAboutShort": "Learn more about Enterprise Edition <1>on the official website</1>",
"UpgradeToProBannerInformationDemo": "Richiedi una dimostrazione <1>qui</1>",
"UpgradeToProBannerInformationPurchase": "Per le domande sull'acquisto a <1>{{email}}</1>",
"UpgradeToProBannerInformationSupport": "Get tech assistance <1>{{helpUrl}}</1>",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionDescr": "Use the official documentation to upgrade:",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionItemDocker": "Docker instruction.",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionItemLinux": "Istruzione Linux.",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionItemDocker": "Istruzione per Docker.",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionItemLinux": "Istruzione per Linux.",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionItemWindows": "Istruzioni per Windows.",
"UpgradeToProBannerInstructionNote": "Please note that the editors will be unavailable during the upgrade. We also recommend to {0}backup your data{1} before you start.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemLicenseDescr": "+ 1 anno di abbonamento per aggiornamenti di funzionalità e sicurezza.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemLicenseHeader": "Licenza a vita.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemMobileDescr": "Modifica documenti, fogli e diapositive nei browser per dispositivi mobili.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemMobileEditingHeader": "Mobile editing.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemMobileHeader": "Mobile access.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemScalabilityDescr": "Modifica e collabora comodamente sui documenti, indipendentemente dalle dimensioni del tuo team.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemScalabilityHeader": "Scalability and clustering.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemSupportDescr": "Get quick professional help for all the issues you face.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemSupportHeader": "Supporto tecnico.",
"UpgradeToProHeader": "Accesso gratuito alle funzionalità pro"

View File

@ -1 +1,14 @@
"Authentication": "Autenticazione",
"EnableSSL": "Attiva SSL",
"EnterName": "Inserisci nome",
"EnterPassword": "Inserisci la Password",
"Host": "Dominio",
"HostLogin": "Login dominio",
"HostPassword": "Password dominio",
"Port": "Porta",
"SenderDisplayName": "Nome mittente da visualizzare",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Indirizzo email mittente",
"SendTestMail": "Inivia messaggio di prova",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "L'operazione è stata completata con successo."

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "Queste informazioni verranno visualizzate nella finestra <1>{{link}}</1>.",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "Un messaggio e-mail di conferma è stato spedito a {{ownerName}}",
"Custom": "Personalizzato",
"CustomDomainName": "Nome di dominio personalizzato",
"CustomDomains": "Domini personalizzati",
"Customization": "Personalizzazione",
"CustomizationDescription": "Questa sottosezione ti consente di cambiare l'aspetto del tuo spazio. Puoi utilizzare il logo, il nome e il testo della tua azienda in modo che corrispondano al marchio della tua organizzazione.",

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "すぐに購入"

View File

@ -1 +1,14 @@
"Authentication": "認証",
"AuthViaNTLM": "NTLMによる認証",
"EnableSSL": "SSLを有効に",
"EnterPassword": "パスワードを入力してください",
"Host": "ホスト",
"HostLogin": "ログインを開催",
"HostPassword": "ホスト·パスワード",
"Port": "ポート",
"SenderDisplayName": "送信者の表示名",
"SenderEmailAddress": "送信者の電子メールアドレス",
"SendTestMail": "テスト メールを送信する",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "操作は正常に完了した。"

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "この情報は、<1>{{link}}</1>ウィンドウに表示されます。",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "確認のメールが{{ownerName}}に送信されました。",
"Custom": "カスタム",
"CustomDomainName": "カスタムドメイン名",
"CustomDomains": "カスタムドメイン",
"Customization": "カスタマイズ",
"CustomizationDescription": "このサブセクションでは、スペースのルック&フィールを変更することができます。自社のブランドに合わせて、ロゴ、会社名、テキストを使用できます。",

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "지금 구입"

View File

@ -1 +1,7 @@
"EnableSSL": "SSL을 사용하도록 설정",
"HostLogin": "로그인 개최",
"Port": "포트",
"SenderDisplayName": "발신자 표시 이름",
"SenderEmailAddress": "보내는 사람 이메일 주소"

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Pirkt tagad"

View File

@ -1 +1,11 @@
"Authentication": "Autentifikācija",
"EnableSSL": "Izmantot SSL",
"Host": "Hosts",
"HostLogin": "Hosta logins",
"HostPassword": "Hosta parole",
"Port": "Ports",
"SenderDisplayName": "Sūtītāja parādāmais vārds",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Sūtītāja e-pasta adrese",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Darbība veiksmīgi pabeigta."

View File

@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
"ActivateLicenseActivated": "License activated",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyLicense": "To buy license, click the button below.",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Buy now",
"ActivatePurchaseRenewLicense": "To continue getting support and updates, buy a renewal.",
"ActivateRenewDescr": "To get your personal renewal terms, contact your dedicated manager or write us at <1>{{email}}</1>",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Koop nu",
"ActivateRenewSubscriptionHeader": "Renew subscription for Enterprise",
"ActivateSwithToProHeader": "Switch to full Enterprise version",
"ActivateTariffDescr": "You are using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseExpiration": "Your subscription expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialDescr": "You are using the trial version of ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialExpiration": "Your trial expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateToProBannerHeaderTrial": "Buy the full Enterprise version to get:",
"ActivateUploadDescr": "To activate your license, upload it below and click the Activate.",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseExpired": "Your subscription to support and updates has expired",

View File

@ -1 +1,12 @@
"Authentication": "Authenticatie",
"EnableSSL": "Activeer SSL",
"Host": "Host",
"HostLogin": "Host Login",
"HostPassword": "Host Wachtwoord",
"Port": "Poort",
"SenderDisplayName": "Zender Weergave Naam",
"SenderEmailAddress": "E-mailadres Zender",
"SendTestMail": "Testmail Sturen",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Darbība veiksmīgi pabeigta."

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Kup teraz"

View File

@ -1 +1,12 @@
"Authentication": "Poświadczenie",
"EnableSSL": "Włącz protokół SSL",
"EnterPassword": "Wpisz hasło",
"HostLogin": "Zaloguj się z hostem",
"HostPassword": "Hasło hosta",
"Port": "Port",
"SenderDisplayName": "Nazwa wyświetlana nadawcy",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Adres e-mail nadawcy",
"SendTestMail": "Wyślij pocztę testową",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Operacja została pomyślnie zakończona."

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"ContactUs": "Para perguntas sobre vendas, entre em contato conosco em",
"DelayedPayment": "Pagamento atrasado do plano {{planName}} datado de {{date}}",
"DowngradeNow": "Fazer downgrade agora",
"EnterpriseExpiresDate": "Sua assinatura expira em {{finalDate}}.",
"ErrorNotification": "Falha ao atualizar plano tarifário. Tente novamente mais tarde ou entre em contato.",
"GracePeriodActivatedDescription": "Durante o período de cortesia, os administradores não podem criar novas salas e adicionar novos usuários. Após a data de vencimento do período de carência, o DocSpace ficará indisponível até que o pagamento seja efetuado.",
"GracePeriodActivatedInfo": "O período de tolerância é válido <1>de {{fromDate}} a {{byDate}}</1> (dias restantes: {{delayDaysCount}}).",
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
"StartupSuggestion": "Faça mais com o plano {{planName}}",
"StartupTitle": "Você está usando o plano gratuito {{planName}}",
"StripeCustomerPortal": "vá para o portal do cliente Stripe",
"SwitchFullEnterprise": "Mudar para a versão Enterprise completa",
"TotalPricePerMonth": "<1>{{currencySymbol}}</1><2>{{price}}</2><3>/mês</3>",
"UpgradeNow": "Atualize agora",
"UpgradePlan": "Plano de atualização",

View File

@ -1 +1,14 @@
"Authentication": "Autenticação",
"AuthViaNTLM": "Autenticação via NTLM",
"EnableSSL": "Habilitar SSL",
"EnterPassword": "Inserir senha",
"Host": "Host",
"HostLogin": "Login do host",
"HostPassword": "Senha do host",
"Port": "Porta",
"SenderDisplayName": "Nome de exibição do remetente",
"SenderEmailAddress": "E-mail do remetente",
"SendTestMail": "Enviar e-mail de teste",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Operação foi concluída com sucesso."

View File

@ -1 +1,6 @@
"EnableSSL": "Habilitar SSL",
"Port": "Porta",
"SenderDisplayName": "Nome do remetente a mostrar",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Endereço de E-mail do remetente"

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"ContactUs": "По вопросам продаж обращайтесь к нам по адресу:",
"DelayedPayment": "Просроченная оплата {{planName}} плана от {{date}}",
"DowngradeNow": "Понизить прямо сейчас",
"EnterpriseExpiresDate": "Подписка истекает {{finalDate}}.",
"ErrorNotification": "Не удалось обновить тариф. Попробуйте позже или свяжитесь с отделом продаж.",
"GracePeriodActivatedDescription": "В течение льготного периода администраторы не могут создавать новые комнаты и добавлять новых пользователей. По истечении льготного периода DocSpace станет недоступным до тех пор, пока не будет произведен платеж.",
"GracePeriodActivatedInfo": "Льготный период действует <1>с {{fromDate}} по {{byDate}}</1> (дней осталось: {{delayDaysCount}}).",
@ -33,10 +34,12 @@
"StartupSuggestion": "Делайте больше с помощью {{planName}} тарифа",
"StartupTitle": "Вы используете бесплатный {{planName}} тариф",
"StripeCustomerPortal": "перейти на клиентский портал Stripe",
"SwitchFullEnterprise": "Перейдите на полную версию Enterprise",
"TotalPricePerMonth": "<1>{{currencySymbol}}</1><2>{{price}}</2><3>/месяц</3>",
"UpgradeNow": "Обновить прямо сейчас",
"UpgradePlan": "Обновить план",
"UpgradePlanInfo": "Добавление новых пользователей приведет к превышению максимального количества участников комнаты, разрешенного вашим текущим тарифным планом.",
"UploadActivationLicense": "Чтобы активировать уже приобретенное продление, загрузите его ниже и нажмите кнопку «Активировать».",
"UserNotFound": "Пользователь <1>{{email}}</1> не найден.",
"UserNotFoundMatchingEmail": "Мы не смогли найти пользователя с соответствующим адресом электронной почты Stripe.",
"YourPrice": "Ваша стоимость"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"ActivateLicense": "Активировать лицензию",
"ActivateLicenseActivated": "Лицензия активирована",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyLicense": "Чтобы купить лицензию, нажмите кнопку ниже.",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Купить сейчас",
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialExpiration": "Пробный период истекает {{date}}",
"ActivateToProBannerHeaderTrial": "Купите полную версию Enterprise, чтобы получить:",
"ActivateUploadDescr": "Чтобы активировать лицензию, загрузите ее ниже и нажмите кнопку Активировать.",
"FreeDaysLeft": "Осталось {{count}} бесплатных дней",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseExpired": "Истек срок действия подписки на техническую поддержку и обновления",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseWarning": "Подписка на техническую поддержку и обновления истекает {0}",
"UpgradeToProBannerHeader": "Получите бесплатный доступ к профессиональным возможностям на 30 дней",
@ -35,5 +37,6 @@
"UpgradeToProBannerItemScalabilityHeader": "Масштабируемость и кластеризация.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemSupportDescr": "Получайте профессиональную помощь по всем возникшим вопросам.",
"UpgradeToProBannerItemSupportHeader": "Техническая поддержка.",
"UpgradeToProHeader": "Бесплатный доступ к Pro версии"
"UpgradeToProHeader": "Бесплатный доступ к Pro версии",
"UploadLicenseFile": "Загрузить файл лицензии"

View File

@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
"ActivateLicenseActivated": "License activated",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyLicense": "To buy license, click the button below.",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Buy now",
"ActivatePurchaseRenewLicense": "To continue getting support and updates, buy a renewal.",
"ActivateRenewDescr": "To get your personal renewal terms, contact your dedicated manager or write us at <1>{{email}}</1>",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Kúpiť teraz",
"ActivateRenewSubscriptionHeader": "Renew subscription for Enterprise",
"ActivateSwithToProHeader": "Switch to full Enterprise version",
"ActivateTariffDescr": "You are using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseExpiration": "Your subscription expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialDescr": "You are using the trial version of ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialExpiration": "Your trial expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateToProBannerHeaderTrial": "Buy the full Enterprise version to get:",
"ActivateUploadDescr": "To activate your license, upload it below and click the Activate.",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseExpired": "Your subscription to support and updates has expired",

View File

@ -1 +1,12 @@
"Authentication": "Autentifikácia",
"EnableSSL": "Povoliť SSL",
"EnterPassword": "Zadajte heslo",
"HostLogin": "Prihlasovacie meno",
"HostPassword": "Prihlasovacie heslo",
"Port": "Port",
"SenderDisplayName": "Zobraziť Meno odosielateľa",
"SenderEmailAddress": "E-mailová adresa odosielateľa",
"SendTestMail": "Odoslať testovací e-mail",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Operácia bola úspešne dokončená."

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Kupi zdaj"

View File

@ -1 +1,10 @@
"Authentication": "Preverjanje pristnosti",
"EnableSSL": "Omogoči SSL",
"HostLogin": "Prihlasovacie meno",
"HostPassword": "Geslo gostitelja",
"Port": "Port",
"SenderDisplayName": "Pošiljateljevo prikazno ime",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Pošiljateljev e-naslov",
"SendTestMail": "Pošlji poskusno e-pošto"

View File

@ -2,14 +2,7 @@
"ActivateLicenseActivated": "License activated",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyLicense": "To buy license, click the button below.",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Şimdi satın al",
"ActivatePurchaseRenewLicense": "To continue getting support and updates, buy a renewal.",
"ActivateRenewDescr": "To get your personal renewal terms, contact your dedicated manager or write us at <1>{{email}}</1>",
"ActivateRenewSubscriptionHeader": "Renew subscription for Enterprise",
"ActivateSwithToProHeader": "Switch to full Enterprise version",
"ActivateTariffDescr": "You are using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseExpiration": "Your subscription expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialDescr": "You are using the trial version of ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialExpiration": "Your trial expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateToProBannerHeaderTrial": "Aşağıdakileri elde etmek için Tam Enterprise Sürümünü satın alın:",
"ActivateUploadDescr": "To activate your license, upload it below and click the Activate.",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseExpired": "Your subscription to support and updates has expired",

View File

@ -1 +1,13 @@
"Authentication": "Doğrulama",
"EnableSSL": "SSL'yi etkinleştir",
"EnterPassword": "Parola giriniz",
"Host": "Sunucu",
"HostLogin": "Sunucu girişi",
"HostPassword": "Sunucu Şifresi",
"Port": "Bağlantı noktası",
"SenderDisplayName": "Gönderici Ekran İsmi",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Gönderici Eposta Adresi",
"SendTestMail": "Test Postası Gönder",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "İşlem başarıyla tamamlandı."

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Купити зараз"

View File

@ -1 +1,11 @@
"Authentication": "Автентифікація",
"EnableSSL": "Увімкнути SSL",
"Host": "Хост",
"HostLogin": "Логін хосту",
"HostPassword": "Пароль хосту",
"Port": "Порт",
"SenderDisplayName": "Коротке ім'я відправника",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Адреса електронної пошти відправника",
"SendTestMail": "Надіслати тестове поштове повідомлення"

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Mua ngay"

View File

@ -1 +1,12 @@
"Authentication": "Xác thực",
"EnableSSL": "Bật SSL",
"Host": "Host",
"HostLogin": "Đăng nhập Host",
"HostPassword": "Mật khẩu Host",
"Port": "Cổng",
"SenderDisplayName": "Tên hiển thị của người gửi",
"SenderEmailAddress": "Địa chỉ email của người gửi",
"SendTestMail": "Gửi thư thử nghiệm",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "Thao tác đã được hoàn thành."

View File

@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
"ActivateLicenseActivated": "License activated",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyLicense": "To buy license, click the button below.",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "Buy now",
"ActivatePurchaseRenewLicense": "To continue getting support and updates, buy a renewal.",
"ActivateRenewDescr": "To get your personal renewal terms, contact your dedicated manager or write us at <1>{{email}}</1>",
"ActivatePurchaseBuyNow": "立即购买",
"ActivateRenewSubscriptionHeader": "Renew subscription for Enterprise",
"ActivateSwithToProHeader": "Switch to full Enterprise version",
"ActivateTariffDescr": "You are using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseExpiration": "Your subscription expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialDescr": "You are using the trial version of ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition.",
"ActivateTariffEnterpriseTrialExpiration": "Your trial expires on {{date}}.",
"ActivateToProBannerHeaderTrial": "Buy the full Enterprise version to get:",
"ActivateUploadDescr": "To activate your license, upload it below and click the Activate.",
"TopBottonsEnterpriseExpired": "Your subscription to support and updates has expired",

View File

@ -1 +1,13 @@
"Authentication": "身份验证",
"EnableSSL": "启用SSL",
"EnterPassword": "输入密码",
"Host": "主机",
"HostLogin": "主机登录",
"HostPassword": "主机密码",
"Port": "端口",
"SenderDisplayName": "发件人显示名称",
"SenderEmailAddress": "发件人电邮地址",
"SendTestMail": "发送测试邮件",
"SuccessfullyCompletedOperation": "操作已成功完成。"

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
"CompanyInfoSettingsDescription": "此信息将展示在 <1>{{link}}</1> 窗口中。",
"ConfirmEmailSended": "确认邮件已发送至{{ownerName}}",
"Custom": "自定义",
"CustomDomainName": "自定义域名",
"CustomDomains": "自定义域",
"Customization": "个性化定制",
"CustomizationDescription": "改变网站的外观。使用您的公司标志、名称和文字来打造品牌形象。",

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"InvalidUsernameOrPassword": "Невалидно потребителско име или парола.",
"LoginWithAccountNotFound": "Не може да се намери свързан профил на трета страна. Първо трябва да свържете профила си за социални мрежи в страницата за редактиране на потребителския профил.",
"LoginWithBruteForce": "Разрешението е временно блокирано.",
"RecaptchaInvalid": "Невалидна Recaptcha",
"SsoSettingsCantCreateUser": "Потребителят не можа да се създаде с този маркер за удостоверяване",
"SsoSettingsDisabled": "Единичното влизане е деактивирано",
"SsoSettingsEmptyToken": "Токът за удостоверяване не можа да бъде намерен",

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"ErrorUserNotFound": "Uživatel nemohl být nalezen",
"InvalidUsernameOrPassword": "Špatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo.",
"LoginWithAccountNotFound": "Nemůže najít přidružený účet třetí strany. Nejdříve musíte na první straně úpravy profilu připojit účet sociální sítě.",
"RecaptchaInvalid": "Recaptcha je neplatná",
"SsoSettingsCantCreateUser": "Nelze vytvořit uživatele s tímto autentizačním tokenem",
"SsoSettingsDisabled": "Funkce Single Sign-on je zakázána",
"SsoSettingsEmptyToken": "Autentizační token nebyl nalezen",

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"ErrorNotAllowedOption": "Your pricing plan does not support this option",
"ErrorUserNotFound": "The user could not be found",
"InvalidUsernameOrPassword": "Invalid username or password",
"LoginWithAccountNotFound": "Can't find associated third-party account. You need to connect your social networking account at the profile editing page first",
"LoginWithAccountNotFound": "Can't find associated third-party account. You need to connect your social networking account at the profile editing page first.",
"LoginWithBruteForce": "Authorization temporarily blocked",
"RecaptchaInvalid": "Invalid Recaptcha",
"SsoAttributesNotFound": "Authentication failed (assertion attributes not found)",

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"ErrorNotAllowedOption": "Fiyat planınız bu seçeneği desteklemiyor",
"ErrorUserNotFound": "Kullanıcı bulunamadı",
"InvalidUsernameOrPassword": "Geçersiz kullanıcı adı veya şifre.",
"LoginWithAccountNotFound": "İlişkili üçüncü parti hesap bulunamıyor. Sosyal ağ hesabınızı profil düzenleme sayfasında bağlamanız gerekiyor.<",
"LoginWithAccountNotFound": "İlişkili üçüncü parti hesap bulunamıyor. Sosyal ağ hesabınızı profil düzenleme sayfasında bağlamanız gerekiyor.",
"SsoSettingsCantCreateUser": "Bu akıllı anahtarla kullanıcı oluşturulamadı",
"SsoSettingsDisabled": "Tek giriş devre dışı bırakıldı",
"SsoSettingsEmptyToken": "Şifre üretici bulunamadı",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Probleminizi təsvir edin",
"RecoverTitle": "Girişin bərpası",
"RegistrationEmail": "Sizin qeydiyyat elektron poçtunuz",
"ReloadPage": "Səhifəni Təkrar yükləyin",
"Rename": "Adını dəyiş",
"RepeatInvitation": "Dəvəti təkrarlayın",
"RequiredField": "Tələb olunan sahə",
@ -234,11 +235,12 @@
"SortBy": "Bu qayda ilə sırala",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "Lokal yolda boşluqlar icazə verilmir",
"Standard": "Standart",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Dəstək və yeniləmələrə abunəliyiniz başa çatıb",
"Support": "Dəstək",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Eskiz rejiminə keçin",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Yığcam görüntüyə keç",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Etiketlər",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Üçüncü Tərəf Yaddaşı",
"Title": "Başlıq",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Опишете проблема си",
"RecoverTitle": "Възстановяване на достъп",
"RegistrationEmail": "Вашият регистрационен имейл",
"ReloadPage": "Презареждане на страницата",
"Rename": "Преименувай",
"RepeatInvitation": "Повторете поканата",
"RequiredField": "Задължително поле",
@ -236,11 +237,12 @@
"SortBy": "Сортиране по",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "Местната част не може да съдържа интервали",
"Standard": "Стандарт",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Вашият абонамент за поддръжка и актуализации е изтекъл",
"Support": "Поддръжка",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Превключване към изглед на миниатюри",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Превключете на компактен изглед",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Етикети",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Памет за трети страни",
"Title": "Заглавие",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Popište svůj problém",
"RecoverTitle": "Obnovení přístupu",
"RegistrationEmail": "Váš registrační e-mail",
"ReloadPage": "Obnovit stránku",
"Rename": "Přejmenovat",
"RepeatInvitation": "Zopakovat pozvání",
"RequiredField": "Povinné pole",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Podpora",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Přepnout na zobrazení miniatur",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Přepnout na kompaktní zobrazení",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Tagy",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Úložiště třetích stran",
"Title": "Titulek",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Bitte Problem beschreiben",
"RecoverTitle": "Zugriffswiederherstellung",
"RegistrationEmail": "Ihr Registrierungsemail",
"ReloadPage": "Seite erneut laden",
"Rename": "Umbenennen",
"RepeatInvitation": "Einladung wiederholen",
"RequiredField": "Pflichtfeld",
@ -236,11 +237,12 @@
"SortBy": "Sortieren nach",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "Lokaler Teil beinhaltet Leerzeichen",
"Standard": "Standard",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Ihr Abonnement für Support und Updates ist abgelaufen",
"Support": "Support",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Thumbnails aktivieren",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Auf Kompaktansicht umschalten",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Tags",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Drittanbieter",
"Title": "Titel",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Περιγράψτε το πρόβλημά σας",
"RecoverTitle": "Ανάκτηση πρόσβασης",
"RegistrationEmail": "Το email εγγραφής σας",
"ReloadPage": "Επανάληψη Φόρτωσης Σελίδας",
"Rename": "Μετονομασία",
"RepeatInvitation": "Επανάληψη πρόσκλησης",
"RequiredField": "Υποχρεωτικό πεδίο",
@ -234,11 +235,12 @@
"SortBy": "Ταξινόμηση κατά",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "Το τοπικό τμήμα δεν μπορεί να περιέχει κενά",
"Standard": "Τυπικό",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Η συνδρομή σας για υποστήριξη και ενημερώσεις έχει λήξει",
"Support": "Υποστήριξη",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Εναλλαγή σε προβολή μικρογραφιών",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Εναλλαγή σε συμπαγή προβολή",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Ετικέτες",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Αποθήκευση τρίτων",
"Title": "Τίτλος",

View File

@ -105,15 +105,15 @@
"Error": "Error",
"ErrorInternalServer": "Internal server error. Try again later.",
"ErrorReport": "Error report",
"ErrorReportDescription": "Open the report below to see what data is included. Error reports do not contain any personal data of the users. To help our team better understand the problem, describe it in the free form using the comment field",
"ErrorReportDescription": "Open the report below to see what data is included. Error reports do not contain any personal data of the users. To help our team better understand the problem, describe it in the free form using the comment field.",
"ErrorReportSuccess": "Error report was successfully sent",
"Exabyte": "EB",
"FeedbackAndSupport": "Feedback & Support",
"FillFormButton": "Fill in the form",
"FirstName": "First name",
"FreeProFeatures": "Free access to pro features",
"FreeStartupPlan": "Free {{planName}} plan",
"FullAccess": "Full access",
"FreeProFeatures": "Free access to pro features",
"GetMoreOptions": "Get more security and branding options",
"Gigabyte": "GB",
"GracePeriodActivated": "Grace period activated",
@ -203,13 +203,13 @@
"RegistrationEmail": "Your registration email address",
"ReloadPage": "Reload page",
"Rename": "Rename",
"RenewSubscription": "Renew subscription?",
"RepeatInvitation": "Repeat invitation",
"RequiredField": "Required field",
"ResetApplication": "Reset application",
"Restore": "Restore",
"RestoreHere": "Restore here",
"Review": "Review",
"RenewSubscription": "Renew subscription?",
"Role": "Role",
"Room": "Room",
"RoomAdmin": "Room admin",
@ -224,15 +224,14 @@
"SelectDOCXFormat": "Select .DOCX file",
"SelectFile": "Select file",
"SendButton": "Send",
"Sending": "Sending...",
"SendReport": "Send report",
"SendRequest": "Send request",
"Sending": "Sending...",
"Sessions": "Sessions",
"Settings": "Settings",
"SettingsDocSpace": "DocSpace Settings",
"SettingsGeneral": "General",
"SettingsPersonal": "Personal",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Your subscription to support and updates has expired",
"ShowMore": "Show more",
"SignInWithFacebook": "Sign in with Facebook",
"SignInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google",
@ -242,24 +241,25 @@
"Size": "Size",
"SizeImageLarge": "The image size is too large, please select another image.",
"SomethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong.",
"SomethingWentWrongDescription": "Click Send report to automatically generate a report and help us fix the error. None of your personal data will be used in the report",
"SomethingWentWrongDescription": "Click Send report to automatically generate a report and help us fix the error. None of your personal data will be used in the report.",
"SortBy": "Sort by",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "Local part can't contain spaces",
"Standard": "Standard",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Your subscription to support and updates has expired",
"SubscriptionIsExpiring": "Your subscription is expiring on {{date}}",
"Support": "Support",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Switch to thumbnails view",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Switch to compact view",
"SubscriptionIsExpiring": "Your subscription is expiring on {{date}}",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Tags",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Third-party storage",
"Title": "Title",
"TitleSelectFile": "Select",
"Today": "Today",
"Type": "Type",
"TrialDaysLeft": "Trial {{count}} days",
"TrialExpired": "Trial expired",
"Type": "Type",
"UnexpectedError": "An unexpected error occurred. Try again later or contact support.",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
"UnknownError": "Unknown error",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Describa su problema",
"RecoverTitle": "Recuperación de acceso",
"RegistrationEmail": "Su email de registro",
"ReloadPage": "Recargar página",
"Rename": "Renombrar",
"RepeatInvitation": "Repetir invitación",
"RequiredField": "Campo obligatorio",
@ -236,11 +237,12 @@
"SortBy": "Ordenar por",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "La parte local no puede contener espacios",
"Standard": "Estándar",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Su suscripción a soporte y actualizaciones ha expirado",
"Support": "Ayuda",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Cambiar a la vista de miniaturas",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Pasar a la vista compacta",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Etiquetas",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Almacenamiento de terceros",
"Title": "Título",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Kuvaile ongelmasi",
"RecoverTitle": "Käytä palautusta",
"RegistrationEmail": "Rekisteröitymisen sähköpostiosoitteesi",
"ReloadPage": "Lataa uudelleen sivu",
"Rename": "Nimeä uudelleen",
"RepeatInvitation": "Toista kutsu",
"RequiredField": "Pakollinen kenttä",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Tuki",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Vaihda pikkukuvanäkymään",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Suppeat tiedot",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Tunnisteet",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Kolmannen osapuolen tallennus",
"Title": "Otsikko",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Décrivez votre problème",
"RecoverTitle": "Récupération d'accès",
"RegistrationEmail": "Email d'enregistrement",
"ReloadPage": "Recharger la page",
"Rename": "Renommer",
"RepeatInvitation": "Renouveler linvitation",
"RequiredField": "Champ obligatoire",
@ -236,11 +237,12 @@
"SortBy": "Trier par",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "Le local ne peux pas contenir d'espace",
"Standard": "Standard",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Votre abonnement au support et aux mises à jour a expiré",
"Support": "Assistance",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Passer à l'affichage des miniatures",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Activer la vue compacte",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Tags",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "To",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Moteur de stockage tiers",
"Title": "Titre",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Նկարագրեք ձեր խնդիրը",
"RecoverTitle": "Մատչման վերականգնում",
"RegistrationEmail": "Ձեր գրանցման էլ․ հասցեն",
"ReloadPage": "Վերբեռնել էջը",
"Rename": "Վերանվանել",
"RepeatInvitation": "Կրկնել հրավերը",
"RequiredField": "Պարտադիր դաշտ",
@ -239,8 +240,8 @@
"Support": "Աջակցություն",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Անցնել մանրապատկերների տեսքին",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Անցնել կոմպակտ տեսքի",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Պիտակներ",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Երրորդ կողմի պահեստավորում",
"Title": "Վերնագիր",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Descrivi il tuo problema",
"RecoverTitle": "Ripristino dell'accesso",
"RegistrationEmail": "Il tuo email di registrazione",
"ReloadPage": "Ricarica pagina",
"Rename": "Rinomina",
"RepeatInvitation": "Ripeti linvito",
"RequiredField": "Campo obbligatorio",
@ -236,11 +237,12 @@
"SortBy": "Ordina per",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "La parte locale non può contenere spazi",
"Standard": "Standard",
"SubscriptionExpired": "La tua sottoscrizione al supporto e agli aggiornamenti è scaduta.",
"Support": "Supporto",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Passa alla visualizzazione anteprime",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Attiva visualizzazione compatta",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Etichette",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Archiviazione di terze parti",
"Title": "Titolo",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "ご質問を説明ください",
"RecoverTitle": "アクセス回復機能",
"RegistrationEmail": "登録されたメールアドレス",
"ReloadPage": "ページを再読み込み",
"Rename": "名前の変更",
"RepeatInvitation": "もう一度招待する",
"RequiredField": "必須項目",
@ -236,6 +237,7 @@
"SortBy": "並べ替え",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "ローカルパートはスペースを含むことができません",
"Standard": "標準",
"SubscriptionExpired": "サポートとアップデートのサブスクリプションの有効期限が切れています",
"Support": "サポート",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "サムネイル表示へ切り替え",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "コンパクトビューに切り替え",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "겪고 계신 문제를 설명해주세요",
"RecoverTitle": "액세스 복원",
"RegistrationEmail": "가입 이메일",
"ReloadPage": "페이지 새로 고침",
"Rename": "이름 변경",
"RepeatInvitation": "초대 반복",
"RequiredField": "필수 항목입니다",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "ອະທິບາຍບັນຫາຂອງທ່ານ",
"RecoverTitle": "ການເຂົ້າເຖິງການກູ້ຄືນ",
"RegistrationEmail": "ອີເມວລົງທະບຽນຂອງທ່ານ",
"ReloadPage": "ໂຫລດໜ້າເວັບໃໝ່",
"Rename": "ປ່ຽນຊື່",
"RepeatInvitation": "ເຊີນຊ້ຳ",
"RequiredField": "ຟີວທີ່ຈຳເປັນ",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Aprakstiet savu problēmu",
"RecoverTitle": "Piekļuves atkopšana",
"RegistrationEmail": "Jūsu reģistrācijas e-pasts",
"ReloadPage": "Pārlādēt lapu",
"Rename": "Pārdēvēt",
"RepeatInvitation": "Atkārtoti uzaicināt",
"RequiredField": "Obligāts lauks",
@ -234,11 +235,12 @@
"SortBy": "Šķirot pēc",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "Lokālajā daļā nedrīkst būt atstarpes",
"Standard": "Standarta",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Jūsu atbalsta un atjauninājumu abonementa termiņš ir iztecējis",
"Support": "Support",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Pārslēgties uz sīktēlu skatu",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Pārslēgties uz kompakto skatu",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Atzīmes",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Trešās puses krātuve",
"Title": "Nosaukums",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Beschrijf uw probleem",
"RecoverTitle": "Toegang herstel",
"RegistrationEmail": "Uw registratie e-mail",
"ReloadPage": "Pagina opnieuw laden",
"Rename": "Hernoemen",
"RepeatInvitation": "Uitnodiging herhalen",
"RequiredField": "Verplicht veld",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Support",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Overschakelen naar thumbnails weergave",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Schakel naar compacte weergave",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Editie",
"Tags": "Tags",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Editie",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Opslag door derden",
"Title": "Titel",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Opisz swój problem",
"RecoverTitle": "Odzyskiwanie dostępu",
"RegistrationEmail": "Twój e-mail rejestracyjny",
"ReloadPage": "Przeładuj stronę",
"Rename": "Zmień nazwę",
"RepeatInvitation": "Ponów zaproszenie",
"RequiredField": "Pole wymagane",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Wsparcie",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Przełącz na widok miniatur",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Przełącz na widok kompaktowy",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Tagi",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Przechowywanie przez strony trzecie",
"Title": "Tytuł",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Descreva seu problema",
"RecoverTitle": "Recuperação de acesso",
"RegistrationEmail": "Seu email de registro",
"ReloadPage": "Recarregar página",
"Rename": "Renomear",
"RepeatInvitation": "Repetir convite",
"RequiredField": "Campo obrigatório",
@ -236,11 +237,12 @@
"SortBy": "Ordenar por",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "A parte local não pode conter espaços",
"Standard": "Padrão",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Sua assinatura de suporte e atualizações expirou",
"Support": "Suporte",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Mudar para a visualização em miniaturas",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Alternar para visualização compacta",
"TariffEnterprise": "Edição Empresarial",
"Tags": "Etiquetas",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Armazenamento de terceiros",
"Title": "Título",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Descreva o seu problema",
"RecoverTitle": "Recuperação de acesso",
"RegistrationEmail": "O seu e-mail de registo",
"ReloadPage": "Recarregar página",
"Rename": "Renomear",
"RepeatInvitation": "Repetir convite",
"RequiredField": "Campo obrigatório",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Suporte",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Mudar para a vista de thumbnails",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Mudar para visualização compacta",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Tags",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Armazenamento Proveniente de Terceiros",
"Title": "Título",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Descrieți problema",
"RecoverTitle": "Restabilirea accesului",
"RegistrationEmail": "Email-ul dvs. de înregistrare",
"ReloadPage": "Reîmprospătare pagina",
"Rename": "Redenumire",
"RepeatInvitation": "Repetare invitaţie",
"RequiredField": "Câmp obligatoriu",

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"Authorization": "Авторизация",
"BarMaintenanceDescription": "Приносим свои извинения за временные неполадки в работе сервиса, которые могут возникнуть {{targetDate}} в процессе обновления облачного решения {{productName}}.",
"BarMaintenanceDisclaimer": "В течение дня убедитесь, что все изменения успешно сохранены.",
"Bonus": "Бонус",
"BookNow": "Заказать сейчас",
"BookTeamTraining": "Закажите обучающее занятие для команды с нашими лучшими специалистами",
"BookTraining": "Заказать обучающее занятие",
@ -103,10 +104,14 @@
"EnterName": "Введите имя",
"Error": "Ошибка",
"ErrorInternalServer": "Внутренняя ошибка сервера. Повторите попытку позже.",
"ErrorReport": "Сообщение об ошибке",
"ErrorReportDescription": "Откройте отчет ниже, чтобы увидеть, какие данные в него включены. Отчеты об ошибках не содержат персональных данных пользователей. Чтобы помочь нашей команде понять проблему наилучшим образом, опишите ее в свободной форме в поле для комментариев.",
"ErrorReportSuccess": "Отчет об ошибке успешно отправлен",
"Exabyte": "Эб",
"FeedbackAndSupport": "Обратная связь и поддержка",
"FillFormButton": "Заполнить форму",
"FirstName": "Имя",
"FreeProFeatures": "Бесплатный доступ к профессиональным функциональным возможностям",
"FreeStartupPlan": "Бесплатный {{planName}} план",
"FullAccess": "Полный доступ",
"GetMoreOptions": "Получите больше возможностей безопасности и брендинга",
@ -196,7 +201,9 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Пожалуйста, опишите вашу проблему",
"RecoverTitle": "Доступ к порталу",
"RegistrationEmail": "Ваш регистрационный email",
"ReloadPage": "Обновить страницу",
"Rename": "Переименовать",
"RenewSubscription": "Продлить подписку?",
"RepeatInvitation": "Повторное приглашение",
"RequiredField": "Обязательное поле",
"ResetApplication": "Сбросить приложение",
@ -218,6 +225,7 @@
"SelectFile": "Выбрать файл",
"SendButton": "Отправить",
"Sending": "Отправка...",
"SendReport": "Отправить отчет",
"SendRequest": "Отправить запрос",
"Sessions": "Сессии",
"Settings": "Настройки",
@ -233,19 +241,24 @@
"Size": "Размер",
"SizeImageLarge": "Размер изображения слишком большой, пожалуйста, выберите другое изображение.",
"SomethingWentWrong": "Что-то пошло не так.",
"SomethingWentWrongDescription": "Используйте команду «Отправить отчет», чтобы автоматически создать отчет и помочь нам исправить ошибку. Отчеты не содержат ваших персональных данных.",
"SortBy": "Сортировать по",
"SpacesInLocalPart": "Имя почтового ящика содержит пробелы",
"Standard": "Стандарт",
"SubscriptionExpired": "Истек срок действия подписки на техническую поддержку и обновления",
"SubscriptionIsExpiring": "Подписка истекает {{date}}",
"Support": "Поддержка",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Переключиться на режим миниатюр",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Переключиться на компактный вид",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Тэги",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "Тб",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Стороннее хранилище",
"Title": "Заголовок",
"TitleSelectFile": "Выделить",
"Today": "Сегодня",
"TrialDaysLeft": "{{count}} дней пробного периода",
"TrialExpired": "Пробный период истек",
"Type": "Тип",
"UnexpectedError": "Произошла непредвиденная ошибка. Попробуйте еще раз позднее или обратитесь в поддержку.",
"Unknown": "Неизвестный",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Opíšte svoj problém",
"RecoverTitle": "Obnova prístupu",
"RegistrationEmail": "Váš registračný e-mail",
"ReloadPage": "Obnoviť stránku",
"Rename": "Premenovať",
"RepeatInvitation": "Opakovať pozvanie",
"RequiredField": "Požadované pole",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Podpora",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Prepnúť na zobrazenie náhľadu",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Prepnúť do presného zobrazenia",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise vydanie",
"Tags": "Tagy",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise vydanie",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Úložisko tretích strán",
"Title": "Názov",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Opišite vaš problem",
"RecoverTitle": "Dostop za obnovo",
"RegistrationEmail": "Vaš email za registracijo",
"ReloadPage": "Osveži stran",
"Rename": "Preimenuj",
"RepeatInvitation": "Ponovi povabilo",
"RequiredField": "Obvezno polje",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Pomoč",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Preklopi na pogled s sličicami",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Preklopi v kompaktni pogled",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Oznake",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Shranjevanje pri zunanjem ponudniku",
"Title": "Naslov",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Sorununuzu tarif edin",
"RecoverTitle": "Erişim kurtarma",
"RegistrationEmail": "Kayıt e-postanız",
"ReloadPage": "Sayfayı Yenile",
"Rename": "Yeniden adlandır",
"RepeatInvitation": "Daveti tekrarla",
"RequiredField": "Gerekli alan",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Destek",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Küçük resimler görünümüne geç",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Kompakt görünüme geçin",
"TariffEnterprise": "İşletme Sürümü",
"Tags": "Etiketler",
"TariffEnterprise": "İşletme Sürümü",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Üçüncü taraf depolama",
"Title": "Başlık",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Опишіть свою проблему",
"RecoverTitle": "Відновлення доступу",
"RegistrationEmail": "Ваша реєстраційна електронна пошта",
"ReloadPage": "Перезавантажити сторінку",
"Rename": "Перейменувати",
"RepeatInvitation": "Повторити запрошення",
"RequiredField": "Обов'язкове поле",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Підтримка",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Переключитися на подання ескізів",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Переключитися на компактний вигляд",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Теги",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "ТБ",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Стороннє сховище",
"Title": "Заголовок",

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "Mô tả vấn đề của bạn",
"RecoverTitle": "Khôi phục truy cập",
"RegistrationEmail": "Email đăng ký của bạn",
"ReloadPage": "Tải lại Trang",
"Rename": "Đổi tên",
"RepeatInvitation": "Lặp lại lời mời",
"RequiredField": "Trường bắt buộc",
@ -237,8 +238,8 @@
"Support": "Hỗ trợ",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "Chuyển sang chế độ xem hình thu nhỏ",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "Chuyển sang xem đơn giản",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Tags": "Tag",
"TariffEnterprise": "Enterprise Edition",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "Lưu trữ của bên thứ ba",
"Title": "Tiêu đề",

View File

@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"RecoverDescribeYourProblemPlaceholder": "描述您的问题",
"RecoverTitle": "访问恢复",
"RegistrationEmail": "您的注册邮箱",
"ReloadPage": "重新加载页面",
"Rename": "重命名",
"RepeatInvitation": "重复邀请",
"RequiredField": "必要字段",
@ -239,8 +240,8 @@
"Support": "支持",
"SwitchToThumbnails": "切换到缩略图视图",
"SwitchViewToCompact": "转到紧凑视图",
"TariffEnterprise": "企业版",
"Tags": "标签",
"TariffEnterprise": "企业版",
"Terabyte": "TB",
"ThirdPartyStorage": "第三方存储",
"Title": "标题",

View File

@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ namespace ASC.Web.Core.PublicResources {
/// <summary>
/// Looks up a localized string similar to Connect Google Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal. {0}Go to Google Cloud Platform Console and create a new service account for ONLYOFFICE. Paste the data you received below:.
/// Looks up a localized string similar to Connect Google Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal. {0}Go to Google Cloud Platform Console and create a new service account for ONLYOFFICE. Paste the data you received below:.
/// </summary>
public static string ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction {
get {

View File

@ -967,4 +967,25 @@
<data name="Tariffs_startup" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersWordpressInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Sənədləri WordPress veb saytınızda asanlıqla dərc etmək üçün tətbiqi aktivləşdirin. {0}Wordpress Developers səhifəsində ONLYOFFICE inteqrasiyası üçün yeni proqram yaradın. Aldığınız məlumatları aşağıya yerləşdirin:</value>
<data name="ConsumersEasyBibInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ONLYOFFICE redaktorlarında biblioqrafiya yaratmaq üçün bu tətbiqi aktiv edin. {0}EasyBib qeydiyyat səhifəsinə keçin və ONLYOFFICE inteqrasiyasını əlavə etmək üçün formanı doldurun. Proqram açarı əldə etdikdən sonra onu aşağıya yerləşdirin:</value>
<data name="ConsumersFirebaseInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>İstifadəçilərinizə hətta oflayn olsa belə, mesajlar haqqında bildirişlər almağa icazə vermək üçün bu proqramı aktiv edin. {0}Firebase konsoluna keçin və ONLYOFFICE inteqrasiyası üçün yeni layihə əlavə edin. Aldığınız məlumatları aşağıya daxil edin:</value>
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Portalınızdakı məlumatların ehtiyat nüsxəsini çıxarmaq və saxlamaq üçün Google Bulud Saxlama xidmətinə qoşulun. {0}Google Bulud Platforma Konsoluna keçin və ONLYOFFICE üçün yeni xidmət hesabı yaradın. Aldığınız məlumatları aşağıya yerləşdirin:</value>
<data name="ConsumersRackspaceInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Portalınızdan məlumatların ehtiyat nüsxəsini çıxarmaq və saxlamaq üçün Rackspace Cloud Storage xidmətinə qoşulun. {0}Rackspace Cloud İdarəetmə Panelinin təhlükəsizlik parametrlərində Rackspace API Açarının yanındakı Göstər linkinə klikləyin. Aldığınız məlumatları aşağıya yerləşdirin:</value>
<data name="ConsumersS3Instruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Portalınızdan məlumatların ehtiyat nüsxəsini çıxarmaq və saxlamaq üçün Amazon AWS S3-ə qoşulun. {0}AWS İdarəetmə Konsoluna keçin və ONLYOFFICE üçün giriş açarları yaradın. Aldığınız məlumatları aşağıya yerləşdirin:</value>
<data name="ConsumersSelectelInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Portalınızdan məlumatların ehtiyat nüsxəsini çıxarmaq və saxlamaq üçün Selectel Cloud Storage xidmətinə qoşulun. {0}Yedək nüsxələrinizi saxlamağı planlaşdırdığınız konteynerlər üçün Oxumaq/Yazmaq hüququ olan istifadəçi üçün giriş məlumatını əldə edin və aşağıda yerləşdirin:</value>

View File

@ -952,4 +952,7 @@
<data name="ConsumersS3" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Amazon AWS S3</value>
<data name="RecaptchaInvalid" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Recaptcha je neplatná</value>

View File

@ -937,4 +937,28 @@
<data name="ConsumersTelegram" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersWordpressInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Publizieren Sie Ihre Dokumente einfach auf Ihrer WordPress-Website. {0}Erstellen Sie eine neue App für die Integration mit ONLYOFFICE auf der Seite Wordpress Developers und fügen Sie die erhaltenen Daten unten ein:</value>
<data name="ConsumersEasyBibInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Erlauben Sie dieser App, Bibliografien in ONLYOFFICE zu erstellen. {0}Öffnen Sie die EasyBib-Anmeldeseite und füllen Sie das Formular aus, um die Integration mit ONLYOFFICE zu ermöglichen. Nachdem Sie den Schlüssel erhalten haben, geben Sie diesen unten ein:</value>
<data name="ConsumersFirebaseInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Erlauben Sie dieser App, die Erhaltung von Benachrichtigungen über die neuen Nachrichten auch offline zu ermöglichen. {0}Öffnen Sie die Firebase-Konsole und fügen Sie ein neues Projekt für die Integration mit ONLYOFFICE hinzu. Fügen Sie die erhaltenen Daten unten ein:</value>
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Stellen Sie eine Verbindung mit dem Google Cloud Platform, um Daten Ihres Portals zu sichern und zu speichern. {0}Öffnen Sie Google Cloud Platform-Verwaltungskonsole, erstellen Sie ein neues Konto für ONLYOFFICE und fügen Sie die erhaltenen Daten unten ein:</value>
<data name="ConsumersRackspaceInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Stellen Sie eine Verbindung mit Rackspace Cloud, um Daten Ihres Portals zu sichern und zu speichern. {0}Klicken Sie auf Link anzeigen neben dem Rackspace API-Schlüssel in Sicherheitseinstellungen von Rackspace Cloud Control Panel und fügen Sie die erhaltenen Daten unten ein:</value>
<data name="ConsumersMicrosoftInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Verbinden Sie diese App, damit die Benutzer sich über das Microsoft-Konto bei ONLYOFFICE anmelden können. {0}Öffnen Sie Microsoft Azure und erstellen Sie die neue ONLYOFFICE-Integration. Geben Sie die unten stehenden Daten ein:</value>
<data name="ConsumersS3Instruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Stellen Sie eine Verbindung mit dem Amazon AWS S3, um Daten Ihres Portals zu sichern und zu speichern. {0}Öffnen Sie AWS-Managementkonsole, erstellen Sie Zugriffsschlüssel für ONLYOFFICE und fügen Sie diese unten ein:</value>
<data name="ConsumersSelectelInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Stellen Sie eine Verbindung mit Selectel Cloud Platform, um Daten Ihres Portals zu sichern und zu speichern. {0}Erhalten Sie die Zugriffsdaten (Read/Write) für die Kontainer, in denen Sie Ihre Backups speichern möchten und fügen Sie diese unten ein:</value>

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@ -916,4 +916,25 @@
<data name="Tariffs_startup" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersFirebaseInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Habilite esta aplicación para permitir a sus usuarios recibir notificaciones sobre mensajes incluso offline. {0}Vaya a la consola Firebase y añada un nuevo proyecto para la integración de ONLYOFFICE. Inserte los datos que recibió a continuación:</value>
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conecte el servicio Google Cloud Storage para hacer una copia de seguridad y almacenar los datos de su portal. {0}Vaya a la Consola de la Plataforma Google Cloud y cree una nueva cuenta de servicio para ONLYOFFICE. Pegue los datos que recibió a continuación:</value>
<data name="ConsumersRackspaceInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conecte el servicio Rackspace Cloud Storage service para hacer una copia de seguridad y almacenar los datos de su portal. {0}En los ajustes de seguridad del Panel de Control de Rackspace Cloud, haga clic en el enlace Mostrar junto a la Clave API de Rackspace. Pegue los datos que recibió a continuación:</value>
<data name="ConsumersMicrosoftInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Habilite esta aplicación para permitir a sus usuarios iniciar sesión en ONLYOFFICE usando Microsoft. {0}Vaya a Microsoft Azure y cree una nueva aplicación de integración de ONLYOFFICE. Inserte los datos que usted recibió a continuación:</value>
<data name="ConsumersS3Instruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conecte Amazon AWS S3 para hacer una copia de seguridad y almacenar los datos de su portal. {0}Vaya a la consola de gestión de AWS y cree claves de acceso para ONLYOFFICE. Pegue los datos que recibió a continuación:</value>
<data name="ConsumersSelectelInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conecte el servicio Selectel Cloud Storage service para hacer una copia de seguridad y almacenar los datos de su portal. {0}Obtenga los datos de acceso para un usuario con derechos de Lectura/Escritura para los contenedores donde planea almacenar sus copias de seguridad y péguelos debajo:</value>
<data name="ConsumersWordpressInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Habilite la aplicación para publicar fácilmente documentos en su sitio web de WordPress. {0}En la página de Desarrolladores de Wordpress, cree una nueva aplicación para la integración de ONLYOFFICE. Pegue los datos que recibió a continuación:</value>

View File

@ -943,4 +943,28 @@
<data name="Tariffs_admin" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersWordpressInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activez l'application pour publier les documents facilement vers votre site web WordPress. {0}Sur la page des développeurs Wordpress, créez une nouvelle application d'intégration pour ONLYOFFICE. Collez ci-dessous les données que vous venez de recevoir :</value>
<data name="ConsumersEasyBibInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activez cette application pour créer des bibliographies dans les éditeurs ONLYOFFICE. {0}Passez à la page de connexion EasyBib et remplissez le formulaire pour ajouter l'intégration avec ONLYOFFICE. Après avoir reçu la clé, collez-la ci-dessous :</value>
<data name="ConsumersFirebaseInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activez cette application pour permettre aux utilisateurs de recevoir les notifications à propos de vos messages même si vous êtes hors connexion. {0}Passez à la console Firebase et ajoutez un nouveau projet pour l'intégration avec ONLYOFFICE. Collez ci-dessous les données que vous venez de recevoir :</value>
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Connectez le service Google Cloud Storage pour sauvegarder et stocker les données de votre portail. {0}Passez à Google Cloud Platform Console et créez un nouveau compte pour ONLYOFFICE. Collez ci-dessous les données que vous venez de recevoir :</value>
<data name="ConsumersRackspaceInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Connectez le service Rackspace Cloud Storage pour sauvegarder et stocker les données depuis votre portail. {0}Dans les paramètres de sécurité de Rackspace Cloud Control Panel, cliquez sur le bouton Afficher le lien, à côté de Rackspace API Key. Collez ci-dessous les données que vous venez de recevoir :</value>
<data name="ConsumersMicrosoftInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activez cette application pour permettre à vos utilisateurs de se connecter à ONLYOFFICE avec Microsoft. {0}Allez à Microsoft Azure et créez une nouvelle application dintégration ONLYOFFICE. Insérer les données que vous avez reçues ci-dessous :</value>
<data name="ConsumersS3Instruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Connectez Amazon AWS S3 pour sauvegarder et stocker les données de votre portail. {0}Passez à AWS Management Console et créez les cles d'accès pour ONLYOFFICE. Collez ci-dessous les données que vous avez reçues :</value>
<data name="ConsumersSelectelInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Connectez le service Selectel Cloud Storage pour sauvegarder et stocker les données de votre portail. {0}Obtenez les données d'accès utilisateur avec les permissions de lecture ou d'édition aux containeurs où vous envisagez de stocker les sauvegardes de vos données et collez-les ci-dessous :</value>

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@ -964,4 +964,28 @@
<data name="ConsumersYahooInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Abilita questa app per aggiungere nuovi utenti del portale dal tuo elenco di contatti Yahoo. {0}Vai alla pagina Crea applicazione in Yahoo Developer Network e crea una nuova app per l'integrazione di ONLYOFFICE. Inserisci di seguito i dati che hai ricevuto:</value>
<data name="ConsumersWordpressInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Attiva l'applicazione per pubblicare facilmente documenti sul tuo sito web su WordPress. {0}Nella pagina degli sviluppatori di WordPress, crea una nuova app per l'integrazione di ONLYOFFICE. Incolla di seguito i dati che hai ricevuto:</value>
<data name="ConsumersEasyBibInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Attiva questa app per creare bibliografie negli editor di ONLYOFFICE. {0}Vai alla pagina di registrazione su EasyBib e compila il modulo per aggiungere l'integrazione ONLYOFFICE. Dopo aver ottenuto una chiave dell'app, incollala di seguito:</value>
<data name="ConsumersFirebaseInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Attiva questa app per consentire ai tuoi utenti di ricevere notifiche sui messaggi anche offline. {0}Vai alla console Firebase e aggiungi un nuovo progetto per l'integrazione di ONLYOFFICE. Inserisci di seguito i dati che hai ricevuto:</value>
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Collega il servizio Cloud Storage Google per eseguire il backup e archiviare i dati dal portale. {0} Vai su Google Cloud Platform Console e crea un nuovo account di servizio per ONLYOFFICE. Incollare i dati ricevuti di seguito:</value>
<data name="ConsumersRackspaceInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Connettere il servizio Rackspace Cloud Storage per eseguire il backup e archiviare i dati dal portale. {0}Nelle impostazioni di sicurezza del Pannello di controllo cloud rackspace fare clic sul collegamento Mostra accanto a Chiave API Rackspace. Incollare i dati ricevuti di seguito:</value>
<data name="ConsumersMicrosoftInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Attiva questa app per consentire ai tuoi utenti di accedere a ONLYOFFICE utilizzando Microsoft. {0}Vai a Microsoft Azure e crea una nuova integrazione ONLYOFFICE dell'app. Inserisci di seguito i dati che hai ricevuto:</value>
<data name="ConsumersS3Instruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Collega Amazon AWS S3 per eseguire il backup e archiviare i dati dal tuo portale. {0}Vai alla Console di gestione AWS e crea le chiavi di accesso per ONLYOFFICE. Incolla i dati che hai ricevuto di seguito:</value>
<data name="ConsumersSelectelInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Collega il servizio Selectel Cloud Storage per eseguire il backup e archiviare i dati dal tuo portale. {0}Ottieni i dati di accesso per un utente con diritti di lettura/scrittura per i container dove prevedi di archiviare i tuoi backup e incollali di seguito:</value>

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@ -841,4 +841,25 @@
<data name="Consumerssmsclogin" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersEasyBibInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersFirebaseInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Googleクラウドストーレジを接続すると、ポータルデータのバックアップと保存するように使用できます。{0} Google Cloud PlatformコンソールでONLYOFFICEのために新しいサービスアカウントを作成してください。その後、受けたデータを以下に入力してください</value>
<data name="ConsumersRackspaceInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Rackspace Cloud Storageを接続すると、ポータルデータのバックアップと保存するように使用できます。{0}Rackspace Cloudコントロールパネルのセキュリティ設定でRackspace APIキーの隣にリンク表示というオプションをクリックしてください。以下に受けたデータを入力してください</value>
<data name="ConsumersS3Instruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ポータルデータを保存とバックアップするように、Amazon AWS S3を接続してください。{0}AWS マネジメントコンソールでONLYOFFICEのためにアクセスキーを作成してください。以下にそのキーを入力してください</value>
<data name="ConsumersSelectelInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersWordpressInstruction" xml:space="preserve">

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@ -862,4 +862,31 @@
<data name="Tariffs_admin" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersFirebaseInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Habilite este aplicativo para permitir que seus usuários recebam notificações sobre as mensagens, mesmo offline. {0}Vá ao console Firebase e adicione um novo projeto para integração ONLYOFFICE. Insira os dados que você recebeu abaixo:</value>
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conecte o serviço Google Cloud Storage ao backup e armazenamento de dados de seu portal. {0}Vá ao Console da Plataforma Google Cloud e crie uma nova conta de serviço para ONLYOFFICE. Cole os dados que você recebeu abaixo:</value>
<data name="ConsumersLinkedIn" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersRackspaceInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conecte o serviço Rackspace Cloud Storage ao backup e armazenamento de dados de seu portal. {0} Nas configurações de segurança do Painel de Controle do Rackspace Cloud, clique no link Mostrar ao lado da Chave API do Rackspace. Cole os dados que você recebeu abaixo:</value>
<data name="ConsumersDropBox" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ConsumersS3Instruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conecte a Amazon AWS S3 ao backup e armazenamento de dados de seu portal. {0}Vá ao Console de Gestão AWS e crie chaves de acesso para ONLYOFFICE. Cole os dados que você recebeu abaixo:</value>
<data name="ConsumersSelectelInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Conecte o serviço Selectel Cloud Storage ao backup e armazenamento de dados de seu portal. {0} Obtenha os dados de acesso para um usuário com direitos de leitura/gravação de contêineres onde você planeja armazenar seus backups e cole-os abaixo:</value>
<data name="ConsumersWordpressInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Habilite o aplicativo para publicar facilmente documentos em seu site WordPress. {0}Na página Desenvolvedores do Wordpress, crie um novo aplicativo para integração ONLYOFFICE. Cole os dados que você recebeu abaixo:</value>
<data name="ConsumersEasyBibInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Habilite este aplicativo para criar bibliografias em editores ONLYOFFICE. {0}Vá para a página de inscrição no EasyBib e preencha o formulário para adicionar a integração ONLYOFFICE. Depois de obter uma chave do aplicativo, cole-a abaixo:</value>

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@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
<value>Connect Google Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal.</value>
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Connect Google Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal. {0}Go to Google Cloud Platform Console and create a new service account for ONLYOFFICE. Paste the data you received below:</value>
<value>Connect Google Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal. {0}Go to Google Cloud Platform Console and create a new service account for ONLYOFFICE. Paste the data you received below:</value>
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudjson" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GoogleCloud json</value>

View File

@ -967,4 +967,25 @@
<data name="ConsumersmicrosoftClientId" xml:space="preserve">
<value>ID клиента приложения</value>
<data name="ConsumersGoogleCloudInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Подключите сервис Google Cloud Storage для резервного копирования и хранения данных портала. {0}Перейдите в консоль Google Cloud Platform и создайте новый сервисный аккаунт для ONLYOFFICE. Вставьте полученные данные ниже:</value>
<data name="ConsumersFirebaseInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Подключите это приложение, чтобы пользователи могли получать оповещения об отправленных им сообщениях даже офлайн. {0}Перейдите в консоль Firebase и добавьте новый проект для интеграции ONLYOFFICE. Вставьте полученные данные ниже:</value>
<data name="ConsumersEasyBibInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Подключите это приложение, чтобы создавать библиографические списки в редакторах ONLYOFFICE. {0}Перейдите на страницу регистрации EasyBib и заполните форму, чтобы добавить интеграцию ONLYOFFICE. После получения ключа приложения вставьте его ниже:</value>
<data name="ConsumersRackspaceInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Подключите сервис Rackspace Cloud Storage для резервного копирования и хранения данных портала. {0}В настройках безопасности панели управления Rackspace Cloud, нажмите на ссылку Show рядом с Rackspace API Key. Вставьте полученные данные ниже:</value>
<data name="ConsumersS3Instruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Подключите Amazon AWS S3 для резервного копирования и хранения данных портала. {0}Перейдите в AWS Management Console и создайте ключи доступа для ONLYOFFICE. Вставьте полученные данные ниже:</value>
<data name="ConsumersSelectelInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Подключите сервис Selectel Cloud Storage для резервного копирования и хранения данных портала. {0}Получите имя и пароль пользователя с доступом "Чтение и запись" к контейнерам, которые будут использоваться для хранения резервных копий, и вставьте эти данные ниже:</value>
<data name="ConsumersWordpressInstruction" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Подключите это приложение, чтобы легко публиковать документы на сайте WordPress. {0}На странице Wordpress Developers создайте новое приложение для интеграции ONLYOFFICE. Вставьте полученные данные ниже:</value>

View File

@ -1753,4 +1753,22 @@ Odkaz je platný pouze 7 dní.</value>
<data name="subject_send_whats_new" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Co je nového na vašem portálu pro $Date</value>
<data name="subject_storage_decryption_error" xml:space="preserve">
<value>${LetterLogoText}. Proces dešifrování se nezdařil</value>
<data name="subject_storage_decryption_start" xml:space="preserve">
<value>${LetterLogoText}. Proces dešifrování zahájen</value>
<data name="subject_storage_decryption_success" xml:space="preserve">
<value>${LetterLogoText}. Proces dešifrování dokončen</value>
<data name="subject_storage_encryption_error" xml:space="preserve">
<value>${LetterLogoText}. Proces šifrování se nezdařil</value>
<data name="subject_storage_encryption_start" xml:space="preserve">
<value>${LetterLogoText}. Proces šifrování byl zahájen</value>
<data name="subject_storage_encryption_success" xml:space="preserve">
<value>${LetterLogoText}. Proces šifrování dokončen</value>