#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import socket import subprocess import sys, getopt import shutil import platform def help(): # Display Help print("Build and run backend and working environment. (Use 'yarn start' to run client -> https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocSpace-client)") print() print("Syntax: available params [-h|f|s|c|d|]") print("options:") print("h Print this Help.") print("f Force rebuild base images.") print("s Run as SAAS otherwise as STANDALONE.") print("c Run as COMMUNITY otherwise ENTERPRISE.") print("d Run dnsmasq.") print() rd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rd, "..")) dockerDir = os.path.join(dir, "buildtools", "install", "docker") networks = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname()) local_ip = networks[-1][-1] if local_ip == "": local_ip = networks[-1][0] if local_ip == "": print("Error: Local IP is", networks) sys.exit(1) doceditor = f"{local_ip}:5013" login = f"{local_ip}:5011" client = f"{local_ip}:5001" management = f"{local_ip}:5015" portal_url = f"http://{local_ip}" force = False dns = False standalone = True community = False migration_type = "STANDALONE" # SAAS installation_type = "ENTERPRISE" document_server_image_name = "onlyoffice/documentserver-de:latest" # Get the options opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hfscd") for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-h": help() sys.exit() elif opt == "-f": force = arg if arg else True elif opt == "-s": standalone = arg if arg else False elif opt == "-c": community = arg if arg else True elif opt == "-d": dns = arg if arg else True else: print("Error: Invalid '-" + opt + "' option") sys.exit() print("Run script directory:", dir) print("Root directory:", dir) print("Docker files root directory:", dockerDir) print() print(f"SERVICE_DOCEDITOR: {doceditor}") print(f"SERVICE_LOGIN: {login}") print(f"SERVICE_CLIENT: {client}") print(f"DOCSPACE_APP_URL: {portal_url}") print() print("FORCE REBUILD BASE IMAGES:", force) print("Run dnsmasq:", dns) if standalone == False: migration_type = "SAAS" if community == True: installation_type = "COMMUNITY" document_server_image_name = "onlyoffice/documentserver:latest" print() print("MIGRATION TYPE:", migration_type) print("INSTALLATION TYPE:", installation_type) print("DS image:", document_server_image_name) print() # Stop all backend services subprocess.run(["python", os.path.join(dir, "buildtools", "start", "stop.backend.docker.py")]) print("Run MySQL") arch_name = platform.uname().machine print(f"PLATFORM {arch_name}") existsnetwork = subprocess.check_output(["docker", "network", "ls"]).decode("utf-8").splitlines() existsnetwork = [line.split()[1] for line in existsnetwork] if "onlyoffice" not in existsnetwork: subprocess.run(["docker", "network", "create", "--driver", "bridge", "onlyoffice"]) if arch_name == "x86_64" or arch_name == "AMD64": print("CPU Type: x86_64 -> run db.yml") subprocess.run(["docker", "compose", "-f", os.path.join(dockerDir, "db.yml"), "up", "-d"]) elif arch_name == "arm64": print("CPU Type: arm64 -> run db.yml with arm64v8 image") os.environ["MYSQL_IMAGE"] = "arm64v8/mysql:8.3.0-oracle" subprocess.run(["docker", "compose", "-f", os.path.join(dockerDir, "db.yml"), "up", "-d"]) else: print("Error: Unknown CPU Type:", arch_name) sys.exit(1) if dns == True: print("Run local dns server") os.environ["ROOT_DIR"] = dir subprocess.run(["docker", "compose", "-f", os.path.join(dockerDir, "dnsmasq.yml"), "up", "-d"]) print("Clear publish folder") shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dir, "publish/services"), True) print("Build backend services (to 'publish/' folder)") subprocess.run(["python", os.path.join(dir, "buildtools", "install", "common", "build-services.py")]) def check_image(image_name): return subprocess.check_output(["docker", "images", "--format", "'{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}'"], shell=True, text=True).__contains__(image_name) dotnet_image_name = "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-dotnet-runtime" dotnet_version = "dev" dotnet_image = f"{dotnet_image_name}:{dotnet_version}" exists = check_image(dotnet_image) if not exists or force == True: print("Build dotnet base image from source (apply new dotnet config)") subprocess.run(["docker", "build", "-t", dotnet_image, "-f", os.path.join(dockerDir, "Dockerfile.runtime"), "--target", "dotnetrun", "."]) else: print(f"SKIP build {dotnet_image} (already exists)") node_image_name = "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-nodejs-runtime" node_version = "dev" node_image = f"{node_image_name}:{node_version}" exists = check_image(node_image) if not exists or force == True: print("Build nodejs base image from source") subprocess.run(["docker", "build", "-t", node_image, "-f", os.path.join(dockerDir, "Dockerfile.runtime"), "--target", "noderun", "."]) else: print(f"SKIP build {node_image} (already exists)") proxy_image_name = "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-proxy-runtime" proxy_version = "dev" proxy_image = f"{proxy_image_name}:{proxy_version}" exists = check_image(proxy_image) if not exists or force == True: print("Build proxy base image from source (apply new nginx config)") subprocess.run(["docker", "build", "-t", proxy_image, "-f", os.path.join(dockerDir, "Dockerfile.runtime"), "--target", "router", "."]) else: print(f"SKIP build {proxy_image} (already exists)") print("Run migration and services") os.environ["ENV_EXTENSION"] = "dev" os.environ["INSTALLATION_TYPE"] = installation_type os.environ["Baseimage_Dotnet_Run"] = "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-dotnet-runtime:" + dotnet_version os.environ["Baseimage_Nodejs_Run"] = "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-nodejs-runtime:" + node_version os.environ["Baseimage_Proxy_Run"] = "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-proxy-runtime:" + proxy_version os.environ["DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME"] = document_server_image_name os.environ["SERVICE_DOCEDITOR"] = doceditor os.environ["SERVICE_LOGIN"] = login os.environ["SERVICE_MANAGEMENT"] = management os.environ["SERVICE_CLIENT"] = client os.environ["ROOT_DIR"] = dir os.environ["BUILD_PATH"] = "/var/www" os.environ["SRC_PATH"] = os.path.join(dir, "publish/services") os.environ["DATA_DIR"] = os.path.join(dir, "data") os.environ["APP_URL_PORTAL"] = portal_url os.environ["MIGRATION_TYPE"] = migration_type subprocess.run(["docker-compose", "-f", os.path.join(dockerDir, "docspace.profiles.yml"), "-f", os.path.join(dockerDir, "docspace.overcome.yml"), "--profile", "migration-runner", "--profile", "backend-local", "up", "-d"]) print() print("Run script directory:", dir) print("Root directory:", dir) print("Docker files root directory:", dockerDir) print() print(f"SERVICE_DOCEDITOR: {doceditor}") print(f"SERVICE_LOGIN: {login}") print(f"SERVICE_MANAGEMENT: {management}") print(f"SERVICE_CLIENT: {client}") print(f"DOCSPACE_APP_URL: {portal_url}") print() print("FORCE REBUILD BASE IMAGES:", force) print("Run dnsmasq:", dns) print() print("MIGRATION TYPE:", migration_type) print("INSTALLATION TYPE:", installation_type) print("DS image:", document_server_image_name) print()