// (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022 // // This program is a free software product. // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms // of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software // Foundation. In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended // to the effect that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of // any third-party rights. // // This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, see // the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html // // You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021. // // The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of the Program must // display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. // // Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product logo when // distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to grant you any rights under // trademark law for use of our trademarks. // // All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as well as technical writing // content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 // International. See the License terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode namespace ASC.Core.Billing; [Singletone] public class TariffServiceStorage { private static readonly TimeSpan _defaultCacheExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); private static readonly TimeSpan _standaloneCacheExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15); internal readonly ICache Cache; private readonly CoreBaseSettings _coreBaseSettings; internal readonly ICacheNotify Notify; private TimeSpan _cacheExpiration; public TariffServiceStorage(ICacheNotify notify, ICache cache, CoreBaseSettings coreBaseSettings) { _cacheExpiration = _defaultCacheExpiration; Cache = cache; _coreBaseSettings = coreBaseSettings; Notify = notify; Notify.Subscribe((i) => { Cache.Insert(TariffService.GetTariffNeedToUpdateCacheKey(i.TenantId), "update", _cacheExpiration); Cache.Remove(TariffService.GetTariffCacheKey(i.TenantId)); Cache.Remove(TariffService.GetBillingUrlCacheKey(i.TenantId)); Cache.Remove(TariffService.GetBillingPaymentCacheKey(i.TenantId)); // clear all payments }, CacheNotifyAction.Remove); Notify.Subscribe((i) => { Cache.Insert(TariffService.GetTariffCacheKey(i.TenantId), i.TariffId.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Add(GetCacheExpiration())); }, CacheNotifyAction.Insert); //TODO: Change code of WCF -> not supported in .NET standard/.Net Core /*try { var section = (ClientSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.serviceModel/client"); if (section != null) { billingConfigured = section.Endpoints.Cast() .Any(e => e.Contract == typeof(IService).FullName); } } catch (Exception err) { log.Error(err); }*/ } private TimeSpan GetCacheExpiration() { if (_coreBaseSettings.Standalone && _cacheExpiration < _standaloneCacheExpiration) { _cacheExpiration = _cacheExpiration.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); } return _cacheExpiration; } public void ResetCacheExpiration() { if (_coreBaseSettings.Standalone) { _cacheExpiration = _defaultCacheExpiration; } } } public class TariffService : ITariffService { private const int DefaultTrialPeriod = 30; private readonly ICache _cache; private readonly ICacheNotify _notify; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly IQuotaService _quotaService; private readonly ITenantService _tenantService; private readonly int _paymentDelay; private readonly bool _trialEnabled; private readonly CoreBaseSettings _coreBaseSettings; private readonly CoreSettings _coreSettings; private readonly IDbContextFactory _dbContextFactory; private readonly TariffServiceStorage _tariffServiceStorage; private readonly BillingClient _billingClient; private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; //private readonly int _activeUsersMin; //private readonly int _activeUsersMax; public TariffService() { } public TariffService( IQuotaService quotaService, ITenantService tenantService, CoreBaseSettings coreBaseSettings, CoreSettings coreSettings, IConfiguration configuration, IDbContextFactory coreDbContextManager, TariffServiceStorage tariffServiceStorage, ILogger logger, BillingClient billingClient, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { _logger = logger; _quotaService = quotaService; _tenantService = tenantService; _coreSettings = coreSettings; _tariffServiceStorage = tariffServiceStorage; _billingClient = billingClient; _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _coreBaseSettings = coreBaseSettings; var paymentConfiguration = configuration.GetSection("core:payment").Get(); _paymentDelay = paymentConfiguration.Delay; _trialEnabled = paymentConfiguration.TrialEnabled; _cache = _tariffServiceStorage.Cache; _notify = _tariffServiceStorage.Notify; _dbContextFactory = coreDbContextManager; //var range = (_configuration["core.payment-user-range"] ?? "").Split('-'); //if (!int.TryParse(range[0], out _activeUsersMin)) //{ // _activeUsersMin = 0; //} //if (range.Length < 2 || !int.TryParse(range[1], out _activeUsersMax)) //{ // _activeUsersMax = constants.MaxEveryoneCount; //} } public Tariff GetTariff(int tenantId, bool withRequestToPaymentSystem = true) { //single tariff for all portals if (_coreBaseSettings.Standalone) { tenantId = -1; } var tariff = GetTariffFromCache(tenantId); int? tariffId = null; if (tariff == null) { tariff = GetBillingInfo(tenantId) ?? CreateDefault(); tariff = CalculateTariff(tenantId, tariff); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cache.Get(GetTariffNeedToUpdateCacheKey(tenantId)))) { tariffId = tariff.Id; } if (_billingClient.Configured && withRequestToPaymentSystem) { try { var currentPayments = _billingClient.GetCurrentPayments(GetPortalId(tenantId)); if (currentPayments.Length == 0) { throw new BillingNotFoundException("Empty PaymentLast"); } var asynctariff = CreateDefault(true); string email = null; foreach (var currentPayment in currentPayments) { var quota = _quotaService.GetTenantQuotas().SingleOrDefault(q => q.ProductId == currentPayment.ProductId.ToString()); if (quota == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Quota with id {currentPayment.ProductId} not found for portal {GetPortalId(tenantId)}."); } asynctariff.Id = currentPayment.PaymentId; var paymentEndDate = 9999 <= currentPayment.EndDate.Year ? DateTime.MaxValue : currentPayment.EndDate; asynctariff.DueDate = DateTime.Compare(asynctariff.DueDate, paymentEndDate) < 0 ? asynctariff.DueDate : paymentEndDate; asynctariff.Quotas.Add(new Quota(quota.Tenant, currentPayment.Quantity)); email = currentPayment.PaymentEmail; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { asynctariff.CustomerId = email; } if (SaveBillingInfo(tenantId, asynctariff)) { asynctariff = CalculateTariff(tenantId, asynctariff); tariff = asynctariff; tariffId = asynctariff.Id; } } catch (BillingNotFoundException) { var freeTariff = tariff.Quotas.FirstOrDefault(tariffRow => { var q = _quotaService.GetTenantQuota(tariffRow.Id); return q == null || (_trialEnabled && q.Trial) || q.Free || q.NonProfit || q.Custom; }); var asynctariff = CreateDefault(); if (freeTariff == null) { asynctariff.DueDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1); asynctariff.State = TariffState.NotPaid; } if (SaveBillingInfo(tenantId, asynctariff)) { asynctariff = CalculateTariff(tenantId, asynctariff); tariff = asynctariff; tariffId = asynctariff.Id; } } catch (Exception error) { LogError(error, tenantId.ToString()); } } } if (tariffId.HasValue) { _notify.Publish(new TariffCacheItem { TenantId = tenantId, TariffId = tariffId.Value }, CacheNotifyAction.Insert); } return tariff; } public async Task PaymentChange(int tenantId, Dictionary quantity) { if (quantity == null || !quantity.Any() || !_billingClient.Configured) { return false; } var allQuotas = _quotaService.GetTenantQuotas().Where(q => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.ProductId)); var newQuotas = quantity.Keys.Select(name => allQuotas.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Name == name)); var tariff = GetTariff(tenantId); // update the quantity of present quotas TenantQuota updatedQuota = null; foreach (var tariffRow in tariff.Quotas) { var quotaId = tariffRow.Id; var qty = tariffRow.Quantity; var quota = _quotaService.GetTenantQuota(quotaId); var mustUpdateQuota = newQuotas.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Tenant == quota.Tenant); if (mustUpdateQuota != null) { qty = quantity[mustUpdateQuota.Name]; } quota *= qty; updatedQuota += quota; } // add new quotas var addedQuotas = newQuotas.Where(q => !tariff.Quotas.Any(t => t.Id == q.Tenant)); foreach (var addedQuota in addedQuotas) { var qty = quantity[addedQuota.Name]; var quota = addedQuota; quota *= qty; updatedQuota += quota; } await updatedQuota.Check(_serviceProvider); var productIds = newQuotas.Select(q => q.ProductId); try { var changed = _billingClient.ChangePayment(GetPortalId(tenantId), productIds.ToArray(), quantity.Values.ToArray()); if (!changed) { return false; } ClearCache(tenantId); } catch (Exception error) { _logger.ErrorWithException(error); } return true; } public void SetTariff(int tenantId, Tariff tariff) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(tariff); List quotas = null; if (tariff.Quotas == null || (quotas = tariff.Quotas.Select(q => _quotaService.GetTenantQuota(q.Id)).ToList()).Any(q => q == null)) { return; } SaveBillingInfo(tenantId, tariff); if (quotas.Any(q => q.Trial)) { // reset trial date var tenant = _tenantService.GetTenant(tenantId); if (tenant != null) { tenant.VersionChanged = DateTime.UtcNow; _tenantService.SaveTenant(_coreSettings, tenant); } } } internal Tariff GetTariffFromCache(int tenantId) { var id = _cache.Get(GetTariffCacheKey(tenantId)); if (!int.TryParse(id, out var tariffId)) { return null; } return GetBillingInfo(tenantId, tariffId); } internal static string GetTariffCacheKey(int tenantId) { return $"{tenantId}:tariff"; } internal static string GetTariffNeedToUpdateCacheKey(int tenantId) { return $"{tenantId}:update"; } internal static string GetBillingUrlCacheKey(int tenantId) { return $"{tenantId}:billing:urls"; } internal static string GetBillingPaymentCacheKey(int tenantId) { return $"{tenantId}:billing:payments"; } public void ClearCache(int tenantId) { _notify.Publish(new TariffCacheItem { TenantId = tenantId, TariffId = -1 }, CacheNotifyAction.Remove); } public IEnumerable GetPayments(int tenantId) { var key = GetBillingPaymentCacheKey(tenantId); var payments = _cache.Get>(key); if (payments == null) { payments = new List(); if (_billingClient.Configured) { try { var quotas = _quotaService.GetTenantQuotas(); foreach (var pi in _billingClient.GetPayments(GetPortalId(tenantId))) { var quota = quotas.SingleOrDefault(q => q.ProductId == pi.ProductRef.ToString()); if (quota != null) { pi.QuotaId = quota.Tenant; } payments.Add(pi); } } catch (Exception error) { LogError(error, tenantId.ToString()); } } _cache.Insert(key, payments, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))); } return payments; } public async Task GetShoppingUri(int tenant, string currency = null, string language = null, string customerEmail = null, Dictionary quantity = null, string backUrl = null) { var hasQuantity = quantity != null && quantity.Any(); var key = "shopingurl_" + (hasQuantity ? string.Join('_', quantity.Keys.ToArray()) : "all"); var url = _cache.Get(key); if (url == null) { url = string.Empty; if (_billingClient.Configured) { var allQuotas = _quotaService.GetTenantQuotas().Where(q => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.ProductId) && q.Visible); var newQuotas = quantity.Select(item => allQuotas.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Name == item.Key)); TenantQuota updatedQuota = null; foreach (var addedQuota in newQuotas) { var qty = quantity[addedQuota.Name]; var quota = addedQuota; quota *= qty; updatedQuota += quota; } await updatedQuota.Check(_serviceProvider); var productIds = newQuotas.Select(q => q.ProductId); try { url = _billingClient.GetPaymentUrl( "__Tenant__", productIds.ToArray(), null, null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currency) ? "__Currency__" : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(language) ? "__Language__" : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerEmail) ? "__CustomerEmail__" : null, hasQuantity ? "__Quantity__" : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(backUrl) ? "__BackUrl__" : null ); } catch (Exception error) { _logger.ErrorWithException(error); } } _cache.Insert(key, url, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))); } _tariffServiceStorage.ResetCacheExpiration(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return null; } var result = new Uri(url.ToString() .Replace("__Tenant__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(GetPortalId(tenant))) .Replace("__Currency__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(currency ?? "")) .Replace("__Language__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode((language ?? "").ToLower())) .Replace("__CustomerEmail__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(customerEmail ?? "")) .Replace("__Quantity__", hasQuantity ? string.Join(',', quantity.Values) : "") .Replace("__BackUrl__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(backUrl ?? ""))); return result; } public Uri GetShoppingUri(int? tenant, int quotaId, string affiliateId, string currency = null, string language = null, string customerId = null, string quantity = null) { var quota = _quotaService.GetTenantQuota(quotaId); if (quota == null) { return null; } var key = tenant.HasValue ? GetBillingUrlCacheKey(tenant.Value) : string.Format($"notenant{(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(affiliateId) ? "_" + affiliateId : "")}"); key += quota.Visible ? "" : "0"; if (_cache.Get>(key) is not IDictionary urls) { urls = new Dictionary(); if (_billingClient.Configured) { try { var products = _quotaService.GetTenantQuotas() .Where(q => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.ProductId) && q.Visible == quota.Visible) .Select(q => q.ProductId) .ToArray(); urls = _billingClient.GetPaymentUrls( tenant.HasValue ? GetPortalId(tenant.Value) : null, products, tenant.HasValue ? GetAffiliateId(tenant.Value) : affiliateId, tenant.HasValue ? GetCampaign(tenant.Value) : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currency) ? "__Currency__" : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(language) ? "__Language__" : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerId) ? "__CustomerID__" : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(quantity) ? "__Quantity__" : null ); } catch (Exception error) { _logger.ErrorGetShoppingUri(error); } } _cache.Insert(key, urls, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))); } _tariffServiceStorage.ResetCacheExpiration(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(quota.ProductId) && urls.TryGetValue(quota.ProductId, out var url)) { if (url == null) { return null; } url = new Uri(url.ToString() .Replace("__Currency__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(currency ?? "")) .Replace("__Language__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode((language ?? "").ToLower())) .Replace("__CustomerID__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(customerId ?? "")) .Replace("__Quantity__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(quantity ?? ""))); return url; } return null; } public Uri GetShoppingUri(string[] productIds, string affiliateId = null, string currency = null, string language = null, string customerId = null, string quantity = null) { var key = "shopingurl" + string.Join("_", productIds) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(affiliateId) ? "_" + affiliateId : ""); var url = _cache.Get(key); if (url == null) { url = string.Empty; if (_billingClient.Configured) { try { url = _billingClient.GetPaymentUrl( null, productIds, affiliateId, null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currency) ? "__Currency__" : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(language) ? "__Language__" : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerId) ? "__CustomerID__" : null, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(quantity) ? "__Quantity__" : null ); } catch (Exception error) { _logger.ErrorWithException(error); } } _cache.Insert(key, url, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))); } _tariffServiceStorage.ResetCacheExpiration(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return null; } var result = new Uri(url.ToString() .Replace("__Currency__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(currency ?? "")) .Replace("__Language__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode((language ?? "").ToLower())) .Replace("__CustomerID__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(customerId ?? "")) .Replace("__Quantity__", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(quantity ?? ""))); return result; } public IDictionary> GetProductPriceInfo(params string[] productIds) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(productIds); try { var key = "biling-prices" + string.Join(",", productIds); var result = _cache.Get>>(key); if (result == null) { result = _billingClient.GetProductPriceInfo(productIds); _cache.Insert(key, result, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)); } return result; } catch (Exception error) { LogError(error); return productIds .Select(p => new { ProductId = p, Prices = new Dictionary() }) .ToDictionary(e => e.ProductId, e => e.Prices); } } public Uri GetAccountLink(int tenant, string backUrl) { var key = "accountlink_" + tenant; var url = _cache.Get(key); if (url == null) { if (_billingClient.Configured) { try { url = _billingClient.GetAccountLink(GetPortalId(tenant), backUrl); } catch (Exception error) { LogError(error); } } _cache.Insert(key, url, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return new Uri(url); } return null; } private Tariff GetBillingInfo(int? tenant = null, int? id = null) { using var coreDbContext = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext(); var q = coreDbContext.Tariffs.AsQueryable(); if (tenant.HasValue) { q = q.Where(r => r.Tenant == tenant.Value); } if (id.HasValue) { q = q.Where(r => r.Id == id.Value); } var r = q.OrderByDescending(r => r.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (r == null) { return null; } var tariff = CreateDefault(true); tariff.DueDate = r.Stamp.Year < 9999 ? r.Stamp : DateTime.MaxValue; tariff.CustomerId = r.CustomerId; var tariffRows = coreDbContext.TariffRows .Where(row => row.TariffId == r.Id && row.Tenant == tenant); tariff.Quotas = tariffRows.Select(r => new Quota(r.Quota, r.Quantity)).ToList(); return tariff; } private bool SaveBillingInfo(int tenant, Tariff tariffInfo) { var inserted = false; var currentTariff = GetBillingInfo(tenant); if (!tariffInfo.EqualsByParams(currentTariff)) { try { using var dbContext = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext(); var strategy = dbContext.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy(); strategy.Execute(() => { using var dbContext = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext(); using var tx = dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction(); var stamp = tariffInfo.DueDate; if (stamp.Equals(DateTime.MaxValue)) { stamp = stamp.Date.Add(new TimeSpan(tariffInfo.DueDate.Hour, tariffInfo.DueDate.Minute, tariffInfo.DueDate.Second)); } var efTariff = new DbTariff { Id = tariffInfo.Id, Tenant = tenant, Stamp = stamp, CustomerId = tariffInfo.CustomerId, CreateOn = DateTime.UtcNow }; efTariff.CustomerId = efTariff.CustomerId == null ? "" : efTariff.CustomerId; efTariff = dbContext.AddOrUpdate(r => r.Tariffs, efTariff); dbContext.SaveChanges(); var tariffRows = tariffInfo.Quotas.Select(q => new DbTariffRow { TariffId = efTariff.Id, Quota = q.Id, Quantity = q.Quantity, Tenant = tenant }); dbContext.TariffRows.AddRange(tariffRows); dbContext.SaveChanges(); inserted = true; tx.Commit(); }); } catch (DbUpdateException) { } } if (inserted) { var t = _tenantService.GetTenant(tenant); if (t != null) { // update tenant.LastModified to flush cache in documents _tenantService.SaveTenant(_coreSettings, t); } ClearCache(tenant); } return inserted; } public void DeleteDefaultBillingInfo() { const int tenant = Tenant.DefaultTenant; using var coreDbContext = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext(); var tariffs = coreDbContext.Tariffs.Where(r => r.Tenant == tenant).ToList(); foreach (var t in tariffs) { t.Tenant = -2; t.CreateOn = DateTime.UtcNow; } coreDbContext.SaveChanges(); ClearCache(tenant); } private Tariff CalculateTariff(int tenantId, Tariff tariff) { tariff.State = TariffState.Paid; if (tariff.Quotas.Count == 0) { AddDefaultQuota(tariff); } var delay = 0; var setDelay = true; if (_trialEnabled) { var trial = tariff.Quotas.Exists(q => _quotaService.GetTenantQuota(q.Id).Trial); if (trial) { setDelay = false; tariff.State = TariffState.Trial; if (tariff.DueDate == DateTime.MinValue || tariff.DueDate == DateTime.MaxValue) { var tenant = _tenantService.GetTenant(tenantId); if (tenant != null) { var fromDate = tenant.CreationDateTime < tenant.VersionChanged ? tenant.VersionChanged : tenant.CreationDateTime; var trialPeriod = GetPeriod("TrialPeriod", DefaultTrialPeriod); if (fromDate == DateTime.MinValue) { fromDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date; } tariff.DueDate = trialPeriod != default ? fromDate.Date.AddDays(trialPeriod) : DateTime.MaxValue; } else { tariff.DueDate = DateTime.MaxValue; } } } } if (setDelay) { delay = _paymentDelay; } if (tariff.DueDate != DateTime.MinValue && tariff.DueDate.Date < DateTime.UtcNow.Date && delay > 0) { tariff.State = TariffState.Delay; tariff.DelayDueDate = tariff.DueDate.Date.AddDays(delay); } if (tariff.DueDate == DateTime.MinValue || tariff.DueDate != DateTime.MaxValue && tariff.DueDate.Date.AddDays(delay) < DateTime.UtcNow.Date) { tariff.State = TariffState.NotPaid; } return tariff; } private int GetPeriod(string key, int defaultValue) { var settings = _tenantService.GetTenantSettings(Tenant.DefaultTenant, key); return settings != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(settings)) : defaultValue; } private string GetPortalId(int tenant) { return _coreSettings.GetKey(tenant); } private string GetAffiliateId(int tenant) { return _coreSettings.GetAffiliateId(tenant); } private string GetCampaign(int tenant) { return _coreSettings.GetCampaign(tenant); } private Tariff CreateDefault(bool empty = false) { var result = new Tariff { State = TariffState.Paid, DueDate = DateTime.MaxValue, DelayDueDate = DateTime.MaxValue, LicenseDate = DateTime.MaxValue, CustomerId = "", Quotas = new List() }; if (!empty) { AddDefaultQuota(result); } return result; } private void AddDefaultQuota(Tariff tariff) { var allQuotas = _quotaService.GetTenantQuotas(); TenantQuota toAdd = null; if (_trialEnabled) { toAdd = allQuotas.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Trial && !r.Custom); } else { toAdd = allQuotas.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Free && !r.Custom); } if (toAdd != null) { tariff.Quotas.Add(new Quota(toAdd.Tenant, 1)); } } private void LogError(Exception error, string tenantId = null) { if (error is BillingNotFoundException) { _logger.DebugPaymentTenant(tenantId, error.Message); } else if (error is BillingNotConfiguredException) { _logger.DebugBillingTenant(tenantId, error.Message); } else { if (_logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug)) { _logger.ErrorBillingWithException(tenantId, error); } else { _logger.ErrorBilling(tenantId, error.Message); } } } }