import api from "../api"; import { makeAutoObservable } from "mobx"; class ModuleStore { isLoading = false; isLoaded = false; modules = []; constructor() { makeAutoObservable(this); } getModules = async () => { const list = await api.modules.getModulesList(); const extendedModules = [ ...list, { id: "2A923037-8B2D-487b-9A22-5AC0918ACF3F", title: "Mail", link: "/products/mail/", originUrl: "/addons/mail/", helpUrl: "", description: "Mail is a tool that allows to work with email messages right on your portal. It provides a variety of the standard capabilities implemented in any other email client.", isPrimary: false, }, { id: "32D24CB5-7ECE-4606-9C94-19216BA42086", title: "Calendar", link: "/products/calendar/", originUrl: "/addons/calendar/", helpUrl: "", description: "Calendar is a built-in scheduling tool that allows you to always keep track of important events and meetings", isPrimary: false, }, { id: "BF88953E-3C43-4850-A3FB-B1E43AD53A3E", title: "Talk", link: "/products/talk/", originUrl: "/addons/talk/", helpUrl: "", description: "Talk is an instant messenger that provides a real-time communication between the co-workers. It offers all the traditional features you expect from a messenger: history archiving, file transfer, multi-user chat support, search function, emoticons.", isPrimary: false, }, ].map((m) => this.toModuleWrapper(m)); this.setModules(extendedModules); }; toModuleWrapper = (item, noAction = true, iconName = null, iconUrl = null) => { switch ( { case "6743007c-6f95-4d20-8c88-a8601ce5e76d": item.iconName = "CrmIcon"; item.iconUrl = "static/images/crm.react.svg"; item.imageUrl = "/images/crm.svg"; item.helpUrl = ""; break; case "1e044602-43b5-4d79-82f3-fd6208a11960": item.iconName = "ProjectsIcon"; item.iconUrl = "static/images/projects.react.svg"; item.imageUrl = "/images/projects.svg"; item.helpUrl = ""; break; case "2A923037-8B2D-487b-9A22-5AC0918ACF3F": item.iconName = "MailIcon"; item.iconUrl = "static/images/mail.react.svg"; item.imageUrl = "/images/mail.svg"; break; case "32D24CB5-7ECE-4606-9C94-19216BA42086": item.iconName = "CalendarCheckedIcon"; item.iconUrl = "static/images/calendar.checked.react.svg"; item.imageUrl = "/images/calendar.svg"; break; case "BF88953E-3C43-4850-A3FB-B1E43AD53A3E": item.iconName = "ChatIcon"; item.iconUrl = "static/images/chat.react.svg"; item.imageUrl = "/images/talk.svg"; item.isolateMode = true; break; default: break; } const actions = noAction ? null : { onClick: (e) => { if (e) {, "_self"); e.preventDefault(); } }, onBadgeClick: (e) => console.log(iconName + " Badge Clicked", e), }; const description = noAction ? { description: item.description } : null; return { id:, title: item.title, link:, originUrl: item.originUrl, helpUrl: item.helpUrl, iconName: item.iconName || iconName || "static/images/people.react.svg", //TODO: Change to URL iconUrl: item.iconUrl || iconUrl, imageUrl: item.imageUrl, notifications: 0, isolateMode: item.isolateMode, isPrimary: item.isPrimary, ...description, ...actions, }; }; get totalNotificationsCount() { let totalNotifications = 0; this.modules .filter((item) => !item.separator) .forEach((item) => (totalNotifications += item.notifications || 0)); return totalNotifications; } init = async () => { this.setIsLoading(true); await this.getModules(); this.setIsLoading(false); this.setIsLoaded(true); }; setIsLoading = (isLoading) => { this.isLoading = isLoading; }; setIsLoaded = (isLoaded) => { this.isLoaded = isLoaded; }; setModules = (modules) => { this.modules = modules; }; } export default ModuleStore;