#!/bin/bash set -e while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in -ds | --download-scripts ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then DOWNLOAD_SCRIPTS=$2 shift fi ;; -arg | --arguments ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then ARGUMENTS=$2 shift fi ;; -li | --local-install ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then LOCAL_INSTALL=$2 shift fi ;; -tr | --test-repo ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then TEST_REPO_ENABLE=$2 shift fi ;; esac shift done export TERM=xterm-256color^M function common::get_colors() { export LINE_SEPARATOR="-----------------------------------------" export COLOR_BLUE=$'\e[34m' COLOR_GREEN=$'\e[32m' COLOR_RED=$'\e[31m' COLOR_RESET=$'\e[0m' COLOR_YELLOW=$'\e[33m' } ############################################################################################# # Checking available resources for a virtual machine # Globals: # None # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # None ############################################################################################# function check_hw() { echo "${COLOR_RED} $(free -h) ${COLOR_RESET}" echo "${COLOR_RED} $(nproc) ${COLOR_RESET}" } ############################################################################################# # Add nexus repositories for test packages for .deb and .rpm packages # Globals: None # Arguments: None # Outputs: None ############################################################################################# function add-repo-deb() { mkdir -p -m 700 $HOME/.gnupg echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/onlyoffice.gpg] https://nexus.onlyoffice.com/repository/4testing-debian stable main" | \ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/onlyoffice4testing.list curl -fsSL https://download.onlyoffice.com/GPG-KEY-ONLYOFFICE | \ gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/usr/share/keyrings/onlyoffice.gpg --import chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/onlyoffice.gpg } function add-repo-rpm() { cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/onlyoffice4testing.repo <** ############################################################################################# function prepare_vm() { if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then source /etc/os-release case $ID in ubuntu) [[ "${TEST_REPO_ENABLE}" == 'true' ]] && add-repo-deb ;; debian) [ "$VERSION_CODENAME" == "bookworm" ] && apt-get update -y && apt install -y curl gnupg apt-get remove postfix -y && echo "${COLOR_GREEN}☑ PREPAVE_VM: Postfix was removed${COLOR_RESET}" [[ "${TEST_REPO_ENABLE}" == 'true' ]] && add-repo-deb ;; fedora) [[ "${TEST_REPO_ENABLE}" == 'true' ]] && add-repo-rpm ;; centos) [ "$VERSION_ID" == "8" ] && sed -i 's|^mirrorlist=|#&|; s|^#baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org|baseurl=http://vault.centos.org|' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-* [[ "${TEST_REPO_ENABLE}" == 'true' ]] && add-repo-rpm yum -y install centos*-release ;; *) echo "${COLOR_RED}Failed to determine Linux dist${COLOR_RESET}"; exit 1 ;; esac else echo "${COLOR_RED}File /etc/os-release doesn't exist${COLOR_RESET}"; exit 1 fi # Clean up home folder rm -rf /home/vagrant/* [ -d /tmp/docspace ] && mv /tmp/docspace/* /home/vagrant echo ' host4test' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts echo "${COLOR_GREEN}☑ PREPAVE_VM: Hostname was setting up${COLOR_RESET}" } ############################################################################################# # Install docspace and then healthcheck # Globals: # None # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # Script log ############################################################################################# function install_docspace() { [[ "${DOWNLOAD_SCRIPTS}" == 'true' ]] && wget https://download.onlyoffice.com/docspace/docspace-install.sh || sed 's/set -e/set -xe/' -i *.sh bash docspace-install.sh package ${ARGUMENTS} || { echo "Exit code non-zero. Exit with 1."; exit 1; } echo "Exit code 0. Continue..." } ############################################################################################# # Healthcheck function for systemd services # Globals: # None # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # Message about service status ############################################################################################# function healthcheck_systemd_services() { for service in ${SERVICES_SYSTEMD[@]}; do [[ "$service" == "docspace-migration-runner.service" ]] && continue; if systemctl is-active --quiet ${service}; then echo "${COLOR_GREEN}☑ OK: Service ${service} is running${COLOR_RESET}" else echo "${COLOR_RED}⚠ FAILED: Service ${service} is not running${COLOR_RESET}" SYSTEMD_SVC_FAILED="true" fi done } ############################################################################################# # Set output if some services failed # Globals: # None # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # ⚠ ⚠ ATTENTION: Some sevices is not running ⚠ ⚠ # Returns # 0 if all services is start correctly, non-zero if some failed ############################################################################################# function healthcheck_general_status() { if [ ! -z "${SYSTEMD_SVC_FAILED}" ]; then echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}⚠ ⚠ ATTENTION: Some sevices is not running ⚠ ⚠ ${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi } ############################################################################################# # Get logs for all services # Globals: # None # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # Logs for systemd services # Returns: # none # Commentaries: # This function succeeds even if the file for cat was not found. For that use ${SKIP_EXIT} variable ############################################################################################# function services_logs() { SERVICES_SYSTEMD=($(awk '/SERVICE_NAME=\(/{flag=1; next} /\)/{flag=0} flag' "build.sh" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//' | sed 's/^/docspace-/' | sed 's/$/.service/')) SERVICES_SYSTEMD+=("ds-converter.service" "ds-docservice.service" "ds-metrics.service") for service in ${SERVICES_SYSTEMD[@]}; do echo $LINE_SEPARATOR && echo "${COLOR_GREEN}Check logs for systemd service: $service${COLOR_RESET}" && echo $LINE_SEPARATOR journalctl -u $service -n 30 || true done local DOCSPACE_LOGS_DIR="/var/log/onlyoffice/docspace" local DOCUMENTSERVER_LOGS_DIR="/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver" for LOGS_DIR in "${DOCSPACE_LOGS_DIR}" "${DOCUMENTSERVER_LOGS_DIR}"; do echo $LINE_SEPARATOR && echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}Check logs for $(basename "${LOGS_DIR}"| tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') ${COLOR_RESET}" && echo $LINE_SEPARATOR find "${LOGS_DIR}" -type f -name "*.log" ! -name "*sql*" ! -name "*nginx*" | while read -r FILE; do echo $LINE_SEPARATOR && echo "${COLOR_GREEN}Logs from file: ${FILE}${COLOR_RESET}" && echo $LINE_SEPARATOR tail -30 "${FILE}" || true done done } main() { common::get_colors prepare_vm check_hw install_docspace sleep 120 services_logs healthcheck_systemd_services healthcheck_general_status } main