import React, { useState } from "react"; import FieldContainer from "."; import TextInput from "../text-input"; export default { title: "Components/FieldContainer", component: FieldContainer, argTypes: { errorColor: { control: "color" }, }, parameters: { docs: { description: { component: `Responsive form field container ### Properties | Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description | | ------------------------- | :---------------: | :------: | :----: | :-------: | ------------------------------------------------ | | className | string | - | - | - | Accepts class | | errorColor | string | - | - | ![#C96C27]( #C96C27 | Error text color | | errorMessageWidth | string | - | - | 320px | Error text width | | errorMessage | string | - | - | - | Error message text | | hasError | bool | - | - | false | Indicates that the field is incorrect | | helpButtonHeaderContent | string | - | - | - | Tooltip header content (tooltip opened in aside) | | id | string | - | - | - | Accepts id | | isRequired | bool | - | - | false | Indicates that the field is required to fill | | isVertical | bool | - | - | false | Vertical or horizontal alignment | | labelText | string | - | - | - | Field label text | | labelVisible | bool | - | - | true | Sets visibility of field label section | | maxLabelWidth | string | - | - | 110px | Max label width in horizontal alignment | | style | obj, array | - | - | - | Accepts css style | | tooltipContent | object, string | - | - | - | Tooltip content | `, }, source: { code: `import FieldContainer from "@appserver/components/field-container"; console.log(} /> `, }, }, }, }; const Template = (args) => { const [value, setValue] = useState(""); return ( { setValue(; }} /> ); }; export const Default = Template.bind({}); Default.args = { isVertical: false, isRequired: false, hasError: false, labelVisible: true, labelText: "Name:", maxLabelWidth: "110px", tooltipContent: "Paste you tooltip content here", helpButtonHeaderContent: "Tooltip header", place: "top", errorMessage: "Error text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit", errorColor: "#C96C27", errorMessageWidth: "293px", }; Default.parameters = { decorators: [ (Story) => (
), ], }; /* import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react"; import { action } from "@storybook/addon-actions"; import { StringValue } from "react-values"; import { text, boolean, withKnobs, color } from "@storybook/addon-knobs/react"; import FieldContainer from "."; import TextInput from "../text-input"; import Section from "../../../.storybook/decorators/section"; import withReadme from "storybook-readme/with-readme"; import Readme from "./"; storiesOf("Components|FieldContainer", module) .addDecorator(withKnobs) .addDecorator(withReadme(Readme)) .add("base", () => ( { action("onChange")(e); }} > {({ value, set }) => (
{ set(; }} />
)); */