import React from "react"; import DatePicker from "./"; export default { title: "Components/DatePicker", component: DatePicker, decorators: [ (Story) => (
), ], argTypes: { themeColor: { description: "Color of the selected day", control: "color" }, selectedDate: { description: "Selected date value", control: "date" }, openToDate: { description: "Opened date value", control: "date" }, minDate: { description: "Minimum date that the user can select.", control: "date", }, maxDate: { description: "Maximum date that the user can select.", control: "date", }, calendarHeaderContent: { description: "Calendar header content (calendar opened in aside)", }, calendarSize: { description: "Calendar size" }, className: { description: "Accepts class " }, displayType: { description: "Calendar display type " }, hasError: { description: "Set error date-input style" }, id: { description: "Accepts id " }, isDisabled: { description: "Disabled react-calendar" }, isOpen: { description: "Opens calendar" }, isReadOnly: { description: "Set input type is read only" }, locale: { description: "Browser locale" }, onChange: { description: "Function called when the user select a day ", action: "onChange", }, scaled: { description: "Selected calendar size" }, style: { description: "Accepts css style" }, zIndex: { description: "Calendar css z-index" }, }, parameters: { docs: { description: { component: "Base DatePicker component", }, source: { code: ` import DatePicker from "@appserver/components/date-picker"; { console.log("Selected date", date); }} selectedDate={new Date()} minDate={new Date("1970/01/01")} maxDate={new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + 1 + "/01/01")} isDisabled={false} isReadOnly={false} hasError={false} isOpen={false} themeColor="#ED7309" locale="en" /> `, }, }, }, }; const Template = (args) => { const locales = [ "az", "zh-cn", "cs", "nl", "en-gb", "en", "fi", "fr", "de", "de-ch", "el", "it", "ja", "ko", "lv", "pl", "pt", "pt-br", "ru", "sk", "sl", "es", "tr", "uk", "vi", ]; return ( { args.onChange(date); }} selectedDate={new Date(args.selectedDate)} minDate={new Date(args.minDate)} maxDate={new Date(args.maxDate)} openToDate={new Date(args.openToDate)} /> ); }; export const Default = Template.bind({}); Default.args = { isOpen: true, calendarHeaderContent: "Select Date", themeColor: "#ED7309", minDate: new Date("1970/01/01"), selectedDate: new Date(), maxDate: new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + 1 + "/01/01"), openToDate: new Date(), calendarSize: "base", };