param( [switch] $h = $false, [switch] $f = $false, [switch] $s = $true, [switch] $c = $false, [switch] $d = $false ) if ($h) { Write-Host "Build and run backend and working environment. (Use 'yarn start' to run client ->" Write-Host Write-Host "Syntax: available params [-h|f|s|c|d|]" Write-Host "Options:" Write-Host "h Print this Help." Write-Host "f Force rebuild base images." Write-Host "s Run as SAAS otherwise as STANDALONE." Write-Host "c Run as COMMUNITY otherwise ENTERPRISE." Write-Host "d Run dnsmasq." Write-Host exit } $PSversionMajor = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion | sort-object major | ForEach-Object { $_.major } $PSversionMinor = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion | sort-object minor | ForEach-Object { $_.minor } if ($PSversionMajor -lt 7 -or $PSversionMinor -lt 2) { Write-Error "Powershell version must be greater than or equal to 7.2." exit } $RootDir = Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot $DockerDir = "$RootDir\buildtools\install\docker" $LocalIp = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object { $_.DHCPEnabled -ne $null -and $_.DefaultIPGateway -ne $null }).IPAddress | Select-Object -First 1 $Doceditor = ($LocalIp + ":5013") $Login = ($LocalIp + ":5011") $Client = ($LocalIp + ":5001") $PortalUrl = ("http://" + $LocalIp) $ProxyVersion="v1.0.0" # Stop all backend services" & "$PSScriptRoot\start\stop.backend.docker.ps1" $Env:COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS = "True" $ExistsNetwork= docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' | findstr "onlyoffice" if (-not $ExistsNetwork) { docker network create --driver bridge onlyoffice } Write-Host "Run MySQL" -ForegroundColor Green docker compose -f "$DockerDir\db.yml" up -d if ($d) { Write-Host "Run local dns server" -ForegroundColor Green $Env:ROOT_DIR=$RootDir docker compose -f "$DockerDir\dnsmasq.yml" up -d } Write-Host "Build backend services (to `publish/` folder)" -ForegroundColor Green & "$PSScriptRoot\install\common\build-services.ps1" $Env:DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME = "onlyoffice/documentserver-de:latest" $Env:INSTALLATION_TYPE = "ENTERPRISE" $Env:MIGRATION_TYPE = "STANDALONE" if ($c) { $Env:DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME = "onlyoffice/documentserver:latest" $Env:INSTALLATION_TYPE = "COMMUNITY" } if (-not $s) { $Env:MIGRATION_TYPE = "SAAS" } Set-Location -Path $RootDir $DotnetVersion = "dev" $NodeVersion = "dev" $ProxyVersion = "dev" $ExistsDotnet= docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | findstr "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-dotnet-runtime:$DotnetVersion" $ExistsNode= docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | findstr "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-nodejs-runtime:$NodeVersion" $ExistsProxy= docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | findstr "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-proxy-runtime:$ProxyVersion" if (!$ExistsDotnet -or $f) { Write-Host "Build dotnet base image from source (apply new dotnet config)" -ForegroundColor Green docker build -t "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-dotnet-runtime:$DotnetVersion" -f "$DockerDir\Dockerfile.runtime" --target dotnetrun . } else { Write-Host "SKIP build dotnet base image (already exists)" -ForegroundColor Blue } if (!$ExistsNode -or $f) { Write-Host "Build node base image from source" -ForegroundColor Green docker build -t "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-nodejs-runtime:$NodeVersion" -f "$DockerDir\Dockerfile.runtime" --target noderun . } else { Write-Host "SKIP build node base image (already exists)" -ForegroundColor Blue } if (!$ExistsProxy -or $f) { Write-Host "Build proxy base image from source (apply new nginx config)" -ForegroundColor Green docker build -t "onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-proxy-runtime:$ProxyVersion" -f "$DockerDir\Dockerfile.runtime" --target router . } else { Write-Host "SKIP build proxy base image (already exists)" -ForegroundColor Blue } Write-Host "Run migration and services" -ForegroundColor Green $Env:ENV_EXTENSION="dev" $Env:Baseimage_Dotnet_Run="onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-dotnet-runtime:$DotnetVersion" $Env:Baseimage_Nodejs_Run="onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-nodejs-runtime:$NodeVersion" $Env:Baseimage_Proxy_Run="onlyoffice/4testing-docspace-proxy-runtime:$ProxyVersion" $Env:SERVICE_DOCEDITOR=$Doceditor $Env:SERVICE_LOGIN=$Login $Env:SERVICE_CLIENT=$Client $Env:ROOT_DIR=$RootDir $Env:BUILD_PATH="/var/www" $Env:SRC_PATH="$RootDir\publish\services" $Env:DATA_DIR="$RootDir\data" $Env:APP_URL_PORTAL=$PortalUrl docker compose -f "$DockerDir\docspace.profiles.yml" -f "$DockerDir\docspace.overcome.yml" --profile migration-runner --profile backend-local up -d Write-Host "== Build params ==" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "APP_URL_PORTAL: $PortalUrl" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "LOCAL IP: $LocalIp" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "SERVICE_DOCEDITOR: $Env:SERVICE_DOCEDITOR" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "SERVICE_LOGIN: $Env:SERVICE_LOGIN" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "SERVICE_CLIENT: $Env:SERVICE_CLIENT" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "INSTALLATION_TYPE: $Env:INSTALLATION_TYPE" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "MIGRATION TYPE: $Env:MIGRATION_TYPE" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "DS IMAGE: $Env:DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME" -ForegroundColor Blue Set-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot