namespace ASC.Data.Backup.Storage; [Scope] public class DocumentsBackupStorage : IBackupStorage { private int _tenantId; private string _webConfigPath; private readonly SetupInfo _setupInfo; private readonly TenantManager _tenantManager; private readonly SecurityContext _securityContext; private readonly IDaoFactory _daoFactory; private readonly StorageFactory _storageFactory; private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; public DocumentsBackupStorage( SetupInfo setupInfo, TenantManager tenantManager, SecurityContext securityContext, IDaoFactory daoFactory, StorageFactory storageFactory, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { _setupInfo = setupInfo; _tenantManager = tenantManager; _securityContext = securityContext; _daoFactory = daoFactory; _storageFactory = storageFactory; _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; } public void Init(int tenantId, string webConfigPath) { _tenantId = tenantId; _webConfigPath = webConfigPath; } public string Upload(string folderId, string localPath, Guid userId) { _tenantManager.SetCurrentTenant(_tenantId); if (!userId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { _securityContext.AuthenticateMeWithoutCookie(userId); } else { var tenant = _tenantManager.GetTenant(_tenantId); _securityContext.AuthenticateMeWithoutCookie(tenant.OwnerId); } if (int.TryParse(folderId, out var fId)) { return Upload(fId, localPath).ToString(); } return Upload(folderId, localPath); } public void Download(string fileId, string targetLocalPath) { _tenantManager.SetCurrentTenant(_tenantId); if (int.TryParse(fileId, out var fId)) { DownloadDao(fId, targetLocalPath); return; } DownloadDao(fileId, targetLocalPath); } public void Delete(string fileId) { _tenantManager.SetCurrentTenant(_tenantId); if (int.TryParse(fileId, out var fId)) { DeleteDao(fId); return; } DeleteDao(fileId); } public bool IsExists(string fileId) { _tenantManager.SetCurrentTenant(_tenantId); if (int.TryParse(fileId, out var fId)) { return IsExistsDao(fId); } return IsExistsDao(fileId); } public string GetPublicLink(string fileId) { return string.Empty; } private T Upload(T folderId, string localPath) { var folderDao = GetFolderDao(); var fileDao = GetFileDao(); var folder = folderDao.GetFolderAsync(folderId).Result; if (folder == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Folder not found."); } using var source = File.OpenRead(localPath); var newFile = _serviceProvider.GetService>(); newFile.Title = Path.GetFileName(localPath); newFile.FolderID = folder.ID; newFile.ContentLength = source.Length; File file = null; var buffer = new byte[_setupInfo.ChunkUploadSize]; var chunkedUploadSession = fileDao.CreateUploadSessionAsync(newFile, source.Length).Result; chunkedUploadSession.CheckQuota = false; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = source.Read(buffer, 0, (int)_setupInfo.ChunkUploadSize)) > 0) { using (var theMemStream = new MemoryStream()) { theMemStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); theMemStream.Position = 0; file = fileDao.UploadChunkAsync(chunkedUploadSession, theMemStream, bytesRead).Result; } } return file.ID; } private void DownloadDao(T fileId, string targetLocalPath) { _tenantManager.SetCurrentTenant(_tenantId); var fileDao = GetFileDao(); var file = fileDao.GetFileAsync(fileId).Result; if (file == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found."); } using var source = fileDao.GetFileStreamAsync(file).Result; using var destination = File.OpenWrite(targetLocalPath); source.CopyTo(destination); } private void DeleteDao(T fileId) { var fileDao = GetFileDao(); fileDao.DeleteFileAsync(fileId).Wait(); } private bool IsExistsDao(T fileId) { var fileDao = GetFileDao(); try { var file = fileDao.GetFileAsync(fileId).Result; return file != null && file.RootFolderType != FolderType.TRASH; } catch (Exception) { return false; } } private IFolderDao GetFolderDao() { return _daoFactory.GetFolderDao(); } private IFileDao GetFileDao() { // hack: create storage using webConfigPath and put it into DataStoreCache // FileDao will use this storage and will not try to create the new one from service config _storageFactory.GetStorage(_webConfigPath, _tenantId.ToString(), "files"); return _daoFactory.GetFileDao(); } }