System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource Represents an operation with context to be used for logging. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the operation. Gets the flags (defined by the W3C ID specification) associated with the activity. the flags associated with the activity. Updates the to have a new baggage item with the specified key and value. The baggage key. The baggage value. for convenient chaining. Updates the to have a new tag with the provided and . . The tag key. The tag value. for convenient chaining. Gets a collection of key/value pairs that represents information that is passed to children of this . An enumeration of string-string key-value pairs. Gets or sets the current operation () for the current thread. This flows across async calls. The current operation for the current thread. Gets or sets the default ID format for the . Gets the duration of the operation. The delta between and the end time if the has ended ( or was called), or if the has not ended and was not called. Gets or sets a valud that detrmines if the is always used to define the default ID format. to always use the ; otherwise, . Returns the value of a key-value pair added to the activity with . The baggage key. The value of the key-value-pair item if it exists, or if it does not exist. Gets an identifier that is specific to a particular request. The activity ID. Gets the format for the . The format for the . Gets the operation name. The name of the operation. Gets the parent that created this activity. The parent of this , if it is from the same process, or if this instance has no parent (it is a root activity) or if the parent is from outside the process. Gets the ID of this activity's parent. The parent ID, if one exists, or if it does not. Gets the parent's . The parent's . Gets a value that indicates whether the W3CIdFlags.Recorded flag is set. if the W3CIdFlags.Recorded flag is set; otherwise, . Gets the root ID of this . The root ID, or if the current instance has either a or an . Updates the to set its as the difference between and the specified stop time. The UTC stop time. for convenient chaining. Sets the ID format on this before it is started. One of the enumeration values that specifies the format of the property. for convenient chaining. Sets the parent ID using the W3C convention of a TraceId and a SpanId. The parent activity's TraceId. The parent activity's SpanId. One of the enumeration values that specifies flags defined by the W3C standard that are associated with an activity. for convenient chaining. Updates this to indicate that the with an ID of caused this . The ID of the parent operation. for convenient chaining. Sets the start time of this . The start time in UTC. for convenient chaining. Gets the SPAN part of the . The ID for the SPAN part of , if the has the W3C format; otherwise, a zero . Starts the activity. for convenient chaining. Gets the time when the operation started. The UTC time that the operation started. Stops the activity. Gets a collection of key/value pairs that represent information that will be logged along with the to the logging system. An enumeration of string-string key-value-pairs. Gets the TraceId part of the . The ID for the TraceId part of the , if the ID has the W3C format; otherwise, a zero TraceId. Gets the W3C header. The W3C header. Specifies the format of the property. The hierarchical format. An unknown format. The W3C format. Represents a formatted based on a W3C standard. Copies the 8 bytes of the current to a specified span. The span to which the 8 bytes of the SpanID are to be copied. Creates a new value from a read-only span of eight bytes. A read-only span of eight bytes. The new span ID. does not contain eight bytes. Creates a new value from a read-only span of 16 hexadecimal characters. A span that contains 16 hexadecimal characters. The new span ID. does not contain 16 hexadecimal characters. -or- The characters in are not all lower-case hexadecimal characters or all zeros. Creates a new value from a read-only span of UTF8-encoded bytes. A read-only span of UTF8-encoded bytes. The new span ID. Creates a new based on a random number (that is very likely to be unique). The new span ID. Determines whether this instance and the specified instance have the same value. The instance to compare. if has the same hex value as the current instance; otherwise, . the current instance and a specified object, which also must be an instance, have the same value. The object to compare. if is an instance of and has the same hex value as the current instance; otherwise, . Returns the hash code of the SpanId. The hash code of the SpanId. Determines whether two specified instances have the same value. The first instance to compare. The second instance to compare. if the SpanId of is the same as the SpanId of ; otherwise, . Determine whether two specified instances have unequal values. The first instance to compare. The second instance to compare. if the SpanId of is different from the SpanId of ; otherwise, . Returns a 16-character hexadecimal string that represents this span ID. The 16-character hecxadecimal string representation of this span ID. Returns a 16-character hexadecimal string that represents this span ID. The 16-character hexadecimal string representation of this span ID. Specifies flags defined by the W3C standard that are associated with an activity. The activity has not been marked. The activity (or more likely its parents) has been marked as useful to record. Represents a whose format is based on a W3C standard. Copies the 16 bytes of the current to a specified span. The span to which the 16 bytes of the trace ID are to be copied. Creates a new value from a read-only span of 16 bytes. A read-only span of 16 bytes. The new trace ID. does not contain eight bytes. Creates a new value from a read-only span of 32 hexadecimal characters. A span that contains 32 hexadecimal characters. The new trace ID. does not contain 16 hexadecimal characters. -or- The characters in are not all lower-case hexadecimal characters or all zeros. Creates a new value from a read-only span of UTF8-encoded bytes. A read-only span of UTF8-encoded bytes. The new trace ID. Creates a new based on a random number (that is very likely to be unique). The new span ID. Determines whether the current instance and a specified are equal. The instance to compare. if has the same hex value as the current instance; otherwise, . Determines whether this instance and a specified object, which must also be an instance, have the same value. The object to compare. if is an instance of and has the same hex value as the current instance; otherwise, . Returns the hash code of the TraceId. The hash code of the TraceId. Determines whether two specified instances have the same value. The first instance to compare. The second instance to compare. if the TraceId of is the same as the TraceId of ; otherwise, . Determines whether two specified instances have the same value. The first instance to compare. The second instance to compare. if the TraceId of is different from the TraceId of ; otherwise, . Returns a 16-character hexadecimal string that represents this span ID. The 32-character hexadecimal string representation of this trace ID. Returns a 32-character hexadecimal string that represents this trace ID. The 32-character hecxadecimal string representation of this trace ID. Provides an implementation of the abstract class that represents a named place to which a source sends its information (events). Creates a new . The name of this . Gets the collection of listeners for this . Disposes the NotificationListeners. Determines whether there are any registered subscribers. if there are any registered subscribers, otherwise. Checks whether the is enabled. if notifications are enabled; otherwise, . Checks if the DiagnosticListener is enabled. if it is enabled, otherwise. Gets the name of this . The name of the . Invokes the OnActivityExport method of all the subscribers. The activity affected by an external event. An object that represents the outgoing request. Invokes the OnActivityImport method of all the subscribers. The activity affected by an external event. An object that represents the incoming request. Adds a subscriber. A subscriber. A reference to an interface that allows the listener to stop receiving notifications before the has finished sending them. Adds a subscriber, and optionally filters events based on their name and up to two context objects. A subscriber. A delegate that filters events based on their name and up to two context objects (which can be ), or to if an event filter is not desirable. A reference to an interface that allows the listener to stop receiving notifications before the has finished sending them. Adds a subscriber, optionally filters events based on their name and up to two context objects, and specifies methods to call when providers import or export activites from outside the process. A subscriber. A delegate that filters events based on their name and up to two context objects (which can be ), or if an event filter is not desirable. An action delegate that receives the activity affected by an external event and an object that represents the incoming request. An action delegate that receives the activity affected by an external event and an object that represents the outgoing request. A reference to an interface that allows the listener to stop receiving notifications before the has finished sending them. Adds a subscriber, and optionally filters events based on their name. A subscriber. A delegate that filters events based on their name (). The delegate should return if the event is enabled. A reference to an interface that allows the listener to stop receiving notifications before the has finished sending them. Returns a string with the name of this DiagnosticListener. The name of this DiagnosticListener. Logs a notification. The name of the event to log. An object that represents the payload for the event. An abstract class that allows code to be instrumented for production-time logging of rich data payloads for consumption within the process that was instrumented. Initializes an instance of the class. Verifies if the notification event is enabled. The name of the event being written. if the notification event is enabled, otherwise. Verifies it the notification event is enabled. The name of the event being written. An object that represents the additional context for IsEnabled. Consumers should expect to receive which may indicate that producer called pure IsEnabled(string) to check if consumer wants to get notifications for such events at all. Based on that, producer may call IsEnabled(string, object, object) again with non- context. Optional. An object that represents the additional context for IsEnabled. by default. Consumers should expect to receive which may indicate that producer called pure IsEnabled(string) or producer passed all necessary context in . if the notification event is enabled, otherwise. Transfers state from an activity to some event or operation, such as an outgoing HTTP request, that will occur outside the process. The activity affected by an external event. An object that represents the outgoing request. Transfers state to an activity from some event or operation, such as an incoming request, that occurred outside the process. The activity affected by an external event. A payload that represents the incoming request. Starts an and writes a start event. The to be started. An object that represent the value being passed as a payload for the event. The started activity for convenient chaining. Stops the given , maintains the global activity, and notifies consumers that the was stopped. The activity to be stopped. An object that represents the value passed as a payload for the event. Provides a generic way of logging complex payloads. The name of the event being written. An object that represents the value being passed as a payload for the event. This is often an anonymous type which contains several sub-values.