namespace ASC.FederatedLogin.LoginProviders; [Scope] public class LinkedInLoginProvider : BaseLoginProvider { public override string AccessTokenUrl => ""; public override string RedirectUri => this["linkedInRedirectUrl"]; public override string ClientID => this["linkedInKey"]; public override string ClientSecret => this["linkedInSecret"]; public override string CodeUrl => ""; public override string Scopes => "r_liteprofile r_emailaddress"; private const string LinkedInProfileUrl = ""; private const string LinkedInEmailUrl = "*(handle~))"; public LinkedInLoginProvider() { } public LinkedInLoginProvider( OAuth20TokenHelper oAuth20TokenHelper, TenantManager tenantManager, CoreBaseSettings coreBaseSettings, CoreSettings coreSettings, IConfiguration configuration, ICacheNotify cache, ConsumerFactory consumerFactory, Signature signature, InstanceCrypto instanceCrypto, string name, int order, Dictionary props, Dictionary additional = null) : base(oAuth20TokenHelper, tenantManager, coreBaseSettings, coreSettings, configuration, cache, consumerFactory, signature, instanceCrypto, name, order, props, additional) { } public override LoginProfile GetLoginProfile(string accessToken) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken)) { throw new Exception("Login failed"); } return RequestProfile(accessToken); } internal LoginProfile ProfileFromLinkedIn(string linkedInProfile) { var jProfile = JObject.Parse(linkedInProfile); if (jProfile == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to correctly process the response"); } var profile = new LoginProfile(Signature, InstanceCrypto) { Id = jProfile.Value("id"), FirstName = jProfile.Value("localizedFirstName"), LastName = jProfile.Value("localizedLastName"), EMail = jProfile.Value("emailAddress"), Provider = ProviderConstants.LinkedIn, }; return profile; } internal static string EmailFromLinkedIn(string linkedInEmail) { var jEmail = JObject.Parse(linkedInEmail); if (jEmail == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to correctly process the response"); } return jEmail.SelectToken("elements[0].handle~.emailAddress").ToString(); } private LoginProfile RequestProfile(string accessToken) { var linkedInProfile = RequestHelper.PerformRequest(LinkedInProfileUrl, headers: new Dictionary { { "Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken } }); var loginProfile = ProfileFromLinkedIn(linkedInProfile); var linkedInEmail = RequestHelper.PerformRequest(LinkedInEmailUrl, headers: new Dictionary { { "Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken } }); loginProfile.EMail = EmailFromLinkedIn(linkedInEmail); return loginProfile; } }