text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Save and Create New Opportunity Save All Opportunities Stake fix per day per hour per month per week per year Payment recurrence Stage Stage type Opportunity contact Add the first opportunity Create new opportunity Current opportunity Opportunity at stage Custom period Other users Opportunity The permissions will be set to the opportunities where you are the author Sum Qty Opportunity Stages The salesperson takes a series of question and answer sessions in order to identify the requirements of the prospect Need assessment A contact with the potential buyer is needed to understand the future sales prospective Initial contact A failure. The opportunity is closed due to the lack of perspective Unsuccessfully closed The potential buyer has expressed his interest in the salesperson's goods or services Qualified prospect The salesperson tries to identify whether the customer can be his/her potential buyer Application of initial fit criteria The potential buyer has received a written offering from the salesperson Proposal The potential buyer is identified as a person or entity that has the interest and authority to purchase a product or service Suspect The potential buyer has already discussed your offering in details Negotiations A deal. The opportunity is closed successfully Closure/Transaction Stage type Opportunity Participant Opportunity Participants Opportunities Opportunity Tag Opportunity Tag List Opportunity Tags Delete opportunity Deleting opportunities Description Edit «{0}» opportunity Edit opportunity Opportunities let you track potential sales to your clients. Determine the {0}opportunity stages{1} in accordance with your business process, keep history, assign tasks, upload documents, calculate profit with every client. No opportunities matching your filter can be displayed in this section. Please select other filter options or clear filter to view all the opportunities in this section. Or you can create the opportunity in case it is absent from the list. No opportunities to be displayed for this filter here The opportunity list is empty Enter the opportunity title Every opportunity must have a responsible one The participant list is empty Add participants to your opportunity from the list of companies or persons. After this is done you will know what contacts are associated with this opportunity and who you can deal with. Estimated/Actual due date Budget Contact Participant Stage/stage type Import opportunities A properly formed CSV file should be selected on your computer HDD. It must contain the fields or columns separated by the selected delimiter which will be used to import opportunities. The files containing more than {0} rows should be divided into smaller parts for proper importing. Make sure you selected the portal users who need to be granted access to the information to be imported, otherwise the data from the CSV file will be available to all portal users. Select a CSV file and set access rights before you import opportunities Match your file columns with the corresponding ONLYOFFICE™ CRM fields. Please pay your attention to the fact that to import opportunities correctly you need to have at least the following columns from your file matched with the fields of the ONLYOFFICE™ CRM: 'Opportunity Title', 'Opportunity Responsible'. The fields containing the dates must have the following format: {0}. The currency field must be set in accordance with the international three letter code (e.g. USD, JPY, AUD). Please, verify the fields Go to oppotunity list Import of opportunities can take several minutes depending on the amount of your data. Importing started Link or create opportunity My opportunities Opportunity title Budget is not set Other opportunity participants Overdue Participants Restrict access to the opportunity Success probability Responsible for the opportunity Customize user fields Go to profile Open in a new tab Show total amount Start Importing Opportunity stages let you determine steps necessary to complete the deal. The default opportunity stages are approach, discussion, evaluation, negotiation, commitment, success, zero-point. To be able to edit them the portal administrator rights are needed. Total Total amount All opportunities Page total Add new opportunity Select from existing opportunities or add a new one Find opportunity by title