import React from "react"; import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react"; import { action } from "@storybook/addon-actions"; import styled from "@emotion/styled"; import NavMenu from "../NavMenu"; import Main from "../Main"; import PageLayout from "."; import history from "../../history"; import Headline from "../Headline"; import store from "../../store"; import { Provider as MobxProvider } from "mobx-react"; import IconButton from "@appserver/components/icon-button"; import ContextMenuButton from "@appserver/components/context-menu-button"; import MainButton from "@appserver/components/main-button"; import SearchInput from "@appserver/components/search-input"; import Paging from "@appserver/components/paging"; import withReadme from "storybook-readme/with-readme"; import { boolean, withKnobs } from "@storybook/addon-knobs/react"; import Readme from "./"; import { Router } from "react-router-dom"; const { authStore } = store; const HeaderContent = styled.div` display: flex; align-items: center; & > * { margin-right: 8px !important; } `; const pageItems = [ { key: "1", label: "1 of 2", onClick: (e) => action("set paging 1 of 2")(e), }, { key: "2", label: "2 of 2", onClick: (e) => action("set paging 2 of 2")(e), }, ]; const perPageItems = [ { key: "1-1", label: "25 per page", onClick: (e) => action("set paging 25 action")(e), }, { key: "1-2", label: "50 per page", onClick: (e) => action("set paging 50 action")(e), }, ]; const articleHeaderContent = Article Header; const articleMainButtonContent = ( action("MainButton Clicked")(e)} /> ); const articleBodyContent =

Article Content

; const sectionHeaderContent = ( action("ArrowPathIcon Clicked")(e)} /> Section Header action("PlusIcon Clicked")(e)} /> [ { key: "key", label: "label", onClick: (e) => action("label Clicked")(e), }, ]} /> ); const sectionFilterContent = ( [ { key: "filter-example", group: "filter-example", label: "example group", isHeader: true, }, { key: "filter-example-test", group: "filter-example", label: "Test", }, ]} onSearchClick={(result) => { console.log(result); }} onChangeFilter={(result) => { console.log(result); }} /> ); const sectionBodyContent =

Section Content

; const sectionPagingContent = ( console.log(a)} onSelectCount={(a) => console.log(a)} previousAction={(e) => action("Prev Clicked")(e)} nextAction={(e) => action("Next Clicked")(e)} openDirection="top" /> ); storiesOf("Components|PageLayout", module) .addDecorator(withKnobs) .addDecorator(withReadme(Readme)) .add("base", () => (
{articleHeaderContent} {articleMainButtonContent} {articleBodyContent} {sectionHeaderContent} {sectionFilterContent} {sectionBodyContent} {sectionPagingContent}