// using System; using ASC.Files.Core.EF; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion; using Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL.Metadata; #nullable disable namespace ASC.Migrations.PostgreSql.Migrations.FilesDb { [DbContext(typeof(FilesDbContext))] [Migration("20221215125741_FilesDbContext_Upgrade1")] partial class FilesDbContext_Upgrade1 { protected override void BuildTargetModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { #pragma warning disable 612, 618 modelBuilder .HasAnnotation("Npgsql:ValueGenerationStrategy", NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityByDefaultColumn) .HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "6.0.7") .HasAnnotation("Relational:MaxIdentifierLength", 63); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Core.Common.EF.Model.DbTenant", b => { b.Property("Id") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("id") .HasAnnotation("Npgsql:ValueGenerationStrategy", NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityByDefaultColumn); b.Property("Alias") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(100) .HasColumnType("character varying(100)") .HasColumnName("alias"); b.Property("Calls") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("boolean") .HasColumnName("calls") .HasDefaultValueSql("true"); b.Property("CreationDateTime") .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("creationdatetime"); b.Property("Industry") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("industry"); b.Property("Language") .IsRequired() .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(10) .HasColumnType("character(10)") .HasColumnName("language") .HasDefaultValueSql("'en-US'") .IsFixedLength(); b.Property("LastModified") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("last_modified") .HasDefaultValueSql("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); b.Property("MappedDomain") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(100) .HasColumnType("character varying(100)") .HasColumnName("mappeddomain") .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); b.Property("Name") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(255) .HasColumnType("character varying(255)") .HasColumnName("name"); b.Property("OwnerId") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("owner_id") .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); b.Property("PaymentId") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("character varying(38)") .HasColumnName("payment_id") .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); b.Property("Spam") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("boolean") .HasColumnName("spam") .HasDefaultValueSql("true"); b.Property("Status") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("status"); b.Property("StatusChanged") .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("statuschanged"); b.Property("TimeZone") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(50) .HasColumnType("character varying(50)") .HasColumnName("timezone") .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); b.Property("TrustedDomainsEnabled") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("trusteddomainsenabled") .HasDefaultValueSql("1"); b.Property("TrustedDomainsRaw") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(1024) .HasColumnType("character varying(1024)") .HasColumnName("trusteddomains") .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); b.Property("Version") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("version") .HasDefaultValueSql("2"); b.Property("Version_Changed") .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("version_changed"); b.HasKey("Id"); b.HasIndex("Alias") .IsUnique() .HasDatabaseName("alias"); b.HasIndex("LastModified") .HasDatabaseName("last_modified_tenants_tenants"); b.HasIndex("MappedDomain") .HasDatabaseName("mappeddomain"); b.HasIndex("Version") .HasDatabaseName("version"); b.ToTable("tenants_tenants", "onlyoffice"); b.HasData( new { Id = 1, Alias = "localhost", Calls = false, CreationDateTime = new DateTime(2021, 3, 9, 17, 46, 59, 97, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddTicks(4317), Industry = 0, LastModified = new DateTime(2022, 7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified), Name = "Web Office", OwnerId = new Guid("66faa6e4-f133-11ea-b126-00ffeec8b4ef"), Spam = false, Status = 0, TrustedDomainsEnabled = 0, Version = 0 }); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Core.Common.EF.Model.FilesConverts", b => { b.Property("Input") .HasMaxLength(50) .HasColumnType("character varying(50)") .HasColumnName("input"); b.Property("Output") .HasMaxLength(50) .HasColumnType("character varying(50)") .HasColumnName("output"); b.HasKey("Input", "Output") .HasName("files_converts_pkey"); b.ToTable("files_converts", "onlyoffice"); b.HasData( new { Input = ".csv", Output = ".ods" }, new { Input = ".csv", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".csv", Output = ".ots" }, new { Input = ".csv", Output = ".xlsx" }, new { Input = ".csv", Output = ".xlsm" }, new { Input = ".csv", Output = ".xltm" }, new { Input = ".csv", Output = ".xltx" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".docm" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".dotm" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".dotx" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".epub" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".fb2" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".html" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".ott" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".rtf" }, new { Input = ".doc", Output = ".txt" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".dotm" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".html" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".dotx" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".epub" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".fb2" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".ott" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".rtf" }, new { Input = ".docm", Output = ".txt" }, new { Input = ".doct", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".rtf" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".txt" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".html" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".dotm" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".dotx" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".epub" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".fb2" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".ott" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".docm" }, new { Input = ".docx", Output = ".docxf" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".oform" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".rtf" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".txt" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".dotx" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".epub" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".fb2" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".html" }, new { Input = ".docxf", Output = ".ott" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".rtf" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".txt" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".docm" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".dotm" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".dotx" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".epub" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".fb2" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".html" }, new { Input = ".dot", Output = ".ott" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".rtf" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".txt" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".docm" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".dotx" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".epub" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".fb2" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".html" }, new { Input = ".dotm", Output = ".ott" }, new { Input = ".dotx", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".dotx", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".dotx", Output = ".pdf" }, new { 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".fodt", Output = ".docm" }, new { Input = ".fodt", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".fodt", Output = ".rtf" }, new { Input = ".fodt", Output = ".txt" }, new { Input = ".fodt", Output = ".dotm" }, new { Input = ".fodt", Output = ".dotx" }, new { Input = ".fodt", Output = ".epub" }, new { Input = ".fodt", Output = ".fb2" }, new { Input = ".fodt", Output = ".html" }, new { Input = ".fodt", Output = ".ott" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".rtf" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".txt" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".docm" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".dotm" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".dotx" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".epub" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".fb2" }, new { Input = ".html", Output = ".ott" }, new { Input = ".mht", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".mht", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".mht", Output = ".pdf" 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".xls", Output = ".ots" }, new { Input = ".xls", Output = ".xlsm" }, new { Input = ".xls", Output = ".xltm" }, new { Input = ".xls", Output = ".xltx" }, new { Input = ".xlsm", Output = ".csv" }, new { Input = ".xlsm", Output = ".xltm" }, new { Input = ".xlsm", Output = ".xltx" }, new { Input = ".xlsm", Output = ".ots" }, new { Input = ".xlsm", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".xlsm", Output = ".ods" }, new { Input = ".xlsm", Output = ".xlsx" }, new { Input = ".xlsx", Output = ".csv" }, new { Input = ".xlsx", Output = ".ods" }, new { Input = ".xlsx", Output = ".ots" }, new { Input = ".xlsx", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".xlsx", Output = ".xlsm" }, new { Input = ".xlsx", Output = ".xltm" }, new { Input = ".xlsx", Output = ".xltx" }, new { Input = ".xlst", Output = ".xlsx" }, new { Input = ".xlt", Output = ".csv" }, new { Input = ".xlt", Output = ".ods" }, new { Input = ".xlt", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".xlt", Output = ".xlsx" }, new { Input = ".xlt", Output = ".ots" }, new { Input = ".xlt", Output = ".xlsm" }, new { Input = ".xlt", Output = ".xltm" }, new { Input = ".xlt", Output = ".xltx" }, new { Input = ".xltm", Output = ".csv" }, new { Input = ".xltm", Output = ".ods" }, new { Input = ".xltm", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".xltm", Output = ".ots" }, new { Input = ".xltm", Output = ".xlsm" }, new { Input = ".xltm", Output = ".xltx" }, new { Input = ".xltm", Output = ".xlsx" }, new { Input = ".xltx", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".xltx", Output = ".csv" }, new { Input = ".xltx", Output = ".ods" }, new { Input = ".xltx", Output = ".ots" }, new { Input = ".xltx", Output = ".xlsm" }, new { Input = ".xltx", Output = ".xltm" }, new { Input = ".xltx", Output = ".xlsx" }, new { Input = ".xps", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".docm" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".docx" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".dotm" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".dotx" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".epub" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".fb2" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".html" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".odt" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".ott" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".pdf" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".rtf" }, new { Input = ".xml", Output = ".txt" }); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFile", b => { b.Property("Id") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("id"); b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("Version") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("version"); b.Property("Category") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("category"); b.Property("Changes") .HasColumnType("text") .HasColumnName("changes"); b.Property("Comment") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(255) .HasColumnType("character varying(255)") .HasColumnName("comment") .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL::character varying"); b.Property("ContentLength") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("bigint") .HasColumnName("content_length") .HasDefaultValueSql("'0'::bigint"); b.Property("ConvertedType") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(10) .HasColumnType("character varying(10)") .HasColumnName("converted_type") .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL::character varying"); b.Property("CreateBy") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("create_by") .IsFixedLength(); b.Property("CreateOn") .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("create_on"); b.Property("CurrentVersion") .HasColumnType("boolean") .HasColumnName("current_version"); b.Property("Encrypted") .HasColumnType("boolean") .HasColumnName("encrypted"); b.Property("FileStatus") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("file_status"); b.Property("Forcesave") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("forcesave"); b.Property("ModifiedBy") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("modified_by") .IsFixedLength(); b.Property("ModifiedOn") .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("modified_on"); b.Property("ParentId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("folder_id"); b.Property("ThumbnailStatus") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("thumb"); b.Property("Title") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(400) .HasColumnType("character varying(400)") .HasColumnName("title"); b.Property("VersionGroup") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("version_group") .HasDefaultValueSql("1"); b.HasKey("Id", "TenantId", "Version") .HasName("files_file_pkey"); b.HasIndex("Id") .HasDatabaseName("id"); b.HasIndex("ModifiedOn") .HasDatabaseName("modified_on_files_file"); b.HasIndex("ParentId") .HasDatabaseName("folder_id"); b.ToTable("files_file", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFilesBunchObjects", b => { b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("RightNode") .HasMaxLength(255) .HasColumnType("character varying(255)") .HasColumnName("right_node"); b.Property("LeftNode") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(255) .HasColumnType("character varying(255)") .HasColumnName("left_node"); b.HasKey("TenantId", "RightNode") .HasName("files_bunch_objects_pkey"); b.HasIndex("LeftNode") .HasDatabaseName("left_node"); b.ToTable("files_bunch_objects", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFilesLink", b => { b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("SourceId") .HasMaxLength(32) .HasColumnType("character varying(32)") .HasColumnName("source_id"); b.Property("LinkedId") .HasMaxLength(32) .HasColumnType("character varying(32)") .HasColumnName("linked_id"); b.Property("LinkedFor") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("linked_for") .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL::bpchar") .IsFixedLength(); b.HasKey("TenantId", "SourceId", "LinkedId") .HasName("files_link_pkey"); b.HasIndex("TenantId", "SourceId", "LinkedId", "LinkedFor") .HasDatabaseName("linked_for_files_link"); b.ToTable("files_link", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFilesProperties", b => { b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("EntryId") .HasMaxLength(50) .HasColumnType("character varying(50)") .HasColumnName("entry_id"); b.Property("Data") .IsRequired() .HasColumnType("text") .HasColumnName("data"); b.HasKey("TenantId", "EntryId") .HasName("files_properties_pkey"); b.ToTable("files_properties", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFilesSecurity", b => { b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("EntryId") .HasMaxLength(50) .HasColumnType("character varying(50)") .HasColumnName("entry_id"); b.Property("EntryType") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("entry_type"); b.Property("Subject") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("subject") .IsFixedLength(); b.Property("FileShareOptions") .HasColumnType("text") .HasColumnName("options"); b.Property("Owner") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("owner") .IsFixedLength(); b.Property("Share") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("security"); b.Property("SubjectType") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("subject_type"); b.Property("TimeStamp") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("timestamp") .HasDefaultValueSql("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); b.HasKey("TenantId", "EntryId", "EntryType", "Subject") .HasName("files_security_pkey"); b.HasIndex("Owner") .HasDatabaseName("owner"); b.HasIndex("EntryId", "TenantId", "EntryType", "Owner") .HasDatabaseName("tenant_id_files_security"); b.ToTable("files_security", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFilesTag", b => { b.Property("Id") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("id") .HasAnnotation("Npgsql:ValueGenerationStrategy", NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityByDefaultColumn); b.Property("Name") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(255) .HasColumnType("character varying(255)") .HasColumnName("name"); b.Property("Owner") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("owner"); b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("Type") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("flag"); b.HasKey("Id"); b.HasIndex("TenantId", "Owner", "Name", "Type") .HasDatabaseName("name_files_tag"); b.ToTable("files_tag", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFilesTagLink", b => { b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("TagId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tag_id"); b.Property("EntryType") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("entry_type"); b.Property("EntryId") .HasMaxLength(32) .HasColumnType("character varying(32)") .HasColumnName("entry_id"); b.Property("Count") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tag_count"); b.Property("CreateBy") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("create_by") .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL::bpchar") .IsFixedLength(); b.Property("CreateOn") .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("create_on"); b.HasKey("TenantId", "TagId", "EntryType", "EntryId") .HasName("files_tag_link_pkey"); b.HasIndex("CreateOn") .HasDatabaseName("create_on_files_tag_link"); b.HasIndex("TenantId", "EntryType", "EntryId") .HasDatabaseName("entry_id"); b.ToTable("files_tag_link", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFilesThirdpartyAccount", b => { b.Property("Id") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("id") .HasAnnotation("Npgsql:ValueGenerationStrategy", NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityByDefaultColumn); b.Property("CreateOn") .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("create_on"); b.Property("FolderId") .HasColumnType("text") .HasColumnName("folder_id"); b.Property("FolderType") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("folder_type"); b.Property("HasLogo") .HasColumnType("boolean") .HasColumnName("has_logo"); b.Property("Password") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(100) .HasColumnType("character varying(100)") .HasColumnName("password"); b.Property("Private") .HasColumnType("boolean") .HasColumnName("private"); b.Property("Provider") .IsRequired() .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasMaxLength(50) .HasColumnType("character varying(50)") .HasColumnName("provider") .HasDefaultValueSql("'0'::character varying"); b.Property("RoomType") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("room_type"); b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("Title") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(400) .HasColumnType("character varying(400)") .HasColumnName("customer_title"); b.Property("Token") .HasColumnType("text") .HasColumnName("token"); b.Property("Url") .HasColumnType("text") .HasColumnName("url"); b.Property("UserId") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("user_id"); b.Property("UserName") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(100) .HasColumnType("character varying(100)") .HasColumnName("user_name"); b.HasKey("Id"); b.HasIndex("TenantId") .HasDatabaseName("tenant_id"); b.ToTable("files_thirdparty_account", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFilesThirdpartyApp", b => { b.Property("UserId") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("user_id"); b.Property("App") .HasMaxLength(50) .HasColumnType("character varying(50)") .HasColumnName("app"); b.Property("ModifiedOn") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("modified_on") .HasDefaultValueSql("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("Token") .HasColumnType("text") .HasColumnName("token"); b.HasKey("UserId", "App") .HasName("files_thirdparty_app_pkey"); b.ToTable("files_thirdparty_app", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFilesThirdpartyIdMapping", b => { b.Property("HashId") .HasMaxLength(32) .HasColumnType("character(32)") .HasColumnName("hash_id") .IsFixedLength(); b.Property("Id") .IsRequired() .HasColumnType("text") .HasColumnName("id"); b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.HasKey("HashId") .HasName("files_thirdparty_id_mapping_pkey"); b.HasIndex("TenantId", "HashId") .HasDatabaseName("index_1"); b.ToTable("files_thirdparty_id_mapping", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFolder", b => { b.Property("Id") .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("id") .HasAnnotation("Npgsql:ValueGenerationStrategy", NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityByDefaultColumn); b.Property("CreateBy") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("create_by") .IsFixedLength(); b.Property("CreateOn") .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("create_on"); b.Property("FilesCount") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("filesCount"); b.Property("FolderType") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("folder_type"); b.Property("FoldersCount") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("foldersCount"); b.Property("HasLogo") .HasColumnType("boolean") .HasColumnName("has_logo"); b.Property("ModifiedBy") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasColumnType("uuid") .HasColumnName("modified_by") .IsFixedLength(); b.Property("ModifiedOn") .HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone") .HasColumnName("modified_on"); b.Property("ParentId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("parent_id"); b.Property("Private") .HasColumnType("boolean") .HasColumnName("private"); b.Property("TenantId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("tenant_id"); b.Property("Title") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(400) .HasColumnType("character varying(400)") .HasColumnName("title"); b.HasKey("Id"); b.HasIndex("ModifiedOn") .HasDatabaseName("modified_on_files_folder"); b.HasIndex("TenantId", "ParentId") .HasDatabaseName("parent_id"); b.ToTable("files_folder", "onlyoffice"); }); modelBuilder.Entity("ASC.Files.Core.EF.DbFolderTree", b => { b.Property("ParentId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("parent_id"); b.Property("FolderId") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("folder_id"); b.Property("Level") .HasColumnType("integer") .HasColumnName("level"); b.HasKey("ParentId", "FolderId") .HasName("files_folder_tree_pkey"); b.HasIndex("FolderId") .HasDatabaseName("folder_id_files_folder_tree"); b.ToTable("files_folder_tree", "onlyoffice"); }); #pragma warning restore 612, 618 } } }