import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import TextInput from "../text-input"; import { Icons } from "../icons"; import IconButton from "../icon-button"; import { StyledInputGroup, StyledChildrenBlock, StyledIconBlock, } from "./styled-input-block"; //const iconNames = Object.keys(Icons); class InputBlock extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } onIconClick = (e) => { if (typeof this.props.onIconClick === "function" && !this.props.isDisabled) this.props.onIconClick(e); }; onChange = (e) => { if (typeof this.props.onChange === "function") this.props.onChange(e); }; render() { let iconButtonSize = 0; const { hasError, hasWarning, isDisabled, scale, size, className, style, children, id, name, type, value, placeholder, tabIndex, maxLength, onBlur, onFocus, onKeyDown, isReadOnly, isAutoFocussed, autoComplete, mask, keepCharPositions, iconName, iconColor, hoverColor, isIconFill, onIconClick, iconSize, theme, forwardedRef, } = this.props; if (typeof iconSize == "number" && iconSize > 0) { iconButtonSize = iconSize; } else { switch (size) { case "base": iconButtonSize = 16; break; case "middle": iconButtonSize = 18; break; case "big": iconButtonSize = 21; break; case "huge": iconButtonSize = 24; break; } } return (
{ //iconNames.includes(iconName) && (
); } } InputBlock.propTypes = { /** Used as HTML `id` property */ id: PropTypes.string, /** Used as HTML `name` property */ name: PropTypes.string, /** Supported type of the input fields. */ type: PropTypes.oneOf(["text", "password"]), /** Define max length of value */ maxLength: PropTypes.number, /** Placeholder text for the input */ placeholder: PropTypes.string, /** Accepts css tab-index */ tabIndex: PropTypes.number, /** input text mask */ mask: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.array, PropTypes.func]), keepCharPositions: PropTypes.bool, /** Supported size of the input fields. */ size: PropTypes.oneOf(["base", "middle", "big", "huge", "large"]), /** Indicates the input field has scale */ scale: PropTypes.bool, /** Called with the new value. Required when input is not read only. Parent should pass it back as `value` */ onChange: PropTypes.func, /** Called when field is blurred */ onBlur: PropTypes.func, /** Called when field is focused */ onFocus: PropTypes.func, /** Focus the input field on initial render */ isAutoFocussed: PropTypes.bool, /** Indicates that the field cannot be used (e.g not authorised, or changes not saved) */ isDisabled: PropTypes.bool, /** Indicates that the field is displaying read-only content */ isReadOnly: PropTypes.bool, /** Indicates the input field has an error */ hasError: PropTypes.bool, /** Indicates the input field has a warning */ hasWarning: PropTypes.bool, /** Used as HTML `autocomplete` */ autoComplete: PropTypes.string, /** Value of the input */ value: PropTypes.string, /** Path to icon */ iconName: PropTypes.string, /** Specifies the icon color */ iconColor: PropTypes.string, /** Icon color on hover action */ hoverColor: PropTypes.string, /** Size icon */ iconSize: PropTypes.number, /** Determines if icon fill is needed */ isIconFill: PropTypes.bool, /**Will be triggered whenever an icon is clicked */ onIconClick: PropTypes.func, children: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.node), PropTypes.node, ]), /** Accepts class */ className: PropTypes.string, /** Accepts css style */ style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]), }; InputBlock.defaultProps = { type: "text", maxLength: 255, size: "base", scale: false, tabIndex: -1, hasError: false, hasWarning: false, autoComplete: "off", value: "", iconName: "", iconColor: "#ffffff", hoverColor: "#ffffff", isIconFill: false, isDisabled: false, keepCharPositions: false, }; export default InputBlock;