import React from 'react'; import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme'; import EmailInput from '.'; import { EmailSettings } from '../../utils/email/'; const baseProps = { id: 'emailInputId', name: 'emailInputName', value: '', size: 'base', scale: false, isDisabled: false, isReadOnly: false, maxLength: 255, placeholder: 'email', onChange: () => jest.fn(), onValidateInput: () => jest.fn() } describe('', () => { it('Faith test', () => { const email = "zzz"; const wrapper = shallow().instance(); expect(wrapper.state.isValidEmail.isValid).toBe(false); }); it('Faith test 2', () => { const email = "zzz"; const wrapper = shallow().instance(); let event = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.onChange(event); expect(wrapper.state.isValidEmail.isValid).toBe(true); event = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.onChange(event); expect(wrapper.state.isValidEmail.isValid).toBe(false); }); it('Faith test 3', () => { const email = "zzz"; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.state().inputValue).toBe(email); wrapper.setProps({ value: 'bar' }); expect(wrapper.state().isValidEmail.isValid).toBe(false); expect(wrapper.state().inputValue).toBe("bar"); }); it('renders without error', () => { const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper).toExist(); }); it('re-render test', () => { const wrapper = shallow().instance(); const shouldUpdate = wrapper.shouldComponentUpdate({ id: 'newEmailInputId', name: 'emailInputName', value: '', size: 'base', scale: false, isDisabled: false, isReadOnly: false, maxLength: 255, placeholder: 'email', onValidateInput: () => jest.fn() }, wrapper.state); expect(shouldUpdate).toBe(true); }); it('re-render after changing emailSettings prop', () => { const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); const wrapper = shallow(); const instance = wrapper.instance(); emailSettings.allowName = true; const shouldUpdate = instance.shouldComponentUpdate({ emailSettings }, wrapper.state); expect(shouldUpdate).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.state('emailSettings')).toBe(emailSettings); }); it('isValidEmail is "false" after deleting value', () => { const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "test" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); expect(wrapper.state().isValidEmail.isValid).toBe(false); const emptyValue = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', emptyValue); expect(wrapper.state().isValidEmail.isValid).toBe(false); }); it('not re-render test', () => { const wrapper = shallow().instance(); const shouldUpdate = wrapper.shouldComponentUpdate(wrapper.props, wrapper.state); expect(shouldUpdate).toBe(false); }); it('passed valid email:', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email:', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email:', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with one-letter local-part:', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email, local domain name with no TLD: admin@mailserver1', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "admin@mailserver1" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email, local domain name with no TLD: admin@mailserver1 (settings: allowLocalDomainName = true)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowLocalDomainName = true; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "admin@mailserver1" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email (one-letter domain name): example@s.example', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "example@s.example" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email (space between the quotes): " "', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: '" "' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email (space between the quotes): " " (settings: allowSpaces = true, allowStrictLocalPart = false)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowSpaces = true; emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: '" "' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email (quoted double dot): "john..doe"', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: '"john..doe"' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email (quoted double dot): "john..doe" (settings: allowSpaces = true, allowStrictLocalPart = false)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowSpaces = true; emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: '"john..doe"' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email (bangified host route used for uucp mailers): mailhost!', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "mailhost!" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email (bangified host route used for uucp mailers): mailhost! (object settings: allowStrictLocalPart = false)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const emailSettings = { allowStrictLocalPart: false } const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "mailhost!" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email (% escaped mail route to via', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with punycode symbols in domain: example@джpумлатест.bрфa', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "example@джpумлатест.bрфa" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with punycode symbols in local part: mañ', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "mañ" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with punycode symbols in local part and domain: mañana@mañ', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "mañana@mañ" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with punycode symbols in local part and domain: mañana@mañ (settings: allowDomainPunycode=true)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowDomainPunycode = true; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "mañana@mañ" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with punycode symbols in local part and domain: mañana@mañ (settings: allowLocalPartPunycode=true)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowLocalPartPunycode = true; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "mañana@mañ" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with punycode symbols in local part and domain: mañana@mañ (settings: allowDomainPunycode=true, allowLocalPartPunycode=true)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowLocalPartPunycode = true; emailSettings.allowDomainPunycode = true; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "mañana@mañ" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with punycode symbols in local part and domain: mañana@mañ (settings: allowDomainPunycode=true, allowLocalPartPunycode=true, allowStrictLocalPart=false)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowLocalPartPunycode = true; emailSettings.allowDomainPunycode = true; emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "mañana@mañ" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with IP address in domain: user@[]', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "user@[]" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with IP address in domain: user@[] (settings: allowDomainIp = true)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const emailSettings = { allowDomainIp: true }; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "user@[]" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with Name (RFC 5322): "Jack Bowman" ', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: '"Jack Bowman" ' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with Name (RFC 5322): "Jack Bowman" (instance of EmailSettings: allowName = true)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowName = true; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: '"Jack Bowman" ' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with Name (RFC 5322): Bob ', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: 'Bob ' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed valid email with Name (RFC 5322): Bob (instance of EmailSettings: allowName = true)', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(true); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowName = true; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: 'Bob ' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed invalid email (no @ character):', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed invalid email (only one @ is allowed outside quotation marks):', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: "" } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed invalid email (none of the special characters in this local-part are allowed outside quotation marks): a"b(c)d,e:f;gi[j\k]', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: 'a"b(c)d,e:f;gi[j\k]' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed invalid email (none of the special characters in this local-part are allowed outside quotation marks): a"b(c)d,e:f;gi[j\k]', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: 'a"b(c)d,e:f;gi[j\k]' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed invalid email (quoted strings must be dot separated or the only element making up the local-part): just"not"', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowSpaces = true; emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: 'just"not"' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed invalid email (spaces, quotes, and backslashes may only exist when within quoted strings and preceded by a backslash): this is"not\', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowSpaces = true; emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: 'this is"not\' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed invalid email (even if escaped (preceded by a backslash), spaces, quotes, and backslashes must still be contained by quotes): this\ still\"not\\', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const emailSettings = new EmailSettings(); emailSettings.allowSpaces = true; emailSettings.allowStrictLocalPart = false; const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: 'this\ still\"not\\' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('passed invalid email (local part is longer than 64 characters):', () => { const onValidateInput = jest.fn(isValidEmail => { expect(isValidEmail.isValid).toEqual(false); }); const wrapper = mount(); const event = { target: { value: '' } }; wrapper.simulate('change', event); }); it('accepts id', () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.prop('id')).toEqual('testId'); }); it('accepts className', () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.prop('className')).toEqual('test'); }); it('accepts style', () => { const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.getDOMNode().style).toHaveProperty('color', 'red'); }); });