// (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022 // // This program is a free software product. // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms // of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software // Foundation. In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended // to the effect that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of // any third-party rights. // // This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, see // the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html // // You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021. // // The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of the Program must // display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. // // Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product logo when // distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to grant you any rights under // trademark law for use of our trademarks. // // All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as well as technical writing // content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 // International. See the License terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode namespace ASC.Core.Common.EF.Model; public class DbTenant : IMapFrom { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Alias { get; set; } public string MappedDomain { get; set; } public int Version { get; set; } public DateTime? Version_Changed { get; set; } public DateTime VersionChanged { get => Version_Changed ?? DateTime.MinValue; set => Version_Changed = value; } public string Language { get; set; } public string TimeZone { get; set; } public string TrustedDomainsRaw { get; set; } public TenantTrustedDomainsType TrustedDomainsEnabled { get; set; } public TenantStatus Status { get; set; } public DateTime? StatusChanged { get; set; } //hack for DateTime? public DateTime StatusChangedHack { get => StatusChanged ?? DateTime.MinValue; set { StatusChanged = value; } } public DateTime CreationDateTime { get; set; } public Guid OwnerId { get; set; } public string PaymentId { get; set; } public TenantIndustry? Industry { get; set; } public DateTime LastModified { get; set; } public bool Spam { get; set; } public bool Calls { get; set; } // public DbTenantPartner Partner { get; set; } public void Mapping(Profile profile) { profile.CreateMap() .ForMember(dest => dest.TrustedDomainsRaw, opt => opt.MapFrom(dest => dest.GetTrustedDomains())) .ForMember(dest => dest.Alias, opt => opt.MapFrom(dest => dest.Alias.ToLowerInvariant())) .ForMember(dest => dest.LastModified, opt => opt.MapFrom(dest => DateTime.UtcNow)) .ForMember(dest => dest.Name, opt => opt.MapFrom(dest => dest.Name ?? dest.Alias)) .ForMember(dest => dest.MappedDomain, opt => opt.MapFrom(dest => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dest.MappedDomain) ? dest.MappedDomain.ToLowerInvariant() : null)); } } public static class DbTenantExtension { public static ModelBuilderWrapper AddDbTenant(this ModelBuilderWrapper modelBuilder) { modelBuilder .Add(MySqlAddDbTenant, Provider.MySql) .Add(PgSqlAddDbTenant, Provider.PostgreSql) .HasData( new DbTenant { Id = 1, Alias = "localhost", Name = "Web Office", CreationDateTime = new DateTime(2021, 3, 9, 17, 46, 59, 97, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddTicks(4317), OwnerId = Guid.Parse("66faa6e4-f133-11ea-b126-00ffeec8b4ef") } ); return modelBuilder; } public static void MySqlAddDbTenant(this ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { //modelBuilder.Entity() // .HasOne(r => r.Partner) // .WithOne(r => r.Tenant) // .HasPrincipalKey(r => new { r.Id }); modelBuilder.Entity(entity => { entity.ToTable("tenants_tenants"); entity.HasIndex(e => e.LastModified) .HasDatabaseName("last_modified"); entity.HasIndex(e => e.MappedDomain) .HasDatabaseName("mappeddomain"); entity.HasIndex(e => e.Version) .HasDatabaseName("version"); entity.Property(e => e.Id).HasColumnName("id"); entity.Property(e => e.Alias) .IsRequired() .HasColumnName("alias") .HasColumnType("varchar(100)") .HasCharSet("utf8") .UseCollation("utf8_general_ci"); entity.Property(e => e.Calls) .HasColumnName("calls") .HasDefaultValueSql("true"); entity.Property(e => e.CreationDateTime) .HasColumnName("creationdatetime") .HasColumnType("datetime"); entity.Property(e => e.Industry).HasColumnName("industry"); entity.Property(e => e.Language) .IsRequired() .HasColumnName("language") .HasColumnType("char(10)") .HasDefaultValueSql("'en-US'") .HasCharSet("utf8") .UseCollation("utf8_general_ci"); entity.Property(e => e.LastModified) .HasColumnName("last_modified") .HasColumnType("timestamp") .HasDefaultValueSql("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); entity.Property(e => e.MappedDomain) .HasColumnName("mappeddomain") .HasColumnType("varchar(100)") .HasCharSet("utf8") .UseCollation("utf8_general_ci"); entity.Property(e => e.Name) .IsRequired() .HasColumnName("name") .HasColumnType("varchar(255)") .HasCharSet("utf8") .UseCollation("utf8_general_ci"); entity.Property(e => e.OwnerId) .HasColumnName("owner_id") .HasColumnType("varchar(38)") .HasCharSet("utf8") .UseCollation("utf8_general_ci"); entity.Property(e => e.PaymentId) .HasColumnName("payment_id") .HasColumnType("varchar(38)") .HasCharSet("utf8") .UseCollation("utf8_general_ci"); entity.Property(e => e.Spam) .HasColumnName("spam") .HasDefaultValueSql("true"); entity.Property(e => e.Status).HasColumnName("status"); entity.Property(e => e.StatusChanged) .HasColumnName("statuschanged") .HasColumnType("datetime"); entity.Property(e => e.TimeZone) .HasColumnName("timezone") .HasColumnType("varchar(50)") .HasCharSet("utf8") .UseCollation("utf8_general_ci"); entity.Property(e => e.TrustedDomainsRaw) .HasColumnName("trusteddomains") .HasColumnType("varchar(1024)") .HasCharSet("utf8") .UseCollation("utf8_general_ci"); entity.Property(e => e.TrustedDomainsEnabled) .HasColumnName("trusteddomainsenabled") .HasDefaultValueSql("'1'"); entity.Property(e => e.Version) .HasColumnName("version") .HasDefaultValueSql("'2'"); entity.Property(e => e.Version_Changed) .HasColumnName("version_changed") .HasColumnType("datetime"); entity.Ignore(c => c.StatusChangedHack); entity.Ignore(c => c.VersionChanged); }); } public static void PgSqlAddDbTenant(this ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { modelBuilder.Entity().Ignore(c => c.StatusChangedHack); modelBuilder.Entity(entity => { entity.ToTable("tenants_tenants", "onlyoffice"); entity.HasIndex(e => e.Alias) .HasDatabaseName("alias") .IsUnique(); entity.HasIndex(e => e.LastModified) .HasDatabaseName("last_modified_tenants_tenants"); entity.HasIndex(e => e.MappedDomain) .HasDatabaseName("mappeddomain"); entity.HasIndex(e => e.Version) .HasDatabaseName("version"); entity.Property(e => e.Id).HasColumnName("id"); entity.Property(e => e.Alias) .IsRequired() .HasColumnName("alias") .HasMaxLength(100); entity.Property(e => e.Calls) .HasColumnName("calls") .HasDefaultValueSql("true"); entity.Property(e => e.CreationDateTime).HasColumnName("creationdatetime"); entity.Property(e => e.Industry).HasColumnName("industry"); entity.Property(e => e.Language) .IsRequired() .HasColumnName("language") .HasMaxLength(10) .IsFixedLength() .HasDefaultValueSql("'en-US'"); entity.Property(e => e.LastModified) .HasColumnName("last_modified") .HasDefaultValueSql("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); entity.Property(e => e.MappedDomain) .HasColumnName("mappeddomain") .HasMaxLength(100) .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); entity.Property(e => e.Name) .IsRequired() .HasColumnName("name") .HasMaxLength(255); entity.Property(e => e.OwnerId) .HasColumnName("owner_id") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); entity.Property(e => e.PaymentId) .HasColumnName("payment_id") .HasMaxLength(38) .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); entity.Property(e => e.Spam) .HasColumnName("spam") .HasDefaultValueSql("true"); entity.Property(e => e.Status).HasColumnName("status"); entity.Property(e => e.StatusChanged).HasColumnName("statuschanged"); entity.Property(e => e.TimeZone) .HasColumnName("timezone") .HasMaxLength(50) .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); entity.Property(e => e.TrustedDomainsRaw) .HasColumnName("trusteddomains") .HasMaxLength(1024) .HasDefaultValueSql("NULL"); entity.Property(e => e.TrustedDomainsEnabled) .HasColumnName("trusteddomainsenabled") .HasDefaultValueSql("1"); entity.Property(e => e.Version) .HasColumnName("version") .HasDefaultValueSql("2"); entity.Property(e => e.Version_Changed).HasColumnName("version_changed"); entity.Ignore(c => c.StatusChangedHack); entity.Ignore(c => c.VersionChanged); }); } }