# ComboBox #### Description Custom combo box input Options have options: key - Item key, may be a string or a number, label - Display text, icon - Optional name of icon that will be displayed before label #### Usage ```js import { ComboBox } from 'asc-web-components'; const options = [ { key: 1, icon: 'CatalogEmployeeIcon', label: 'Option 1' }, { key: 2, icon: 'CatalogGuestIcon', label: 'Option 2', }, { key: 3, label: 'Option 3' }, { key: 4, label: 'Option 4' }, { key: 5, icon: 'CopyIcon', label: 'Option 5' }, { key: 6, label: 'Option 6' }, { key: 7, label: 'Option 7' } ]; console.log('selected', option)} /> ``` #### Properties | Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description | | ---------------------- | ----------------- | :------: | ---------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------- | | `options` | `array` | ✅ | - | - | Combo box options | | `isDisabled` | `bool` | - | - | `false` | Indicates that component is disabled | | `noBorder` | `bool` | - | - | `false` | Indicates that component is displayed without borders | | `selectedOption` | `object` | - | - | - | Selected option | | `onSelect` | `func` | - | - | - | Will be triggered whenever an ComboBox is selected option | | `dropDownMaxHeight` | `string` | - | - | - | Height of Dropdown | | `scaled` | `bool` | - | - | `true` | Indicates that component is scaled by parent | | `size` | `oneOf` | - | `base`, `middle`, `big`, `huge`, `content` | `base` | Select component width, one of default |