import React from "react"; import Box from "../box"; import SnackBar from "./"; export default { title: "Components/SnackBar", component: SnackBar, parameters: { docs: { description: { component: "SnackBar is used for displaying important messages.", }, }, }, argTypes: { onAction: { action: "onAction", }, textColor: { control: "color" }, backgroundColor: { control: "color" }, showIcon: { control: "boolean" }, }, }; const Wrapper = ({ children }) => ( {children} ); const BaseTemplate = (args) => ( alert("OnClose handled!", e)} /> ); export const base = BaseTemplate.bind({}); base.args = { backgroundImg: "", backgroundColor: "#f8f7bf", textColor: "#000", opacity: 1, headerText: "Attention", text: "We apologize for any short-term technical issues in service functioning, that may appear on 22.06.2021 during the update of Onlyoffice Personal.", showIcon: true, fontSize: "13px", fontWeight: "400", textAlign: "left", htmlContent: "", };