# Ignoring node_modules errors due to lack of ability to influence them addFilter(r'node_modules') # Packages use a non-standard user and group for our project directories, but the user and group are created in %pre common addFilter(r' W: non-standard-(uid|gid)') # This is necessary to ensure that all child packages are updated correctly addFilter(r'W: requires-on-release') # The basic documentation comes with the common package addFilter(r'W: no-documentation') # The directory is needed to keep the required data addFilter(r'W: hidden-file-or-dir') # Some packages do not need scriptlets addFilter(r'W: empty-(%preun|%pre|%postun|%post)') # This is implemented for easier updating of the config, in case of adding new data or correcting errors. addFilter(r'W: conffile-without-noreplace-flag') # In our packaging libraries are stored in the catalog of services addFilter(r'E: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath') # The directory is used to store systemd files addFilter(r'W: only-non-binary-in-usr-lib') # Rpmbuild does not support different architectures for child packages addFilter(r'E: no-binary') # There is no manual page for docspace-configuration.sh addFilter(r'W: no-manual-page-for-binary') # Dependency on a non-existent package addFilter(r'E: no-dependency-on locales-api') # Scripts are not designed to be run manually addFilter(r'E: non-executable-script') # docspace-configuration.sh has a permission of 744, so that users do not have the opportunity to run the script addFilter(r'non-standard-executable-perm') # We use this to protect sensitive information (ie passwords) in the config file addFilter(r'non-readable') # No one license from allowed pull AGPLv3, AGPLv3+ worked addFilter(r'W: invalid-license AGPLv3') # Сertain services require write access to the log directory. These services are launched under a user account that is different from the root user. addFilter(r'logrotate-user-writable-log-dir') # The use of the /var/www directory is caused by its past history as the default document root addFilter(r'W: non-standard-dir-in-var www') # Shared libraries centos7-librdkafka.so, libgrpc_csharp_ext.x64.so location of which is hardcoded addFilter(r'W: binary-or-shlib-calls-gethostbyname') # There are the same files, however on a different languages addFilter(r'files-duplicate') # Building a cross-platform project, so those files are arch-independent addFilter(r'arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object') # File is a static library that is used when building our application. # The presence of an executable bit on it is justified, since the object files that are used for linking when building the program are included. # /var/www/docspace/services/ASC.Web.HealthChecks.UI/runtimes/browser-wasm/nativeassets/net7.0/e_sqlite3.a addFilter(r'spurious-executable-perm') addFilter(r'devel-file-in-non-devel-package') # Necessary to resolve a config conflict addFilter(r'dangerous-command-in-%pre')