text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Cancel Access rights & Tags Set up the access rights for the users added via the "Website Contact Form", otherwise all CRM users will see new contacts. Create tags the new clients in the list will be marked with. Portal Access Rights Add new tag Add new task template Add new task template container Add an Option Address Add tag Adding tag Do not show the Linking Contacts dialog again Add task template Add task template container Adding task template container Adding task template Save Save Save Save Save Save Add this task template Add this task template container Basic Information Both Person & Company Change color Do not show the Linking Contacts dialog again Are you sure you want to change the default currency? Change icon Change Logo Checkbox Columns Common Settings Configure the SMTP SMTP server is not configured. Fill in the fields and click Save. You can set up the necessary parameters in the 'Settings' section. Contact Types Creating category Creating temperature level Creating contact type Create user field Creating stage Create field Creating field Create new category New Category Create new contact type New Contact Type Create new stage New Stage Create new field New Field Create new temperature level New Temperature Level Create new tag New Tag Currency Settings User Fields Date Closes opportunity unsuccessfully. Closes opportunity successfully. Default currency Delete category Delete temperature level Delete contact type Delete field The selected field with all the data will be deleted from all contacts where it is present. Are you sure you want to continue? Delete stage Delete tag Category deletion confirmation Delete task template Delete task template container Delete unused tags Description Contact temperature levels let you characterize your potential buyers in a certain way. For instance, the temperature levels can be "Cold", "Hot", "Warm", which will mean the contact's willingness to buy your product. You can edit or delete the contact temperature levels only in case there are no contacts of this level. Contact types let you characterize your contacts in a certain way. The default contact types are "Client", "Competitor", "Partner", "Supplier" which classify the contacts based on their role in relation to the organization. You can edit or delete the contact type only in case there are no contacts of this type. Opportunity stages let you determine steps necessary to complete the deal. For instance, you can add opportunity stages "Commercial offer", "Prepayment", "Execution". Set the necessary order for the opportunity stages dragging them. You can edit or delete the opportunity stage only in case there are no opportunities at this stage. History event categories allow you to split your history events into groups. Standard history event categories are mail, note, phone call, meeting. You need to have administrator rights to be able to edit them. You can edit or delete the history event category only in case there are no history events in this category. Task categories let you divide your tasks into groups depending on the goals you intend to achieve. For instance, a task category can be "Appointment", "Phone call" or "Expression of gratitude". You can edit or delete the task category stage only in case there are no tasks with this category. Offset in days Download all data in one ZIP-archive ZIP archive generation started Link to download the ZIP archive Edit category Edit temperature level Edit contact type Edit field Edit stage Edit «{0}» task category Edit the «{0}» temperature level Edit the "{0}" contact type Edit «{0}» opportunity stage Edit the «{0}» task template Edit the «{0}» task template container Edit task template Edit task template container The user field list is empty User fields let you determine additional information about the client, opportunity or case. For instance, you can add the 'Source' field to specify where the user came from: advertisement, direct sale, etc. You can edit or delete the user field only in case there are no contacts or opportunities with this field value. The tag list is empty The tags can be used to describe and group contacts (both companies and persons), opportunities and cases which have something similar in them. For instance, you can tag all the persons from different companies but from the same sphere of business with a common tag for a better sorting. You can edit or delete the tag only in case there are no contacts, opportunities or cases with this tag. The list of task templates is empty Task templates allow you to create similar tasks inside the CRM module. You can add the tasks to contacts, opportunities or cases with a single mouse click. Select the container to create a task for every container task template. This field must be filled correctly Every field must have a title The field title cannot be empty Export Export of All Data The export function generates a ZIP-archive containing CSV files with all your CRM data (contacts, opportunities, cases, history, etc.) The email with the link to the created archive will be sent to your email address. Generate list for external program Field list Fields selection Select the fields which will be displayed on the form Form source code Use this form on your site Preview This is how the form on your site will look like Form properties Website Contact Form main settings Generate Form Title History Event Categories Internal SMTP ({0} email recipients maximum) Just for company Just for person Title Learn more... Success probability Notify {!users} Select the {!users} who will receive notification when a new contact is added via the "Website Contact Form" Count from the previous task Count from the container start Invoice logo Other fields This is a test mail message created by the ONLYOFFICE™ portal automatically to check the mass mailing feature.\nPlease do not reply to this message.\n\nWe are sorry for any inconveniences caused.\nBest regards,\nPortal {0} administration Delete option Restore to Default Redirection URL The address of your web site where the user will be redirected after the form is filled. Lines Saved Select box Choices Please select a category stage to be replaced with the current category in tasks Customize user fields Settings Set your organization billing address which will be placed to all your invoices. Fill the fields with the {0}Address{1}, {0}City{1}, {0}State{1}, {0}Country{1} and {0}Zip Code{1}. The default {0}logo{1} of your organization will be displayed on your {0}Invoices{1}.{3} To replace the logo click the 'Change Logo' link and select the image stored on your computer to load it to your portal. Please, keep in mind that you can upload an image file in PNG or JPG format not larger than {0}{4}x{5} pixels{1}, otherwise resizing will take place. The maximum image size cannot exceed {0}{2}{1}. Size Send data Tag with this title already exists Task templates Text area Text Title Type Web Form Key A unique web form key which serves for the authentication of the form used to send the data and necessary for the form correct work. This is done for the security reasons to prevent spam, fraud and protect your web form from unauthorized use. When you generate a new key the existing forms with the old key will stop working. Website Contact Form Invalid form key Use the Website Contact Form functionality to build a form that you can publish on your site. It will allow you to capture new contacts automatically. Define the form properties, select the necessary fields and generate the code to create your own web form. Add rate Currency rate Set up the default currency which will be used to calculate the 'Sum total' for all the opportunities present in the CRM module of your portal. The conversion rates are available for currencies from the list only and are taken from the 'The Money Converter.com' web site.{0}This currency will be the currency for your Products & Services catalog which is used to invoice.