import { Meta, Story, ArgsTable, Canvas } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks"; import ComboBox from "./"; import * as stories from "./combobox.stories.js"; # ComboBox Custom combo box input ### Properties ### Base options ### Advanced options ```js import ComboBox from "@appserver/components/combobox"; import NavLogoIcon from "../../../../../public/images/nav.logo.react.svg"; ``` ```js const options = [ { key: 1, icon: "static/images/catalog.employee.react.svg", // optional item label: "Option 1", disabled: false, // optional item onClick: clickFunction, // optional item }, ]; ``` ```jsx console.log("selected", option)} /> ``` Options have options: - key - Item key, may be a string or a number - label - Display text - icon - Optional name of icon that will be displayed before label - disabled - Make option disabled - onClick - On click function ComboBox perceives all property`s for positioning from DropDown! If you need to display a custom list of options, you must use advancedOptions property. Like this: ```js const advancedOptions = ( <> ); ``` ```jsx console.log("Selected option", option)} selectedOption={{ key: 0, label: "Select", }} isDisabled={false} scaled={false} size="content" directionX="right" > ``` To use Combobox as a toggle button, you must declare it according to the parameters: ```jsx ```