import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import React from "react"; import equal from "fast-deep-equal/react"; import ComboButton from "./sub-components/combo-button"; import DropDown from "../drop-down"; import DropDownItem from "../drop-down-item"; import StyledComboBox from "./styled-combobox"; class ComboBox extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.ref = React.createRef(); this.state = { isOpen: props.opened, selectedOption: props.selectedOption, }; } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { const needUpdate = !equal(this.props, nextProps) || !equal(this.state, nextState); return needUpdate; } stopAction = (e) => e.preventDefault(); setIsOpen = (isOpen) => this.setState({ isOpen: isOpen }); handleClickOutside = (e) => { if (this.ref.current.contains( return; this.setState({ isOpen: !this.state.isOpen }, () => { this.props.toggleAction && this.props.toggleAction(e, this.state.isOpen); }); }; comboBoxClick = (e) => { const { disableIconClick, disableItemClick, isDisabled, toggleAction, } = this.props; if ( isDisabled || disableItemClick || (disableIconClick && e &&".optionalBlock")) ) return; this.setState({ isOpen: !this.state.isOpen }, () => { toggleAction && toggleAction(e, this.state.isOpen); }); }; optionClick = (option) => { this.setState({ isOpen: !this.state.isOpen, selectedOption: option, }); this.props.onSelect && this.props.onSelect(option); }; componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.props.opened !== prevProps.opened) { this.setIsOpen(this.props.opened); } if (this.props.selectedOption !== prevProps.selectedOption) { this.setState({ selectedOption: this.props.selectedOption }); } } render() { //console.log("ComboBox render"); const { dropDownMaxHeight, directionX, directionY, scaled, size, options, advancedOptions, isDisabled, children, noBorder, scaledOptions, displayType, toggleAction, textOverflow, showDisabledItems, comboIcon, manualY, manualX, isDefaultMode, manualWidth, displaySelectedOption, fixedDirection, withBlur, fillIcon, isExternalLink, isPersonal, offsetLeft, } = this.props; const { isOpen, selectedOption } = this.state; const dropDownMaxHeightProp = dropDownMaxHeight ? { maxHeight: dropDownMaxHeight } : {}; const dropDownManualWidthProp = scaledOptions && !isDefaultMode ? { manualWidth: "100%" } : scaledOptions && this.ref.current ? { manualWidth: this.ref.current.clientWidth + "px" } : { manualWidth: manualWidth }; const optionsLength = options.length ? options.length : displayType !== "toggle" ? 0 : 1; const withAdvancedOptions = !!advancedOptions?.props.children; return ( 0} optionsLength={optionsLength} withAdvancedOptions={withAdvancedOptions} innerContainer={children} innerContainerClassName="optionalBlock" isOpen={isOpen} size={size} scaled={scaled} comboIcon={comboIcon} fillIcon={fillIcon} /> {displayType !== "toggle" && ( {advancedOptions ? advancedOptions : => { const disabled = option.disabled || (!displaySelectedOption && option.label === selectedOption.label); return ( ); })} )} ); } } ComboBox.propTypes = { /** If you need display options not basic options */ advancedOptions: PropTypes.element, /** Children elements */ children: PropTypes.any, /** Accepts class */ className: PropTypes.string, /** X direction selection */ directionX: PropTypes.oneOf(["left", "right"]), /** Y direction selection */ directionY: PropTypes.oneOf(["bottom", "top", "both"]), /** Component Display Type */ displayType: PropTypes.oneOf(["default", "toggle"]), /** Height of Dropdown */ dropDownMaxHeight: PropTypes.number, /** Display disabled items or not when displayType !== toggle */ showDisabledItems: PropTypes.bool, /** Accepts id */ id: PropTypes.string, /** Indicates that component is disabled */ isDisabled: PropTypes.bool, /** Indicates that component is displayed without borders */ noBorder: PropTypes.bool, /** Will be triggered whenever an ComboBox is selected option */ onSelect: PropTypes.func, /** Tells when a component is open */ opened: PropTypes.bool, /** Combo box options */ options: PropTypes.array.isRequired, /** Indicates that component is scaled by parent */ scaled: PropTypes.bool, /** Indicates that component`s options is scaled by ComboButton */ scaledOptions: PropTypes.bool, /** Selected option */ selectedOption: PropTypes.object.isRequired, /** Select component width, one of default */ size: PropTypes.oneOf(["base", "middle", "big", "huge", "content"]), /** Accepts css style */ style: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]), /** The event will be raised when using `displayType: toggle` when clicking on a component */ toggleAction: PropTypes.func, /** Accepts css text-overflow */ textOverflow: PropTypes.bool, /** Disables clicking on the icon */ disableIconClick: PropTypes.bool, /** Defines the operation mode of the component, by default with the portal */ isDefaultMode: PropTypes.bool, /** Y offset */ offsetDropDownY: PropTypes.string, comboIcon: PropTypes.string, manualY: PropTypes.string, manualX: PropTypes.string, //** Dropdown manual width */ manualWidth: PropTypes.string, displaySelectedOption: PropTypes.bool, fixedDirection: PropTypes.bool, /** Disable clicking on the item */ disableItemClick: PropTypes.bool, fillIcon: PropTypes.bool, isExternalLink: PropTypes.bool, isPersonal: PropTypes.bool, offsetLeft: PropTypes.number, }; ComboBox.defaultProps = { displayType: "default", isDisabled: false, noBorder: false, scaled: true, scaledOptions: false, size: "base", disableIconClick: true, showDisabledItems: false, manualY: "102%", isDefaultMode: true, manualWidth: "200px", displaySelectedOption: false, fixedDirection: false, disableItemClick: false, isExternalLink: false, }; export default ComboBox;