#!/bin/bash set -e cat</dev/null 2>&1; then if [ -z $MYSQL_TEMPORARY_ROOT_PASS ]; then MYSQL="mysql --connect-expired-password -u$MYSQL_SERVER_USER -D mysql"; else MYSQL="mysql --connect-expired-password -u$MYSQL_SERVER_USER -p${MYSQL_TEMPORARY_ROOT_PASS} -D mysql"; fi $MYSQL -e "ALTER USER '${MYSQL_SERVER_USER}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '${MYSQL_TEMPORARY_ROOT_PASS}'" >/dev/null 2>&1 \ || $MYSQL -e "UPDATE user SET plugin='mysql_native_password', authentication_string=PASSWORD('${MYSQL_TEMPORARY_ROOT_PASS}') WHERE user='${MYSQL_SERVER_USER}' and host='localhost';" systemctl restart mysqld fi fi if [ -e /etc/redis.conf ]; then sed -i "s/bind .*/bind" /etc/redis.conf sed -r "/^save\s[0-9]+/d" -i /etc/redis.conf systemctl restart redis fi sed "/host\s*all\s*all\s*127\.0\.0\.1\/32\s*ident$/s|ident$|trust|" -i /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf sed "/host\s*all\s*all\s*::1\/128\s*ident$/s|ident$|trust|" -i /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf for SVC in $package_services; do systemctl start $SVC systemctl enable $SVC done if [ "$DOCUMENT_SERVER_INSTALLED" = "false" ]; then declare -x DS_PORT=8083 DS_RABBITMQ_HOST=localhost; DS_RABBITMQ_USER=guest; DS_RABBITMQ_PWD=guest; DS_REDIS_HOST=localhost; DS_COMMON_NAME=${DS_COMMON_NAME:-"ds"}; DS_DB_HOST=localhost; DS_DB_NAME=$DS_COMMON_NAME; DS_DB_USER=$DS_COMMON_NAME; DS_DB_PWD=$DS_COMMON_NAME; declare -x JWT_ENABLED=true; declare -x JWT_SECRET="$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 12)"; declare -x JWT_HEADER="AuthorizationJwt"; if ! su - postgres -s /bin/bash -c "psql -lqt" | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -q ${DS_DB_NAME}; then su - postgres -s /bin/bash -c "psql -c \"CREATE DATABASE ${DS_DB_NAME};\"" su - postgres -s /bin/bash -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER ${DS_DB_USER} WITH password '${DS_DB_PWD}';\"" su - postgres -s /bin/bash -c "psql -c \"GRANT ALL privileges ON DATABASE ${DS_DB_NAME} TO ${DS_DB_USER};\"" fi ${package_manager} -y install ${package_sysname}-documentserver systemctl restart supervisord expect << EOF set timeout -1 log_user 1 spawn documentserver-configure.sh expect "Configuring database access..." expect -re "Host" send "\025$DS_DB_HOST\r" expect -re "Database name" send "\025$DS_DB_NAME\r" expect -re "User" send "\025$DS_DB_USER\r" expect -re "Password" send "\025$DS_DB_PWD\r" if { "${INSTALLATION_TYPE}" == "ENTERPRISE" || "${INSTALLATION_TYPE}" == "DEVELOPER" } { expect "Configuring redis access..." send "\025$DS_REDIS_HOST\r" } expect "Configuring AMQP access... " expect -re "Host" send "\025$DS_RABBITMQ_HOST\r" expect -re "User" send "\025$DS_RABBITMQ_USER\r" expect -re "Password" send "\025$DS_RABBITMQ_PWD\r" expect eof EOF DOCUMENT_SERVER_INSTALLED="true"; fi NGINX_ROOT_DIR="/etc/nginx" NGINX_WORKER_PROCESSES=${NGINX_WORKER_PROCESSES:-$(grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)}; NGINX_WORKER_CONNECTIONS=${NGINX_WORKER_CONNECTIONS:-$(ulimit -n)}; sed 's/^worker_processes.*/'"worker_processes ${NGINX_WORKER_PROCESSES};"'/' -i ${NGINX_ROOT_DIR}/nginx.conf sed 's/worker_connections.*/'"worker_connections ${NGINX_WORKER_CONNECTIONS};"'/' -i ${NGINX_ROOT_DIR}/nginx.conf if rpm -q "firewalld"; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https systemctl restart firewalld.service fi if [ "$APPSERVER_INSTALLED" = "false" ]; then ${package_manager} install -y ${package_sysname}-appserver.x86_64 if [ "${MYSQL_FIRST_TIME_INSTALL}" = "true" ]; then expect << EOF set timeout -1 log_user 1 spawn appserver-configuration.sh expect -re "Database host:" send "\025$MYSQL_SERVER_HOST\r" expect -re "Database name:" send "\025$MYSQL_SERVER_DB_NAME\r" expect -re "Database user:" send "\025$MYSQL_SERVER_USER\r" expect -re "Database password:" send "\025$MYSQL_TEMPORARY_ROOT_PASS\r" expect eof EOF APPSERVER_INSTALLED="true"; else bash appserver-configuration.sh fi fi echo "" echo "$RES_INSTALL_SUCCESS" echo "$RES_QUESTIONS" echo ""