import React from 'react'; import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'; import { Link } from 'asc-web-components'; import { Container, Row, Col } from 'reactstrap'; const rowStyle = { marginTop: 8, paddingLeft: 20, fontSize: 12 }; const headerStyle = { marginTop: 8, paddingLeft: 20, fontSize: 16, }; const data = [ { key: 'key1', label: 'Base button1', onClick: () => console.log('Base button1 clicked') }, { key: 'key2', label: 'Base button2', onClick: () => console.log('Base button2 clicked') }, { key: 'key3', isSeparator: true }, { key: 'key4', label: 'Base button3', onClick: () => console.log('Base button3 clicked') } ]; storiesOf('Components|Link', module) .addParameters({ viewport: { defaultViewport: 'responsive' } }) .addParameters({ options: { showAddonPanel: false } }) .add('all', () => ( <> Page links: Action links: Another using of action links: Bold black page link Bold black action link Simple dropdown Black page link Black action link Gray dropdown and dotted appear after hover Black hovered page link Black hovered action link Gray page link Gray action link Gray hovered page link Gray hovered action link Blue page link Blue action link Blue hovered page link Blue hovered action link Semitransparent black page link Semitransparent black action link ));