#!/bin/bash # # (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2021 # # This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) # version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with # Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect # that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement # of any third-party rights. # # This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For # details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html # # You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha # street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050. # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions # of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under # Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3. # # Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product # logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to # grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks. # # All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as # well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the # Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License # terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode # PACKAGE_SYSNAME="onlyoffice" PRODUCT_NAME="DocSpace" PRODUCT=$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< ${PRODUCT_NAME}) BASE_DIR="/app/$PACKAGE_SYSNAME"; STATUS="" DOCKER_TAG="" GIT_BRANCH="master" INSTALLATION_TYPE="ENTERPRISE" IMAGE_NAME="${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}/${PRODUCT}-api" CONTAINER_NAME="${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}-api" NETWORK_NAME=${PACKAGE_SYSNAME} SWAPFILE="/${PRODUCT}_swapfile"; MAKESWAP="true"; DISK_REQUIREMENTS=40960; MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS=8192; CORE_REQUIREMENTS=4; DIST=""; REV=""; KERNEL=""; INSTALL_REDIS="true"; INSTALL_RABBITMQ="true"; INSTALL_MYSQL_SERVER="true"; INSTALL_DOCUMENT_SERVER="true"; INSTALL_ELASTICSEARCH="true"; INSTALL_PRODUCT="true"; UPDATE="false"; HUB=""; USERNAME=""; PASSWORD=""; MYSQL_VERSION="" MYSQL_DATABASE="" MYSQL_USER="" MYSQL_PASSWORD="" MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="" MYSQL_HOST="" MYSQL_PORT="" DATABASE_MIGRATION="true" ELK_VERSION="" ELK_SHEME="" ELK_HOST="" ELK_PORT="" REDIS_HOST="" REDIS_PORT="" REDIS_USER_NAME="" REDIS_PASSWORD="" RABBIT_HOST="" RABBIT_PORT="" RABBIT_USER_NAME="" RABBIT_PASSWORD="" DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME="" DOCUMENT_SERVER_VERSION="" DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET="" DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER="" DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL="" APP_CORE_BASE_DOMAIN="" APP_CORE_MACHINEKEY="" ENV_EXTENSION="" HELP_TARGET="install-Docker.sh"; SKIP_HARDWARE_CHECK="false"; EXTERNAL_PORT="80" while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in -u | --update ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then UPDATE=$2 shift fi ;; -hub | --hub ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then HUB=$2 shift fi ;; -un | --username ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then USERNAME=$2 shift fi ;; -p | --password ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then PASSWORD=$2 shift fi ;; -ids | --installdocspace ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then INSTALL_PRODUCT=$2 shift fi ;; -idocs | --installdocs ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then INSTALL_DOCUMENT_SERVER=$2 shift fi ;; -imysql | --installmysql ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then INSTALL_MYSQL_SERVER=$2 shift fi ;; -irbt | --installrabbitmq ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then INSTALL_RABBITMQ=$2 shift fi ;; -irds | --installredis ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then INSTALL_REDIS=$2 shift fi ;; -ht | --helptarget ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then HELP_TARGET=$2 shift fi ;; -mysqld | --mysqldatabase ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then MYSQL_DATABASE=$2 shift fi ;; -mysqlrp | --mysqlrootpassword ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$2 shift fi ;; -mysqlu | --mysqluser ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then MYSQL_USER=$2 shift fi ;; -mysqlh | --mysqlhost ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then MYSQL_HOST=$2 shift fi ;; -mysqlport | --mysqlport ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then MYSQL_PORT=$2 shift fi ;; -mysqlp | --mysqlpassword ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then MYSQL_PASSWORD=$2 shift fi ;; -espr | --elasticprotocol ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then ELK_SHEME=$2 shift fi ;; -esh | --elastichost ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then ELK_HOST=$2 shift fi ;; -esp | --elasticport ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then ELK_PORT=$2 shift fi ;; -skiphc | --skiphardwarecheck ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then SKIP_HARDWARE_CHECK=$2 shift fi ;; -ep | --externalport ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then EXTERNAL_PORT=$2 shift fi ;; -dsh | --docspacehost ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then APP_URL_PORTAL=$2 shift fi ;; -mk | --machinekey ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then APP_CORE_MACHINEKEY=$2 shift fi ;; -env | --environment ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then ENV_EXTENSION=$2 shift fi ;; -s | --status ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then STATUS=$2 IMAGE_NAME="${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}/${STATUS}${PRODUCT}-api" shift fi ;; -ls | --localscripts ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then shift fi ;; -dsv | --docspaceversion ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then DOCKER_TAG=$2 shift fi ;; -gb | --gitbranch ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then PARAMETERS="$PARAMETERS ${1}"; GIT_BRANCH=$2 shift fi ;; -docsi | --docsimage ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME=$2 shift fi ;; -docsv | --docsversion ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_VERSION=$2 shift fi ;; -docsurl | --docsurl ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL=$2 shift fi ;; -dbm | --databasemigration ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then DATABASE_MIGRATION=$2 shift fi ;; -jh | --jwtheader ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER=$2 shift fi ;; -js | --jwtsecret ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET=$2 shift fi ;; -it | --installation_type ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then INSTALLATION_TYPE=$(echo "$2" | awk '{print toupper($0)}'); shift fi ;; -ms | --makeswap ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then MAKESWAP=$2 shift fi ;; -ies | --installelastic ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then INSTALL_ELASTICSEARCH=$2 shift fi ;; -rdsh | --redishost ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then REDIS_HOST=$2 shift fi ;; -rdsp | --redisport ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then REDIS_PORT=$2 shift fi ;; -rdsu | --redisusername ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then REDIS_USER_NAME=$2 shift fi ;; -rdspass | --redispassword ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then REDIS_PASSWORD=$2 shift fi ;; -rbth | --rabbitmqhost ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then RABBIT_HOST=$2 shift fi ;; -rbtp | --rabbitmqport ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then RABBIT_PORT=$2 shift fi ;; -rbtu | --rabbitmqusername ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then RABBIT_USER_NAME=$2 shift fi ;; -rbtpass | --rabbitmqpassword ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then RABBIT_PASSWORD=$2 shift fi ;; -rbtvh | --rabbitmqvirtualhost ) if [ "$2" != "" ]; then RABBIT_VIRTUAL_HOST=$2 shift fi ;; -? | -h | --help ) echo " Usage: bash $HELP_TARGET [PARAMETER] [[PARAMETER], ...]" echo echo " Parameters:" echo " -hub, --hub dockerhub name" echo " -un, --username dockerhub username" echo " -p, --password dockerhub password" echo " -it, --installation_type installation type (community|enterprise)" echo " -skiphc, --skiphardwarecheck skip hardware check (true|false)" echo " -u, --update use to update existing components (true|false)" echo " -ids, --installdocspace install or update $PRODUCT (true|false)" echo " -dsv, --docspaceversion select the $PRODUCT version" echo " -dsh, --docspacehost $PRODUCT host" echo " -env, --environment $PRODUCT environment" echo " -mk, --machinekey setting for core.machinekey" echo " -ep, --externalport external $PRODUCT port (default value 80)" echo " -idocs, --installdocs install or update document server (true|false)" echo " -docsi, --docsimage document server image name" echo " -docsv, --docsversion document server version" echo " -docsurl, --docsurl $PACKAGE_SYSNAME docs server address (example http://$PACKAGE_SYSNAME-docs-address:8083)" echo " -jh, --jwtheader defines the http header that will be used to send the JWT" echo " -js, --jwtsecret defines the secret key to validate the JWT in the request" echo " -irbt, --installrabbitmq install or update rabbitmq (true|false)" echo " -irds, --installredis install or update redis (true|false)" echo " -imysql, --installmysql install or update mysql (true|false)" echo " -ies, --installelastic install or update elasticsearch (true|false)" echo " -espr, --elasticprotocol the protocol for the connection to elasticsearch (default value http)" echo " -esh, --elastichost the IP address or hostname of the elasticsearch" echo " -esp, --elasticport elasticsearch port number (default value 6379)" echo " -rdsh, --redishost the IP address or hostname of the redis server" echo " -rdsp, --redisport redis server port number (default value 9200)" echo " -rdsu, --redisusername redis user name" echo " -rdspass, --redispassword password set for redis account" echo " -rbth, --rabbitmqhost the IP address or hostname of the rabbitmq server" echo " -rbtp, --rabbitmqport rabbitmq server port number (default value 5672)" echo " -rbtu, --rabbitmqusername username for rabbitmq server account" echo " -rbtpass, --rabbitmqpassword password set for rabbitmq server account" echo " -rbtvh, --rabbitmqvirtualhost rabbitmq virtual host (default value \"/\")" echo " -mysqlrp, --mysqlrootpassword mysql server root password" echo " -mysqld, --mysqldatabase $PRODUCT database name" echo " -mysqlu, --mysqluser $PRODUCT database user" echo " -mysqlp, --mysqlpassword $PRODUCT database password" echo " -mysqlh, --mysqlhost mysql server host" echo " -mysqlport, --mysqlport mysql server port number (default value 3306)" echo " -dbm, --databasemigration database migration (true|false)" echo " -ms, --makeswap make swap file (true|false)" echo " -?, -h, --help this help" echo echo " Install all the components without document server:" echo " bash $HELP_TARGET -idocs false" echo echo " Install Document Server only. Skip the installation of mysql, $PRODUCT, rabbitmq, redis:" echo " bash $HELP_TARGET -ids false -idocs true -imysql false -irbt false -irds false" echo echo " Update all installed components. Stop the containers that need to be updated, remove them and run the latest versions of the corresponding components." echo " The portal data should be picked up automatically:" echo " bash $HELP_TARGET -u true" echo echo " Update Document Server only to version and skip the update for all other components:" echo " bash $HELP_TARGET -u true -docsi ${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}/documentserver-ee -docsv -idocs true -ids false -irbt false -irds false" echo echo " Update $PRODUCT only to version 1.2.0 and skip the update for all other components:" echo " bash $HELP_TARGET -u true -dsv v1.2.0 -idocs false -irbt false -irds false" echo exit 0 ;; * ) echo "Unknown parameter $1" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac shift done root_checking () { if [ ! $( id -u ) -eq 0 ]; then echo "To perform this action you must be logged in with root rights" exit 1; fi } command_exists () { type "$1" &> /dev/null; } file_exists () { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "file path is empty" exit 1; fi if [ -f "$1" ]; then return 0; #true else return 1; #false fi } to_lowercase () { echo "$1" | awk '{print tolower($0)}' } trim () { echo -e "$1" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' } get_random_str () { LENGTH=$1; if [[ -z ${LENGTH} ]]; then LENGTH=12; fi VALUE=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c ${LENGTH}); echo "$VALUE" } get_os_info () { OS=`to_lowercase \`uname\`` if [ "${OS}" == "windowsnt" ]; then echo "Not supported OS"; exit 1; elif [ "${OS}" == "darwin" ]; then echo "Not supported OS"; exit 1; else OS=`uname` if [ "${OS}" == "SunOS" ] ; then echo "Not supported OS"; exit 1; elif [ "${OS}" == "AIX" ] ; then echo "Not supported OS"; exit 1; elif [ "${OS}" == "Linux" ] ; then MACH=`uname -m` if [ "${MACH}" != "x86_64" ]; then echo "Currently only supports 64bit OS's"; exit 1; fi KERNEL=`uname -r` if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then CONTAINS=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | { grep -sw release || true; }); if [[ -n ${CONTAINS} ]]; then DIST=`cat /etc/redhat-release |sed s/\ release.*//` REV=`cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -oP '(?<=release )\d+'` else DIST=`cat /etc/os-release | grep -sw 'ID' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'` REV=`cat /etc/os-release | grep -sw 'VERSION_ID' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'` fi elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] ; then REV=`cat /etc/os-release | grep '^VERSION_ID' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'` DIST='SuSe' elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then REV=`cat /etc/debian_version` DIST='Debian' if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] ; then DIST=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep '^DISTRIB_ID' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'` REV=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep '^DISTRIB_RELEASE' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'` elif [ -f /etc/lsb_release ] || [ -f /usr/bin/lsb_release ] ; then DIST=`lsb_release -a 2>&1 | grep 'Distributor ID:' | awk -F ":" '{print $2 }'` REV=`lsb_release -a 2>&1 | grep 'Release:' | awk -F ":" '{print $2 }'` fi elif [ -f /etc/os-release ] ; then DIST=`cat /etc/os-release | grep -sw 'ID' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'` REV=`cat /etc/os-release | grep -sw 'VERSION_ID' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'` fi fi DIST=$(trim $DIST); REV=$(trim $REV); fi } check_os_info () { if [[ -z ${KERNEL} || -z ${DIST} || -z ${REV} ]]; then echo "$KERNEL, $DIST, $REV"; echo "Not supported OS"; exit 1; fi if [ -f /etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf ]; then sed -e "s_#\$nrconf{restart}_\$nrconf{restart}_" -e "s_\(\$nrconf{restart} =\).*_\1 'a';_" -i /etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf fi } check_kernel () { MIN_NUM_ARR=(3 10 0); CUR_NUM_ARR=(); CUR_STR_ARR=$(echo $KERNEL | grep -Po "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" | tr "." " "); for CUR_STR_ITEM in $CUR_STR_ARR do CUR_NUM_ARR=(${CUR_NUM_ARR[@]} $CUR_STR_ITEM) done INDEX=0; while [[ $INDEX -lt 3 ]]; do if [ ${CUR_NUM_ARR[INDEX]} -lt ${MIN_NUM_ARR[INDEX]} ]; then echo "Not supported OS Kernel" exit 1; elif [ ${CUR_NUM_ARR[INDEX]} -gt ${MIN_NUM_ARR[INDEX]} ]; then INDEX=3 fi (( INDEX++ )) done } check_hardware () { AVAILABLE_DISK_SPACE=$(df -m / | tail -1 | awk '{ print $4 }'); if [ ${AVAILABLE_DISK_SPACE} -lt ${DISK_REQUIREMENTS} ]; then echo "Minimal requirements are not met: need at least $DISK_REQUIREMENTS MB of free HDD space" exit 1; fi TOTAL_MEMORY=$(free -m | grep -oP '\d+' | head -n 1); if [ ${TOTAL_MEMORY} -lt ${MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS} ]; then echo "Minimal requirements are not met: need at least $MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS MB of RAM" exit 1; fi CPU_CORES_NUMBER=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l); if [ ${CPU_CORES_NUMBER} -lt ${CORE_REQUIREMENTS} ]; then echo "The system does not meet the minimal hardware requirements. CPU with at least $CORE_REQUIREMENTS cores is required" exit 1; fi } install_service () { local COMMAND_NAME=$1 local PACKAGE_NAME=$2 PACKAGE_NAME=${PACKAGE_NAME:-"$COMMAND_NAME"} if command_exists apt-get; then apt-get -y update -qq apt-get -y -q install $PACKAGE_NAME elif command_exists yum; then yum -y install $PACKAGE_NAME fi if ! command_exists $COMMAND_NAME; then echo "command $COMMAND_NAME not found" exit 1; fi } install_docker_compose () { curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest/download/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/bin/docker-compose chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose } check_ports () { RESERVED_PORTS=(); ARRAY_PORTS=(); USED_PORTS=""; if ! command_exists netstat; then install_service netstat net-tools fi if [ "${EXTERNAL_PORT//[0-9]}" = "" ]; then for RESERVED_PORT in "${RESERVED_PORTS[@]}" do if [ "$RESERVED_PORT" -eq "$EXTERNAL_PORT" ] ; then echo "External port $EXTERNAL_PORT is reserved. Select another port" exit 1; fi done else echo "Invalid external port $EXTERNAL_PORT" exit 1; fi if [ "$INSTALL_PRODUCT" == "true" ]; then ARRAY_PORTS=(${ARRAY_PORTS[@]} "$EXTERNAL_PORT"); fi for PORT in "${ARRAY_PORTS[@]}" do REGEXP=":$PORT$" CHECK_RESULT=$(netstat -lnt | awk '{print $4}' | { grep $REGEXP || true; }) if [[ $CHECK_RESULT != "" ]]; then if [[ $USED_PORTS != "" ]]; then USED_PORTS="$USED_PORTS, $PORT" else USED_PORTS="$PORT" fi fi done if [[ $USED_PORTS != "" ]]; then echo "The following TCP Ports must be available: $USED_PORTS" exit 1; fi } check_docker_version () { CUR_FULL_VERSION=$(docker -v | cut -d ' ' -f3 | cut -d ',' -f1); CUR_VERSION=$(echo $CUR_FULL_VERSION | cut -d '-' -f1); CUR_EDITION=$(echo $CUR_FULL_VERSION | cut -d '-' -f2); if [ "${CUR_EDITION}" == "ce" ] || [ "${CUR_EDITION}" == "ee" ]; then return 0; fi if [ "${CUR_VERSION}" != "${CUR_EDITION}" ]; then echo "Unspecific docker version" exit 1; fi MIN_NUM_ARR=(1 10 0); CUR_NUM_ARR=(); CUR_STR_ARR=$(echo $CUR_VERSION | grep -Po "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" | tr "." " "); for CUR_STR_ITEM in $CUR_STR_ARR do CUR_NUM_ARR=(${CUR_NUM_ARR[@]} $CUR_STR_ITEM) done INDEX=0; while [[ $INDEX -lt 3 ]]; do if [ ${CUR_NUM_ARR[INDEX]} -lt ${MIN_NUM_ARR[INDEX]} ]; then echo "The outdated Docker version has been found. Please update to the latest version." exit 1; elif [ ${CUR_NUM_ARR[INDEX]} -gt ${MIN_NUM_ARR[INDEX]} ]; then return 0; fi (( INDEX++ )) done } install_docker_using_script () { if ! command_exists curl ; then install_service curl fi curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh sh get-docker.sh rm get-docker.sh } install_docker () { if [ "${DIST}" == "Ubuntu" ] || [ "${DIST}" == "Debian" ] || [[ "${DIST}" == CentOS* ]] || [ "${DIST}" == "Fedora" ]; then install_docker_using_script systemctl start docker systemctl enable docker elif [ "${DIST}" == "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" ]; then echo "" echo "Your operating system does not allow Docker CE installation." echo "You can install Docker EE using the manual here - https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/rhel/" echo "" exit 1; elif [ "${DIST}" == "SuSe" ]; then echo "" echo "Your operating system does not allow Docker CE installation." echo "You can install Docker EE using the manual here - https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/suse/" echo "" exit 1; elif [ "${DIST}" == "altlinux" ]; then apt-get -y install docker-io chkconfig docker on service docker start systemctl enable docker else echo "" echo "Docker could not be installed automatically." echo "Please use this official instruction https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/other/ for its manual installation." echo "" exit 1; fi if ! command_exists docker ; then echo "error while installing docker" exit 1; fi } docker_login () { if [[ -n ${USERNAME} && -n ${PASSWORD} ]]; then docker login ${HUB} --username ${USERNAME} --password ${PASSWORD} fi } create_network () { EXIST=$(docker network ls | awk '{print $2;}' | { grep -x ${NETWORK_NAME} || true; }); if [[ -z ${EXIST} ]]; then docker network create --driver bridge ${NETWORK_NAME} fi } read_continue_installation () { read -p "Continue installation [Y/N]? " CHOICE_INSTALLATION case "$CHOICE_INSTALLATION" in y|Y ) return 0 ;; n|N ) exit 0; ;; * ) echo "Please, enter Y or N"; read_continue_installation ;; esac } domain_check () { if ! command_exists dig; then install_service dig dnsutils fi if ! command_exists ping; then if command_exists apt-get; then install_service ping iputils-ping elif command_exists yum; then install_service ping iputils fi fi if ! command_exists ip; then if command_exists apt-get; then install_service ip iproute2 elif command_exists yum; then install_service ip iproute fi fi DOMAINS=$(dig +short -x $(curl -s ifconfig.me) | sed 's/\.$//') if [[ -n "$DOMAINS" ]]; then while IFS= read -r DOMAIN; do IP_ADDRESS=$(ping -c 1 -W 1 $DOMAIN | grep -oP '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)' | head -n 1) if [[ -n "$IP_ADDRESS" && "$IP_ADDRESS" =~ ^(10\.|127\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.|192\.168\.) ]]; then LOCAL_RESOLVED_DOMAINS+="$DOMAIN" elif [[ -n "$IP_ADDRESS" ]]; then APP_URL_PORTAL=${APP_URL_PORTAL-:"http://${DOMAIN}:${EXTERNAL_PORT}"} fi done <<< "$DOMAINS" fi if [[ -n "$LOCAL_RESOLVED_DOMAINS" ]] || [[ $(ip route get | awk '{print $7}') != $(curl -s ifconfig.me) ]]; then DOCKER_DAEMON_FILE="/etc/docker/daemon.json" if ! grep -q '"dns"' "$DOCKER_DAEMON_FILE" 2>/dev/null; then echo "A problem was detected for ${LOCAL_RESOLVED_DOMAINS[@]} domains when using a loopback IP address or when using NAT." echo "Select 'Y' to continue installing with configuring the use of external IP in Docker via Google Public DNS." echo "Select 'N' to cancel ${PACKAGE_SYSNAME^^} ${PRODUCT_NAME} installation." if read_continue_installation; then if [[ -f "$DOCKER_DAEMON_FILE" ]]; then sed -i '/{/a\ "dns": ["", ""],' "$DOCKER_DAEMON_FILE" else echo "{\"dns\": [\"\", \"\"]}" | tee "$DOCKER_DAEMON_FILE" >/dev/null fi systemctl restart docker fi fi fi } establish_conn() { echo -n "Trying to establish $3 connection... " exec {FD}<> /dev/tcp/$1/$2 && exec {FD}>&- if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then echo "FAILURE"; exit 1; fi echo "OK" } get_container_env_parameter () { local CONTAINER_NAME=$1; local PARAMETER_NAME=$2; if [[ -z ${CONTAINER_NAME} ]]; then echo "Empty container name" exit 1; fi if [[ -z ${PARAMETER_NAME} ]]; then echo "Empty parameter name" exit 1; fi if command_exists docker ; then CONTAINER_EXIST=$(docker ps -aqf "name=$CONTAINER_NAME"); if [[ -n ${CONTAINER_EXIST} ]]; then VALUE=$(docker inspect --format='{{range .Config.Env}}{{println .}}{{end}}' ${CONTAINER_NAME} | grep "${PARAMETER_NAME}=" | sed 's/^.*=//'); fi if [ -z $VALUE ] && [ -f $BASE_DIR/.env ]; then VALUE=$(awk -F= "/${PARAMETER_NAME}/ {print \$2}" $BASE_DIR/.env | tr -d '\r') fi fi echo ${VALUE//\"} } get_available_version () { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "image name is empty"; exit 1; fi if ! command_exists curl ; then install_curl; fi CREDENTIALS=""; AUTH_HEADER=""; TAGS_RESP=""; if [[ -n ${HUB} ]]; then DOCKER_CONFIG="$HOME/.docker/config.json"; if [[ -f "$DOCKER_CONFIG" ]]; then CREDENTIALS=$(jq -r '.auths."'$HUB'".auth' < "$DOCKER_CONFIG"); if [ "$CREDENTIALS" == "null" ]; then CREDENTIALS=""; fi fi if [[ -z ${CREDENTIALS} && -n ${USERNAME} && -n ${PASSWORD} ]]; then CREDENTIALS=$(echo -n "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" | base64); fi if [[ -n ${CREDENTIALS} ]]; then AUTH_HEADER="Authorization: Basic $CREDENTIALS"; fi REPO=$(echo $1 | sed "s/$HUB\///g"); TAGS_RESP=$(curl -s -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X GET https://$HUB/v2/$REPO/tags/list); TAGS_RESP=$(echo $TAGS_RESP | jq -r '.tags') else if [[ -n ${USERNAME} && -n ${PASSWORD} ]]; then CREDENTIALS="{\"username\":\"$USERNAME\",\"password\":\"$PASSWORD\"}"; fi if [[ -n ${CREDENTIALS} ]]; then LOGIN_RESP=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "$CREDENTIALS" https://hub.docker.com/v2/users/login/); TOKEN=$(echo $LOGIN_RESP | jq -r '.token'); AUTH_HEADER="Authorization: JWT $TOKEN"; sleep 1; fi TAGS_RESP=$(curl -s -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X GET https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/$1/tags/); TAGS_RESP=$(echo $TAGS_RESP | jq -r '.results[].name') fi VERSION_REGEX="[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$" TAG_LIST="" for item in $TAGS_RESP do if [[ $item =~ $VERSION_REGEX ]]; then TAG_LIST="$item,$TAG_LIST" fi done LATEST_TAG=$(echo $TAG_LIST | tr ',' '\n' | sort -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n | awk '/./{line=$0} END{print line}'); echo "$LATEST_TAG" | sed "s/\"//g" } set_url_external () { DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL=${DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL")}; if [[ ! -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL} ]] && [[ $DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL =~ ^(https?://)?([^:/]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)?$ ]]; then [[ -z ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ]] && DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL="http://$DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL" DOCUMENT_SERVER_HOST="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" DOCUMENT_SERVER_PORT="${BASH_REMATCH[4]:-"80"}" fi } set_jwt_secret () { CURRENT_JWT_SECRET=""; if [[ -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET} ]]; then CURRENT_JWT_SECRET=$(get_container_env_parameter "${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}-document-server" "JWT_SECRET"); if [[ -n ${CURRENT_JWT_SECRET} ]]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET="$CURRENT_JWT_SECRET"; fi fi if [[ -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET} ]]; then CURRENT_JWT_SECRET=$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET"); if [[ -n ${CURRENT_JWT_SECRET} ]]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET="$CURRENT_JWT_SECRET"; fi fi if [[ -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET} ]] && [ -f $BASE_DIR/.env ]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET=$(sed -n "/.*DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET=/s///p" $BASE_DIR/.env) fi if [[ -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET} ]]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET=$(get_random_str 32); fi } set_jwt_header () { CURRENT_JWT_HEADER=""; if [[ -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER} ]]; then CURRENT_JWT_HEADER=$(get_container_env_parameter "${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}-document-server" "JWT_HEADER"); if [[ -n ${CURRENT_JWT_HEADER} ]]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER="$CURRENT_JWT_HEADER"; fi fi if [[ -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER} ]]; then CURRENT_JWT_HEADER=$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER"); if [[ -n ${CURRENT_JWT_HEADER} ]]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER="$CURRENT_JWT_HEADER"; fi fi if [[ -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER} ]] && [ -f $BASE_DIR/.env ]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER=$(sed -n "/.*DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER=/s///p" $BASE_DIR/.env) fi if [[ -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER} ]]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER="AuthorizationJwt" fi } set_core_machinekey () { if [[ -z ${APP_CORE_MACHINEKEY} ]]; then CURRENT_CORE_MACHINEKEY=$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "APP_CORE_MACHINEKEY"); if [[ -n ${CURRENT_CORE_MACHINEKEY} ]]; then APP_CORE_MACHINEKEY="$CURRENT_CORE_MACHINEKEY"; fi fi if [[ -z ${APP_CORE_MACHINEKEY} ]] && [[ "$UPDATE" != "true" ]]; then APP_CORE_MACHINEKEY=$(get_random_str 12); fi } set_mysql_params () { if [[ -z ${MYSQL_PASSWORD} ]]; then MYSQL_PASSWORD=$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "MYSQL_PASSWORD"); if [[ -z ${MYSQL_PASSWORD} ]]; then MYSQL_PASSWORD=$(get_random_str 20); fi fi if [[ -z ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} ]]; then MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"); if [[ -z ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} ]]; then MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_PASSWORD:-$(get_random_str 20)}; fi fi if [[ -z ${MYSQL_DATABASE} ]]; then MYSQL_DATABASE=$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "MYSQL_DATABASE"); fi if [[ -z ${MYSQL_USER} ]]; then MYSQL_USER=$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "MYSQL_USER"); fi if [[ -z ${MYSQL_HOST} ]]; then MYSQL_HOST=$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "MYSQL_HOST"); fi if [[ -z ${MYSQL_PORT} ]]; then MYSQL_PORT=$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "MYSQL_PORT"); fi } set_docspace_params() { ENV_EXTENSION=${ENV_EXTENSION:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "ENV_EXTENSION")}; APP_CORE_BASE_DOMAIN=${APP_CORE_BASE_DOMAIN:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "APP_CORE_BASE_DOMAIN")}; APP_URL_PORTAL=${APP_URL_PORTAL:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "APP_URL_PORTAL")}; ELK_SHEME=${ELK_SHEME:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "ELK_SHEME")}; ELK_HOST=${ELK_HOST:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "ELK_HOST")}; ELK_PORT=${ELK_PORT:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "ELK_PORT")}; REDIS_HOST=${REDIS_HOST:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "REDIS_HOST")}; REDIS_PORT=${REDIS_PORT:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "REDIS_PORT")}; REDIS_USER_NAME=${REDIS_USER_NAME:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "REDIS_USER_NAME")}; REDIS_PASSWORD=${REDIS_PASSWORD:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "REDIS_PASSWORD")}; RABBIT_HOST=${RABBIT_HOST:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "RABBIT_HOST")}; RABBIT_PORT=${RABBIT_PORT:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "RABBIT_PORT")}; RABBIT_USER_NAME=${RABBIT_USER_NAME:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "RABBIT_USER_NAME")}; RABBIT_PASSWORD=${RABBIT_PASSWORD:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "RABBIT_PASSWORD")}; RABBIT_VIRTUAL_HOST=${RABBIT_VIRTUAL_HOST:-$(get_container_env_parameter "${CONTAINER_NAME}" "RABBIT_VIRTUAL_HOST")}; [ -f ${BASE_DIR}/${PRODUCT}.yml ] && EXTERNAL_PORT=$(grep -oP '(?<=- ).*?(?=:8092)' ${BASE_DIR}/${PRODUCT}.yml) } set_installation_type_data () { if [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE" == "COMMUNITY" ]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME:-"${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}/${STATUS}documentserver"} elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE" == "ENTERPRISE" ]; then DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME:-"${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}/${STATUS}documentserver-ee"} fi } download_files () { if ! command_exists svn; then install_service svn subversion fi if ! command_exists jq ; then if command_exists yum; then rpm -ivh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-$REV.noarch.rpm fi install_service jq fi if ! command_exists docker-compose; then install_docker_compose fi HOSTS=("ELK_HOST" "REDIS_HOST" "RABBIT_HOST" "MYSQL_HOST"); for HOST in "${HOSTS[@]}"; do [[ "${!HOST}" == *CONTAINER_PREFIX* || "${!HOST}" == *$PACKAGE_SYSNAME* ]] && export "$HOST="; done svn export --force https://github.com/${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}/${PRODUCT}/branches/${GIT_BRANCH}/build/install/docker/ ${BASE_DIR} reconfigure STATUS ${STATUS} reconfigure INSTALLATION_TYPE ${INSTALLATION_TYPE} reconfigure NETWORK_NAME ${NETWORK_NAME} } reconfigure () { local VARIABLE_NAME="$1" local VARIABLE_VALUE="$2" if [[ -n ${VARIABLE_VALUE} ]]; then sed -i "s~${VARIABLE_NAME}=.*~${VARIABLE_NAME}=${VARIABLE_VALUE}~g" $BASE_DIR/.env fi } install_mysql_server () { reconfigure DATABASE_MIGRATION ${DATABASE_MIGRATION} reconfigure MYSQL_DATABASE ${MYSQL_DATABASE} reconfigure MYSQL_USER ${MYSQL_USER} reconfigure MYSQL_PASSWORD ${MYSQL_PASSWORD} reconfigure MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} if [[ -z ${MYSQL_HOST} ]] && [ "$INSTALL_MYSQL_SERVER" == "true" ]; then reconfigure MYSQL_VERSION ${MYSQL_VERSION} docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/db.yml up -d elif [ ! -z "$MYSQL_HOST" ]; then establish_conn ${MYSQL_HOST} "${MYSQL_PORT:-"3306"}" "MySQL" reconfigure MYSQL_HOST ${MYSQL_HOST} reconfigure MYSQL_PORT "${MYSQL_PORT:-"3306"}" fi } install_document_server () { reconfigure DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_HEADER} reconfigure DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_JWT_SECRET} if [[ -z ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_HOST} ]] && [ "$INSTALL_DOCUMENT_SERVER" == "true" ]; then reconfigure DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME "${DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCUMENT_SERVER_VERSION:-$(get_available_version "$DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME")}" docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/ds.yml up -d elif [ ! -z "$DOCUMENT_SERVER_HOST" ]; then APP_URL_PORTAL=${APP_URL_PORTAL:-"http://$(curl -s ifconfig.me):${EXTERNAL_PORT}"} establish_conn ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_HOST} ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_PORT} "${PACKAGE_SYSNAME^^} Docs" reconfigure DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL} reconfigure DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_PUBLIC ${DOCUMENT_SERVER_URL_EXTERNAL} fi } install_rabbitmq () { if [[ -z ${RABBIT_HOST} ]] && [ "$INSTALL_RABBITMQ" == "true" ]; then docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/rabbitmq.yml up -d elif [ ! -z "$RABBIT_HOST" ]; then establish_conn ${RABBIT_HOST} "${RABBIT_PORT:-"5672"}" "RabbitMQ" reconfigure RABBIT_HOST ${RABBIT_HOST} reconfigure RABBIT_PORT "${RABBIT_PORT:-"5672"}" reconfigure RABBIT_USER_NAME ${RABBIT_USER_NAME} reconfigure RABBIT_PASSWORD ${RABBIT_PASSWORD} reconfigure RABBIT_VIRTUAL_HOST "${RABBIT_VIRTUAL_HOST:-"/"}" fi } install_redis () { if [[ -z ${REDIS_HOST} ]] && [ "$INSTALL_REDIS" == "true" ]; then docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/redis.yml up -d elif [ ! -z "$REDIS_HOST" ]; then establish_conn ${REDIS_HOST} "${REDIS_PORT:-"6379"}" "Redis" reconfigure REDIS_HOST ${REDIS_HOST} reconfigure REDIS_PORT "${REDIS_PORT:-"6379"}" reconfigure REDIS_USER_NAME ${REDIS_USER_NAME} reconfigure REDIS_PASSWORD ${REDIS_PASSWORD} fi } install_elasticsearch () { if [[ -z ${ELK_HOST} ]] && [ "$INSTALL_ELASTICSEARCH" == "true" ]; then if [ $(free -m | grep -oP '\d+' | head -n 1) -gt "12228" ]; then #RAM ~12Gb sed -i 's/Xms[0-9]g/Xms4g/g; s/Xmx[0-9]g/Xmx4g/g' $BASE_DIR/elasticsearch.yml else sed -i 's/Xms[0-9]g/Xms1g/g; s/Xmx[0-9]g/Xmx1g/g' $BASE_DIR/elasticsearch.yml fi reconfigure ELK_VERSION ${ELK_VERSION} docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/elasticsearch.yml up -d elif [ ! -z "$ELK_HOST" ]; then establish_conn ${ELK_HOST} "${ELK_PORT:-"9200"}" "Elasticsearch" reconfigure ELK_SHEME "${ELK_SHEME:-"http"}" reconfigure ELK_HOST ${ELK_HOST} reconfigure ELK_PORT "${ELK_PORT:-"9200"}" fi } install_product () { DOCKER_TAG="${DOCKER_TAG:-$(get_available_version ${IMAGE_NAME})}" reconfigure DOCKER_TAG ${DOCKER_TAG} [ "${UPDATE}" = "true" ] && LOCAL_CONTAINER_TAG="$(docker inspect --format='{{index .Config.Image}}' ${CONTAINER_NAME} | awk -F':' '{print $2}')" if [ "${UPDATE}" = "true" ] && [ "${LOCAL_CONTAINER_TAG}" != "${DOCKER_TAG}" ]; then docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/build.yml pull docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/migration-runner.yml -f $BASE_DIR/notify.yml -f $BASE_DIR/healthchecks.yml down docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/${PRODUCT}.yml down --volumes fi reconfigure ENV_EXTENSION ${ENV_EXTENSION} reconfigure APP_CORE_MACHINEKEY ${APP_CORE_MACHINEKEY} reconfigure APP_CORE_BASE_DOMAIN ${APP_CORE_BASE_DOMAIN} reconfigure APP_URL_PORTAL "${APP_URL_PORTAL:-"http://${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}-proxy:8092"}" [[ -n $EXTERNAL_PORT ]] && sed -i "s/8092:8092/${EXTERNAL_PORT}:8092/g" $BASE_DIR/${PRODUCT}.yml docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/migration-runner.yml up -d docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/${PRODUCT}.yml up -d docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/notify.yml up -d docker-compose -f $BASE_DIR/healthchecks.yml up -d } make_swap () { DISK_REQUIREMENTS=6144; #6Gb free space MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS=11000; #RAM ~12Gb AVAILABLE_DISK_SPACE=$(df -m / | tail -1 | awk '{ print $4 }'); TOTAL_MEMORY=$(free -m | grep -oP '\d+' | head -n 1); EXIST=$(swapon -s | awk '{ print $1 }' | { grep -x ${SWAPFILE} || true; }); if [[ -z $EXIST ]] && [ ${TOTAL_MEMORY} -lt ${MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS} ] && [ ${AVAILABLE_DISK_SPACE} -gt ${DISK_REQUIREMENTS} ]; then if [ "${DIST}" == "Ubuntu" ] || [ "${DIST}" == "Debian" ]; then fallocate -l 6G ${SWAPFILE} else dd if=/dev/zero of=${SWAPFILE} count=6144 bs=1MiB fi chmod 600 ${SWAPFILE} mkswap ${SWAPFILE} swapon ${SWAPFILE} echo "$SWAPFILE none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi } start_installation () { root_checking set_installation_type_data get_os_info check_os_info check_kernel if [ "$UPDATE" != "true" ]; then check_ports fi if [ "$SKIP_HARDWARE_CHECK" != "true" ]; then check_hardware fi if [ "$MAKESWAP" == "true" ]; then make_swap fi if command_exists docker ; then check_docker_version service docker start else install_docker fi docker_login create_network domain_check if [ "$UPDATE" = "true" ]; then set_docspace_params fi set_url_external set_jwt_secret set_jwt_header set_core_machinekey set_mysql_params download_files install_mysql_server install_document_server install_rabbitmq install_redis install_elasticsearch if [ "$INSTALL_PRODUCT" == "true" ]; then install_product fi echo "" echo "Thank you for installing ${PACKAGE_SYSNAME^^} ${PRODUCT_NAME}." echo "In case you have any questions contact us via http://support.${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}.com or visit our forum at http://forum.${PACKAGE_SYSNAME}.com" echo "" exit 0; } start_installation