text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Validation code field cannot be empty Enter mobile phone number Validation code field cannot be empty Administrator Notifications Your message was successfully sent. You will be contacted by the portal administrator. A link to confirm the operation has been sent to :email (the email address of the portal owner). S3 accesskey Rackspace apiKey Selectel authPwd Selectel authUser Bitly login apiKey Enable this application to shorten portal invitation links and shared links in the Documents module with the Bitly service. If you add the Bitly service you will get shortened links to invite new users to the ONLYOFFICE™ portal and shortened links to documents in the Documents module that have been shared with external users. Box Key Box ID Box Key Connect the application to manage Box files and folders. If you add an application of the Box service you will be able to connect your Box account in the Documents module. This will allow to upload and create new files in Box, edit existing ones, copy and delete them, share files and folders with ONLYOFFICE™ portal users. Clickatell apiKey Enable the application for the two-factor authentication via Clickatell. Adding the Clickatell service application you will be able to enable the two-factor authentication and receive an SMS with a code allowing the user to enter ONLYOFFICE portal. DocuSign DocuSign Key DocuSign Secret Connect the application to add the DocuSign electronic sign to documents. DocuSign authentication endpoint If you add an application of the DocuSign service you will be able to sign files from the Documents module. This will allow to send a file for electronic signature to the ONLYOFFICE™ portal employees via the DocuSugn service. The signed file will be saved in the ONLYOFFICE™ Documents module. DropBox Enable the application to manage Dropbox files and folders. If you add an application of the Dropbox service you will be able to connect your Dropbox account in the Documents module. This will allow to upload and create new files in Dropbox, edit existing ones, copy and delete them, share files and folders with ONLYOFFICE™ portal users. DropBox ID DropBox Key EasyBib App key Enable this application to create bibliographic lists in documents with EasyBib. When you add the EasyBib application, you can easily create bibliographic lists in your documents. Facebook App Token Facebook ID Facebook Key Enable the application to sign in to the portal using a Facebook account and search for contacts. If you add an application of the Facebook service you will be able to connect your Facebook account on your profile page so that you can sign in to the ONLYOFFICE™ portal using it. You will also be able to find a Facebook account of a contact in the CRM module and link it on the 'Edit person/company' page. Firebase Web API key Server key Sender ID Project ID Connect Firebase Cloud Messaging service to receive notifications about the messages sent to you. If you connect Firebase Cloud Messaging you will be able to receive notifications about the messages sent to you even when you are offline. Google Key Google ID Google Key Google Cloud Storage Bucket Enter the name of the Google Cloud bucket where you want to store your backups. Connect Google Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal. When you add Google Cloud Storage service to your portal, you can use it to create backups of your portal making sure no data will be ever lost. Use it also to store data and static content from your portal. GoogleCloud json Connect the project to sign in to the portal using a Google account and manage Google Drive files and folders. If you add a project of the Google service you will be able to connect your Google account on your profile page so that you can sign in to the ONLYOFFICE™ portal using it as well as connect your Google Drive account in the Documents module. This will allow to upload and create new files in Google Drive, edit existing ones, copy and delete them, share files and folders with ONLYOFFICE™ portal users. Linkedin Key Enable the application to sign in to the portal using a LinkedIn account. If you add an application of the LinkedIn service you will be able to connect your LinkedIn account on your profile page so that you can sign in to the ONLYOFFICE™ portal using it. Linkedin ID Linkedin Key Mail.ru ID Secret key Enable the application to sign in to the portal using a Mail.ru account. When you add the Mail.ru application you can enable signing in to the portal using the Mail.ru account on your profile page. Rackspace Cloud Storage Connect Rackspace Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal. When you add Rackspace Cloud Storage service to your portal, you can use it to create backups of your portal making sure no data will be ever lost. Use it also to store data and static content from your portal. Private Container Enter the URL address of the Rackspace private container where you want to store your backups. Public Container Enter the URL address of the Rackspace public container where you want to store your backups. Region Enter the region where your Rackspace containers are located. Amazon AWS S3 Bucket Enter the unique name of the Amazon bucket where you want to store your backups. Connect Amazon AWS S3 to backup and store data from your portal. When you add Amazon AWS S3 to your portal, you can use it to create backups of your portal making sure no data will be ever lost. Use it also to store data and static content from your portal. Region Enter the AWS region where your Amazon bucket resides. S3 secret access key Selectel Cloud Storage Password to access the storage Auth User When you add Selectel Cloud Storage service to your portal, you can use it to create backups of your portal making sure no data will be ever lost. Use it also to store data and static content from your portal. Connect Selectel Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal. Private container Enter the name of the Selectel private container where you want to store your backups. Public container Enter the name of the Selectel public container where you want to store your backups. OneDrive OneDrive ID OneDrive Key Enable the application to manage OneDrive files and folders. If you add an application of the OneDrive service you will be able to connect your OneDrive account in the Documents module. This will allow to upload and create new files in OneDrive, edit existing ones, copy and delete them, share files and folders with ONLYOFFICE™ portal users. SMS Center Enable the application for the two-factor authentication via SMS Center. Adding the SMS Center service application you will be able to enable the two-factor authentication and receive an SMS with a code allowing the user to enter ONLYOFFICE portal. SMS Center application is useful as a provider for CIS countries. Login Password or password MD5 hash in lowercase Twilio Account Sid Auth Token Enable this application to call CRM contacts with Twilio. After you add Twilio, you will be able to call any CRM contact right from the browser. Phone number from Twilio (required for SMS authorization) Twitter Key Access Token Access Token Secret Enable the application to sign in to the portal using a Twitter account and search for contacts. If you add an application of the Twitter service you will be able to connect your Twitter account on your profile page so that you can sign in to the ONLYOFFICE™ portal using it. You will also be able to find a Twitter account of a person in the CRM module and link it on the 'Edit person/company' page and then view Twitter news feed. Twitter ID Twitter Key Rackspace username VK Application ID Secret key Enable the application to sign in to the portal using a VK account. When you add the VK application you can enable signing in to the portal using the VK account on your profile page. WordPress Enable the application to publish documents directly in WordPress. Adding the WordPress application you can easily publish the documents on your WordPress website, saving their formatting. WordPress Key WordPress Secret Yahoo Client ID Client Secret Enable the application to import users from the Yahoo service. Adding the Yahoo service application you will be able to add ONLYOFFICE portal new users from the contact list. Yandex ID Password Enable the application to sign in to the portal using a Yandex account. When you add the Yandex application you can enable signing in to the portal using the Yandex account on your profile page. Password recovery operation is prohibited for an LDAP user Password recovery operation is prohibited for an SSO user Custom Incorrect email address Incorrect promo code These settings have been successfully saved No permissions to perform this action The access to the portal is restricted. Bad keys Your profile is suspended {!User} with this email is already registered Emails from this domain are not allowed for registration Email field is empty The current email and the new email are the same Message text is empty The uploaded file could not be found Image file size is too large Incorrect firstname or lastname Your pricing plan does not support this option Incorrect email Invalid domain name The password is empty. from {0} to {1} characters Password must contain The password must contain digits special characters capital letters Request limit is exceeded The user could not be found The user with "{0}" email could not be found EU (Ireland) Region The maximum file size is exceeded Note: the file size cannot exceed {1}{0}{2} bytes,KB,MB,GB,TB The link to confirm your account has been sent to the specified email The server could not save settings. Too many LDAP operations. License is not correct License has expired The number of portals exceeds the one allowed by the license The number of users exceeds the one allowed by the license Uploaded successfully Uploaded successfully. {0}Support and updates are not available for this license since {2}.{1} The email change instructions have been successfuly sent The password change instructions have been sent to the {0} email address. To change the number, you need to delete your current phone number ORG Region Disk space quota exceeded Portal Access Profile has been removed Data reassign process for {0} is not complete. Asia Pacific (Singapore) Incorrect code Code: {0} Time to use the code has expired. Please request a new text message. SMS settings are not available You have sent too many text messages. Please try again later. Could not save settings Settings could not be null Invalid binding: {0} Invalid entityID Invalid fields mapping Welcome Page settings have been successfully saved Settings have been successfully updated Instructions to delete your profile has been sent to {0} email address Incorrect code TFA application settings are not available You have sent too many text messages. Please try again later. US West (Oregon) Region What's New