{ "CreateRoom": "Create room", "ChooseRoomType": "Choose room type", "RoomEditing": "Room editing", "FillingFormsRoomTitle": "Filling forms room", "CollaborationRoomTitle": "Collaboration room", "ReviewRoomTitle": "Review room", "ViewOnlyRoomTitle": "View-only room", "CustomRoomTitle": "Custom room", "FillingFormsRoomDescription": "Build, share and fill document templates or work with the ready presets to quickly create documents of any type", "CollaborationRoomDescription": "Collaborate on one or multiple documents with your team", "ReviewRoomDescription": "Request a review or comments on the documents", "ViewOnlyRoomDescription": "Share any ready documents, reports, documentation, and other files for viewing", "CustomRoomDescription": "Apply your own settings to use this room for any custom purpose", "NamePlaceholder": "Enter name", "TagsPlaceholder": "Add a tag", "CreateTagOption": "Create tag", "MakeRoomPrivateTitle": "Make the Room Private", "MakeRoomPrivateDescription": "All files in this room will be encrypted", "StorageLocationTitle": "Storage location", "StorageLocationDescription": "Use third-party services as data storage for this room", "StorageLocationRememberChoice": "Remember this choice for new rooms", "FolderNameTitle": "Folder Name", "FolderNameDescription": "A new folder for storing this room’s data will be created in the connected storage" }