# Link ## Usage ```js import { Link } from 'asc-web-components'; ``` #### Description It is a link with 2 types: 1) page - simple link which refer to other pages and parts of current page; 2) action - link, which usually hasn`t hyperlink and do anything on click - open dropdown, filter data. etc #### Usage ```js Bold page link ``` #### Properties (common) | Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description | | ------------------ | -------- | :------: | --------------------------- | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | `type` | `oneOf` | - | action, page | `page` | Type of link | | `color` | `oneOf` | - | gray, black, blue, filter, profile| `black` | Color of link in all states - hover, active, visited | | `fontSize` | `string` | - | - | `12px` | Font size of link | | `href` | `string` | - | - | `javascript:void(0)` | Hyperlink, usually used in *page* type | | `isBold` | `bool` | - | - | `false` | Set font weight | | `title` | `string` | - | - | - | Title of link | | `target` | `oneOf` | - | _blank, _self, _parent, _top | - | The *target* attribute specifies where the linked document will open when the link is clicked. | | `rel` | `string` | - | - | 'noopener noreferrer' if target === '_blank' | The *rel* attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. Only used if the href attribute is present. | | `isTextOverflow` | `bool` | - | - | `true` |Activate or deactivate *text-overflow* CSS property with ellipsis (' … ') value | | `isHovered` | `bool` | - | - | `false` | Show hovered state of link. Only for demo | | `onClick` | `func` | - | - | - | What the link will trigger when clicked. Usually use in *action* type | #### Properties (only for \'action\' type of link) | Props | Type | Required | Values | Default | Description | | ------------------ | -------- | :------: | --------------------------- | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | `isDotted` | `bool` | - | - | - | Add dots decoration under link in usual and visited state | | `isHoverDotted` | `bool` | - | - | - | Add dots decoration under link in hovered state | | `isDropdown` | `bool` | - | - | - | Add dropdown | | `dropdownType` | `oneOf` | - | filter, menu, none | `none` | Type of dropdown | | `dropdownColor` | `oneOf` | - | filter, profile, sorting,number,email, group| `filter` | Color of dropdown | | `dropdownRightIndent` | `string` | - | - | `-10px` | The right property affects the horizontal position of a dropdown | | `displayDropdownAfterHover` | `bool` | - | - | `false` | Set appearance dropdown icon when hover |