import React from 'react'; import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'; import withReadme from 'storybook-readme/with-readme'; import Readme from './'; import { Paging } from 'asc-web-components'; import Section from '../../../.storybook/decorators/section'; storiesOf('Components|Paging', module) .addDecorator(withReadme(Readme)) .add('base', () => { const pageItems = [ { label: '1 of 5', onClick: () => console.log('set paging 1 of 5') }, { label: '2 of 5', onClick: () => console.log('set paging 2 of 5') }, { label: '3 of 5', onClick: () => console.log('set paging 3 of 5') }, { label: '4 of 5', onClick: () => console.log('set paging 4 of 5') }, { label: '5 of 5', onClick: () => console.log('set paging 5 of 5') } ]; const perPageItems = [ { label: '25 per page', onClick: () => console.log('set paging 25 action') }, { label: '50 per page', onClick: () => console.log('set paging 50 action') }, { label: '100 per page', onClick: () => console.log('set paging 100 action') } ]; return (
console.log('Prev')} nextAction={ () => console.log('Next')} />
) });