
592 lines
16 KiB

// (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022
// This program is a free software product.
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation. In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended
// to the effect that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of
// any third-party rights.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty
// the GNU AGPL at:
// You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021.
// The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of the Program must
// display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
// Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product logo when
// distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to grant you any rights under
// trademark law for use of our trademarks.
// All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as well as technical writing
// content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
// International. See the License terms at
namespace ASC.MessagingSystem.Core;
public enum MessageAction
None = -1,
#region Login
LoginSuccess = 1000,
LoginSuccessViaSocialAccount = 1001,
LoginSuccessViaSms = 1007,
LoginSuccessViaApi = 1010,
LoginSuccessViaSocialApp = 1011,
LoginSuccessViaApiSms = 1012,
LoginSuccessViaApiTfa = 1024,
LoginSuccessViaApiSocialAccount = 1019,
LoginSuccessViaSSO = 1015,
LoginSuccesViaTfaApp = 1021,
LoginFailViaSSO = 1018,
LoginFailInvalidCombination = 1002,
LoginFailSocialAccountNotFound = 1003,
LoginFailDisabledProfile = 1004,
LoginFail = 1005,
LoginFailViaSms = 1008,
LoginFailViaApi = 1013,
LoginFailViaApiSms = 1014,
LoginFailViaApiTfa = 1025,
LoginFailViaApiSocialAccount = 1020,
LoginFailViaTfaApp = 1022,
LoginFailIpSecurity = 1009,
LoginFailBruteForce = 1023,
LoginFailRecaptcha = 1026, // last login
Logout = 1006,
SessionStarted = 1016,
SessionCompleted = 1017,
#region Projects
ProjectCreated = 2000,
ProjectCreatedFromTemplate = 2001,
ProjectUpdated = 2002,
ProjectUpdatedStatus = 2003,
ProjectFollowed = 2004,
ProjectUnfollowed = 2005,
ProjectDeleted = 2006,
ProjectDeletedMember = 2007,
ProjectUpdatedTeam = 2008,
ProjectUpdatedMemberRights = 2009,
ProjectLinkedCompany = 2010,
ProjectUnlinkedCompany = 2011,
ProjectLinkedPerson = 2012,
ProjectUnlinkedPerson = 2013,
ProjectLinkedContacts = 2014,
MilestoneCreated = 2015,
MilestoneUpdated = 2016,
MilestoneUpdatedStatus = 2017,
MilestoneDeleted = 2018,
TaskCreated = 2019,
TaskCreatedFromDiscussion = 2020,
TaskUpdated = 2021,
TaskUpdatedStatus = 2022,
TaskMovedToMilestone = 2023,
TaskUnlinkedMilestone = 2024,
TaskUpdatedFollowing = 2025,
TaskAttachedFiles = 2026,
TaskDetachedFile = 2027,
TasksLinked = 2028,
TasksUnlinked = 2029,
TaskDeleted = 2030,
TaskCommentCreated = 2031,
TaskCommentUpdated = 2032,
TaskCommentDeleted = 2033,
SubtaskCreated = 2034,
SubtaskUpdated = 2035,
SubtaskUpdatedStatus = 2036,
SubtaskDeleted = 2037,
SubtaskMoved = 2058,
DiscussionCreated = 2038,
DiscussionUpdated = 2039,
DiscussionUpdatedFollowing = 2040,
DiscussionAttachedFiles = 2041,
DiscussionDetachedFile = 2042,
DiscussionDeleted = 2043,
DiscussionCommentCreated = 2044,
DiscussionCommentUpdated = 2045,
DiscussionCommentDeleted = 2046,
TaskTimeCreated = 2047,
TaskTimeUpdated = 2048,
TaskTimesUpdatedStatus = 2049,
TaskTimesDeleted = 2050,
ReportTemplateCreated = 2051,
ReportTemplateUpdated = 2052,
ReportTemplateDeleted = 2053,
ProjectTemplateCreated = 2054,
ProjectTemplateUpdated = 2055,
ProjectTemplateDeleted = 2056,
ProjectsImportedFromBasecamp = 2057,
#region CRM
CompanyCreated = 3000,
CompanyCreatedWithWebForm = 3157,
CompanyUpdated = 3001,
CompanyUpdatedPrincipalInfo = 3002,
CompanyUpdatedPhoto = 3003,
CompanyUpdatedTemperatureLevel = 3004,
CompanyUpdatedPersonsTemperatureLevel = 3005,
CompanyCreatedTag = 3006,
CompanyCreatedPersonsTag = 3007,
CompanyDeletedTag = 3008,
CompanyCreatedHistoryEvent = 3009,
CompanyDeletedHistoryEvent = 3010,
CompanyLinkedPerson = 3011,
CompanyUnlinkedPerson = 3012,
CompanyLinkedProject = 3013,
CompanyUnlinkedProject = 3014,
CompanyAttachedFiles = 3015,
CompanyDetachedFile = 3159,
CompaniesMerged = 3016,
CompanyDeleted = 3017,
PersonCreated = 3018,
PersonCreatedWithWebForm = 3158,
PersonsCreated = 3019,
PersonUpdated = 3020,
PersonUpdatedPrincipalInfo = 3021,
PersonUpdatedPhoto = 3022,
PersonUpdatedTemperatureLevel = 3023,
PersonUpdatedCompanyTemperatureLevel = 3024,
PersonCreatedTag = 3025,
PersonCreatedCompanyTag = 3026,
PersonDeletedTag = 3027,
PersonCreatedHistoryEvent = 3028,
PersonDeletedHistoryEvent = 3029,
PersonLinkedProject = 3030,
PersonUnlinkedProject = 3031,
PersonAttachedFiles = 3032,
PersonDetachedFile = 3160,
PersonsMerged = 3033,
PersonDeleted = 3034,
ContactsDeleted = 3035,
CrmTaskCreated = 3036,
ContactsCreatedCrmTasks = 3037,
CrmTaskUpdated = 3038,
CrmTaskOpened = 3039,
CrmTaskClosed = 3040,
CrmTaskDeleted = 3041,
OpportunityCreated = 3042,
OpportunityUpdated = 3043,
OpportunityUpdatedStage = 3044,
OpportunityCreatedTag = 3045,
OpportunityDeletedTag = 3046,
OpportunityCreatedHistoryEvent = 3047,
OpportunityDeletedHistoryEvent = 3048,
OpportunityLinkedCompany = 3049,
OpportunityUnlinkedCompany = 3050,
OpportunityLinkedPerson = 3051,
OpportunityUnlinkedPerson = 3052,
OpportunityAttachedFiles = 3053,
OpportunityDetachedFile = 3161,
OpportunityOpenedAccess = 3054,
OpportunityRestrictedAccess = 3055,
OpportunityDeleted = 3056,
OpportunitiesDeleted = 3057,
InvoiceCreated = 3058,
InvoiceUpdated = 3059,
InvoicesUpdatedStatus = 3060,
InvoiceDeleted = 3061,
InvoicesDeleted = 3062,
CaseCreated = 3063,
CaseUpdated = 3064,
CaseOpened = 3065,
CaseClosed = 3066,
CaseCreatedTag = 3067,
CaseDeletedTag = 3068,
CaseCreatedHistoryEvent = 3069,
CaseDeletedHistoryEvent = 3070,
CaseLinkedCompany = 3071,
CaseUnlinkedCompany = 3072,
CaseLinkedPerson = 3073,
CaseUnlinkedPerson = 3074,
CaseAttachedFiles = 3075,
CaseDetachedFile = 3162,
CaseOpenedAccess = 3076,
CaseRestrictedAccess = 3077,
CaseDeleted = 3078,
CasesDeleted = 3079,
CrmSmtpSettingsUpdated = 3080,
CrmTestMailSent = 3081,
CrmDefaultCurrencyUpdated = 3082,
CrmAllDataExported = 3083,
ContactTemperatureLevelCreated = 3084,
ContactTemperatureLevelUpdated = 3085,
ContactTemperatureLevelUpdatedColor = 3086,
ContactTemperatureLevelsUpdatedOrder = 3087,
ContactTemperatureLevelDeleted = 3088,
ContactTemperatureLevelSettingsUpdated = 3089,
ContactTypeCreated = 3090,
ContactTypeUpdated = 3091,
ContactTypesUpdatedOrder = 3092,
ContactTypeDeleted = 3093,
InvoiceItemCreated = 3094,
InvoiceItemUpdated = 3095,
InvoiceItemDeleted = 3096,
InvoiceItemsDeleted = 3097,
InvoiceTaxCreated = 3098,
InvoiceTaxUpdated = 3099,
InvoiceTaxDeleted = 3100,
CurrencyRateUpdated = 3163,
InvoiceDefaultTermsUpdated = 3164,
InvoiceDownloaded = 3165,
CrmSmtpMailSent = 3166,
OrganizationProfileUpdatedCompanyName = 3101,
OrganizationProfileUpdatedInvoiceLogo = 3102,
OrganizationProfileUpdatedAddress = 3103,
InvoiceNumberFormatUpdated = 3104,
ContactUserFieldCreated = 3105,
ContactUserFieldUpdated = 3106,
ContactUserFieldsUpdatedOrder = 3107,
ContactUserFieldDeleted = 3108,
CompanyUserFieldCreated = 3109,
CompanyUserFieldUpdated = 3110,
CompanyUserFieldsUpdatedOrder = 3111,
CompanyUserFieldDeleted = 3112,
PersonUserFieldCreated = 3113,
PersonUserFieldUpdated = 3114,
PersonUserFieldsUpdatedOrder = 3115,
PersonUserFieldDeleted = 3116,
OpportunityUserFieldCreated = 3117,
OpportunityUserFieldUpdated = 3118,
OpportunityUserFieldsUpdatedOrder = 3119,
OpportunityUserFieldDeleted = 3120,
CaseUserFieldCreated = 3121,
CaseUserFieldUpdated = 3122,
CaseUserFieldsUpdatedOrder = 3123,
CaseUserFieldDeleted = 3124,
HistoryEventCategoryCreated = 3125,
HistoryEventCategoryUpdated = 3126,
HistoryEventCategoryUpdatedIcon = 3127,
HistoryEventCategoriesUpdatedOrder = 3128,
HistoryEventCategoryDeleted = 3129,
CrmTaskCategoryCreated = 3130,
CrmTaskCategoryUpdated = 3131,
CrmTaskCategoryUpdatedIcon = 3132,
CrmTaskCategoriesUpdatedOrder = 3133,
CrmTaskCategoryDeleted = 3134,
OpportunityStageCreated = 3135,
OpportunityStageUpdated = 3136,
OpportunityStageUpdatedColor = 3137,
OpportunityStagesUpdatedOrder = 3138,
OpportunityStageDeleted = 3139,
ContactsCreatedTag = 3140,
ContactsDeletedTag = 3141,
OpportunitiesCreatedTag = 3142,
OpportunitiesDeletedTag = 3143,
CasesCreatedTag = 3144,
CasesDeletedTag = 3145,
ContactsTagSettingsUpdated = 3146,
WebsiteContactFormUpdatedKey = 3147,
ContactsImportedFromCSV = 3148,
CrmTasksImportedFromCSV = 3149,
OpportunitiesImportedFromCSV = 3150,
CasesImportedFromCSV = 3151,
ContactsExportedToCsv = 3152,
CrmTasksExportedToCsv = 3153,
OpportunitiesExportedToCsv = 3154,
CasesExportedToCsv = 3155,
#region People
UserCreated = 4000,
GuestCreated = 4001,
UserCreatedViaInvite = 4002,
GuestCreatedViaInvite = 4003,
UserActivated = 4004,
GuestActivated = 4005,
UserUpdated = 4006,
UserUpdatedMobileNumber = 4029,
UserUpdatedLanguage = 4007,
UserAddedAvatar = 4008,
UserDeletedAvatar = 4009,
UserUpdatedAvatarThumbnails = 4010,
UserLinkedSocialAccount = 4011,
UserUnlinkedSocialAccount = 4012,
UserConnectedTfaApp = 4032,
UserDisconnectedTfaApp = 4033,
UserSentActivationInstructions = 4013,
UserSentEmailChangeInstructions = 4014,
UserSentPasswordChangeInstructions = 4015,
UserSentDeleteInstructions = 4016,
UserUpdatedEmail = 5047,
UserUpdatedPassword = 4017,
UserDeleted = 4018,
UsersUpdatedType = 4019,
UsersUpdatedStatus = 4020,
UsersSentActivationInstructions = 4021,
UsersDeleted = 4022,
SentInviteInstructions = 4023,
UserImported = 4024,
GuestImported = 4025,
GroupCreated = 4026,
GroupUpdated = 4027,
GroupDeleted = 4028,
UserDataReassigns = 4030,
UserDataRemoving = 4031,
UserLogoutActiveConnections = 4034,
UserLogoutActiveConnection = 4035,
UserLogoutActiveConnectionsForUser = 4036,
#region Documents
FileCreated = 5000,
FileRenamed = 5001,
FileUpdated = 5002,
UserFileUpdated = 5034,
FileCreatedVersion = 5003,
FileDeletedVersion = 5004,
FileRestoreVersion = 5044,
FileUpdatedRevisionComment = 5005,
FileLocked = 5006,
FileUnlocked = 5007,
FileUpdatedAccess = 5008,
FileUpdatedAccessFor = 5068,
FileSendAccessLink = 5036, // not used
FileOpenedForChange = 5054,
FileRemovedFromList = 5058,
FileExternalLinkAccessUpdated = 5060,
FileDownloaded = 5009,
FileDownloadedAs = 5010,
FileRevisionDownloaded = 5062,
FileUploaded = 5011,
FileImported = 5012,
FileCopied = 5013,
FileCopiedWithOverwriting = 5014,
FileMoved = 5015,
FileMovedWithOverwriting = 5016,
FileMovedToTrash = 5017,
FileDeleted = 5018,
FolderCreated = 5019,
FolderRenamed = 5020,
FolderUpdatedAccess = 5021,
FolderUpdatedAccessFor = 5066,
FolderCopied = 5022,
FolderCopiedWithOverwriting = 5023,
FolderMoved = 5024,
FolderMovedFrom = 5067,
FolderMovedWithOverwriting = 5025,
FolderMovedToTrash = 5026,
FolderDeleted = 5027,
FolderRemovedFromList = 5059,
FolderDownloaded = 5057,
ThirdPartyCreated = 5028,
ThirdPartyUpdated = 5029,
ThirdPartyDeleted = 5030,
DocumentsThirdPartySettingsUpdated = 5031,
DocumentsOverwritingSettingsUpdated = 5032,
DocumentsForcesave = 5049,
DocumentsStoreForcesave = 5048,
DocumentsUploadingFormatsSettingsUpdated = 5033,
DocumentsExternalShareSettingsUpdated = 5069, // last
FileConverted = 5035,
FileChangeOwner = 5043,
DocumentSignComplete = 5046,
DocumentSendToSign = 5045,
FileMarkedAsFavorite = 5055,
FileRemovedFromFavorite = 5056,
FileMarkedAsRead = 5063,
FileReaded = 5064,
TrashEmptied = 5061,
FolderMarkedAsRead = 5065,
RoomCreated = 5070,
RoomRenamed = 5071,
RoomArchived = 5072,
RoomUnarchived = 5073,
RoomDeleted = 5074,
RoomUpdateAccess = 5075,
RoomInvintationUpdateAccess = 5082,
TagCreated = 5076,
TagsDeleted = 5077,
AddedRoomTags = 5078,
DeletedRoomTags = 5079,
RoomLogoCreated = 5080,
RoomLogoDeleted = 5081,
#region Settings
LanguageSettingsUpdated = 6000,
TimeZoneSettingsUpdated = 6001,
DnsSettingsUpdated = 6002,
TrustedMailDomainSettingsUpdated = 6003,
PasswordStrengthSettingsUpdated = 6004,
TwoFactorAuthenticationSettingsUpdated = 6005, // deprecated - use 6036-6038 instead
AdministratorMessageSettingsUpdated = 6006,
DefaultStartPageSettingsUpdated = 6007,
ProductsListUpdated = 6008,
AdministratorAdded = 6009,
AdministratorOpenedFullAccess = 6010,
AdministratorDeleted = 6011,
UsersOpenedProductAccess = 6012,
GroupsOpenedProductAccess = 6013,
ProductAccessOpened = 6014,
ProductAccessRestricted = 6015, // not used
ProductAddedAdministrator = 6016,
ProductDeletedAdministrator = 6017,
GreetingSettingsUpdated = 6018,
TeamTemplateChanged = 6019,
ColorThemeChanged = 6020,
OwnerSentChangeOwnerInstructions = 6021,
OwnerUpdated = 6022,
OwnerSentPortalDeactivationInstructions = 6023,
OwnerSentPortalDeleteInstructions = 6024,
PortalDeactivated = 6025,
PortalDeleted = 6026,
LoginHistoryReportDownloaded = 6027,
AuditTrailReportDownloaded = 6028,
SSOEnabled = 6029,
SSODisabled = 6030,
PortalAccessSettingsUpdated = 6031,
CookieSettingsUpdated = 6032,
MailServiceSettingsUpdated = 6033,
CustomNavigationSettingsUpdated = 6034,
AuditSettingsUpdated = 6035,
TwoFactorAuthenticationDisabled = 6036,
TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabledBySms = 6037,
TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabledByTfaApp = 6038,
DocumentServiceLocationSetting = 5037,
AuthorizationKeysSetting = 5038,
FullTextSearchSetting = 5039,
StartTransferSetting = 5040,
StartBackupSetting = 5041,
LicenseKeyUploaded = 5042,
StartStorageEncryption = 5050,
PrivacyRoomEnable = 5051,
PrivacyRoomDisable = 5052,
StartStorageDecryption = 5053,
#region others
ContactAdminMailSent = 7000,
RoomInviteLinkUsed = 7001,
UserCreatedAndAddedToRoom = 7002,
GuestCreatedAndAddedToRoom = 7003,
#region Partners
AcceptRequest = 8000,
RejectRequest = 8001,
BlockPartner = 8002,
UnblockPartner = 8003,
DeletePartner = 8004,
ChangePartner = 8005,
ConfirmPortal = 8006,
MarkInvoicePaid = 8007,
MarkInvoiceUnpaid = 8008,
AddHostedPartner = 8009,
RemoveHostedPartner = 8010,
MarkPartnerAuthorized = 8011,
MarkPartnerNotAuthorized = 8012,
ChangePartnerLevel = 8013,
ChangeHostedPartnerQuotas = 8014,
ChangeHostedPartner = 8015,
BillLumpSumInvoice = 8016,