pavelbannov 1dff9e18c4 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/backend-refactor
# Conflicts:
#	common/ASC.Api.Core/ASC.Api.Core.csproj
#	common/ASC.Api.Core/Core/CustomHealthCheck.cs
#	common/ASC.Api.Core/Middleware/IpSecurityFilter.cs
#	common/ASC.Api.Core/Model/EmployeeWraperFull.cs
#	common/ASC.Core.Common/Context/Impl/UserManager.cs
#	common/ASC.Core.Common/Security/EmailValidationKeyProvider.cs
#	common/ASC.IPSecurity/IPRestrictionsRepository.cs
#	common/ASC.IPSecurity/IPRestrictionsService.cs
#	common/ASC.IPSecurity/IPSecurity.cs
#	common/services/ASC.ElasticSearch/Engine/BaseIndexer.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Core/Core/Dao/TeamlabDao/FileDao.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Core/Core/Dao/TeamlabDao/TagDao.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Core/Core/FileStorageService.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Core/Core/Thirdparty/ProviderDao/ProviderFolderDao.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Core/HttpHandlers/FileHandler.ashx.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Core/Utils/FileConverter.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Core/Utils/FileMarker.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Core/Utils/FileSharing.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Server/Controllers/FilesController.cs
#	products/ASC.Files/Server/Helpers/FilesControllerHelper.cs
#	products/ASC.People/Server/Controllers/PeopleController.cs
#	web/ASC.Web.Api/Controllers/PortalController.cs
#	web/ASC.Web.Api/Controllers/SettingsController.cs
#	web/ASC.Web.Api/Models/SettingsWrapper.cs
#	web/ASC.Web.Core/Users/UserManagerWrapper.cs
2022-04-21 17:51:31 +03:00

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3.0 KiB

// (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022
// This program is a free software product.
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation. In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended
// to the effect that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of
// any third-party rights.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty
// the GNU AGPL at:
// You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021.
// The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of the Program must
// display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
// Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product logo when
// distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to grant you any rights under
// trademark law for use of our trademarks.
// All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as well as technical writing
// content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
// International. See the License terms at
namespace ASC.Web.Api.ApiModel.ResponseDto;
public class SettingsDto
public string Timezone { get; set; }
public List<string> TrustedDomains { get; set; }
public TenantTrustedDomainsType TrustedDomainsType { get; set; }
public string Culture { get; set; }
public TimeSpan UtcOffset { get; set; }
public double UtcHoursOffset { get; set; }
public string GreetingSettings { get; set; }
public Guid OwnerId { get; set; }
public string NameSchemaId { get; set; }
public bool? EnabledJoin { get; set; }
public bool? EnableAdmMess { get; set; }
public bool? ThirdpartyEnable { get; set; }
public bool Personal { get; set; }
public string WizardToken { get; set; }
public PasswordHasher PasswordHash { get; set; }
public FirebaseDto Firebase { get; set; }
public string Version { get; set; }
public string RecaptchaPublicKey { get; set; }
public bool DebugInfo { get; set; }
public string SocketUrl { get; set; }
public TenantStatus TenantStatus { get; set; }
public string TenantAlias { get; set; }
public static SettingsDto GetSample()
return new SettingsDto
Culture = "en-US",
Timezone = TimeZoneInfo.Utc.ToString(),
TrustedDomains = new List<string> { "" },
UtcHoursOffset = -8.5,
UtcOffset = TimeSpan.FromHours(-8.5),
GreetingSettings = "Web Office Applications",
OwnerId = new Guid()