2019-12-23 12:02:03 +03:00
email-input.stories.js Web.Components: EmailInput: removed StringValue component from stories 2019-10-14 17:03:18 +03:00
email-input.test.js web.components: EmailInput: changed util for validating email, applied changes to EmailInput component. Applied EmailInput changes for all using places. Fixed readme. 2019-12-23 12:02:03 +03:00
index.js web.components: EmailInput: changed util for validating email, applied changes to EmailInput component. Applied EmailInput changes for all using places. Fixed readme. 2019-12-23 12:02:03 +03:00 web.components: EmailInput: changed util for validating email, applied changes to EmailInput component. Applied EmailInput changes for all using places. Fixed readme. 2019-12-23 12:02:03 +03:00


Email entry field with advanced capabilities for validation based on settings


import { EmailInput } from "asc-web-components";
  onValidateInput={isValidEmail =>
    console.log("isValidEmail = ", isValidEmail);


You can apply all properties of the TextInput component to the component

Props Type Required Values Default Description
className string - - - Accepts class
customValidateFunc func - - - Function for your custom validation input value. Function must return object with following parameters: isValid: boolean result of validating, errors(optional): array of errors
emailSettings Object, Instance of EmailSettings - - EmailSettings Settings for validating email
id string - - - Accepts id
isValid bool - - - Used in your custom validation function for change border-color of input
onChange func - - - Function for your custom handling changes in input
onValidateInput func - { isValid: bool, errors: array} - Will be validate our value, return object with following parameters: isValid: boolean result of validating, errors: array of errors
style obj, array - - - Accepts css style

Validate email

Our validation algorithm based on An RFC 5322 email address parser.

For email validating you should use plain Object or our email utility with following settings:

Props Type Required Default Description
allowDomainIp bool - false Allow email with IP address in domain, e. g. user@[] is a valid email address
allowDomainPunycode bool - false Allow email with punycode symbols in domain, e. g. example@джpумлатест.bрфa and example@mañ are valid email addresses
allowLocalDomainName bool - false Allow local domain address, e. g. admin@local is a valid email address
allowLocalPartPunycode bool - false Allow email with punycode symbols in local part, e. g. джумла and mañ are valid email addresses
allowName bool - false Supports all features of RFC 5322, which means that "Bob Example" <> is a valid email address
allowSpaces bool - false Allow spaces in local part and domain, e. g. " " is a valid email address
allowStrictLocalPart bool - true Allow email, started with latin symbols and digits(([a-zA-Z0-9]+)) and also contains _,-,.,+. Used RegEx /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)([_\-\.\+][a-zA-Z0-9]+)\*\$/

emailSettings prop

Plain object:

const emailSettings = {
  allowDomainPunycode: false,
  allowLocalPartPunycode: false,
  allowDomainIp: false,
  allowStrictLocalPart: true,
  allowSpaces: false,
  allowName: false,
  allowLocalDomainName: false

or instance of EmailSettings class:

import { EmailInput, utils } from "asc-web-components";
const { EmailSettings } =;

const emailSettings = new EmailSettings();

emailSettings.getSettings(); /* returned Object with default settings:
  allowDomainPunycode: false,
  allowLocalPartPunycode: false,
  allowDomainIp: false,
  allowStrictLocalPart: true,
  allowSpaces: false,
  allowName: false,
  allowLocalDomainName: false
email.allowName = true; // set allowName setting to true

emailSettings.getSettings(); /* returned Object with NEW settings:
  allowDomainPunycode: false,
  allowLocalPartPunycode: false,
  allowDomainIp: false,
  allowStrictLocalPart: true,
  allowSpaces: false,
  allowName: true,
  allowLocalDomainName: false


Custom validate email

You should use custom validation with the customValidateFunc prop. This prop contain function for your custom validation input value. Function must return object with following parameters: isValid: boolean result of validating, errors(optional): array of errors.

How are applied colors in component:

Сomponent actions isValid border-color
:focus false #c30
:focus true #2DA7DB
:hover false #c30
:hover true #D0D5DA
default false #c30
default true #D0D5DA
import React from "react";
import { EmailInput } from "asc-web-components";

const customChangeFunc = (e) => {
  // your event handling

const customValidateFunc = (value) => {
  let validationResult;
// your validating function
const emailValidation = {
  isValid: true,
  errors: ['Too short username', 'Incorrect domain']
  return emailValidation;

const onValidateInput = (isValidEmailObj) => {
    console.log(`isValidEmail = ${isValidEmailObj.isValid}`);

return (


Email settings RFC 5321

  allowDomainPunycode: true,
  allowLocalPartPunycode: true,
  allowDomainIp: true,
  allowStrictLocalPart: false,
  allowSpaces: true,
  allowName: false,
  allowLocalDomainName: true