Nasrullo Nurullaev a616b3b6d2
Refactor windows build (#10)
* Refactor builds for windows

* Change web build directories

* Directory fix

* build to buildtools

* Small fixes

* Fix issue with building Utils.csproj

* Fix issue with nuget packages

* Remove sed temp files from directory
2023-10-09 15:38:14 +03:00

23 lines
658 B

@echo off
echo #####################
echo # frontend copy #
echo #####################
set FirstArg=%~s1
set SecondArg=%~s2
if defined SecondArg (
set PathToRepository=%FirstArg%
set PathToAppFolder=%SecondArg%
) else (
set PathToRepository=%FirstArg%
set PathToAppFolder=%FirstArg%\publish
xcopy "%PathToRepository%\publish\web\public" "%PathToAppFolder%\public" /s /y /b /i
xcopy "%PathToRepository%\publish\web\client" "%PathToAppFolder%\client" /s /y /b /i
xcopy "%PathToRepository%\buildtools\config\nginx" "%PathToAppFolder%\nginx\conf" /s /y /b /i
xcopy "%PathToRepository%\buildtools\config\*" "%PathToAppFolder%\config" /y /b /i