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using Constants = ASC.Core.Users.Constants;
namespace ASC.Core.Notify;
public class RecipientProviderImpl : IRecipientProvider
private readonly UserManager _userManager;
public RecipientProviderImpl(UserManager userManager)
_userManager = userManager;
public virtual IRecipient GetRecipient(string id)
if (TryParseGuid(id, out var recID))
var user = _userManager.GetUsers(recID);
if (user.Id != Constants.LostUser.Id)
return new DirectRecipient(user.Id.ToString(), user.ToString());
var group = _userManager.GetGroupInfo(recID);
if (group.ID != Constants.LostGroupInfo.ID)
return new RecipientsGroup(group.ID.ToString(), group.Name);
return null;
public virtual IRecipient[] GetGroupEntries(IRecipientsGroup group)
var result = new List<IRecipient>();
if (TryParseGuid(group.ID, out var groupID))
var coreGroup = _userManager.GetGroupInfo(groupID);
if (coreGroup.ID != Constants.LostGroupInfo.ID)
var users = _userManager.GetUsersByGroup(coreGroup.ID);
Array.ForEach(users, u => result.Add(new DirectRecipient(u.Id.ToString(), u.ToString())));
return result.ToArray();
public virtual IRecipientsGroup[] GetGroups(IRecipient recipient)
var result = new List<IRecipientsGroup>();
if (TryParseGuid(recipient.ID, out var recID))
if (recipient is IRecipientsGroup)
var group = _userManager.GetGroupInfo(recID);
while (group != null && group.Parent != null)
result.Add(new RecipientsGroup(group.Parent.ID.ToString(), group.Parent.Name));
group = group.Parent;
else if (recipient is IDirectRecipient)
foreach (var group in _userManager.GetUserGroups(recID, IncludeType.Distinct))
result.Add(new RecipientsGroup(group.ID.ToString(), group.Name));
return result.ToArray();
public virtual string[] GetRecipientAddresses(IDirectRecipient recipient, string senderName)
if (TryParseGuid(recipient.ID, out var userID))
var user = _userManager.GetUsers(userID);
if (user.Id != Constants.LostUser.Id)
if (senderName == Configuration.Constants.NotifyEMailSenderSysName)
return new[] { user.Email };
if (senderName == Configuration.Constants.NotifyMessengerSenderSysName)
return new[] { user.UserName };
if (senderName == Configuration.Constants.NotifyPushSenderSysName)
return new[] { user.UserName };
if (senderName == Configuration.Constants.NotifyTelegramSenderSysName)
return new[] { user.Id.ToString() };
return Array.Empty<string>();
/// <summary>
/// Check if user with this email is activated
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recipient"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IDirectRecipient FilterRecipientAddresses(IDirectRecipient recipient)
//Check activation
if (recipient.CheckActivation)
//It's direct email
if (recipient.Addresses != null && recipient.Addresses.Length > 0)
//Filtering only missing users and users who activated already
var filteredAddresses = from address in recipient.Addresses
let user = _userManager.GetUserByEmail(address)
where user.Id == Constants.LostUser.Id || (user.IsActive && (user.Status & EmployeeStatus.Default) == user.Status)
select address;
return new DirectRecipient(recipient.ID, recipient.Name, filteredAddresses.ToArray(), false);
return recipient;
private bool TryParseGuid(string id, out Guid guid)
guid = Guid.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
guid = new Guid(id);
return true;
catch (FormatException) { }
catch (OverflowException) { }
return false;