2020-03-13 16:40:58 +03:00

255 lines
8.4 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
namespace AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.Common.IO
/// <summary>
/// Defines the action which will done from the streamhelper after calling the callback
/// </summary>
internal enum StreamHelperResultCodes
/// <summary>
/// go forward with stream transfer
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// abort stream transfer
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Parameters are invalid
/// </summary>
internal class StreamHelperResult
public StreamHelperResultCodes ResultCode;
public long TransferedBytes;
internal class StreamHelperProgressEvent : EventArgs
/// <summary>
/// Amount of bytes transfered in during this process
/// </summary>
public long ReadBytesTotal { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Amount of bytes which has to be transfered in this process
/// </summary>
public long TotalLength { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Amount of bytes transfered between this and the last event
/// </summary>
public long ReadBytesCurrentOperation { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The transfer rate in KBits per Second related to bytes totally transfered (ReadBytesTotal)
/// </summary>
public long TransferRateTotal { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The transfer rate in KBits per Second related to the last 500ms
/// </summary>
public long TransferRateCurrent { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Overall progress in percent
/// </summary>
public int PercentageProgress
if (TotalLength == -1)
return -1;
if (TotalLength == 0)
return 100;
return (int)((100*ReadBytesTotal)/TotalLength);
internal delegate StreamHelperResultCodes StreamHelperProgressCallback(object sender, StreamHelperProgressEvent e, params object[] data);
internal class StreamHelper
private const int BufferSize = 4096;
public static StreamHelperResult CopyStreamData(object sender, Stream src, Stream trg, StreamHelperProgressCallback status, params object[] data)
return CopyStreamData(sender, src, trg, -1, status, data);
public static StreamHelperResult CopyStreamData(object sender, Stream src, Stream trg, long MaxSize, StreamHelperProgressCallback status, params object[] data)
// validate parameter
if (src == null || trg == null)
return new StreamHelperResult { ResultCode = StreamHelperResultCodes.InvalidParameter };
if (src.CanRead == false || trg.CanWrite == false)
return new StreamHelperResult { ResultCode = StreamHelperResultCodes.InvalidParameter };
// build the buffer as configured
var buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
// set the real buffer size
var RealBufferSize = BufferSize;
// build the event for the status callback
var e = new StreamHelperProgressEvent();
// copy the stream data
int readBytes;
var readBytesTotal = 0;
var readBytes500msFrame = 0;
var dtStart = DateTime.Now;
var dt500MsWatch = DateTime.Now;
var ts500MsWatch = new TimeSpan();
// set the total length if possible
e.TotalLength = src.Length;
catch (Exception)
if (MaxSize != -1)
e.TotalLength = MaxSize;
e.TotalLength = -1;
if (MaxSize != -1 && e.TotalLength > MaxSize)
e.TotalLength = MaxSize;
// Read the bytes
readBytes = src.Read(buffer, 0, RealBufferSize);
// add
readBytesTotal += readBytes;
readBytes500msFrame += readBytes;
// check for interuption
if (readBytes <= 0)
// Write the bytes
trg.Write(buffer, 0, readBytes);
// notify state
if (status != null)
// upadte the event
e.ReadBytesTotal = readBytesTotal;
e.ReadBytesCurrentOperation = readBytes;
// call the callback
var action = status(sender, e, data);
// result
if (action == StreamHelperResultCodes.Aborted)
return new StreamHelperResult { ResultCode = StreamHelperResultCodes.Aborted, TransferedBytes = readBytesTotal };
// stop measurement
var dtLocalStop = DateTime.Now;
// set the 500 ms span
ts500MsWatch = dtLocalStop - dt500MsWatch;
// check if we achieved 500 ms
if (ts500MsWatch.TotalMilliseconds >= 500)
// update the current transfer rate
e.TransferRateCurrent = readBytes500msFrame/Convert.ToInt64(ts500MsWatch.TotalMilliseconds);
// bits per millisecond == kbits per second
e.TransferRateCurrent *= 8;
// reset the bytes
readBytes500msFrame = 0;
// reset the timespan
ts500MsWatch = new TimeSpan();
// reset the start timer
dt500MsWatch = DateTime.Now;
// recalc the overall transfer rate
var consumedTimeAllOver = dtLocalStop - dtStart;
if (Convert.ToInt64(consumedTimeAllOver.TotalMilliseconds) > 0)
// bytes per millisecond
e.TransferRateTotal = readBytesTotal/Convert.ToInt64(consumedTimeAllOver.TotalMilliseconds);
// bits per millisecond == kbits per second
e.TransferRateTotal *= 8;
e.TransferRateTotal = -1;
// check the max size
if (MaxSize != -1)
if (readBytesTotal >= MaxSize)
// check if we have to asjust the buffer size
if (MaxSize - readBytesTotal < RealBufferSize)
RealBufferSize = Convert.ToInt32(MaxSize - readBytesTotal);
// check if we have
} while (readBytes > 0);
return new StreamHelperResult { ResultCode = StreamHelperResultCodes.OK, TransferedBytes = readBytesTotal };
public static MemoryStream ToStream(string data)
// create the memory stream
var mStream = new MemoryStream();
// write the data into
var sw = new StreamWriter(mStream);
// reset position
mStream.Position = 0;
// go ahead
return mStream;
public static TimeSpan CalculateOperationTransferTime(StreamHelperProgressEvent e)
// calc transfertime
if (e.TransferRateTotal != -1 && e.TransferRateTotal > 0)
var bytesPerSecond = (e.TransferRateTotal/8)*1000;
if (bytesPerSecond > 0)
var neededSeconds = (e.TotalLength - e.ReadBytesTotal)/bytesPerSecond;
return new TimeSpan(neededSeconds*TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
return new TimeSpan(long.MaxValue);
return new TimeSpan(long.MaxValue);