Evgeniy Antonyuk fde212c05c
Add opensearch-dashboards and fluent-bit to retrieve docker logs (#170)
* Migration to opensearch

* Implement indexes update on version change

* Add opensearch-dashboard and logstash to retrieve docker logs

* Replace logstash with fluent-bit to retrieve docker logs

* Add running fluent-bit logging to OCI

* Change fluent-bit supply to package delivery

* Implement index cleanup every 30 days via lua script

* Implement index cleanup via exec on timer

* Optimize indexes update on version change

* Add a check that fluent-bit has installed successfully

* Add the dashboard location and authorization for it

* Move dashboards location to router

* Migration to opensearch in docspace.profiles.yml

* Replace the naming with dashboards

* Add password generation for /dashboards/
2024-04-17 15:08:49 +03:00

13 lines
833 B
Executable File

envsubst '$MAP_HASH_BUCKET_SIZE,$COUNT_WORKER_CONNECTIONS' < /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.template > /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
sed -i "s~\(redis_host =\).*~\1 \"$REDIS_HOST\"~" /etc/nginx/conf.d/onlyoffice.conf
sed -i "s~\(redis_port =\).*~\1 $REDIS_PORT~" /etc/nginx/conf.d/onlyoffice.conf
sed -i "s~\(redis_pass =\).*~\1 \"$REDIS_PASSWORD\"~" /etc/nginx/conf.d/onlyoffice.conf
sed -i "s~\(\"wrongPortalNameUrl\":\).*,~\1 \"${WRONG_PORTAL_NAME_URL}\",~g" /var/www/public/scripts/config.json
echo "${DASHBOARDS_USERNAME:-onlyoffice}:$(openssl passwd -6 -stdin <<< "${DASHBOARDS_PASSWORD:-onlyoffice}")" > /etc/nginx/.htpasswd_dashboards