
81 lines
2.9 KiB

$PSversionMajor = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion | sort-object major | ForEach-Object { $_.major }
$PSversionMinor = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion | sort-object minor | ForEach-Object { $_.minor }
if ($PSversionMajor -lt 7 -or $PSversionMinor -lt 2) {
Write-Error "Powershell version must be greater than or equal to 7.2."
$Branch = git branch --show-current
$BranchExistRemote = git ls-remote --heads origin $Branch
if (-not $BranchExistRemote) {
Write-Error "The current branch does not exist in the remote repository. Please push changes."
$RootDir = Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot
$DockerDir = ($RootDir + "\build\install\docker")
$BuildDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
$LocalIp = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object { $_.DHCPEnabled -ne $null -and $_.DefaultIPGateway -ne $null }).IPAddress | Select-Object -First 1
$Doceditor = ($LocalIp + ":5013")
$Login = ($LocalIp + ":5011")
$Client = ($LocalIp + ":5001")
$DockerFile = ""
$EnvExtension = "dev"
$CoreBaseDomain = "localhost"
# Stop all backend services"
& "$PSScriptRoot\start\stop.backend.docker.ps1"
$Containers = docker ps -a -f "name=^onlyoffice" --format="{{.ID}} {{.Names}}" | Select-String -Pattern ("mysql|rabbitmq|redis|elasticsearch|documentserver") -NotMatch | ConvertFrom-String | ForEach-Object P1
$Images = docker images onlyoffice/docspace* -q
if ($Containers) {
Write-Host "Remove all backend containers" -ForegroundColor Blue
docker rm -f $Containers
if ($Images) {
Write-Host "Remove all docker images except 'mysql, rabbitmq, redis, elasticsearch, documentserver'" -ForegroundColor Blue
docker rmi -f $Images
Write-Host "Run MySQL" -ForegroundColor Green
docker compose -f ($DockerDir + "\db.yml") up -d
Write-Host "Run environments (redis, rabbitmq)" -ForegroundColor Green
$Env:DOCKERFILE = $DockerFile
docker compose -f ($DockerDir + "\redis.yml") -f ($DockerDir + "\rabbitmq.yml") up -d
if ($args[0] -eq "--no_ds") {
Write-Host "SKIP Document server" -ForegroundColor Blue
else {
Write-Host "Run Document server" -ForegroundColor Green
$Env:DOCUMENT_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME = "onlyoffice/documentserver-de:latest"
$Env:ROOT_DIR = $RootDir
docker compose -f ($DockerDir + "\") up -d
Write-Host "Build all backend services" -ForegroundColor Blue
$Env:DOCKERFILE = $DockerFile
$Env:RELEASE_DATE = $BuildDate
$Env:GIT_BRANCH = $Branch
$Env:APP_CORE_BASE_DOMAIN = $CoreBaseDomain
$Env:ENV_EXTENSION = $EnvExtension
docker compose -f ($DockerDir + "\") build --build-arg GIT_BRANCH=$Branch --build-arg RELEASE_DATE=$BuildDate
Write-Host "Run DB migration" -ForegroundColor Green
$Env:DOCKERFILE = $DockerFile
docker compose -f ($DockerDir + "\migration-runner.yml") up -d
# Start all backend services"
& "$PSScriptRoot\start\start.backend.docker.ps1"