SuhorukovAnton 735a9b60cf net6: warning CA1416
also remove unnecessary usings
2021-10-13 11:07:03 +03:00

346 lines
13 KiB

* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2018
* This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (
* In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that
* Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display
* Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains
* relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic
* form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE"
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* Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Globalization;
namespace ASC.Calendar.iCalParser
// TODO: remove the reserved keywords from the Token Base Class - this will allow
// generic parsing/scanning.
// note that order is important in this enum type simple tokens are '<= Equals' and
// reserved words are '>= Tcalscale' - furthermore the reserved words are broken down into
// a set of ranges that indicate similar 'types' of tokens (ie. the parser will treat the
// objects in the range similarily) - this means that if new values are inserted into the
// ranges, they should occur between the two tokens on each end. For example to add a new
// keyword to the symbolic property range, it must be lexically after 'Tcalscale' and lexically
// before 'Tcutype', otherwise it will not be recognized by the 'isSymbolicProperty()' method.
// note that there is convenience methods on the token class for these classifications
// (ie. isResourceProperty() isMailtoProperty() etc)
public enum TokenValue
SemiColon = 0, Colon = 1, Comma = 2, Hyphen = 3, CRLF = 4, Equals = 5, // simple tokens
QuotedString = 6, Value = 7, Xtension = 8, ID = 11, Parm = 12, Error = 13, // general tokens
// reserved words
Tcalscale, Taction, Tclass, Ttransp, Tstart, Tpartstat, Trsvp, Trole, Tcutype, // this range is the Symbolic Properties
Tstandard, Tdaylight, Tvalarm, Ttrigger, // this range is the resource properties
Tattendee, Torganizer, // this range is the 'mailto:' type properties
Tbegin, Tend, Tvalue, TrecurrenceId,
Tvcalendar, // this range is the BEGINEND keyword properties (up to Tvtimezone)
Tvevent, Tvtodo, Tvjournal, Tvfreebusy, Tvtimezone, // these are a subproperty of BEGINEND which are COMPONENTs
Tdtstart, Tdtstamp, Tdtend, Trrule, Texdate, // this range are the ValueProperties
/// <summary>
/// Represents the individual tokens returned from the scanner to the parser. Note that the
/// Token creation process is sensitive to the ScannerState. This state is defined by what context
/// the scanner currently is in - Parsing IDs, Parmeters, or values:
/// e.g. the iCalendar grammar defines the following possible states
/// id;id=parm:value
/// each string parsed out of the value has to be treated differently (eg. quoted strings are
/// allowed in 'parm' but not in 'id')
/// </summary>
public class Token
private string tokenText;
private TokenValue tokenVal;
private ScannerState state;
private string errorMessage;
private static Hashtable reservedWords;
static Token()
// static initialization for reserved words - for quick parsing
reservedWords = new Hashtable();
//reservedWords[ "calscale" ] = TokenValue.Tcalscale;
reservedWords["action"] = TokenValue.Taction;
reservedWords["class"] = TokenValue.Tclass;
reservedWords["transp"] = TokenValue.Ttransp;
reservedWords["start"] = TokenValue.Tstart;
reservedWords["partstat"] = TokenValue.Tpartstat;
reservedWords["rsvp"] = TokenValue.Trsvp;
reservedWords["role"] = TokenValue.Trole;
reservedWords["cutype"] = TokenValue.Tcutype;
reservedWords["standard"] = TokenValue.Tstandard;
reservedWords["daylight"] = TokenValue.Tdaylight;
reservedWords["valarm"] = TokenValue.Tvalarm;
reservedWords["trigger"] = TokenValue.Ttrigger;
reservedWords["attendee"] = TokenValue.Tattendee;
reservedWords["organizer"] = TokenValue.Torganizer;
reservedWords["begin"] = TokenValue.Tbegin;
reservedWords["end"] = TokenValue.Tend;
reservedWords["vevent"] = TokenValue.Tvevent;
reservedWords["vtodo"] = TokenValue.Tvtodo;
reservedWords["vjournal"] = TokenValue.Tvjournal;
reservedWords["vfreebusy"] = TokenValue.Tvfreebusy;
reservedWords["vtimezone"] = TokenValue.Tvtimezone;
reservedWords["vcalendar"] = TokenValue.Tvcalendar;
reservedWords["dtstart"] = TokenValue.Tdtstart;
reservedWords["dtend"] = TokenValue.Tdtend;
reservedWords["rrule"] = TokenValue.Trrule;
reservedWords["exdate"] = TokenValue.Texdate;
reservedWords["value"] = TokenValue.Tvalue;
reservedWords["dtstamp"] = TokenValue.Tdtstamp;
reservedWords["recurrence-id"] = TokenValue.TrecurrenceId;
public static bool isID(string str)
return Regex.IsMatch(str, @"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*");
public static string CapsCamelCase(string str)
if (str.Length > 0)
return CamelCase(str.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + str.Substring(1));
return CamelCase(str);
public static string CamelCase(string str)
bool upper = false;
char[] lstr = str.ToCharArray();
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < lstr.Length; ++i)
if (lstr[i] == '-')
upper = true;
if (upper)
upper = false;
return buff.ToString();
public static DateTime ParseDateTime(string icalDate, out bool isDate, out bool isUTC)
var _dateTimeFormats = new[]
isUTC= icalDate.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("z");
isDate = !icalDate.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("t");
DateTime dateTime ;
if(DateTime.TryParseExact(icalDate.ToUpper(), _dateTimeFormats, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal, out dateTime))
return dateTime;
return DateTime.MaxValue;
public static DateTime ParseDate(string icalDate)
bool isDate, isUTC;
return ParseDateTime(icalDate, out isDate, out isUTC);
public Token(string _tokenText, ScannerState _state)
: this(_tokenText, _state, false)
public Token(string _tokenText)
: this(_tokenText, ScannerState.ParseValue, false)
public Token(string _tokenText, ScannerState _state, bool quoteFlag)
state = _state;
if (_tokenText == null)//|| _tokenText.Length == 0 )
//tokenVal = TokenValue.Error;
//errorMessage = "Bad Token String - 0 length";
_tokenText = "";
switch (state)
case ScannerState.ParseID:
tokenText = _tokenText.ToLowerInvariant();
if (reservedWords.Contains(tokenText))
tokenVal = (TokenValue)reservedWords[tokenText];
else if (tokenText.StartsWith("x-"))
tokenVal = TokenValue.Xtension;
tokenText = "x:" + tokenText.Substring(2);
else if (isID(tokenText)) // this check may be unnecessary by virute of the scanner....
tokenVal = TokenValue.ID;
tokenVal = TokenValue.Error;
errorMessage = "Illegal value for ID";
if (isBeginEndValue())
tokenText = CapsCamelCase(tokenText);
tokenText = CamelCase(tokenText);
case ScannerState.ParseParms:
tokenText = _tokenText;
if (quoteFlag)
tokenVal = TokenValue.QuotedString;
tokenVal = TokenValue.Parm;
case ScannerState.ParseValue:
tokenText = _tokenText;
tokenVal = TokenValue.Value;
case ScannerState.ParseSimple:
tokenVal = TokenValue.Error;
errorMessage = "Bad constructor call - ParseSimple and text...";
public Token(TokenValue _tokenVal)
tokenText = null;
if (_tokenVal <= TokenValue.Equals)
tokenVal = _tokenVal;
tokenVal = TokenValue.Error;
public bool isError()
return tokenVal == TokenValue.Error;
public bool isSymbolicProperty()
return tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tcalscale && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Tcutype;
public bool isResourceProperty()
return tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tstandard && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Ttrigger;
public bool isMailtoProperty()
return tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tattendee && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Torganizer;
public bool isBeginEndValue()
return (tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tvcalendar && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Tvtimezone) || tokenVal == TokenValue.Tvalarm;
public bool isComponent()
return tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tvevent && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Tvtimezone;
public bool isValueProperty()
return (tokenVal >= TokenValue.Tdtstart && tokenVal <= TokenValue.Texdate) || tokenVal == TokenValue.Ttrigger;
public TokenValue TokenVal
get { return tokenVal; }
public string TokenText
get { return tokenText; }
public string Error
get { return errorMessage; }
public void FormatDateTime()