
23 lines
1017 B

"ChangeEmailTitle": "Zmeniť email",
"Desc": "Please set up the portal registration data.",
"Domain": "Doména",
"ErrorEmail": "Neplatná e-mailová adresa",
"ErrorInitWizard": "The service is currently unavailable, please try again later.",
"ErrorInitWizardButton": "Try again",
"ErrorLicenseBody": "The license is not valid. Make sure you select the correct file",
"ErrorLicenseRead": "Prijmite licenčnú zmluvu",
"ErrorLicenseTitle": "Chyba načítavania",
"ErrorParamsBody": "Boli zadané nesprávne údaje:",
"ErrorParamsTitle": "Registration error",
"ErrorPassword": "Heslo nespĺňa požiadavky",
"ErrorUploadLicenseFile": "Select a license file",
"GeneratePassword": "Vytvoriť heslo",
"License": "Prijať podmienky",
"LicenseLink": "Licenčná dohoda",
"PlaceholderLicense": "Your license file",
"Timezone": "Time zone:",
"WelcomeTitle": "Welcome to your portal!",
"WizardTitle": "Set up your portal"